If a girl gives you brief pseudo-BJS through your shorts, is this considered an extra? One of the strippers at my club will do the usual lap dance moves--cowgirl ginding, reverse grinding, etc.--but will also get down on her knees and throw in some over-the-shorts sucking action for 10 or 15 second increments. I never used to consider it an extra, but now I'm thinking it might be.
To me, extras are: HJ, BJ, FS. I suppose DATY/DATO are in a gray zone. Nothing else in an extra. And "BJ" means more than over-the-shorts sucking action.
That said, the Stripperweb girls consider anything beyond straight lap dancing an extra, and they'd consider what you described an extra
I'd have to agree with the consensus. No, it's not an extra. Many dancers try to do that with me, and it feels good but when I whip it out, it feels even better! :):)
It is not common much anymore for me. Only about 20 % of the dancers I know do it. In some clubs it is very common. In others it never happens. I guess it could be an extra that you would tip for but as far as paying extra for or negotiating for it, I dont. If a girl does it for me I buy all my dances and VIP ' S from her so she gets all my money anyway LOL !
I've had a couple be so bold as to pull it out of my pants leg and give it a few seconds of sucking. Obviously trying to get me into VIP. I don't consider that an extra either.
"I've had a couple be so bold as to pull it out of my pants leg and give it a few seconds of sucking. Obviously trying to get me into VIP. I don't consider that an extra either. "
Agree completely. To the guys who think "if it can get you kicked out, it's an extra", do you really think that's how people use this term? In the no-extras clubs I go to, a few seconds of sucking, as per shadowcat's description above, could definitely get you kicked out. In that same club, the girls sometimes stand up on the couches in the vip, and I have a buddy who will give their pussies a couple of licks, which could also get him kicked out. In another, even more-aggressively patrolled club, even touching her pussy will get you at least talked to. Do you really believe these are "extras"? If a guy came here and asked,"hey, where can I get extras?", and because you've managed to briefly give a dancer's pussy a lick or two even though it could have gotten you kicked out, you reply "Bambi's! Tons of extras there!", would he have the right to think you screwed him up? Of course that's not what he means.
When someone asks "where can I get extras?", they are not asking about activities that might get them kicked out of a relatively tightly-controlled no-extras club. They're asking if they can get HJ/BJ/FS.
Subraman makes a good point, as he defines extras as involving an orgasm as opposed to just stimulation/touching. I don't have that same definition myself though. I consider an "extra" something that another dancer in that club would not do that's in a sexual context.
Prostitution, done within a stripclub with at least the tacit permission of the management. Extras are normally performed with your pants down and are classified into HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.
I agree with the definition except that I don't see what management approval has to do with it.
rockstar: you're marching to the beat of your own drummer :) Which is fine, as long as you realize that when someone asks "where can I get extras", you realize what the rest of us are talking about :) :)
Hell no is not an extra – especially if they are doing on their own accord w/o you having asked for it – they do it to entice-you/turn-you-on so you keep buying-dances/spending-on-them.
I'm not even interested in anything like that, so I wouldn't be in that situation and I wouldn't be worrying about it, or paying for it.
Front room affection, getting loosened up and making out. If then there is need for the back room, okay. Otherwise it stays at the front room until she softens up. I don't buy dances. I don't let them sell me dances.
Not concerned about extras or mileage and so I don't talk about such.
Here on this site with all the hardcore mongers, when anyone mentions extras, they mean HJ, BJ or FS. Most anywhere else, extras can mean a lot of milder stuff like a mock BJ that merely goes beyond a regular lap dance.
No, the outside-the-pants simulated BJ is certainly not an extra. An extra involves direct contact with the customer's genitals resulting in orgasm. This includes FS (of course) as well as HJ and BJ (both outside the pants), not to mention TF, which hasn't been mentioned in this thread but can be wonderful with a naturally well endowed dancer.
As a newbie here, I get had the impression you were female. Then above you said " I get the humming thru the pants alot." So are you female and wear pants in the club? I would think if you are a woman, a dress would be your preference in the club. Like us wearing a kilt. :)
@Mr_O Yep...I'm all woman. I don't wear dresses to work often, and its during a work break that I generally go clubbing. Wearing slacks is much more comfortable and makes more sense for what I do. But you are right that a dress would be an awful lot easier access for dancers to get to the good stuff ;)
I still don't go along with the concept of mileage. But yes, it is something she has opened up for and is allowing to happen. But often DFK means that she has opened up even more.
You have a schlong? So you're a transgender claiming to be a lesbian?
Looks like I hit a nerve with the chick with a stick comment? haha.
Where are your other screen names...oh I mean "friends" to protect you?
And I've gotten my share of compliments about my girth, sweetie. You sound curious. Maybe Lopaw swings both ways but doesn't want to ruin her street cred with the "queer is cool" simpletons and fag hags. ha ha.
"Awwwww, don't be jealous grinddickless coz my shlongs bigger than yours."
