The last time

avatar for Clackport
When was the last time you got a stripper's phone number?

I used to be into that in my earlier days, but the lack of super hot strippers in my area, the stripper shit/flakeyness, most of the time getting the number not meaning shit, me having a ATF for a long time, me just getting tired of it in general, and a few other reasons has led to me not getting a number in probably close to a year. I don't ask for it, and they're not offering it up to me nowadays.

However, there's this new smoking hot girl at one of my favorite clubs that's got me excited. I think I'm gonna try to get her number and try to angle some OTC next week.

What about the rest of you?


last comment
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Not as often as the past few years. Now my phone has mostly civilian girl's numbers. But I'll never pass up the chance to get digits from a stripper I like. You can always dump them but it's hard to text/call them to set up OTC without her number.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
For me, it usually spans months of not finding the right dancer, like it is about 7 to 8 months gap. Last one was like two weeks ago.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Last Friday night. So far, just ITC, but we're talking.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
I recently got an address. We're pen pals. She really digs my stationary.
avatar for screamineagle10
10 years ago
Last week,i have phone numbers from 3 favorites from 3 different clubs. They all know i have a live in girlfriend and never call or text unless i contact them first. It takes time for them to get to know me enough to trust me with it.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Last week. I went years without getting their numbers but I've started getting them in the past year. The ultimate goal is usually OTC but in the interim it's helpful to check beforehand if they're working on a particular day. It's usually not hard to get the number. If they don't offer, I just ask how can I know what nights they're working so I can see them again. Unless they work regular nights or the club web site posts dancers (both rare) most give me their number.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
When I want to get a dancer's phone number, I really don't like to directly ask them for it. My technique has been to give them my number, and say something like, "If you want to invite me to come in to see you, you're welcome to call/text me." It works 90% of the time. As to the frequency that I do this, it varies so much, I can't really state how often I do it anymore.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
Nowadays I usually just get their Twitter handle
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@steve- Twitter is so last year. Nowadays it's Instagram.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Well – hate to be a party-pooper but in all reality getting a stripper’s # is no big accomplishment – it’s almost like saying “I got her to take her clothes off for me for just $20”.

#keeping_it_real :)
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
I agree with Papi that getting her digits is no big deal. I've gotten many over the years but have never done anything with them. Right now I have four strippers' numbers on my phone and am thinking about setting up my first OTC with one or two of them. (One at a time, of course.)
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I would agree that getting a number doesn't mean anything. These strippers nowadays are giving their numbers out like candy.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I haven't bothered in a long time. Most of the dancers I meet do not excite me very much.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
from what I can tell it's almost impossible to not get a strippers number if you have gotten a few dances from her...just part of the stripper playbook
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I got a couple in Vegas on Saturday but since I only get there once or twice a year it seemed pointless.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Nukey: oh. I'm sure the 16 y/o girl trolling us as steve229 is absolutely current on the latest and most popular ways to keep in instant and constant contact with her BFFs.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
I got one Sunday night during a bender. Threw it away Monday morning and gave myself a 30 day stripclub suspension.
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Two weeks ago. I've gotten BBBJCIM & FS itc and she's eager to meet me in a hotel. We haven't talked price yet, but soon.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
On the other side of the coin: I heard a story once about a dancer who saves every customer's phone number she gets. She puts whatever scrap of paper they're written on (beverage coasters, business cards, paper towerls, occasional dollar bill, etc.) into a big jar or vase in a prominent location in her apartment. She refers to it as her "trophy." (I assume that the numbers she really wants to keep she enters into her phone or an address book.)
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
If I'm sitting with a girl I'm interested in hooking up with, and she asks if that's my phone on the table, I say, "Oh, that's just my 'ho phone'. You wanna be in it?" That helps to spell out its purpose and weed out the frivolous strippers who are only interested in calling in their regulars.
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