
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I just hate that word when it applies to me as a strip club customer. I call it the "C" word. Call me a customer or client but custie is offensive. :)


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avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I like PL myself.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
I'm a "patron" - as in patron of the arts
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Custy sounds crusty
avatar for impala
10 years ago
If it was one of us guys in here saying that I would agree, but coming from a girl I think it kinda sounds cute.
avatar for Alyssatanggg
10 years ago
I'm with impala on this one! Haha, I don't call customers "custie/custy" in real life though. I thought it was an adorable online term!
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
The (other C word)'s on stripper web seem to delight in using the word in a derogatory manner against us PL's
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
'ATM' is more precise.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
I don't care if strippers use it, especially among themselves ... and since stripperweb is supposed to be for and about the strippers, don't care at all that they use it there. What doesn't make sense to me is male customers adopting that word also; the guys on stripperweb have adopted it wholesale, it feels to me that if you're going to do that, you might as well tuck your genitals back behind your legs and assume a nice submissive posture
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Some short forms of a word are often used out of convenience either when speaking it or typing it – i.e. it’s quicker/easier to type custy than customer (sorta like shorthand is/was often used in business).

I don’t think it’s used w/ any particular intent in mind other than it’s a simpler way of communicating either verbally or written.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
I wonder if the girls have "Dream Custies'
avatar for Alyssatanggg
10 years ago
^^^^ To answer your question Mikey, from what I've heard at the club, girls do have "dream custies". Attractive men who give them a substantial amount of money and attention. Lol
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
A dream customer is polite, respects the club rules, is clean and odor free, brings lots of cash and leaves with none of it. He'll let the dancer do her rounds, take a smoke break and not expect her to be at his side every second. Yes, he'll buy her drinks within reason.

A dream dancer is more likely to treat this type of customer well, because he's the type of regular she doesn't dread; most regulars are not people the dancer would ever talk to let alone date! My ATF has told me about some of the regulars she has that she just hates but she makes lots of money from them so she puts up with it. That can be SS for sure, but at least as far as ATM's go, she finds me easy to get along with. That's why we've lasted 5+ years. It's not the money I give her because next to her other regulars I'm VERY small potatoes, and I don't pay her for OTC.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
What about besty/ bestie
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

I think you've got it right about the Dream Customer. There is just one thing which sets of my alarm bells, the dancers who need to take smoke breaks. This is gross and it has always been a problem. It is not just gross, it also factors into how such a dancer thinks. If her life revolves around smoking, she just is not completely there.

Fortunately in California, due to the clean indoor air laws, the smoking rate is going down. It has always been higher amongst dancers than with the general population, but it too is starting to go down now.

There is no reason that one should have to put up with dancers who smoke. Should not have to be like this. Also, these women are still young, so their patterns are not so fixed. Very bad if they are in an environment which encourages smoking, like to manage mood swings.


Procol Harum…
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
It's kind of like the world of medicine, to our faces they should be polite and use our names. But shop talk? Who cares?

As for "dream customer", I've picked up on SW they like being paid to do nothing. We want someone hot and interesting who provides good milage for little money. Hopefully we can all meet in the middle.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I think dream customer needs to be added to the glossary. I'm sure you will all readily agree.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
"Custie" is minimally acceptable to me. I definitely don't like "PL." If you'll notice I never use either term in my posts. I suppose that sclvr is most correct! An "ATM with legs," perhaps?
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Yeah, dream customer is pretty much the most attractive guy that showers her with money and expects nothing in return. As for custy, I hate it and I blame today's youth. Every year peoples vocabulary get smaller and we, especially as a country, get lazier to the point where today people don't even want to type or spell full words without abbreviations or shortcuts. I also blame social media.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Blame? Offensive? Fuck! I don't care if they call me asshole so long as they'll suck my dick.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

I agree with sc, I don't like it, especially in reviews and here, but that's me. It is everyone's prerogative to write however they wish. Never heard it in a club or anywhere other than on TUSCL.
avatar for slaux.pas
10 years ago
How about retard? Cuz all of you act like retards with catching diseases that make your dick fall off. You should jest look and jack off in the bathroom stall like me. I am so smart and your all retards
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
I'm a "Dream Custie" !
Some of yall are Dream Crustys !
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
I'm with the OP on this. That term is awful...but that probably has much to do with where I mostly see it and the context in which it's used.

I didn't like PL either at first, but it's grown on me for the same reasons that I've grown to hate the other term (place where it's used, context).
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I have never heard or seen the term "custie" anywhere but on TUSCL, so I suppose it doesn't matter to me that much.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I have also only seen it used on stripclub websites. I use it occasionally and really don't care about it one way or the other. I kind of like "hobbyist" which is used in the escorting world.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
To me, it is like those that use kewl instead of cool. Even more difficult to type. Like Papi said above, "custy" is "quicker/easier" to type than customer, but he uses "custie", so 20% more difficult to type.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I wouldn't want to be called client. Clients are served by appointment only. Clients are charged more than custies.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
"Custie" just sounds annoying, but, like with every other industry, jargon's going to develop, whether we like it or not. For the civilian world, I prefer "guest" or "patron," for escorts "hobbyists," and for strip clubs "monger."
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
Don't like the term.

Don't like customer either.

Guest, or patron would be better, imo.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
When I was a teenager working fast food, we were required to call our customers guests. I'm a guest or a patron, never a custie.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
You can call me Ray
Or you can call me Jay
But you doesn't have to call my Johnson
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

For those that have no idea:…
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Thanks for the assist, clubber. I remembered that schtick from a Budweiser commercial. Of course, I had to modify the last line!
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Well of course! :)
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