Lmao "friends to protect me"??? From what? YOU??? Hahahahaha don't flatter yourself, honey. You are just another troll to be pitied here. "Hit a nerve" ? Don't make me laugh!!! Bwahahahaha!
The mere fact that you felt the need to write about your supposed "girth" indicates that you are insecure about your lack there of. Guess I hit a nerve there. haha.
You made it a point to provoke me here. You wanna continue to bring it, then bring it. The only point that you are continuing to make is how butthurt you are about me calling you out and this apparently is your sad little way to try and "get even". It ain't gonna work. Your attempts at attacking me now to try and save face are weak. Do yourself a favor and find something else more constructive to do with your time.
Yes, I hit a nerve. And notice you did not answer the question about being transgender. That is very interesting.
Nice try to spin things. You attacked me personally twice and your "friends" or yourself under different screen names attempted to pile on. But it didn't work.
The "troll" here is you. Full of aggressiveness and name calling in order to provoke reactions from people with different opinions. And it's failing.
I'm trying to save face?. This is the Internet: a bunch of anonymous people with screen names. Most reasonable people don't take it very seriously. Obviously you have a significant amount of time and emotion invested here, judging by your longevity here and the fact you respond to my posts so quickly.
Keep dreaming, moron. I'm not gonna waste one more post on you. You are an epic fail here, as I suppose you are in real life. You can now argue with yourself because you are a sad waste of time for everyone.
Please seek some help with your self esteem issues and your desperate need to try and repair your bruised ego and get the last word. It won't work here any more than it would out in the real world. Good luck to you with all of your problems.
Now you are a forgotten ghost to me. Respond to this all you want (as I know you will) as I won't see any of your sad shit anymore. Please get some help.
Looks like the "nasty dyke" (another member's words not mine) has tucked her tail and ran.
It's quite obvious she took umbrage with the "chick with a stick" theory in regards to dancers "humming thru the pants alot" when they are giving her a lap dance.And when I pointed out I wasn't trying to save face but maybe she was, she resorted to more personal attacks like the "nasty dyke" (another member's words not mine) that she is.
@Mr_O I have seen a guy wearing a kilt at a stripclub only once, and didn't inquire as to whether or not he was going commando. I still wonder why he was wearing a kilt in the first places....and where were his bagpipes ;)
If the penis is not actually ENGULFED entirely where it's clearly visible, then its not an extra. that means it must have room for the girl to manuver it freely like a joystick (even with condoms)
Mr_O lol! I do regret that I didn't get a chance to talk to him. He had a Scottish look about him (if you could imagine that) and I'm sure he must have had a great story to tell. How could you show up at a stripclub in a kilt and NOT have a great story behind it!
Yes, I struck a nerve. You started talking tough and told me to bring it on and then beat a hasty retreat when I pointed out that you take this board way more seriously. Logic is obviously not your strong point.
She never answered the question about transgender. Anyone else notice?
I slam dunked this dumb bitch just like THE DONALD did to Rosie. LOL. And I put her retard buddies/other screen names on ignore so I don't have to read their stupid shit anymore lol.
"You made it a point to provoke me here. You wanna continue to bring it, then bring it. The only point that you are continuing to make is how butthurt you are about me calling you out and this apparently is your sad little way to try and "get even". It ain't gonna work"
"I'm not gonna waste one more post on you. You are an epic fail here, as I suppose you are in real life. You can now argue with yourself because you are a sad waste of time for everyone."
It said new posts were made but I'm not seeing anything.
That leads me to believe it must have been a post by retard5005, Rosie O'Donell aka Lamepaw, Chump Master, or some other queer affiliated with them who I speedily blocked within weeks of joining.
Talk about some keyboard warriors. I'm ex military and trained in boxing and jeet kune do. It would be a dream to drop the dawgs on some of these anonymous trolls one day in real life.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.... Whatsamatta old fart- diaper full and the nursing home attendant forgot about you again?
I cant help but notice how no one is responding to your retarded questions, grinddouche. Ya know why? Coz everybody has your ignorant ass on ignore, you stupid bitch. Your too fucking stupid to even realize it. Wow.
So you got a thing about transgendered, huh. Well your on the wrong board douchebag. Go check out Caitlin - he/she is way more your speed.
And just the fact that you wrote that you put someone on ignore means you didn't. Jesus your an idiot. You show your lousy hand every time!!!
" I'm ex military and trained in boxing and jeet kune do. It would be a dream to drop the dawgs on some of these anonymous trolls one day in real life."
Bwahahahaha hahahahaha!!! Oh we are all TERRIFIED!!!!!
Sorry to you guys that may be here still following this thread. Hopefully you are enjoying watching me bitch smacking this asshole. Sorry I had to hijack the thread to do it.
Lmao the more you post about who you have on ignore, the more obvious it is that you aren't ignoring them. You are beyond pathetic in your amateurish posts here. The interwebz must be very confusing for an ancient fucktard like you!
