Bargain full night clubbing with all the fixins

avatar for rickdugan
So what do you consider a bargain for a full night out clubbing with all the fixins? I'm talking about several hours of drinking, some stage tips, and a comfortable and private full service finish with your favorite dancer? For those of you who don't drink alcohol, throw a couple of LDs in there instead.

I feel lucky if I can accomplish all of that for under $300. No chance of that in some of the larger urban areas that I visit, but I also have a few clubs in the rotation in which it does happen and it is oddly satisfying to walk out of a night like that with plenty of cash still in my pocket.


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avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
The LORD mane teleth thou too give al your filthy mooney too hores and the Kintucky Frie Grown Hogg. Do not bee a cheep man or thou wilt die in the deep frier off HELL with the Beast mane LUCIFER.
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
This iss the LORD manes way too tellest thou not too be an asshat misteer Dickie Dugan
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Sounds like a real good System, RickyBoy. How much of the total bill is spent on paying women to talk to your ass-clown self?
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
The full service finish is the big ticket item there.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Is this self service?
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I don't usually get lap dances unless I'm looking for someone new, or there's a nice girl who doesn't mind being groped.

I also don't usually bother with full service in the club anymore, just head.

With those caveats, if I'm looking for someone new, and thus spending more time, I'll spend maybe $10-20 bucks at the stage looking for bad girls, maybe a drink or a lap dance, $20-25, with a likely candidate to assess, and then off to get my rocks off. Usually the blow off is in the $100-150 range.

If I'm there for a known aquaintance, cut out the stage tips and drink/dance, and go straight to the main event.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
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10 years ago
Self service
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Self service
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I generally spend between $300 and $600 for drinks and fun, so I guess $300 would seem like a bargain night.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
How much spent on greasing the bouncer, RickyBoy?
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
jackslash posted: "I generally spend between $300 and $600 for drinks and fun, so I guess $300 would seem like a bargain night."


Exactly. How many places can you visit where you can hang out for hours, get full service from an attractive girl in a relatively comfortable place, and walk away for less than 3 bills all in? I still get that in a few clubs in FL and one in SC and it is pretty damned neat when it happens, but in most cases I spend 4-500 for a good night out and sometimes more.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
There's a couple clubs around here if I walked in with $300 I could probably have the kind of night Rick described with a 6 or 7.
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
$5 cover
$5 Coke
$20 tip for the bouncer
$40 stage tips
$50 lap dances to warm up
$120 30 min vip
$120 tip for services rendered
$360 total
If I'm on a budget or short on time i can skip the stage tipping and lap dances and go straight to the main event. That brings the cost to under $300.
That's why i love small hole in the wall places like Playpen or The Rustic Frog. Better bang for the buck than some of the bigger upscale clubs.
avatar for jvTroop
10 years ago
12 beers at $5 a peace thats with a $1 tip included equals $60

Table side lap dances at $10 a pop x 10 equals $100

Full service $150

Grand total $310

Yep rick $300 is about the lowest you can go on a cheap buffet alnighter. I got some places if i did this im looking at $700-1,000
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
You can get a 30 minute VIP for only $120? O__O

First time I've seen that.

I need to be clubbing where you club!
avatar for jvTroop
10 years ago
The cheapest i can go but the quailty of the girls lower is a dive bar i know

12 beers at $3 each with $1 tip included equals $36

Table side lap dances 10 at $5 each equals $50

Full service $80

Grand total $166

avatar for jvTroop
10 years ago
Go vikings close to Charlotte NC you can find champagne rooms for 60 min for $130
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
Govikings that's where smaller clubs outside of big cities have an advantage. The drawback is that most of the girls are in the 6-8 range instead of 9s & 10s.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I would usually have some lap dances during the evening as well. At a club like Follies you could easily do this for under $300. At most nice clubs however 300-600 is a good estimate. I could spend $1K if the little head was fully in control but that doesn't happen much.

Never heard of anything near Charlotte that would have the combination of full service and cheap VIP with a decent looking woman. I seriously doubt that such a thing can be found around Charlotte with any regularity.

avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
At my favorite club I usually have a very good time for 4-5 hours of table dances and finishing up with a trip to the VIP room for $300-350.
avatar for rockie
10 years ago
Rick's suggested full night/full sex ITC - $360 in Providence/ $400 in MA
I agree with the $400 -$500 consensus.

GMD's bare bones pursuit ITC - $170 in Providence/ $230 in MA.
avatar for rogertex
10 years ago
whad happen to crazyjoe in thread above?

