
Truth or Stripper Shit?

layin low but staying high
The DS and I have passed a new, inevitable line in a stripper customer relationship. No, she doesn't want anal sex. But she has for the first time asked me for extra money.

We are smoking in the hot box. She says that she needs to talk to me about something. Whatever she has to say is clearly hard for her because it takes a while for her to tell me. From the way she approached the subject and how hesitant she was, I really thought it was going to be something serious. Turns out she says that she has a medical issue and doesn't have insurance to cover the cost. She wants to know if we can work something out so I could help her. She mentions that maybe I could see her more often for a while.

The way she made this request was the nicest way that I can imagine a dancer making such a request. She acknowledged many of the things I was thinking. For example, she acknowledged that many strippers regularly try to guilt their regulars into paying them extra money, that such requests have never been a part of our relationship, and she was very hesitant to ask because she knows that I value a relationship with a minimum of stripped shit. I have told her many times that one of the most awesome things about her is that she doesn't act like a stripper (except for taking off her clothes and having sex with me for money). So because she knows this about me, she is hesitant to make such a typical stripper move. And she apologized for asking over and over. It really was a very humble way of asking for money. In her words and actions, there was none of the stripper entitlement that we see so often among dancers.

She described the background of her medical issue which made her cry. And it's not an std, so get your mind out of the gutter. This is my dream stripper that we are taking about here. Obviously I know that women use tears and sex to manipulate men, but if this was manipulation it really was amazingly masterful. I've never seen her cry before, and it didn't seem in the slightest to be an act.

If I had never been to tuscl, I don't know that it would've crossed my mind that she might be lying. She really came across as very genuine. Plus I do know her very well, and I'm a pretty good judge of character and truthfulness. And I think she really does have this medical issue. And summer has been very slow, so it makes sense that she might have trouble covering such an expense.

But I have been to tuscl, and I have heard all of your stories about strippers' manipulative schemes. Hell, while she's talking I swear I can hear some of you warning me -- its stripper shit John, they all do this, you know it can't be true, run John run, etc etc. Given everyone's collective experience, I am forced to admit that this could all be manipulation and lies to get me to pay her even more. I don't think it is a lie, but I am not so pathetic that I don't acknowledge that possibility.

My question is how do I respond. I'm going to do something for her. She's never asked before, and she's the most amazing dancer imaginable. But I don't want to become an ATM that dispenses cash upon demand. Here are my current thoughts.

First, I plan to make clear that while I'm helping out this time, I do greatly value the fact that she isn't always trying to get extra money out of me and I expect this to be an exception and not the rule. I pay her above market rates already, and while she is totally worth it, this can't become a regular thing.

Second, I thought I'd suggest no (or minimal) shopping for the next few months and I'll just give her the cash that I wound usually use buying her things. This won't meet her entire need but it'll be significant.

Third, I'd like to find a way to see her more often. Then I just pay our agreed upon rate for those dates. The problem is that it's hard for me to travel to her town to see her more. I considered a trip but we already have our standard once every two month trip coming up soon. So I'm not sure how to work this but I'm going to try to find a way to pay her more without it being a hand out.

Fourth, no I will not give anyone her contact info so you guys can help her out. That's a nice gesture if you thought of it but it ain't gonna happen.

Any other suggestions for how I should handle this?


  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    And so it begins....

    In my experience (not saying it will be yours) this is just the beginning of the requests for money.
    I held on to money pits for way too long at times.

    The true test to see if she genuinely likes/cares for you is if you tell her "no" one day and she still wants to keep seeing you.
    Or do the texts, sex, OTC, dates, etc.end?
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Wow, your honey's hustle is very good for such a young dancer. All she is asking for is more time to spend with you and not just a cash outlay? Smooth. She's probably hoping you'll start crying too and open your wallet.

    Dang, if she's making half the money you've said she was making it must be a very serious medical condition indeed if she can't cover it. Give it some thought.

    Still, the honey sounds like one in a million so if I had the cash, I would try and work something out just to showed my concern. Go in low, this is the first of many requests.

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    The "medical issue" is probably what her real boyfriend needs for drugs or bail money. I have been down this road. Hot young dancers always have a boyfriend. We old guys want to believe them when they say they love us and don't have a boyfriend, but they are lying.