Grinddouche = Caitlin Lover
I really don't want to interrupt this fight even though comments are truly witty and cunning but anyhow, OP - I was lurking through Instagram and run into this pic https://instagram.com/p/45ViFd…. See? If this girl could get hired at top-Manhattan club, then there is some hope for your saggy tits too. I hope I made you feel better!
I bitch slapped that nasty dyke Lopaw like The Donald did to Rosie. She never answered my question about previously being a man and got all butt hurt when I said maybe the dancers were checking if she was a chick with a stick when they "hummed" around her crotch during the dance. Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw.
And her so called "friends" retard5005 and "chumpmaster" and "GayMicro" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo.
It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question.
Just some speculations on these losers. I've only been on this forum less than two months, and I've already seen so many retards. The good thing is there are men of honor like myself to elevate the dialogue and put the trolls back in their place.
I bet all these scum never even served in the military.
Woo hoo! She REALLY got under your old brittle elderly skin, eh grindfag???? It's so obvious how she has you sputtering like the doddering old fag that you are!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!
Lol yeah keep saying that we're on ignore- the more you say it the more obvious it is that we're NOT!!! But it doesn't matter grinddouche-NO ONE is reading any of your shit except for me so that I can continue to put you in your place you ancient piece of shit!
How's the hunt for transgender she-males going, grinddouche? Having any luck finding a pre-op with a decent sized dick for you to take up the ass like you are so aching for? Maybe Caitlin us available? I'm sure that he/she will take pity on your old fag ass and slip you her magic man meat.
Lol sclvr5005- you sure are on a mission! Eventually the ignorant old fuck will take his shit-soaked diapered ass and crawl back under his rock. In the meantime - good to see you having fun at his expense :-)
I bitch slapped that nasty dyke Lopaw like The Donald did to Rosie. She never answered my question about previously being a man and got all butt hurt when I said maybe the dancers were checking if she was a chick with a stick when they "hummed" around her crotch during the dance.
Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw.
And her so called "friends" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo. It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question.
That retard 5005fag is so stupid he can't even think of his own insults. I called him a douche a couple of weeks ago and now he is repeating it back to me ad nauseam, and copied Dougster's insult also. What a total imbecile. Probably got a tranny lover so he became offended when I asked Lamepaw.
What a bunch of losers these people are. Paying for pussy losers who probably never even joined the military or done anything for society. A bunch of real scumbags.
Hey grinddouche- please keep posting how you are ignoring all of us. Your so believable. Oh and then post again how your such a big fucking man gonna kick everyone's ass. This is priceless. This dickwad is sputtering all over the place!!!! I'm a winnah-winnah-chicken-dinnah!!!
Caitlin called for you, grindfag. She's free Tuesday. Maybe then you'll let those little boys out of your basement??
New series highlights the trials and tribulations of female? PL
Join us each week as our cameras follow the pathetic exploits of internet "legend" Lamepaw: a female? fat white loudmouthed strip club patron whose claim to fame is being a member of every strip club website on the internet. She/he/it is known as the "Rosie O'Donell" of Strip Clubs.
The ensemble cast features he/her annoying side kicks reject5005, chump master, and GAYCA, three of her internet "posse" who also brag about paying for pussy and spending loads of time and money at strip clubs and brothels.
Episode 1: Lamepaw buys lap dance and dancer hums around pants. Lamepaw gets excited and goes home to post on TUSCL.
Episode 2: Lamepaw visits club. Gets angry when dancer ignores her. How dare a dancer ignore her because they don't want to dance for a dyke. In her liberal/progressive "utopia", a heterosexual dancer has no right to "discriminate" against a female? lesbian club patron.
Episode 3: Lamepaw is a member of good standing of TER, a site that reviews prostitutes...ooops I mean escorts. Watch the veteran Jane of prostitution Lamepaw navigate an "OTC" session, cheat on her wife, and brag on the internet about it.
Episode 4 "Queer Nation". Lamepaw and her lowly bunch of losers visit Las Vegas. Abuse alcohol and still can't get any action without paying for it.
Here's a news flash for ya, grindfag/imbecile- lopaw left the building a long time ago and is laughing her ass off at you and your desperate & sad attempts to try and get "payback" after she bitch slapped you so soundly. You are just an old moldy dot of darkness in her rearview mirror, and she's laughing at you louder than anyone. You really think that she or anyone else here gives a royal shit about you or anything that you scrawl here? Your a joke. The desperation is oozing out of you like decrepit mold, you ancient grizzled old relic. We are ALL laughing at your sad old geriatric ass. You are so easily played its hilarious. You are a caricature of a schoolyard bully who gets his ass kicked on the playground. Everyone laughs at him and walks away leaving him laying there and he's quickly forgotten. But he lays there yelling and throwing lame insults to a now empty playground. That's you. Trying to make yourself feel better and less bitch-slapped by yelling and thumping your saggy chest in an empty thread. Yeah.....your a real piece of work, all right. Isn't it about time that someone from the home wheeled you out back and put you out of your misery for good, grandpa? It would be doing society a huge favor.
