Mileage from white girls

I got no problem with white girls, but it seems generally black girls and Latinas give higher mileage dances than white girls. The Latinas and black girls will work hard for your money, but the white girls constantly upsell during the dance. I also have noticed a lot less grinding from white girls compared to the other races. Also two way contact is a lot more common from the other races.
This and a few other reasons (flat ass, pale skin, etc) are why I rarely get a dance from a white girl anymore.
last commentI get plenty of good contact and great grinding from white girls. It has nothing to do with race. It depends on the girl and it depends on the club. Everyone has their preferences. I don't think we need to make race an issue here.
I agree – although anyone that knows me will not be surprised.
Not all Latinas are equal though – most folks in other parts of the country are mostly familiar w/ Mexican or Central American Latinas and these are often different from Cubans; Puerto Ricans; Dominicans; Colombians.
In my professional PL opinion – Colombians often give good mileage; Puerto Ricans can be pretty good; Dominicans can be first class bitches/ROBs; and Cubanas are often professional flirters than often don’t deliver on their hype.
At Tootsies Miami; most dancers are Cuban but there is a decent # of white dancers – IME I’ve had better mileage from the white Tootsies dancers than the Tootsies Cubanas.
A Mexican 8 is likely to be higher milage than a white 8 in the same club.
There is definitely a difference b/w most black and white dancers – talking about their differences is fair play.
Let’s not be so “new age” as to not even want to discuss the subject.
I have experimented outside of white enough to say. But white girls are definitely the bitchiest. And, hey, who doesn't want to a fuck a bitch?
@jestrite- it's not a race thing, it is just my experience. I have received high mileage dances from some white girls, but the ratio is much higher with blacks, Latinas etc.
Gotta hustle to make that mortgage payment on your weave.
Based on my experiences, I would agree for the most part. That's why I stick to mostly black clubs (with Follies being the noticeable exception)
based on my experiences in the new York/new jersey area there are hardly any white American girls that are hot that will take care of us fellows. thank god for the latin girls - they work their asses off and make men like us very happy, and more often than not keep cummin' back for more. the only white girls that 1/2 of them will have the same work ethic and attitude as a latin girl are the Russians.
once again, this based on the ny/nj area, not the whole entire u.s. of a. but if this trend is like that throughout the entire country it wouldn't really surprise me one bit.
i dont think it has anything to do with race. i think it is all about looks a white black or latina 8-10 in looks is less likely to do things that a 2-6 in looks will do. i have had some average white girls give great mileage or more, while the better looking ones - (and know that they look good) expected to get paid for walking around the club looking good. this applies to all races. same thing with the plumper strippers. they give good mileage compares to SOME skinnier strippers, not all.
With me, white girls are either hot or cold....either they are all over me, or they ignore me completely. I have had the most consistent mileage (by far) from hot little latinas, followed closely by asians, then black dancers, with white dancers at the bottom of the consistent mileage pile.
White girls are my thing so I can't really compare them to other races. However, there are many high mileage white girls so supply is never an issue. I think the main difference may be price. A lot of the black girls at dive clubs sound like they are a lot cheaper than many of the white girls.
I've definitely gotten some good milage from butterfaced white girls.
um I get good mileage from white girls in South Carolina. but there are definitely some who don't get good mileage and it's not actually always the hot ones who are the offenders
I should also say I'm a young black guy in his mid 20's, if that makes any difference. White strippers give me a lot of compliments, and they are cool to talk to, but in general the dances are low mileage.
Although at the moment I'm all about blondes with big natural titties (e.g. Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney), in the long run I don't really have a type, so I eagerly get dances with all flavors of strippers: white, black, Latina, and Asian. (My quest for Indian and Arab dancers continues!) I would have to agree that the mileage with non-white girls tends to be higher. In fact, my personal probability of a happy ending with a Mexican or Filipina stripper approaches 100%.
I've gotten plenty of play from white girls, though they tend to either run hot or cold as has been said before.