    You don't say how much money she wants. If you can afford it and don't mind being played for a chump, give it to her.

    I gave my ATF extra cash or "loans" from time to time. Of course, she never paid any of it back. Once she asked me for $5000 and I refused. If I had given her that much, I would have lost both the money and my ATF.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Of course, you are right to be suspicious.

    We talk about Stripper Shit. Try using some of your own PL shit. Tell her that you had a past Sugar Baby that financially abused you and you would like to help but are fearful of being taken advantage of and hurt again.

    Look sad.

    Ask her to bring you a copy of the doctor/hospital bills so far. Tell her you have a friend in the insurance game that might be able to help negotiating a fee reduction a la an HMO- or PPO-reduction and then maybe you could help with the difference. Or, maybe you could help her get insurance coverage -- I thought Obamacare precluded denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Help her get insurance. Rather than throw cash at her, help her solve her "bigger" problem. Your advice and experience can be worth more to her than a few benjamins in the g-string, so to speak.

    At least you might learn if the "ailment" is legit. Is its correction vital or elective? Can it wait until she secures coverage?
  • ime
    9 years ago
    If it's a real issue and you two are so close she should have no problem showing you the proof from the doctors office. Hate to be a skeptic but healthy 19 year olds aren't generally known to have a lot of medical issues.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    The vast majority of strippers have boyfriends whether they tell you or not. I would agree with Jack that most likely the money is for her boyfriend's drug habit, or bail money for her boyfriend.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    pensionking +1
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Gut feeling is that she is probably telling you the truth, or at least most of the truth. That said, you should probably ask to see the doctor's report, prescriptions, etc on the pretense of seeing if there are other possibilities for treatment.

    Is it possible that the "medical condition" is an unwanted pregnancy? If so, helping her pay for an abortion is definitely be in your interest (to avoid having her "perfect pussy" stretched out).
  • JohnBuford
    9 years ago
    In the words of Ronald Reagan:" Trust, but verify." Put me down for a "Have her show you a note from a doctor."
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I'll chime in w/ my *personal* experience.

    While living and SCing in Dallas in the early and mid 2000s, and prior to getting my Bachelors degree in SCing from TUSCL University; I tried to be a dancer's savior by helping her out.

    Some of the lies she told me which sounded completely believable and she too had the saddest puppy face imaginable:

    + her dad; whom lived in a small TX town about 3 hours away had had a car accident and she needed to go see him and needed some $$$ – LIE

    + one of her brothers; one of 6 siblings; had been missing for a couple of years and no one in the family had heard from him and supposedly he turned up dead and was going to be buried in San Antonio and she needed $$$ to get there – True the brother had been missing but he had not been found dead (the family did subsequently make contact w/ him)

    + the doctors had found a lump in her breast (damn that is serous I thought; I was really concerned); and they needed to do a biopsy but she needed a certain amount of $$$ - LIE

    It turns out she was living w/ her baby daddy all along whom she said she had left b/c he was abusive – true he was abusive but a lie that she was not with him. I subsequently found out abou tall her lies thru her older sistet that was upset at the shit she was pulling on me and her sister decided to let me know what the deal was.

    She (my dancer) was young and not that smart; but the baby-daddy was about 7 years older than her and a street criminal w/ lots of streets smarts whom had NEVER had a job in his entire life and he was close to 30 – most likely he was the one pulling the strings behind the scenes and telling her how she can manipulate a guy (me).

    I always had my doubts about all her “emergencies” and I gave her the benefit of the doubt although back then I was pretty sure she was lying with at least 1/2 the things she told me - but I let it slide figuring she was in a tough spot and needed to make up stuff just to get by (she had 2 very young kids) – but I never did suspect she was w/ her baby-daddy all along and I was basically supporting both of them (which was not that huge and issue for me financially at the time b/c I was making very very good $$$ back then).

    As others have said – you may feel like a douche for asking – but you should ask her for proof and I get the feeling she would have a hard time coming up w/ it and may even try to play as if you really hurt her feelings by not trusting her (b/c she always thought of you as a great and special guy and she didn't think you would think she would do something like that and you hurt her feelings).

