Discouraging Leeches

avatar for JohnSmith69
Every few days we get a post from some guy who has either just signed up for the site, or posted 1-2 reviews in the past ten years, who asks some version of “what’s the best club in x city” or “where can I get extras in x city,” or something similar. Unless such a poster can present a plausible excuse for their non-participation (like perhaps being a newbie who is looking to get more involved), I either don’t answer or at all or I answer with a suggestion that the poster needs to contribute to the site and not just be a leech who just takes our knowledge and never gives back. Many others do the same. However, invariably, somebody (or several somebodies) will provide some valuable intelligence and thus leeches are encouraged to keep sucking us dry (in a hetero, bacon loving, non-sexual sense of sucking).

Since we can’t seem to reach a consensus not to answer such questions, I think the next best strategy would be to designate a person to respond who is unlikely to provide any useful information. Thus, we accomplish the goal of discouraging leeches, while satisfying the need of some to make some type of response. Here are my suggestions for good candidates for the job, and why their answers would likely not be of much help to the leeches.

Papi -- He will simply identify black clubs with free parking.

LMN. He won’t tell them anything as he appears to have died of a drug overdose, at least until he reappears with some unbelievable tale of wealth, intrigue, and drugs.

SanJoseGuy. He will bore them to tears with the excruciatingly detailed story of Santa Clara county strip club laws going back to the 1970s, along with tons of other useless, irrelevant, and mind numbing details about some topic about some issue at some time somewhere ...........

Jerikson40. Not sure what he’ll say, but since he’s wrong 90% of the time it shouldn’t be a problem whatever it is.

JohnSmith69. He is incapable of providing any useful information at the moment because he can’t get over the fact that his ATF is displaying stripper shit and doesn’t love him anymore.

Shadowcat. He will just tell everyone to come to Follies and bring him Viagra.

Dougster. He will say something threatening that includes calling them a faggot.

Skibum609. He will just tell them how many years he has been practicing as a divorce lawyer.

Lowpaw. She would give useful information about LA clubs, but they likely wouldn’t listen because they couldn’t believe that a woman could view strippers and strip clubs just like a man does.

Lapdanceking82. He would just warn posters not to travel very far and to be content leaving the club with sticky pants.

GoVikings. He would only comment on clubs in Richmond VA which are about as thrilling as chubby chasing through the local Walmart.

Clubber. He would only identify the clubs that have bicycle parking.

CrazyJoe. His comments will be limited to one word or a meaningless phrase like “splat” “lol” or “bump bump.”


last comment
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
What?!!! No Juice???

Juice! Juice! Juice!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
There are some out there that buy a lifetime membership and they think they do not need to provide input in the way of reviews because they gave money. That membership gives them the right to read all of the reviews but does not give them the right to seek additional information from the rest of us that do contribute reviews and more. Fuck EM and I don't want their kind at Follies.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I will continue doing my job mr. johnsmith sir
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy can tell them to run The System.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Meanwhile, John Wise will send PM's to the newbie leeches encouraging them to join his website. And after 6 references, a Visa card number, 2 pints of blood, and an NSA background check, you will be admitted to secret level 1, only to find out you could have gotten that on TUSCL.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
Ranukam - Will ask if they've ever fallen in love with a stripper?

Slick - will ask if they saw last night's Dodgers game?

Papi - will rank the clubs by average song length (plus or minus 2 seconds)

Bang69 - will agree with Shadowcat

Sclvr5005 - will agree with Lopaw

Sharkhunter - will tell them which clubs have aliens dancers working there

Mikey02 - will ask if they know how to post a screenshot?

Clubber - will put everyone on ignore
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
Dan Haren blanked the Padres 4-0 last night. The Dodgers have 4 14 game winners, first time in 29 years.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@steve229 -- sharkhunter is probably the most useful person on this site for advice.

If you went to a club with and many dancers were aliens you are going to get an anal probe. If anal probing is going on, I want to be the prober, not the probee.

Don't go to alien clubs, unless you know that said aliens have a "no anal probes" policy.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Steve229 will ask if they will be his BFF or whatever it is that is big with 16 y/o girls at the moment.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

Are you old enough to remember the 1971(?) Baltimore Orioles?

Four 20-game winners!
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

I saw that! :) As my bike bell goes. Ding ding ding...
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
OK, OK...

