Fact or Fiction?

avatar for coolguy111
Are we really supposed to believe all of JS69's stories on here about his DS and all the other women too? It sounds made up to me.


last comment
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
He's admitted he pays over the market rate. I think he's telling stories accurate to his perception
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
it's real, john smith is the fucking man.

why would you think that someone would sit around making up fake sex stories to post on the FUCKING internet to try to fool other ppl? possible? yes. likely? hell no.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I believe his stories. Don'tvyou believe all my stories?
I was kept awake last night on my drive home by the lightning flashes. someone up high must be looking out for me. the other possibility is that I have been communicating with the all powerful AI that created this artificial reality we call a universe and it has been reading my thoughts which is scary like crazy if true. anything I think of could suddenly become reality.

ok, I'm going to think of an announcement by china and a 2000 point market surge to help get the global economies moving up. The fed could announce no interest rate increase this year.
avatar for ButterMan
10 years ago
I kind of like John smith. He is certainly long winded that's sure...but the guy has like 32 reviews. I can't hate a guy like that . unless.........
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I believe everything I read on the internet. Especially on TUSCL. :)
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Of course its true. Just like John Smith is his real name
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
I'm with govikings. It's more than likely they are the truth or at least his version of events. Remember he is high for much of this so some details might be slightly off. But the stories are good he gets some poetic licence.
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
In the immortal words of founder :"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

However, an awful lot of the fiction written here is based, at least in part, on real life experience. I like to believe that most of JS69's posts fall into that category. I may be wrong, but who cares because they are certainly entertaining.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I've met JohnSmith, everything he says on here, he says it in his person, he's not a different guy in person. I believe him.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
*he says it in person*
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I've never met JS69, but he and his posts strike me as credible. I'll give him the benefit of a doubt. And even if what he writes is strictly fiction, he does a damn good job at it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Unless it's going to cost me time or money, don't bore me with the truth when you could make up something interesting.
avatar for ButterMan
10 years ago
John smith is a legend! Don't fuckin question him, he'll write your ATF a long ass poem and take her right off the pole never to strip again! All hail john smith!
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
The fact that some don't believe the stories just demonstrates that she's worth what I pay her. Before I met her, I would have wondered about these kind of stories too because this dancer seems to good to be true. But that's the idea behind a dream stripper. She's perfect for you. It's rare but I now know it can happen.

Believe what you will but I offer the following evidence. Look at my posts before the fall of last year. I didn't post much, if anything, in the way of stories about strippers except for a couple of articles about my best lap dance and my first OTC. Then all of a sudden starting in the fall of last year I start having all of these stories about this amazing dancer. Those stories flow like a river starting at that point. If I was a fiction writer, it's much less likely that the stories would just suddenly appear one day. A guy into fictional writing would have had these stories all the time.

Also, Ranukam is right. Come to a meetup if you want to judge my stories in person. I won't waist anybody's time, but I'll be glad to share more then if anybody asks. And if you come to Detroit I will show you some additional evidence. As a reminder it's Sept 12
at Penthouse.

Lastly, I wasn't high when I wrote many of the stories. Indeed, learning to smoke weed didn't even happen until a little while into our relationship. Nevertheless, I'm sure I was high sometimes cause being high makes me think of her. And sometimes I'd start the story high, fall asleep, and finish it sober. But being high is not evidence that something is either true or false. Unless of course like SJG you get your information about weed from Reefer Madness.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
The meetup is in the evening (I was thinking 8 pm for me) but I'll be there Friday night and Saturday during the day for the potential of hitting other clubs. I've never been to Detroit so I want to see as much of it as I can. the strip clubs I mean.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Its fact alright but its also fact the ds is a whore and will sleep with anyone who pays her enough.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Almost any woman will fuck you if you pay her enough. why should the DS be any different?
avatar for metaldude
10 years ago
Unfortunately I won't be able to able to make the Detroit meetup. I was looking forward to it, but not to judge JS's veracity. There is a lot of made up shit on here and everywhere, but for the most part I believe JS telling it as he sees it.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I've assumed it was fiction from the start. JS69 originally introduced his "DS" in order to top everyone in somebody else's thread about paying big bucks for a dream stripper. Said he'd seduced her several weeks earlier, but hadn't had time to post anything about it. Yeah, right.

What I've read of his stories is super cheesy fantasy with no true to life details. His "DS" is all superlatives without any interesting human traits. Everything proceeds from start to finish with no conflict, no detours or surprises. That's how fantasy unfolds, not life. Not even strip club life.

I don't begrudge some people finding it entertaining. I'm a bit entertained myself by the whole charade.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I have met JS69 twice at Follies and have been shown "The Photo" of his DS or it was at least a photo of a naked chick from the neck down. I was not impressed by his choice of dancers at Follies. He definitely likes em with big tits. Non the less he his a likable guy and he asked me my opinion about his story telling. I told him to write what ever he wants and let everyone decide whether they want to read it or not.