    It sucks to not trust people and pretty much tell them to their face you don't trust them (in some many words) – but you deserve to be treated straight-up/with-honesty and not be taken advantage of especially if you are already treating her right/well.

    I would say get proof and offer to pay directly instead of giving her the $$$ - do this to avoid being treated like a chump.

    Having said all this – her “emergency” could be true – but it sounds too much like my experience and the experience of others – it smells like she is using the “damsel in distress” card which often works w/ men b/c we are wired to take care off and protect women.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'm with the herd. I think the hardest thing is how convincing the girls can be, as you described. I know you're thinking, "but she approached this in such a sensitive manner, and you guys weren't there which is why you're rushing to judgement". But I think that's exactly the point: a successful stripper is a far better actress and far better saleswoman (when it comes to selling her sexuality, vulnerability, etc) than we are. I mean, it's a little leaguer vs a major leaguer. You are not good enough to judge whether she's hustling or sincere, period. You look for the pattern, or look for someone outside of your relationship to see the pattern, and accept the answer. And the rest of us see it, pretty clearly.

    Maybe time to bust DS back down to ATF? No way a DS pulls this kind of thing, right?

    That said, you have to be honest with yourself. If your true concern is that she's hustling you and it's a precedent for more money than you think the sex is worth, ok. If you're a little bit hurt over the fact that it's a little bit more clear what you are to her -- and I'd bet $1000 that that's part of it -- you need to think more closely about the path you're on
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    JS – you seem to be busy w/ all your traveling and stuff – look – give *me* the $$$ and I'll make sure to take care of everything – you can wire it to me via Western Union – and don't worry – you can trust me.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    You said it herself, she's masterful.

    As things currently stand there's no reason for a person not to have insurance other than they were too lazy to go get it.

    She's pumping you for cash, maybe she really needs it, maybe she just feels like it's the right time to make the move.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Damn what a cynical bunch. But of course I expected that. Maybe it's justified, only time will tell. Years of strippers will do that to you.

    I'm not saying she's telling the complete truth, but it is definitely not a boyfriend. I know her relationship status. It's also not an immediate financial need. She was asking for help over a period of months because the medical treatment would last for several months. So she wasn't asking for or expecting money quickly.

    I have talked to her about health insurance. I had also considered offering to pay some medical bills directly.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I agree with the trust but verify thought. Few medical payments are made with cash. Ask her where to send a check and who to make it out to? And not "John Doe" but "ABC Medical Group". If she needs to pay the bill those receiving it would rather not have cash, a money order works just fine and keeps your personal check out of the issue.

    This may very well bring the truth to the surface?

    Or just put her on your insurance. She has what, until she is 25, to be covered as a dependent under a parents policy with Oboma Care?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    She has insurance but says what she needs is not covered. I'm no insurance expert but her explanation makes sense. I like the trust but verify standard. It's hard to go wrong following Ronald Reagan.

    And she's still a DS. After the sex we had last night,it'd take a lot more than this to downgrade her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Damn what a cynical bunch ...”

    You are in too deep brotha – most of us felt sure what we were doing was right and we were not being played – in my case; the few people I trusted telling what I was doing for this dancer all warned me – but I thought they were wrong; “they just didn't know her and what she had been thru – she really was a good girl who needed help/a-hand-up” - boy – were they right and was I wrong – but maybe your case is different and your DS broke the stripper-shit mold.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Verify? Fuck that! Look, you want to party and fuck not look at documents. You do not want to go there, trust me. Just assume it is SS and pay what you feel comfortable with.

    Sounds like you treat her very well so the chances anything changing after gently saying "no" is extremely minimal.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... You are in too deep brotha ...”

    “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” (Albert Einstein – or maybe it was Juice – can't remember)
  • ime
    9 years ago
    I hope the Johnsmith story doesnt end like draculas
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Lone_Wolf makes a good point.

    Forget what story she tells. Give her whatever you're comfortable giving, write a check or hand an envelope full of cash. If she spends it on medical bills or new jewelry who gives a fuck. Just don't give any more than that.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Or just put her on your insurance. She has what, until she is 25, to be covered as a dependent under a parents policy with Oboma Care?"

    Are suggesting that JohnSmith69 adopt the dream stripper? I'm not sure if that's brilliant or fucked up! Perhaps a bit of both! ;)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Just keep singing this song:

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I don't know or want to know your budget, but number one, you need to know your budget and stick within it.