@lopaw- I doubt your even following this thread anymore, but just know that you REALLY fucked with grinddouche good!!! He's stepping all over him/herself sputtering incoherantly and trying (and failing) to retaliate....and its really pathetic and sad and way fun to watch! Priceless stuff! You gotta lov watching a useless sack of shit like that implode!!! You win!!
Oh take your time, grandpa grindfag, in replying.....I know it takes hours for your grizzled arthritic knuckles to be dragged across a keyboard to reply here with your desperate pathetic and laughable scrawlings. I'll be waiting. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Too easy!!!
Lmao!!!! Keep posting away, grindfag....with each post it's becoming more & more obvious who you really are. You don't cover your tracks too well, BITCH. Now I realize that you have always had an agenda with certain people from other websites. Your about as see through as cellophane.
oh my gosh, someone on the INTERNET doesn't like me? What am I gonna do now?
You got punked, just like that skanky lesbo Lopaw and her pathetic posse of scum did. I did it the same way The Donald did it to fat lesbo Rosie O'Donnell.
You are one angry sicko. You keep repeating the same stuff over again as if to convince yourself of its truth. But its just your delusions. I'll say a prayer for you.
Wahhhh! I'm grinddouche and please pay attention to me!!!! Wahhhhhhh! I'm so sad!!!!! I'm so angry!!!! Everybody hates me and I have no friends except the ones that I pay for at the nursing home!!!! Waaaahhhhhh! And if it wasn't for those little boys that I pick up at the playground, I wouldn't have a social life at all!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Can any of you tell me how to get the taste of my daddy's dick out of my mouth???? Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! Why doesn't anybody like me?????? Waaaahhhhhh!!!! Hey my diaper is full again! Where's the nurse to empty it???? Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Now I'm going to need at least a day to come up with a fucked up lame ass response to all of BITCH-slapping putdowns that keep putting me in my place.... Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! But I'll just puke up the same old shit that I scrawl in EVERY post because that's all that I got!!!!! I got NOTHING ELSE!!!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Hey trick22! Welcome to the "put grinddouche in his place" thread! Oh but we're all on ignore according to grinddouche, dontcha know? Except that grinddouche reads everything here and it's killing him!!!!! Lmao!!!
But wouldn't your prayers be best directed towards Lamepaw and the cowardly sons of whores such as maggotfaggot 5005, chump master, etc? They are the losers who pay for sex, many of them married or in relationships and also substance abusers, and then brag about it on the internet. As if cheating on your significant other or getting laid by a prostitute are events to glorify.
The truth is:
1) I asked Lamepaw if she was previously a man and she did not give a straight answer. I noticed her aggression previously, and suspected that maybe she/he used to be a man previously or had some type of mental imbalance.
2)She challenged me to bring it on and then banned me. Who is trying to save face? Me, the guy who reads this site when taking a dump, or Lopaw, the lifetime member for many years who kept replying within 15 minutes every time I reply her? She is the one seeking self validation here. She gets validation from being on strip club boards, not me. Google Lopaw and see how many results come up. She has used the internet to validate her strip club persona and hide her true feelings of despair and shame. I am just here to point out what a piece of vile two faced garbage she is. Pro womens rights but cheats on her wife and brags about eating pussy of escorts and strippers.
This thread shows you their feebleness. As if I am going to respond to their trollbait cause anyone who sees the dialogue between me and Lamepaw will see she got all butt hurt when I theorized that maybe the girls were checking for a chick with a stick. She can't face the truth that many people think she is an oddball and an outcast for hanging out at strip clubs, not a hero like so many johns of prostitution on this piece of shit website think she is.
The reality is that you are judging others and you have no right to judge anyone. Only God can judge us. You have been ranting continuously here about someone that doesn't even seem to be on this thread anymore. You are coming across as angry, vindictive and petty. You can justify your endless ranting all you want but the only person that you are impacting is yourself. Others here aren't reading your content - All we see is someone who can't handle himself properly on a public forum and is obsessed with having the final word. You have really let this issue get to you while the focus of your irrational anger has obviously moved on. You need to do the same. Life's too short to be so angry about an anonymous stripclub forum post. Let it go.
LMFAO!!!!! Look who's calling someone else an "oddball"? The biggest fucking oddball loser walking!!! And now your stalking people by looking them up online so that you can report your findings back here? Are you fucking kidding? What a psychopath! You need help you sick freak!! Get a fucking life you retard!
