Daytime Clubbing

avatar for Clackport
A recent change in my work schedule makes it so now I can only club in the afternoons and early evenings. 99% of my club visits have been at night, I wonder if I should just give up strip clubbing lol.

Seriously though, the reason I club at night is that the girls are generally hotter at night. It is hard enough finding hot girls (to me) at night, it is going to be extra hard finding hot girls during the day, I have to find that diamond in the ruff. I know some advantages to dayshift are mileage and privacy. Some disadvantages are less girls, less hot girls, the potential to be the only customer in there.

I guess what I'm looking for from TUSCL nation is, why do you personally like the day or night shift better? Also are there a lot of customers and dancers at around 5 or 6 when everyone gets off work? I will likely club around 4-6 pm.



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avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
If you find that diamond in the rough you will have a lot more time during the day. Less rushed and usually more private.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I can go anytime I want because I am retired but 98% of the time I go on day shift. I get higher mileage lap dances, etc. Dancer quality over is probably better at night at most clubs but where I go that is not a problem. You may have to do some looking before you find the right club for day shift action. In fact a lot of clubs don't even open until the sun goes down.

A lot of clubs run their happy hour/s when day shift workers are just getting off work. So there does tend to be a crowd at that time but most of them are just there for the cheap booze and don't spend much on dancers. As soon as the happy hour is over they split.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I clubbed days for years. If you want to find a regular or OTC, days are generally better. The music isn't as loud and girls will spend more time talking. Yes, the selection isn't as good, and lots of newbies start days so buyer beware. But you'll also get better value for your money too. Lots of day dancers have kids, and they can always use the OTC money.

Nights have more energy and generally better looking girls. More of a party atmosphere I'd say. Dancers are younger and making more money. OTC is more difficult with night dancers from my experience but then I don't stay until closing which is when the OTC types are most available.

I think you'll find daytimes are just as much fun. Different than night but not worse.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Dayshift way better. "Potential to be the only customer there" is a HUGE POSITIVE, not a downside, as you characterized it.

Overall, what makes SCing fun for me is hanging out with a stripper for hours -- my typical trip is at least 3 hours -- drinking, eating, flirting, nonsense drunk stripper talk, groping, and dancing. On a slow dayshift, it's common that I'm with one girl (the one I really like) for the entire 3-hour visit, with lots of fun drunk talk, surreptitious groping under the table (I've gotten my fingers 2-knuckles deep in every orifice lol), super super hot dances in the back -- all for the cost of 2 VIP dances. That's a number that would cause the girls at stripperweb's heads to collectively explode, but it's par for the course for dayshift especially at slow times (1-4pm Tuesday, anyone?)... and furthermore, the girls walk away happy, because at a time most girls have made between $0-$40, they've made $200-$300, been fed and alcohol-ed up.

Moreover, while it's absolutely true night shift is hotter as a whole, many clubs have policies where new girls have to do a certain number of dayshifts, and there are always some incredibly hot girls who can only work dayshifts (they have kids, they've lied to their parents about working a day job, whatever). There are incredibly hot girls on dayshift -- at least at some clubs -- just not as many as on night shift. Obviously, this all depends on you finding a club that actually runs a good dayshift; there are lots of clubs here who run a not-even-trying 4-fat-girls dayshift, but the clubs I go to typically have 10-girl dayshifts with at least a few hot girls each shift.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
To add: dayshift girls make their $$ during the lunch rush, and the after-work crowd that starts wandering in after 4. For your most mileage and most appreciative stripper, make it a habit to come in 1-4pm; she will absolutely notice right away that she's the only one making money during that time, and that it's because of you, and will treat you accordingly. Same hot girl on nightshift will probably give you the "I"ll hang out 2 songs, then we do dances or I'm gone".
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
I was talking to a dancer friend last night who is a "refugee" from a DC club now working in Virginia. I asked her why she and her friend working mostly days at her new club instead of nights. She said that there were a lot of 19 - 21 year olds working nights that had serious drug issues and consequently lots of drama that she said she didn't need. She is baffled why girls that depend on their looks to prosper don't lay off the drugs and take care of their bodies. So, ranukam, I guess my answer is that you can get dances and interact with girls (or women!) Who are every bit as hot plus sober and a lot more fun on the day shift.