    I like your idea of shifting shopping spending to help her out medically. Technically you don't get the benefit of seeing her in what she wears.

    I also think it's fine and fair for you to do more sessions with her at the usual rate.

    I'd probably stop there. She can work more, she can cut her expenses, she can finance her procedure. This is what normal people do when they have unexpected medical expenses. You're giving her extra work and that's a good way to give her a hand up, not a hand out.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Verify? Fuck that! Look, you want to party and fuck not look at documents. You do not want to go there, trust me. Just assume it is SS and pay what you feel comfortable with.

    Sounds like you treat her very well so the chances anything changing after gently saying "no" is extremely minimal."

    I'm with this idea! If you're having fun why should you care? Maybe just push her to give you a little more of whatever you enjoy and increase your financial contribution. That way you're both happy and it doesn't matter whether or not she's lying.

    I'd say "brilliant!" but this wasn't intended as a joke, so I'll refrain! ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    And I hope the necessary procedure isn't a boob job! If it is tell her that natural is always better! :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    It could be she does have a genuine financial need (whether it's medical or w/e) – but stripper M.O. is that once you come to the rescue once; then you will become the go-to guy for “other emergencies” - and stripper M.O. is that they often have financial “emergencies” and 99.9% of the time the only way the see to deal w/ these “emergencies” is to go to the PL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    If I were you; I'd hold off on doing anything until Juice maine chimes in.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    just thought of a possible reason for the $$$r request.

    It *is* sumer/vacation time – maybe the DS wants to treat her unemployed BF to a nice vacation in the Caribbean
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, good guess. But I'm the one taking her on a Carribean vacation. Probably this winter.

    4got, it is definitely not a boob job. She doesn't need one and she she knows it. She also knows that getting fake tits is one of the few things she could ever do that would make me stop seeing her.

  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    Why doesn't her family help her out
    I'm the biggest sucker with three legs but I don't understand why she came to you instead of her family

    Does anyone have a legitimate story or situation where they helped out?

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Hope you are not taking our “feedback” too personally – we're kinda busting your nuts a bit – hope everything works out for the best with the DS and at the least you are still hitting that pussy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Does anyone have a legitimate story or situation where they helped out ...”

    “Legitimate” and “strippers” rarely coexist :)
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Get real here, JohnSmith69.

    Ask yourself just two pointed questions about this whole situation and be absolutely honest with your answers:

    #1. Can I comfortably afford the increased expenditure for this girl's new 'ask'? If answer is 'yes', proceed to next question.

    #2 Does it really matter to me if this scenario turns out to be typical SS? If answer is 'no' continue along your merry way with this girl for as long as it lasts. However, if answer to #2 is 'yes' you must dump this girl and move on.

    See? Dead solid simple.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Stick with Reverse Stripper Shit. Use your PL shit.

    Tell her you have a small shell company. You'll check to see if your company's insurance might cover it. If so, you could add her to your company policy as a means of supplemental coverage. Worked for Tony Soprano. Then, ask for a copy of the medical bill and her insurance Explanation Of Benefits (EOB) denying her coverage.

    I would wager it would never get that far. She won't produce a bill nor will she produce an EOB denying coverage. The problem will miraculously disappear.

    If I am wrong, and it is legit, you can then say that your insurance wouldn't cover it and offer to help pay for it, if you feel the need. Or offer to negotiate with the doctor/hospital for a discount using your charm, intelligence and experience -- it happens all the time.

    Bottom line -- being somebody's Captain Save-A-Ho never ends well for the PL. Never.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    JS – perhaps you should post your question over on stripperweb – something tells me you'll get much different POVs
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Truth or Stripper Shit ...”

    Sounds like a great title for a TV game show
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    ^ - lol. Wouldn't stay on the air long because all the answers would be Stripper Shit.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    George, long story that I can't go into, but her family cannot and will not help.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ def not an uncommon situation for many folks
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, actually I was thinking that truth or stripper shit is a game we could play on tuscl. We would post things strippers have told us in the past, then everybody guesses T or SS, and then the poster explains which it was. Only problem I can see if that it may be hard to find truthful things to post.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I find it hard to believe that any life threatening condition is not covered by an insurance policy. Viagra is about the only thing mine won't cover. There are a lot of free sources out there for people that don't have any or inadequate insurance.

