
She swallows

layin low but staying high
Does it matter to you a woman swallows?

I used to think it didn't matter. I used to feel like everything after my orgasm was pretty much irrelevant. But then I met dream stripper. She continues to expand my sexual horizons in a myriad of ways.

So whenever I fuck this sweet young thing in the mouth, she follows the same routine cause she knows how much I love it. I keep going until I'm spent. Then she withdraws her mouth slowly, making sure to leave me completely dry. Then she moves up towards me, and looks directly into my eyes. She gets a sly grin on her face like she knows she just did something that was naughty but she really likes to be naughty. ,And she lets me watch her swallow. Some loads are bigger than others, sometimes it's pretty easy and sometimes there is a slight struggle to get it all down. But she always, always, swallows all of my love while I watch. After she is done swallowing, she lays in my arms and I hold her and slowly caress her magnificent body while she digests.

I find this whole routine surprisingly erotic. I think it's because her swallowing and making this act so clearly visible to me is an act of complete submission, an act of total acceptance of me and my penis. If a girl spits it out, she is in effect saying that the entire experience was gross and she wishes to have no part of it or you. But when she swallows, especially when she does it openly, willingly, and almost enthusiastically, it conveys the exact opposite impression. It suggests that she would do it all over again and is not the least bit reluctant to do what she knows brings me so much pleasure and her so much money.

Has anyone else gotten turned on when she swallows? ShadowCat, do you ever get to experience this? Does a dancer ever fake swallow just to make it clear that she would be willing to do so?


  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    JohnSmith my friend, I hear that your ancestor Joseph would insist that all 40 or so of his wives swallow his prophet jizz.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Does swallowing prophet jizz give you the ability to hear Metatron?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Sorry 'bout taking this off track. I'll just say two things...

    1. Yes, swallowing turns me on.
    2. This shit 'bout your ancestor and his prophet juice...totally true.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Zip. Words from the holy prophet. Swallowing women shall inherit the kingdom, but non-swallowers shall be banished into outer darkness where there is much weeping and mourn. Amen.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    No JohnSmith - my whore don't do that but I don't pay them $500 either. I mostly get " Damn! no mess. I'll suck you dick all day long".
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    Interestingly, I thought about starting a similar topic a couple of weeks ago. Yes, this is singularly the most intimate act, and thus, very much a turn on for me. I find it to be fairly rare though, maybe 1 girl out of 20 that does it the way you've described. Most others switch to hand only at the moment of truth. My ATF, that has since left Follies, would take it as deep as possible once she felt me starting to pulse, swallowing as she went. Not the same as all the eye contact you describe, but incredibly nice, especially when she would give a little extra squeeze to be sure she got every drop. I'm seeking a replacement with the same skills/proclivity.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    The first time my ATF took my load in her mouth, she spit it out on the floor, jumped up and ran around going, "Blah, Blooie, spit". After feeding her the lines similar to what you wrote; improving my diet ( lots of pineapple the day before) and inviting another friend who loves to swallow to demonstrate for her ( there's the quick swallow or the protracted swish it around, let some drizzle out on the chin swallow) she changed her tune. I've been pleasantly surprised at the number of dancers I've met who fully expect and routinely swallow. Life is good.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I had a stripper die after she swallowed. She started choking and turning blue in the face. I gave her the hiemlich but to no avail. Only resort left was mouth-to-mouth. Bitch was on her own cause I'm no cannibal.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    JS: I believe the phrase is, "much weeping and gnashing of teeth.." ;-)
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    dawg, yeah that's what the Bible says but I was quoting the book of John Smith.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Your DS sounds very sexy, and naughty too. Glad to hear she is taking good care of you and seemingly enjoying herself it too. When's the wedding? Lol

    The last time I can remember a girl spitting out my cum was over 30 years ago. Since then they all seem to enjoy swallowing it right on down. Although, rarely with the sexy theatrics you described above.

    And remember to tell all your girls, "It's not lady-like to spit."
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    I've heard that a girl that does this often can tell how good a guys diet is from the taste.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    It doesn't matter to me if she swallows. I'm just happy she's making the effort.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    After 20 years in the hobby, I finally discovered the pleasure of the backroom blowjob around the middle of last year. Now that I've enjoyed [more than] a few, it's clear that:
    BBBJ > CBJ
    and greatest of all is BBBJCIM with swallow (whatever the acronym for that is). Strippers who do that get my repeat business. As far as I can tell, my two favorite fellatrices in Washington Park *love* sucking my dick and swallowing my cum (or they're phenomenal actresses), so I try to spend time with at least one of them whenever I'm there.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @MrDeuce- BBBJCIMWS is BBBJCIM with swallow.

    As far as swallowing, it's not a big deal to me, but it's always a nice surprise when the girl swallows.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    As far as I am concerned a blow job is not a blow job unless she finishes the job in her mouth. Anything else is just fore play for a HJ. Whether she spits or not does not change the term.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    This is a huge turnon for me. At my favorite club, I've met 3 different ladies who've done BBBJCIMWS. 2 of them made a grand theater production out of the act of swallowing. It's too bad none of the 3 ladies are there anymore.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    I'll go along with your hierarchy Mr. Deuce. But you missed one...


    The QWERTYUIOP makes it XXXtra special.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @JohnSmith69...does DS give you the QWERTYUIOP?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Really doesn't concern me either way. Like JS said above, "...everything after my orgasm was pretty much irrelevant." In my case, it still is.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Spit or swallow makes little difference, as long as she keeps going until I'm done.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    I prefer it. So I'd have to say it matters to me.

    I find it a huge turn on also.

    I don't spit while DATY. So they can at least return the favor, imo.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    @JS: the book of John Smith? Like the Book of Mormon? ;-)
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    The book of John Smith is kind of like the Book of Mormon, but there's no special underwear. Instead the book of JS advocates no underwear for easier lapgasms. Also I haven't found any golden tablets as the book contents are being revealed to me, but I still hold out hope for that in the future. If that happens I'll sponsor a day at Follies where the VIPs are all on me.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I imagine condom wrappers are the official bookmarkers for the Book of John Smith.
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