IME Asians and Mexican/Latinas tend to be more into doing what needs to be done to make me happy though.
With that being said, I think it's a culture thing more than a raise thing. Lots of ladies in other cultures grow up in an environment where the female is subservient, and thus they tend to give higher mileage as a result.
For years Avis, the #2 rental car, used the tagline "We Try Harder." Maybe that is why some dancers are higher mileage than others. Less desireable girls have to try harder than the more desireable.
My preference is for white spinners but since there is a shortage of them, I have to make do with what's available. Plenty of variety at my favorite club and I take advantage of all of them. Overall I have had my worst experiences with eastern Europeans.
If I had to give a general opinion, it would be that the white dancers feel more entitled than everyone else and are not as aggressive overall in trying to bend the rules. Of course you can find exceptions. My sample size is pretty small too since I never asked one very high mileage girl what race she was. I didn't ask a lot of questions. I haven't paid much attention to the races of dancers. White and black are obvious but paying attention to all the different shades in between, I just forget about it. Who cares is my opinion.
I've had very good experiences with eastern European girls. Who knows, I could be related. I read I could be related to Atilla the Hun but I don't go around saying that in strip clubs. A lot of us are related if you go back hundreds or thousands of years. At one point in the last 100 thousand years, the human race almost went extinct with only about 10,000 humans surviving. Volcanic eruptions nearly wiped us out as a species.
link if curious
only 40 breeding couples left alive due to a super volcano in the entire world.
I'm a 60 year old black man (61 in March)....I can only speak for one club in Atlanta....And in that club, I get the best mileage lap dances from white girls....Most of these dancers are 38-42 years younger than me... What I find strange,,, In limited conversations with them.... They will tell me ,,, I make them feel safe....So they are relaxed and comfortable,,, which leads to good mileage.....
Interesting. I have different experiences to the topic. I would rate #1 Latinas/ #2White girls/#3 Asians/ #4 Blacks. Black girls have always upselled me, Asian girls ignore me, ........My best lap dances are with Latinas and White girls........At a certain topless club in Southern Cali the black girls kept wanting extra tips........while, the Latinas would offer( panties off )lap dances and OTC's.......................
I get the best mileage from Circassian girls.
I mostly get dances from white girls. It can sometimes take patience and a few repeat visits to get their inner freak to come out and play. When it does, the mileage is beyond compare.
Not all guys have the opportunity or the desire to go through that process. I enjoy it, although instant nookie can be pretty great, too.
In every club there are girls who are up for anything and those at the other end of the spectrum. I love thick (not fat) girls. I've had some amazing mileage from white, black, and latina women. Mostly it was about the culture (what they could get away with) in a particular club that mattered the most. It's all about how we connect with each other in the moment. I'm sure different parts of the country have something to do with mileage level too. I've been surprised at how freaky some really pretty girls are. Time and again when I expect that beauty to only give me a basic dance, she gives me so much more. I consider myself an average guy who's been around enough not to fall for some of the typical stripper shit but I always try to avoid being rude when turning a girl down. Not because I'm so sensitive but a negative attitude kills the fun vibe.
her legs were fantastic, but she danced like a spastic, she danced like a white girl.....
I have a feeling there are multiple factors in play here. Not every girl gives the same level of mileage to every customer, so the discussion should include the Stripper Factor, which is most often an unknown because they are females and strippers.
Then the OPs description of white girls (flat ass, pale skin, etc.) is not what I find in my region. So Ranakum, I think white girls in Portland are not typical of white girls everywhere. Maybe Seattle? So there is the Portland Stripper Factor too. And you like a specific body type that is more often expressed in black and/or Latina girls. And then there is always the Unknown Factor of you possibly putting a vibe out that the girls pick up on and which you are not aware.
Most likely it's the fact they're strippers and females, and other than Lopaw, who the hell on here can figure them out?
In my opinion, mileage has little to do with race, per se, but more to do with other influences, some of which might be associated with race.