    My ATF was divorced with 2 kids when she came down with multiple scleroses and she had no medical insurance. She never asked me for a dime.

    I guess you have to decide if the pussy is worth the cost.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Can you get any proof of her condition? Hopefully it's not an STD! Sorry, couldn't help myself;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Geez Diva – JS is fucking the DS bareback – now you are giving him even more shit to worry about :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe the DS got knocked up by some unemployed guitar-hero enthusiast and needs an abortion – actually – that is kinda sad and serious so hope that is not the case.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Do you suppose its gender reassignment surgery?
    My ATF, an avowed drug addict, needed money for a car. She had an awful credit history, had defaulted on loans, utility bills, owed money to the court, etc. I bought her a beater for $2000 with the understanding that I'd only pay half of what I had been paying until she had "repaid" me. It's taking a long time and there have been other "emergencies" along the way, but we're more than half way there.
    If she's not about to become a he, you might consider such an arrangement.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    John, if you don't say how much money is involved, and for what, I don't think any of us know what you're talking about.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    Imma go against the grain and say your DS sounds like she's telling the truth. And heres why. She has just as much or more to lose from this than you do. If you're truly treating her well and spending this much on her, she'll be an idiot to want to jeopardize it. Unless, you're trying for more whilst spending less which I don't think you are. So I don't think she's lying, but doesn't mean you should cave either. That part is up to you and what you're willing to give up/get back in return.

    But then again even if its the truth now, doesn't mean how you respond now will predict what she may or may not do in the future.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Mikey, she doesn't know the exact cost yet, but my guess is it'll turn out to be a few thousand over several months. She wasn't asking me to pay it all, whatever all turns out to be, but to help however I could.

    It's nothing embarrassing, and as I said originally, it's not an std (which probably wouldn't cost much if that was it). And it's definitely not pregnancy. But I don't really feel comfortable sharing what it is.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    As for gender reassignment surgery, I don't think there's a doctor anywhere who could possibly make her body look even remotely masculine. She's one of the most feminine women I've ever known.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    A few thousand over several months? I find that even more suspect.

    I don't know what kind of money you're spending now but this just sounds strange to me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ that's how much her unemployed BF needs to finally pay off the 24” rims on his car :)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    As a man who is trying to not assume every bum is a fraud and help everyone i shall say this:
    Give a woman a fish, feed her for a day. Teach a woman to fish, feed her for a lifetime. If she really needs help she shouldn't be adverse to learning how to get health insurance. Just giving her money doesn't give her financial freedom just keeps herself in a burdened position. That's if you think she really may need help that is
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    She is an expert long-con.

    @ Diva...ouch
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    JS- I agree with the trust but verify. If she is willing to give you more sessions and it's not just a handout and you can afford it go for it.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    The parenting gene says option 2.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    +1 for Art's comments. If you can afford it, and you're going to get DS sex in return, why do you care what she's using it for?

    My ATF used to make shit up all the time as to why she needed what I was giving her (to be fair, she was ok with meeting and fucking for it, not asking for freebies), but at some point, I told her that I didn't give a rat's ass what she used it for. If I could afford it, and I had time to meet, I'd pay her. If she spent it on food for her kid, or weed for her boyfriend, was her business. Once I give her the money, it's hers.

    I also like you idea of reapportioning what you're already giving her, without actually giving her much more.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Oh so sorry to hear that js69. If she has medical problems that cost a lot of money, must be for drugs to fight HIV. Hopefully you are using protection so no problems there right? You could go all in and forget the protection to be more in tune with her to know how it feels.
    :). hopefully it's not that bad. many 19 year olds used to go without any health insurance without a worry.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It's always wonderfully, beautifully, and completely uncovered. Nothing but totally natural and uninhibited sex like it was meant to be. I'm much more worried about running out of money than I am catching something.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nobody's perfect Rech but she's still completely my dream. Sex with her last night was the best ever. Somehow it's actually getting even better. Keep being jealous if you want to, but I recommend finding your own.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Enjoy it while it lasts JS. It will end.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Damn - WORLD RECORD - longest thread on TUSCL. Dougster is totally jealous right now.