He self serviced himself to orgasm. or what ?
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Normally we take around $300-400 but we're also paying double for LD's as a couple. Last Saturday night we ended up spending $600. If we could keep it in the $300 range we're happy with that and figure that's a good deal.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@GoVikings: I can think of at least four places within a couple of miles of each other (and another couple not awfully much farther) where a daytime 30 minute VIP is $120. Or less. One of them has an hour for $160. Most of the others in that area are only a little more expensive.

One of them is, admittedly, a dive, and one of them isn't far removed. The other two, however, are pretty nice. For strip clubs.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago

That's cool. You're fortunate to live in an area with that kind of bargain.

In my area, 30 minute VIP is in the 300 dollar change. And even in the other states I've clubbed in, the cost for a 30 minute VIP is about the same as it is in my home area.

Now I'm not going to act like I've clubbed in most of the states across the USA, because I haven't. But I'd feel safe in assuming that most areas probably don't have 30 minute VIP rooms that are in the $100 dollar range. That's probably much more of the exception than the norm.

The cheapest 30 minute VIP that I've seen was at the Gold Club in Greensboro, North Carolina. The last time I was there, they had 30 minute VIP rooms for only $150. And I was shocked because it remains the first and only club I've been to that has 30 minute VIP rooms for that cheap.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 years ago
Around $300 to $500 seems about right depending on the city and the type of club I choose to cruise that night.
If I'm looking for a full evenings entertainment I go and window shop more which means more random tips at the rail, at my table and lap dances with different girls before I settle on one if any. If I don't do a VIP evening it could be as low as $100 to $150. There are cities and places where you can walk in and get an hour of fulfillment with a 7.5 for less than $300. Keep in mind that many clubs that charge $300 for VIP the girl likely gets $150 to $250 of that money. One of the most expensive private rooms I have been in was at Club 390 in Chicago Heights and I won't go back for three reasons: 1] hear the quality of the dancer has gone downhill 2] to expensive since the club they keeps most of the room fee forcing you to tip the girl much more 3] the private bartender bothers you unless you give him a substantial tip. (generally all Chicago clubs are not worth the gas for the trip from your hotel). I prefer a club like Cadillac Lounge in Providence that you pay the VIP room charge to the club, tip the attendant a little to leave you alone and negotiate your girl's time separately.
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
The LORD mane moveth me to covet the striper hores to my flack
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
I waveth my holy sausage fingers and the hores creem there bikini bottoms a begin too worship the LORD mane by sukin my holy dick
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
Al the hores wanteth a sausage finger up there asswhole
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I go to a cheap club. Drinks are $1.50 and lap dances are 5 for $50. I always bring at least $200 and on a slow night I'll have some of it left. On a busy night I'll spend upwards of $300.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Reading the reviews, I've read of a few places that do 30 minute VIP for 100 bucks. That would be nice living in those areas. In my area, generally a 30 minute VIP is 250 bucks. The lowest I've seen in my area is 175 bucks for 30 minutes.

I don't partake in FS ITC, but for a few hours of drinks, tipping, and dances, I would say 200 bucks would be a bargain for me.
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
I don't think there's much of a remote chance in hell I could even get a bj at one of the decent C-bus clubs. PM me if you know different as I need a reason to hit a club!
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy and 6th Avenue Dancers in Terre Haute have 30-minute VIP rooms for $100 (the stripper gets, I think, $75). The VIP room at Club Rio in Indy costs $150 (of which the dancer gets $120) and can be a *lot* of fun. I suspect that the Rustic Frog in New Albany is the club whodey is referring to that has a $120 VIP room.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
MrDeuce, don't forget Brad's Brass Rooms. If I remember right, before 2pm, they're $175 for a half hour; after that, they're $200.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Even at Follies, $300 is cutting it pretty tight, if you're talking about staying for several hours and doing more than sitting alone waiting for your big moment. I can spend that much just on lap dances over a 5 hour stay, VIP not included. For what I get, I consider it a bargain.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@GoVikings: "You're fortunate to live in an area with that kind of bargain."

I am indeed. Louisville is a liberalish city in the midst of rural conservatism run rampant. I'm convinced that fact contributes to its "charm." I won't claim that it's as good as Detroit with regard to cost or availability, but I also don't have to live near Detroit to take advantage.

Looking over reviews though, I suspect the lower rates aren't all that rare. I know Partner's Tavern in Erie has a half hour (in a locked room) for $90, and even an out of towner like me had fun. Even Western NY had some clubs with sub-150 rooms, though my understanding is nothing will happen.