As a sidelight I also asked how her income compared to her income in the DC club. She said that it had basically doubled, which surprised me since the club was always fairly busy at night and I saw her collect some major tips there. She and her friend are obviously getting a lot of lap dances. She said she should have moved a long time ago.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
I was talking to a dancer friend last night who is a "refugee" from a DC club now working in Virginia. I asked her why she and her friend working mostly days at her new club instead of nights. She said that there were a lot of 19 - 21 year olds working nights that had serious drug issues and consequently lots of drama that she said she didn't need. She is baffled why girls that depend on their looks to prosper don't lay off the drugs and take care of their bodies. So, ranukam, I guess my answer is that you can get dances and interact with girls (or women!) Who are every bit as hot plus sober and a lot more fun on the day shift.

As a sidelight I also asked how her income compared to her income in the DC club. She said that it had basically doubled, which surprised me since the club was always fairly busy at night and I saw her collect some major tips there. She and her friend are obviously getting a lot of lap dances. She said she should have moved a long time ago.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Sorry about the double post!
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
I prefer dawn or dusk.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@Subraman: "she will absolutely notice right away that she's the only one making money during that time, and that it's because of you, and will treat you accordingly. "

That's the truth! I saw my #3 Monday afternoon, and it was as dead as can be. She was really pleased to see me and I kept her busy. She was very generous when it came to showing her appreciation!
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I prefer day shift. There are less 9s and more 6s, sure. YMMV by club and region. But day shift girls tend to try to maximize earnings off the available customers. A lot of those night shift 9s whale hunt; they're looking for 500 dollar home runs, not a dozen singles. It's easier for night shift to keep looking for a bigger whale.

Read the reviews and make a recon trip where you scout the talent. Is it really a burden to just drop $20 yo try a new club or time and bounce if the talent is weak?
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Even among dayshifts, there are differences of course. Among 2 clubs I go to in my area, I'll call them club A and Club B:

In Club A, some of the girls act happy to see you, some don't. The rest of the staff acts like they hate you, basically strip club standard. In Club B, you get a happy-to-see-you vibe, even from the waitress and other staff, including the floor manager. In Club A, some of the girls will hang out for 10-15 minutes before moving on if you don't get a dance. In Club B, I've often spent over an hour with a girl, and be 3 shots and some nachos in, before we even do our first dance. In Club A, the girls often asks for tips. In Club B, I have never been asked for a tip, not once, by anyone. In Club A, some of the girls act very entitled; in Club B, just a few act that way.

You just gotta find the right club. Even on daytime, some clubs are better than other. Ironically, on busy night shifts, Club B is MORE cutthroat than Club A, they just happen to have a way better dayshift
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I usually prefer days because the money goes further. You can just get more attention from the girls and make more of an impression on them.

But it is true that in some clubs the day time girls are second stringers. They are more likely to have kids, and so this is another reason they work days. They would be less likely to go run off with you for OTC at the end of their shift.

Oh well, I guess it depends on what you want. If you just want to find one for now, either day or night should be fine.

Ranukam, how many girls do you need to make you happy?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
As with anything else related to strip club (e.g. types of dancers; types of clubs; etc); it partially comes down to a matter of personal preference – i.e. some may actually prefer dayshift and some don’t care for it.

I like variety so I like hitting both although more of my visits tend to be in the late eve – day and eve shifts both offer their unique advantages.

For me – as crazy as it may sound – I don’t even tend to go for the 9s or 10s in a club – I feel more comfortable w/ and feel I get better treatment and mileage from 6s and 7s – so a “drop in talent” for dayshift is not something that affects me personally too much.

Unfortunately – many areas seem to have very poor dayshifts and in that case a PL is SOL – you (OP) will either have to explore and find a decent day spot or just club @ night on your days off (I assume you will not be working 7 nights a week) – or just save your $$$ and do some SC trips.

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I find that day shift at most clubs is dead. There are a half dozen girls or less, several of whom I'd tip a dollar to keep their clothes on. If a club has a good day shift, like Follies or Hi Liter, then it can be awesome. But I rarely find that so I usually go at night.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@SJG- I can never have enough :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Then usually there are more hotties on the night shifts. But for what you want, I think you need to be checking out all the shifts, and at a bunch of clubs.

Good Luck!
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I do my clubbing almost exclusively in the afternoon. There are not as many dancers as at night, but I only need one hot dancer to make my day. My favs text me to let me know when they're working, and so I usually have a sure thing when I go to the club.