Are things slow at the nursing home, grinddouche? Is dragging your gnarled old geriatric knuckles across a keyboard your only activity, you mouth-breathing old dinosaur? Besides hanging out in TS chatrooms and very badly trying to troll here, that is? Maybe you need to step it up a notch and do something else besides failing, which you seem to be exceptionally good at. Bitch slapping your old shit-filled diapered ass and putting you in your place is almost too easy, now. You trip yourself up here constantly. And with each post you make here, you make yourself look even worse than before, if that's even possible. Oh but you're hellbent on getting the last word, huh? Why not regurgitate up the same posts that you have been using here over & over & over? And the response to you has been oh-so-positive, hasn't it shit-for-brains? You are universally hated here by everyone, you stupid old cunt, and you sure as fuck care. Why else are you so desperately trying to get someone to agree with you? Has that happened yet, grindfag??? Nope. Not even close. I'll counter your saggy old man titted ass every time your stupid old cancer ridden carcass tries to post something here. You are truly the ultimate coward. I'm embarrassed for you, you delusional old senile fuck. Now whatcha gonna do? Kick my ass? LMFAO!!
You say that only God can judge us and I have no right to judge Lamepaw and her eunuch cronies, but by the same token you judge me. You called me a "fucking asshole" and an "angry sicko".
I can bet you Lamepaw, maggot faggot 5005 and others are reading this. They thrive on bullying and strife. But when people point out their lack of logic and lies and bullshit, they resort to personal insults.
Nothing I said has been contradicted by FACT. Lamepaw bragged about girls humming near her crotch and I said maybe they're checking for a dick.
She got angry. She wouldn't answer the question about whether she used to be a man. WHY NOT IF SHE IS REALLY A WOMAN? She also said I didn't hit a nerve. Well, she promptly banned me after I pointed out she was the one who took the internet more seriously than me.
I'm not trying to spin anything. Re-read the discussion.
And I got an email a few days ago from a member thanking me for calling out "nasty dyke" (his words not mine) Lamepaw and her scum friends such as maggot faggot 5005 and chump master.
"The reality is that you are judging others and you have no right to judge anyone. Only God can judge us. You have been ranting continuously here about someone that doesn't even seem to be on this thread anymore. You are coming across as angry, vindictive and petty. You can justify your endless ranting all you want but the only person that you are impacting is yourself. Others here aren't reading your content - All we see is someone who can't handle himself properly on a public forum and is obsessed with having the final word. You have really let this issue get to you while the focus of your irrational anger has obviously moved on. You need to do the same. Life's too short to be so angry about an anonymous stripclub forum post. Let it go."
I did call you that, and I apologize. It was wrong of me to resort to name calling. But isn't that what you are doing? I did go back and reread the thread. Seems you and lopaw had some words early on, then it was over. You started it up again and started name calling. Until that point she hadn't name called you. To be honest I would have probably walked away after that too. I think more of her for walking away rather than perpetuating it further. Are you now so blinded by rage that you can't see your own antagonistic part of this? When are you going to realize that the more you post unprovoked in this thread, the more it shows how much its bothering you. If something really doesn't bother you, you move on and don't keep at it. It's like picking at a scab and never letting it heal. You are super defensive, and you gotta let it go so you can start to enjoy this site and all that it has to offer. If you don't agree with someone put them on ignore and be done with it. Continuous name calling and baiting isn't helping your cause at all. If anything it makes others more sympathetic to whoever it is that you are trolling. And trolling is what this has become. You seem like a smart, educated man. You say that you are ex military. This isn't a very honorable road that you've chosen. You're better than this. Go hit up a club and buy some lap dances and post a new TR here. You'll feel better :)
last commentThat said, the Stripperweb girls consider anything beyond straight lap dancing an extra, and they'd consider what you described an extra
No. Not an extra in my book.
I agree, but if you DO get kicked out, then that is an EXTRA!
Agree completely. To the guys who think "if it can get you kicked out, it's an extra", do you really think that's how people use this term? In the no-extras clubs I go to, a few seconds of sucking, as per shadowcat's description above, could definitely get you kicked out. In that same club, the girls sometimes stand up on the couches in the vip, and I have a buddy who will give their pussies a couple of licks, which could also get him kicked out. In another, even more-aggressively patrolled club, even touching her pussy will get you at least talked to. Do you really believe these are "extras"? If a guy came here and asked,"hey, where can I get extras?", and because you've managed to briefly give a dancer's pussy a lick or two even though it could have gotten you kicked out, you reply "Bambi's! Tons of extras there!", would he have the right to think you screwed him up? Of course that's not what he means.
When someone asks "where can I get extras?", they are not asking about activities that might get them kicked out of a relatively tightly-controlled no-extras club. They're asking if they can get HJ/BJ/FS.
Prostitution, done within a stripclub with at least the tacit permission of the management. Extras are normally performed with your pants down and are classified into HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.
I agree with the definition except that I don't see what management approval has to do with it.
Front room affection, getting loosened up and making out. If then there is need for the back room, okay. Otherwise it stays at the front room until she softens up. I don't buy dances. I don't let them sell me dances.
Not concerned about extras or mileage and so I don't talk about such.
Dr. F.'s Girl by Girl Account of HK Tijuana
Here on this site with all the hardcore mongers, when anyone mentions extras, they mean HJ, BJ or FS. Most anywhere else, extras can mean a lot of milder stuff like a mock BJ that merely goes beyond a regular lap dance.