    I can't even add my 2 cents because everything I could imagine of thinking has already been said!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... DS truly is magical; she transformed a PL into an health insurance policy ...”

    I gotta admit – that was funny
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    This is what you call a entertaining thread. Good job Johnsmith.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    In all seriousness John, if you believe she's telling the truth, and you're a pretty savvy guy, so whatever your take is on the situation is probably correct, you should give her the money with absolutely no expectation of personal gain, as in more visits, more sex, whatever. Let this young woman know that there are kind people out there who will help her out of love while expecting nothing in return. This will do both of you good don't you think?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ this is along the lines of the POV you would get if you posted this on SW
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Wow now Diva gives the non-cynical woman's perspective. She may be wrong but I want to believe Diva. She clearly is a dancer.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yeah GMD all good things eventually come to an end. But I've never enjoyed anything more than sex with her.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If this was Dougster's thread, he would post something every couple of days calling somebody a faggot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ there's still time for that - don't underestimate Dougster :)
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    I disagree papi I just think it's tacky to exploit people due to a medical problem.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    John, I don't know your DS. There's no way I -- or anyone here, for that matter -- can give you an really accurate read on the situation. And no offense, man, but I don't know how much you're thinking with your head and heart or how much she has you thinking with your libido.

    I've been played before by a woman who wasn't even a stripper. But she was a single welfare mother who could well have been a stripper if there was a strip club in the area. She got knocked up by a guy we worked with. For months after the announcement, the asshole continued to claim that he was a virgin. I got sucked in to the "damsel in distress" routine big time; even fell head over heels for her and all three of her kids. Delayed a move to the Twin Cities by a year. A little bit here, a little bit there, even more now, then a ton toward the end. She promised to pay me back (or rather, she promised that her folks would pay me back). Yeah, never happened. I wound up going bankrupt because she never paid me like she promised. And during one long-distance conversation, I suggested she and the kids move in with me in the Twin Cities; she told me she never saw me that way. Course not. I was just a fucking pathetic loser/lap dog with a wallet and good credit rating for her to use. Never again.

    A couple years ago, a stripper I did OTC with tried hitting me up for some serious cash. I was driving her back to her house when she laid out the sob story -- again -- emotionally abusive husband who was the son of the sheriff; he's into drugs (yeah, like she wasn't); he cleaned out her bank account; she, her two sons, and her mother were living "off the grid" to avoid him -- and she needed $2,000 to move back to Maine to get out from under him. I told her, "Wow, good luck with that." That was the end of the conversation, and it was just silence until I got her to her front door. Like I said, never again.

    If all of this really is on the up and up, take Estafador's advice: Give a woman a fish, she'll eat for a day; teach a woman to fish, she'll eat for a lifetime. Help her check up on her insurance policy, make sure that this procedure is or isn't covered. Help her budget so she'll take the brunt of the bills. Get her off the damn cocaine and other drugs; that'll save her -- and you -- a good chunk of cash. Quit taking her on shopping trips; teach her to save and invest.

    Set boundaries, for her and for yourself, because I have a cynical feeling what she's really trying to do is test your boundaries. If you give her that extra $10 this week because she batted her eyes and gave you a sob story, she's pretty certain to get $20 from you next week.

    Good luck, John.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    PG thanks for sharing your experience. I agree that we learn from the exieriehces of others. But here's the thing. Sure she's playing me to some extent. Or at least she will as she learns the profession. She's looking to make as much money as she can from her job just like we all are. I therefore really am on guard against being ripped off. You can't hang around here and not be on guard. But while I'm on guard against getting ripped iff, or at least I try to be, when it comes right down to it her motives aren't really that important, and I don't worry much about it. She has fun with me but I know it's all about the money for her. But she gives me the time of my life. I never feel like I'm being ripped off because all the things she does with, for, and to me are worth it. Whichever head is talking there doesn't matter cause it's the truth.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: "But I've never enjoyed anything more than sex with her."

    You say that now. Entertain yourself and go back over from some of *my* posts from before 2013. The ones that sound a lot like yours do now.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    I know I'm a little late here, but if you do anything but go with #3 you are making a mistake. Its not an emotional relationship but a business one, keep it that way.
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