So it's your choice and there is always the ignore button.
avatar for coolguy111
10 years ago
@Chandler......I couldn't have said it better. Everything just goes along so perfect everytime and she is just so perfect. Nobody is perfect and as I have read many threads and comments on this site strippers are way too immature and flaky to not have any issues at all or not have any lies and excuses that I know as well as the rest of you know they lie and make things up all the time. Also he says the DS doesn't do this stuff with anybody else.....ok.....if he wants to believe he can pay her for sex AND he doesn't just do OTC with her but with others but he thinks she only has sex with him and isn't meeting other guys too. Hey.....it is VERY entertaining but I feel like mostly made up. Just because he can tell me the same stories in person that he can write on here doesn't make them any more true....lol
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
It's real........ to him. Only him.
After he started clogging up the board with his imaginary 420/ sex chronicles, he was promptly put on ignore. I was hoping the constant posts seeking attention would die down. Sounds like it hasn't.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Chandler, you sort of got it partially right. Miley posted the question of would we rather spend a large sum like $1-3K on -- one night with our dream stripper, or several nights of fun with more reasonably priced talent. Yes mikey first used the term dream stripper, not me. I shared my story in response to that post, but it wasn't a situation where everyone was trying to "too everyone" with stories of their latest conquest. Instead, people were just answering the hypothetical question and nobody but me shared any specific sex story. I shared my story not to prove that I'm the biggest baddest PL around, but rather as an example of why I would choose the dream stripper in answer to Mikey's question.

And yes I shared the story a few weeks after the fact. So what? I don't rush straight home to tell every club story the night it happens. And after the first night I didn't even know that this dancer would end up being special to me. I had only met her once at the time so for all I knew she wouldn't want to see me again. I was prompted to share the story because, as I said at the time, I thought it was directly responsive to Mikey's question.

And as for the lack "interesting human traits," I stuck mostly to the sex stories because I don't want to give any personal identifying information about her.



avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
If I said that she didn't have sex with other customers that was early on when she didn't. She does now, and I know two of the guys. But she's very picky and very expensive so it doesn't happen a lot.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
In any event I've sensed for a while that people are tired of my sex stories, so I was contemplating giving it a break even before this post. And I understand why a stripper with no stripper shit sounds hard to believe. It's still hard for me to believe.

In any event, I'm done with the sex stories for at least a while. But I really don't want to read about SJG's AMP girls, so I wish others would share more stories.
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
I agree with Shadowcat as far as keeping them coming JS69. We all can choose to read em or not.

I find it interesting that he catches shit here for his postings when 75% of the current threads are about RickDugan's system and similar far too hashed out topics. I guess everyone has their won point of interest.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“Jerry – just remember – it's not a lie if *you* believe it”

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“... Everything just goes along so perfect everytime and she is just so perfect. Nobody is perfect ...”

That does not disprove JS69's statements – most of us hold back from airing dirty laundry when we are talking about someone else whether it'd be a relative; GF; or a DS.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Doncha love the word "embellish"? :)
avatar for coolguy111
10 years ago
Please don't misunderstand me.....I am not telling people what they can post or not post. I just didn't know if I was the only one who questioned these stories and from the comments it sounds like I am not the only one. Keep writing all you want. @Papi.....yes that is true but most guys do throw in a few things about stripper lies or something. JS69 not only doesn't air the dirty laundry but just like above he says she has "no stripper shit" Just very hard to believe because besides the fact she is a stripper....she is also a female and that by itself causes her to do things we men don't understand
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
J.S.69...Say he is done with sex stories for at least a while.....Does that mean he will bring back Steve229, And those Sugar Baby stories....
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
If I said she was perfect then I was being figurative, although her body comes damn close. Obviously nobody and nothing is perfect except Dougster's views on the stock market. As for SS, she really doesn't do all that crap. All my other stripoers do but she doesn't. So I call it like it is. I could explain why I think this is true about her so it would make more sense, but that would reveal too much about her background.

Nobody is telling me what I can or can't post, or if they do I don't give a shit. Nonetheless, I try to post interesting stuff and if people loose interest then I'll usually stop. The truth is I guess that I'm a little tired of writing the sex stories too. The sex itself is still awesome, but the novelty of the stories has worn off.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
^I really don't get why your getting so flack. Your sex stories are no less interesting than talking about the system, or aliens, or hairless apes, or the stock market.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I believe JS69 and his tales of his exploits with strippers, and especially with his DS. Because of his testimonial on behalf of Trojan Bare Skins, I wouldn't think of doing it any other way.