But on the bang for the buck scale, Louisville is definitely near the good end.
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
Like MrDeuce said The Rustic Frog just across the river from Louisville is a great place for a cheap vip. Prim0 if your in Columbus it isn't that bad of a drive down I71 to cincinnati and Playpen just across the river is where i usually go for 30 min vip for 120. I don't remember the exact price but the Brass Ass in Newport is very reasonable as well.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@whodey: The Frog's half hour VIP is $150. Not horrible, but not a bargain either. The hour is $300. Definitely not a bargain, especially when the dancer wants a tip.
avatar for Lil_Baller100
3 years ago
Self service
avatar for Lil_Baller100
3 years ago
Self service
avatar for Lil_Baller100
3 years ago
Self service
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Escapism, the diametric opposite of everything I am and everything I do.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Stop telling people that they're having fun wrong. It's shitty.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And I have never said anything of the sort. You need to learn to read CMI, cause you are being shitty.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
80% to 90% of what you do here is lecture other people about how they're having fun wrong.

The rest of the time you're posting threads about gnosticism and air compressors because you like to pretend to be intellectual to an audience.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
You can tell that this is a 6-year-old thread because there was a remote possibility of a full night of fun for under $300. Not possible now.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I have never talked about how anyone has fun. You need to learn to read.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
What's the risk of getting a club raided by LE with what we say on here?

I'm always scared, when mentioning stuff that may be illegal, to get more specific geographically than the state or maybe the big city.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
More than 15 years ago, I was the regular of an escort whose asking rate was $180 per hour. She was in her mid 30s, but I've never been with another woman I found more beautiful than her. I'd always tip her $120, because other escorts I felt couldn't hold a candle to her charged $300. We'd meet in a hotel, she would cover the room. Bring wine, let me stay over the hour, once got a room with a jacuzzi so we could spend some time in it together. Looking back, I feel some guilt that I didn't tip her an additional $100.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
In my opinion, pretty low. Because in most cities the cops already know exactly what's happening in a given club without coming to a strip club website.

If the police decide to crack down on a club, it's usually as a reaction to something tragic and newsworthy occurred (an assault, a shooting, a legit instance of human trafficking, etc.).

At that point, news reporters and politicians become involved and it's the job of the police to clean things up (at least to the public).

The best reason to remain circumspect about the explicit details (and not naming dancers) is because (a) the news media will broadcast screen captures of those explicit posts to generate outrage from the public and (b) because those posts can be (and are) read by club owners, managers, bouncers, and other dancers. Those explicit posts can quickly ruin a good thing or really jam up your favorite dancer.

But the idea that vice cops will see here something that they don't already know is extremely remote.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
"What's the risk of getting a club raided by LE with what we say on here?"

I've been going to clubs for 12 years and have never seen anyone get arrested for doing something sexual in the club. I have not heard any strippers say they ever saw that either. What is more likely is that a girl will get caught by management doing something she is not supposed to and then is fired, along with the male customer being banned by the club. There is a lot of money invested in these clubs and the owners want to protect their investment. They are often cautious about allowing illegal activities, either sex or drug related, in the club. Local governments can use zoning or licensing laws to shut down clubs allowing that.

I have had strippers say there are undercover police officers occasionally lurking about in the clubs here in Indianapolis but they usually spend their time doing things like fining girls for not having their nipples covered with nipple tape. They don't do something here like pose as a customer, make an arrangement with a girl to do something sexual, and then arrest her. That does happen sometimes in local massage parlors but not in the strip clubs here. The few local strip club raids I've heard about have mostly resulted in arrests for drug possession, not for doing something sexual.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Sounds like some low class, high volume hookers there RickDugan! Keep up the good work there, and don't forget to eat your beans!
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
What is said on sites like this one isn't what gets people arrested. At most, these sites just give LEO hints as to where to go. Their investigations are what get people arrested.

That being said, as others have noted, the more immediate concern is club managers, bouncers, and especially other dancers.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "You can tell that this is a 6-year-old thread because there was a remote possibility of a full night of fun for under $300. Not possible now."

You ain't kidding. Prices started rising in 2017-2018 when the economy improved under Trump and transplants started flocking to NE FL in ever-increasing numbers to escape high tax states. Now we have inflation pushing prices up yet more.

What a difference 6 years can make. Nowadays, at least around here, one would be lucky to get that same bargain night out with all the fixins for under $500.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Keep forgetting to check if it's an SJG-resurrected zombie thread.

Now I understand Trump's tax "reform". He's a PL who got a big inheritance. He wanted to give people who were already doing OK more discretionary money, to spend on strippers.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The cheapest club I know has
$0 cover
$7 beer plus $1 for a tip
$20 dances
$200 15 minute increment vip booths
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
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