As a newbie here, I get had the impression you were female. Then above you said " I get the humming thru the pants alot." So are you female and wear pants in the club? I would think if you are a woman, a dress would be your preference in the club. Like us wearing a kilt. :)
Yep...I'm all woman. I don't wear dresses to work often, and its during a work break that I generally go clubbing. Wearing slacks is much more comfortable and makes more sense for what I do. But you are right that a dress would be an awful lot easier access for dancers to get to the good stuff ;)
It all depends on how it is initiated too.
The dancers are checking out Lamepaw to see if she is actually a chick with a stick. LOL
Thanks. Clears that up. :)
Looks like I hit a nerve with the chick with a stick comment? haha.
Where are your other screen names...oh I mean "friends" to protect you?
And I've gotten my share of compliments about my girth, sweetie. You sound curious. Maybe Lopaw swings both ways but doesn't want to ruin her street cred with the "queer is cool" simpletons and fag hags. ha ha.
"Awwwww, don't be jealous grinddickless coz my shlongs bigger than yours."
From what? YOU??? Hahahahaha don't flatter yourself, honey. You are just another troll to be pitied here. "Hit a nerve" ? Don't make me laugh!!! Bwahahahaha!
The mere fact that you felt the need to write about your supposed "girth" indicates that you are insecure about your lack there of. Guess I hit a nerve there. haha.
You made it a point to provoke me here. You wanna continue to bring it, then bring it. The only point that you are continuing to make is how butthurt you are about me calling you out and this apparently is your sad little way to try and "get even". It ain't gonna work. Your attempts at attacking me now to try and save face are weak. Do yourself a favor and find something else more constructive to do with your time.
Nice try to spin things. You attacked me personally twice and your "friends" or yourself under different screen names attempted to pile on. But it didn't work.
The "troll" here is you. Full of aggressiveness and name calling in order to provoke reactions from people with different opinions. And it's failing.
I'm trying to save face?. This is the Internet: a bunch of anonymous people with screen names. Most reasonable people don't take it very seriously. Obviously you have a significant amount of time and emotion invested here, judging by your longevity here and the fact you respond to my posts so quickly.
I'm not gonna waste one more post on you. You are an epic fail here, as I suppose you are in real life. You can now argue with yourself because you are a sad waste of time for everyone.
Please seek some help with your self esteem issues and your desperate need to try and repair your bruised ego and get the last word. It won't work here any more than it would out in the real world. Good luck to you with all of your problems.
Now you are a forgotten ghost to me. Respond to this all you want (as I know you will) as I won't see any of your sad shit anymore. Please get some help.
It's quite obvious she took umbrage with the "chick with a stick" theory in regards to dancers "humming thru the pants alot" when they are giving her a lap dance.And when I pointed out I wasn't trying to save face but maybe she was, she resorted to more personal attacks like the "nasty dyke" (another member's words not mine) that she is.
I have seen a guy wearing a kilt at a stripclub only once, and didn't inquire as to whether or not he was going commando. I still wonder why he was wearing a kilt in the first places....and where were his bagpipes ;)
Perhaps he was there to audition some young lady to "tune his pipe".
I do regret that I didn't get a chance to talk to him. He had a Scottish look about him (if you could imagine that) and I'm sure he must have had a great story to tell. How could you show up at a stripclub in a kilt and NOT have a great story behind it!
That is a question I would have to ponder. I wonder if clubs in Scotland allow kilts inside?
She never answered the question about transgender. Anyone else notice?
I slam dunked this dumb bitch just like THE DONALD did to Rosie. LOL. And I put her retard buddies/other screen names on ignore so I don't have to read their stupid shit anymore lol.
"You made it a point to provoke me here. You wanna continue to bring it, then bring it. The only point that you are continuing to make is how butthurt you are about me calling you out and this apparently is your sad little way to try and "get even". It ain't gonna work"
"I'm not gonna waste one more post on you. You are an epic fail here, as I suppose you are in real life. You can now argue with yourself because you are a sad waste of time for everyone."
That leads me to believe it must have been a post by retard5005, Rosie O'Donell aka Lamepaw, Chump Master, or some other queer affiliated with them who I speedily blocked within weeks of joining.
Talk about some keyboard warriors. I'm ex military and trained in boxing and jeet kune do. It would be a dream to drop the dawgs on some of these anonymous trolls one day in real life.
What a bunch of douchebags.
Grinddawg = Troll Killa
I cant help but notice how no one is responding to your retarded questions, grinddouche. Ya know why? Coz everybody has your ignorant ass on ignore, you stupid bitch. Your too fucking stupid to even realize it. Wow.
So you got a thing about transgendered, huh. Well your on the wrong board douchebag. Go check out Caitlin - he/she is way more your speed.
And just the fact that you wrote that you put someone on ignore means you didn't. Jesus your an idiot. You show your lousy hand every time!!!