The other non-race factors include:
economic"motivation" of the dancer-- somewhat impoverished dancers will provide more services for the money, especially if they don't have skills or opportunities to make reasonable money through other activities
history and values-- were they raised in a household where sex was normalized (rather than forbidden) and it was "OK" to break some rules if it meant getting by and being happy
does the club where they are dancing tolerate any rule bending or rule breaking?
how attractive the dancer is-- can she make money without offering high mileage and extras
Of course, some ethnic groups may have more of the above factors operating than other ethnic groups but that's not a race thing but an economic thing. By that I mean that women who are impoverished and have few skills, less education and fewer opportunities to make a decent living. would be more inclined to provide high mileage and extras.
I mostly get dances from white girls and one thing I can definitely say is that there are plenty of white girls who are high mileage. I think it is mostly about the club. My #3 club is fairly low mileage, and I would have to say on a given weekend night, 1/3 of the dancers are black or Latina. To read what some of you write, you would think black and Latina dancers are only about extras, but it's not entirely true. Yes, I've known some like that, but they aren't all like that.
White girls can be good or bad, but ALL of the worst dances I've ever had have been from white girls. I know blacks get the reputation of too much of a sense of entitlement but that doesn't apply to dancers apparently. I've never had a bad dance from a black girl even if she wasn't my type body wise.
Latinas tend to be high mileage too. My #2 is Latina and she'll make you cum if you ask her. Asians are variable; I've had both excellent just so-so.
I have a "3" theory for my experiences. In a club 3 out of the 10 white girls will give a good/high mileage dance. 3 out of the 4 black girls will give good/high mileage dances. 3 out of 6 Latinas will give good/high mileage dances.
I can't remember ever getting a horrible dance from a white girl, but I've had absolutely terrible dances from black girls. I mean "I don't even want her to finish the song" bad. I will say that black girls who work at non-black clubs work harder than black girls at black clubs. Latina girls seem to be all about the money, although I've mostly dealt with Cubans so I agree with Papi's sentiment there. With white girls, it depends: the ones who like me really like me, the ones who don't completely ignore me. Maybe there's some reverse thing going on between my experiences and those of most people.
It is all pink on the inside!
As far as Latinas go, it makes a big big difference if they come from an area that with a lot of African blood in the mix. African culture is much less uptight about sex.
Miami Cubans are often an exception. Cuban refugees are often the lighter-skinned people who lost a privileged position in the Cuban Revolution. So the females think it's "high class" to act like frigid white Catholic girls.
I don't buy dances from black dancers, plain and simple. Nothing to do with race.
Being in Miami, Latins are always in abundance, but as Papi mentioned above, they can't be lumped together. Since they generally have the exotic look I prefer, they are on my list, but many don't speak English. Usually a deal buster for me.
White girls are fine, but rarely see one that I consider exotic looking. Depends how many generations back they go, I think.
I don't find a difference in dancers based on any particular trait. As jestrite50 said, "It has nothing to do with race. It depends on the girl and it depends on the club."
do you have to try to be that stupid or does it come to you naturally? seriously.
I have definitely gotten better mileage from black and Colombian dancers, on average.
I forget, is Circassia in the Gamma or the Delta quadrant?
In general I have experienced that Latinas give higher mileage.
@Ilbbaicni, yeah, sorry, just glanced through the Star Trek alien database and I couldn't find that species. You wouldn't remember which series and/or episode, now would you?
Maybe it's the Cardassians?
In the past few years most of my SC dance partners have been black or Latina. With one notable exception being a long-legged redhead with a marvelous attitude. Don't know if it was the clubs or the girls but most nonwhites allowed/encouraged touching or licking the kitty and were equally aggressive regarding MY equipment. This experience makes me look for AA strippers in any new club I visit. Give me Beyoncé or Kerry Washington ANY DAY!!
A really fun way to throw Latinas off their hustle is to start speaking Spanish. "Ooh baby, you're so sexy. Come play with me papi" turns into real conversation.
But then again, sometimes it's fun to just play the game by the script.