I believe him, He is being straight.


Doug Henwood

Dizzy Gillespie
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
JS69 is a good contributor. He starts a lot of discussions and he comments on others' discussions. I believe everything he writes. Of course, I believe everything strippers tell me too.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Who gives a shot if they're real? They're far more interesting than repeated content less bumps of old threads, endless repetition of no longer even faintly amusing jokes, and countless drones and aliases spamming the boards with breathless stories of shit taking and chicken gobbling.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
A ham sandwich walks into a strip club...
The doorman says, "sorry, we don't serve food here"

Jokes like that GMD?
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"I really don't get why your getting so [much] flack. Your sex stories are no less interesting than talking about the system, or aliens, or hairless apes, or the stock market."

I think some are pissed off because they think I lie to try and create fake credibility or standing on tuscl. Aside from the absurdity of going to such lengths to create standing on an anonymous web site, such a view if it's true misses the point of my DS stories. The stories have very little to do with me. I'm just an experienced PL who happened to be in the right place at the right time and knew what to do about it. Lots of us could have been in my shoes. I just got lucky.

The key to my stories is her, not me. She's the one who is so amazing, and so unique. I share mainly to encourage others to keep looking for your own DS. My own "standing" or whatever is not the point.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
If dougster were he'd call you a homo!
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
GMD that is.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Jokes for everyone except GMD

If you're ever cold, just go stand in a corner for a bit. They're usually around 90 degrees.

Did you hear about the two guys that stole a calendar? They each got 6 months.

Stevie Wonder walks into a bar....
Then a table...
Then a chair


Good night folks!

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^ A duck walks into a strip club...
He orders a drink....
"Put it on my bill" he says
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
My PM's with JS69 led me to fully believe his exploits. I've written quite a bit about my ATF and when I shared some of the real dirty aspects of my adventures he replied that I'd had more wild adventures than he. When you fill in the details involving police, hospitals, beatings, her parents, car crashes, your wife meeting your ATF, drug overdoses, former BF showing up HIV positive, accusations of rape, etc. credibility creeps into the picture. I've been seeing my ATF OTC for more than 6 years, I still lust over her, I've spent far more money than I should have, and there's very little I'd change if I could do it over again.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Yo mama is so fat, when she bends down to adjust her shoe, someone tries to throw a saddle on her...

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Yo mama is so black when she goes to nightschool they mark her absent
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
I like JS69's posts. He should continue posting as he pleases. Who gives a shit what people think.
avatar for grinddawg
10 years ago

avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
JS, your sex stories, true or not (and I'm strongly inclined to think they're true), are *much* more interesting than most of the drivel on this board, including such tired topics as RickyBoy's faggotry, hairless apes, and the dancing circuit of underground Mexicans or whatever the fuck it's called. Take a break if you must, John, but come back with more of your droolworthy stories!
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
While a little lengthy at times, I personally enjoy the stories. Real or not, they are entertaining. I say keep posting them.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
"Dancing circuit of underground Mexicans"
I thought was underground Mexican hat dancing circuit.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I've met JS69 at Follies two or three times. He seems like a decent fellow. I've seen him hit it off well with dancers, so I don't doubt that he has good experiences with them. I don't believe that his "DS" stories are just dreamed up out of thin air.

My main comment isn't that his stories are too good to be true. Not at all. They're just far too neat and simple, and too full of wild exaggeration for me to believe. And pardon me, but the very concept of the "DS" is all about topping everyone else's garden variety ATFs. And campaigning for "DS" to be added to the glossary by repeating it ad infinitum was textbook self-aggrandizing.

I'm also instinctively skeptical of anyone who has devoted so many words from the start to insisting that his stories are true, and laying out various rationales for why it's misguided for us to doubt him. This latest one, that he's merely a humble messenger encouraging the rest of us to find what he's found, doesn't help.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Sorry, I meant to wrap the word jokes in quotation marks. "Jokes" like shorting treasuries, the whole System thing, everybody being a faggot and a host of others.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
Adding DS to the glossary was a moment of weakness on Founder's part. (So was adding LDK -- don't get me started!) Really, no one uses DS besides JS.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
JS- I certainly hope to be able to club with you one day. I can't make Detroit tho. Keep the stories coming!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I don't take John's stories about the DS as meant to top "everyone else's garden variety ATF." It just seems more like he's letting us know every one of us PLs has his or her unicorn, whether we realize it or not, and he was just lucky enough to find his.

As for continuing to post his exploits, I say go for it! Hell, forget the posts -- he should show the hack that wrote "Fifty Shades of Grey" how to really write erotica! Mind you, I've never read "Fifty Shades," but I'm certain John's stories are a helluva lot better written and realized.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I appreciate the many positive and encouraging comments from so many of you.
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