And let us not forget:
Bwahahahaha hahahahaha!!! Oh we are all TERRIFIED!!!!!
Oh yeah-
You pussy trolls keep posting. You're on ignore.
chessmaster [restore]
Dougster [restore]
GACAclub [restore]
georgmicrodong [restore]
hiroaki [restore]
lopaw [restore]
sclvr5005 [restore]
Grinddouche = Caitlin Lover
But I leave you with this:
A: Grinddouche can’t take a joke
A: One stops sucking when you slap it.
I bitch slapped that nasty dyke Lopaw like The Donald did to Rosie. She never answered my question about previously being a man and got all butt hurt when I said maybe the dancers were checking if she was a chick with a stick when they "hummed" around her crotch during the dance. Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw.
And her so called "friends" retard5005 and "chumpmaster" and "GayMicro" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo.
It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question.
Just some speculations on these losers. I've only been on this forum less than two months, and I've already seen so many retards. The good thing is there are men of honor like myself to elevate the dialogue and put the trolls back in their place.
I bet all these scum never even served in the military.
You pussy trolls keep posting. You're on ignore.
chessmaster [restore]
Dougster [restore]
GACAclub [restore]
georgmicrodong [restore]
hiroaki [restore]
lopaw [restore]
sclvr5005 [restore]
Eventually the ignorant old fuck will take his shit-soaked diapered ass and crawl back under his rock.
In the meantime - good to see you having fun at his expense :-)
Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw.
And her so called "friends" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo. It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question.
That retard 5005fag is so stupid he can't even think of his own insults. I called him a douche a couple of weeks ago and now he is repeating it back to me ad nauseam, and copied Dougster's insult also. What a total imbecile. Probably got a tranny lover so he became offended when I asked Lamepaw.
What a bunch of losers these people are. Paying for pussy losers who probably never even joined the military or done anything for society. A bunch of real scumbags.
Oh but noooo.....he has me on IGNORE, right?
What a loser!!!!
This is priceless. This dickwad is sputtering all over the place!!!!
I'm a winnah-winnah-chicken-dinnah!!!
Caitlin called for you, grindfag. She's free Tuesday. Maybe then you'll let those little boys out of your basement??
"I am Lamepaw"
New series highlights the trials and tribulations of female? PL
Join us each week as our cameras follow the pathetic exploits of internet "legend" Lamepaw: a female? fat white loudmouthed strip club patron whose claim to fame is being a member of every strip club website on the internet. She/he/it is known as the "Rosie O'Donell" of Strip Clubs.
The ensemble cast features he/her annoying side kicks reject5005, chump master, and GAYCA, three of her internet "posse" who also brag about paying for pussy and spending loads of time and money at strip clubs and brothels.
Episode 1: Lamepaw buys lap dance and dancer hums around pants. Lamepaw gets excited and goes home to post on TUSCL.
Episode 2: Lamepaw visits club. Gets angry when dancer ignores her. How dare a dancer ignore her because they don't want to dance for a dyke. In her liberal/progressive "utopia", a heterosexual dancer has no right to "discriminate" against a female? lesbian club patron.
Episode 3: Lamepaw is a member of good standing of TER, a site that reviews prostitutes...ooops I mean escorts. Watch the veteran Jane of prostitution Lamepaw navigate an "OTC" session, cheat on her wife, and brag on the internet about it.
Episode 4 "Queer Nation". Lamepaw and her lowly bunch of losers visit Las Vegas. Abuse alcohol and still can't get any action without paying for it.
Isn't it about time that someone from the home wheeled you out back and put you out of your misery for good, grandpa? It would be doing society a huge favor.
I'm grinddouche and my cunt hurts!!!!!!
A: The fridge doesn't fart when you pull your meat out
Please put me on ignore too.
You're a fucking asshole.
A: His dad's dick tastes funny
I can see why everyone hates you and thinks that you're a fag.
You got punked, just like that skanky lesbo Lopaw and her pathetic posse of scum did. I did it the same way The Donald did it to fat lesbo Rosie O'Donnell.
I would tell y'all to kiss me where the sun don't shine. But you butt pirates are probably into that kind of shit.
Flush goes the toilet on these maggots.
You keep repeating the same stuff over again as if to convince yourself of its truth.
But its just your delusions.
I'll say a prayer for you.
Now I'm going to need at least a day to come up with a fucked up lame ass response to all of BITCH-slapping putdowns that keep putting me in my place.... Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! But I'll just puke up the same old shit that I scrawl in EVERY post because that's all that I got!!!!! I got NOTHING ELSE!!!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Welcome to the "put grinddouche in his place" thread!
Oh but we're all on ignore according to grinddouche, dontcha know? Except that grinddouche reads everything here and it's killing him!!!!! Lmao!!!