An additional benefit of clubbing in the afternoon is that I can leave in time to catch the early bird special at a fine restaurant. :)
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Yep! Once you find your dayshift girl that you like, doesn't even matter how bad the shifts are anymore ... you just text your girl and get her there.

I too like it that you can leave in time for dinner! In fact, I've often do my OTC as a continuation after dayshift. Leave with her after dayshift, grab dinner and maybe hit the bars a bit, then off to the hotel room. Works out nicely
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Those are good points, once you find a daytime girl ( an endless list of them for Ranukam ), then you can take her out when her shift ends.

avatar for goonster
10 years ago
Don't knock day shift. I generally prefer and go days and have had some of the hottest memories happen during the day shift
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

4-6, my prime time. I will preface this by saying I am speaking of the 2 clubs I frequent the most.

For the most part, true that the talent is less in the afternoons. Also the competition for the hotter dancers. The RATIO seems always better in the afternoons. Say two hotties and 10 customers, Not bad, But at night say maybe four hotties and 50 customers. Also, in the afternoon, most stay for shorter stays, so they don't invest much money or time to cultivate a hottie. My ATF and all of my favorites, sans one, have been afternoon dancers. I never really tried to compete at night. Just not worth it to me for some reasons you already mentioned. That afternoon diamond can be precious, whereas I've seen the evening one end up being a zirconia.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I can only rarely make dayshifts except on weekends. The few times I have gone I've noticed the girls tend to be older/more jaded/lifers. Think you'll find a much better selection at night and it's worth waiting for.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I've rarely visited during the afternoon. Usually I'm only free at nights. Some advantages are packed clubs at night aren't packed in the early afternoon. I liked that. I also had a lot more privacy with dancers and mileage was often higher than normal. Minuses would be visiting a club that is slow even in the early evening.
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
Even with all the advantages of dayshift, I can't bring myself to do it. I just hear that Chris Rock skit in my head whenever I even think about it. Earliest I've ever gone to a SC is right before 8 (first time at Tootsies, wanted to try it for free).

Two big reasons I like going at night: 1) I like being able to blend in the crowd so I don't have to get the "wanna dance" every five minutes, and 2) I've grown to like ending my evenings at SCs. A good lap before heading home seems to wrap things up nicely.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I'm also a day shifter - at first by necessity and now by choice. At first I didn't like it much because the clubs would be very dead with very few girls. But then I began to appreciate it for what it did have to offer - no heavy hustles, laid back chicks willing to sit and chat, and best of all - tons of mileage. Due to job demands my daytime clubbing has changed to early evening, usually at shift change, which can be very good or very's all timing.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
I've had some great daytime visits and others which were nothing special. If you find a dancer you like, which might take time, you can schedule your visits with her, as other's have said.

I've had a couple of past favs on day shifts and have had lots of fun. More MILFs than night shifts for sure, but they sure can be fun and more adventurous. And more willing to provide HM and extras in near empty VIP rooms.

But based upon what little I know of Portland and the clubs there, you may have a long search for that special lady. Or two, or three, or more! But I hope you have fun searching.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
"I only need one hot dancer to make my day". That's exactly how I feel.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
"I only need one hot dancer to make my day". That's exactly how I feel.

My sentiments exactly!

avatar for ujay
10 years ago
Dayshift is better for me. Less alcohol; less temptation to drink! The owners are not around. Less employees and staff. One employee may be the bouncer, DJ, cashier, all rolled into one. He is a paid employee and has no financial stake in the club success. I have found out that tipping this alpha employee goes a long way. He cares less what goes on in the common lap dance room, and definitely, turns a blind eye to the VIP. I have never been swindled by the day time dancers, but have had a huge blowout with misunderstanding in the VIP room at night. Extras are readily available even in the regular lap dance room during the day. Your money definitely goes further.
avatar for argentx
10 years ago
My schedule means only day shifts for me. It's mostly a positive; the girls there have more time for you since there's less of a crowd. The one downside is there's not as many girls during the day. That means more of a chance you won't find someone of your tastes.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
It would be nice to have that option, but my job is on the overnight shift, so I only do dayshift when out of town on vacation. That's partly because here in the Omaha area, exactly 1 club has a dayshift, and that club isn't worth it, IMO.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
It's day shift for me almost exclusively. Rarely do night shift. And if I do night shift it's just because I stayed over from dayshift. lol.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I go with ujay. Often when limits are being extended, it is on the day shift. It was like this at Club Ante in San Mateo ( closed now ).
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