A: Fuck his ass real hard. Then wipe your dick off on his curtains
But wouldn't your prayers be best directed towards Lamepaw and the cowardly sons of whores such as maggotfaggot 5005, chump master, etc? They are the losers who pay for sex, many of them married or in relationships and also substance abusers, and then brag about it on the internet. As if cheating on your significant other or getting laid by a prostitute are events to glorify.
The truth is:
1) I asked Lamepaw if she was previously a man and she did not give a straight answer. I noticed her aggression previously, and suspected that maybe she/he used to be a man previously or had some type of mental imbalance.
2)She challenged me to bring it on and then banned me. Who is trying to save face? Me, the guy who reads this site when taking a dump, or Lopaw, the lifetime member for many years who kept replying within 15 minutes every time I reply her? She is the one seeking self validation here. She gets validation from being on strip club boards, not me. Google Lopaw and see how many results come up. She has used the internet to validate her strip club persona and hide her true feelings of despair and shame. I am just here to point out what a piece of vile two faced garbage she is. Pro womens rights but cheats on her wife and brags about eating pussy of escorts and strippers.
This thread shows you their feebleness. As if I am going to respond to their trollbait cause anyone who sees the dialogue between me and Lamepaw will see she got all butt hurt when I theorized that maybe the girls were checking for a chick with a stick. She can't face the truth that many people think she is an oddball and an outcast for hanging out at strip clubs, not a hero like so many johns of prostitution on this piece of shit website think she is.
Enjoy your holiday.
Look who's calling someone else an "oddball"? The biggest fucking oddball loser walking!!!
And now your stalking people by looking them up online so that you can report your findings back here? Are you fucking kidding? What a psychopath! You need help you sick freak!! Get a fucking life you retard!
Are things slow at the nursing home, grinddouche? Is dragging your gnarled old geriatric knuckles across a keyboard your only activity, you mouth-breathing old dinosaur? Besides hanging out in TS chatrooms and very badly trying to troll here, that is? Maybe you need to step it up a notch and do something else besides failing, which you seem to be exceptionally good at. Bitch slapping your old shit-filled diapered ass and putting you in your place is almost too easy, now. You trip yourself up here constantly. And with each post you make here, you make yourself look even worse than before, if that's even possible. Oh but you're hellbent on getting the last word, huh? Why not regurgitate up the same posts that you have been using here over & over & over? And the response to you has been oh-so-positive, hasn't it shit-for-brains? You are universally hated here by everyone, you stupid old cunt, and you sure as fuck care. Why else are you so desperately trying to get someone to agree with you? Has that happened yet, grindfag??? Nope. Not even close. I'll counter your saggy old man titted ass every time your stupid old cancer ridden carcass tries to post something here. You are truly the ultimate coward. I'm embarrassed for you, you delusional old senile fuck.
Now whatcha gonna do? Kick my ass?
I can bet you Lamepaw, maggot faggot 5005 and others are reading this. They thrive on bullying and strife. But when people point out their lack of logic and lies and bullshit, they resort to personal insults.
Nothing I said has been contradicted by FACT. Lamepaw bragged about girls humming near her crotch and I said maybe they're checking for a dick.
She got angry. She wouldn't answer the question about whether she used to be a man. WHY NOT IF SHE IS REALLY A WOMAN? She also said I didn't hit a nerve. Well, she promptly banned me after I pointed out she was the one who took the internet more seriously than me.
I'm not trying to spin anything. Re-read the discussion.
And I got an email a few days ago from a member thanking me for calling out "nasty dyke" (his words not mine) Lamepaw and her scum friends such as maggot faggot 5005 and chump master.
"The reality is that you are judging others and you have no right to judge anyone. Only God can judge us. You have been ranting continuously here about someone that doesn't even seem to be on this thread anymore. You are coming across as angry, vindictive and petty. You can justify your endless ranting all you want but the only person that you are impacting is yourself. Others here aren't reading your content - All we see is someone who can't handle himself properly on a public forum and is obsessed with having the final word. You have really let this issue get to you while the focus of your irrational anger has obviously moved on. You need to do the same. Life's too short to be so angry about an anonymous stripclub forum post. Let it go."
I did go back and reread the thread. Seems you and lopaw had some words early on, then it was over. You started it up again and started name calling. Until that point she hadn't name called you. To be honest I would have probably walked away after that too. I think more of her for walking away rather than perpetuating it further. Are you now so blinded by rage that you can't see your own antagonistic part of this?
When are you going to realize that the more you post unprovoked in this thread, the more it shows how much its bothering you. If something really doesn't bother you, you move on and don't keep at it. It's like picking at a scab and never letting it heal. You are super defensive, and you gotta let it go so you can start to enjoy this site and all that it has to offer. If you don't agree with someone put them on ignore and be done with it. Continuous name calling and baiting isn't helping your cause at all. If anything it makes others more sympathetic to whoever it is that you are trolling. And trolling is what this has become. You seem like a smart, educated man. You say that you are ex military. This isn't a very honorable road that you've chosen. You're better than this. Go hit up a club and buy some lap dances and post a new TR here. You'll feel better :)