I see where this is going JohnSmith69 dude.

If people try to leech answers, ask for their address. Inscribe the information in an alien lamguage on metal plates and mail them the plates. If they are meant to have the information they will have seer stones to translate.

Wait, that was your brother Joseph. He was a coo-el dude. Kept marrying all the strippers he met.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
I'd post more reviews but lately I have just been going to one club I've reviewed often, simply because its at the intersection of good looks, value and privacy.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago

Farmerart - tells him how he can make $350k/yr as a rig pig in the Alberta oil fields

Clubber - not satisfied, also de-friends him on Facebook and un-follows him on Twitter and Instagram
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
@Motor-I was born in 75 but I've read about them. Palmer was the Man.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
$350K? Peshaw. LMN dude spends that in one night. Hell, that dude paid $20 millinon to fly a tatted up junky up to his personal space station and then just sent he back when she didn t bring enough Xanex and green M&Ms.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

facebook, yes, the others, I don't indulge.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

After I mentioned facebook, I checked there and there is a "South Florida Clubber" on facebook. Seems he/she is a night club clubber and not of our ilk.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago

Steve229 - makes an obscure pop culture reference

Hey, speaking of leaches, remember that scene with Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen?

avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
steve229 - I do remember that scene especially since I just watched that movie again on Netflix.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I agree with Dougster.
Go back to watching TMZ, oldmansteve.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I love The African Queen. That movie is on my Top 10 list. Charlie Allnut was Canadian.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Jim Palmer, Dave McNally, Mike Cuellar (lefty throwing a screwball) and Pat Dobson. The first three won 20 games the year before. McNally was injured but went 20-5 but "only" pitched 11 complete games. Palmer was a stud at 25, but the surprise was 34 year old Cuellar who had 21 complete games. To put baseball in perspective and to show what sissies today's players are this 4 person staff had 70 complete games. Seventy. In all of MLB this entire year there has been 106.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Very funny steve, I am also just as likely to point out that the 71 Pirates, led by Roberto Clemente (the great one), defeated the Orioles in the World Series.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I think people are unclear as to how much explicit information they should give about a specific club.

On the SF R*E*D B^O^O^K this was not a problem because you needed to call and definitely book an appointment to visit an AAMP. The cops never did this. When they made busts, it had nothing to do with RB. So the discussions, ads, and reviews were extremely explicit.

But now with storefront AMPs the consensus was that you can't say much, because anybody can just walk in the front door. SC's are more this type of a situation.

Then there is also the problem that it is hard to tell what people want, and often they don't know themselves. Also, I think people will probably get getter results from their local SC's, where they can become known. The US doesn't have sex tourism locales. Need to got to TJ for that.

I also think we need to get away from "mileage" discussions, and instead come up with some categories to define quality of FS.


Frigid Pink
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Hey – I can only go by my area of expertise.

If you need to find a black club; with free parking; where they don’t cut the songs; then I’m your man.

I’m pretty much useless for any other type of discussions.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I try to give people the benefit to the doubt – sometimes I think to myself they may not have the time to thread thru countless reviews many of which are shit and thus they may come on the board to ask the professional PLs and thus avoid reading countless reviews of which often times a high percentage are worthless and makes it difficult to make an informed opinion.

I am starting to take offense though to those that come out of the blue and want all kinds of detailed info handed to them on a sliver platter – especially when asking about extras.
avatar for BagBoyJames
10 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I agree with BagBoyJames
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Now what alien carries around an anal probe?
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@Shark dude... plenty of aliens go 'round with a big hoopajupe that they put up your ass my man. Aliens are totally into the rectum.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I was thinking about showing Dr Who. However instead I think I'll just post a link of some hot alien elves with large probes.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
zipman, you mean more like this?
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Mr. Smith,

A bit of advice....get the fuck over yourself.

Geezus, you have a stick up your butt because somebody asks for some information, but he doesn't have enough "rep points" or whatever for your pompous ego? Get the fuck over yourself. You think your information is fucking gold plated or something, and only worthy of those who have given you equal value first?

Geez, dude, if some guy comes up to you on the street and asks for directions, do you tell him to fuck off because he hasn't given you equally valuable directions before? This is a community forum, where people share information. And if you have a stick up your butt for some particular individual, so what? OTHERS might be able to benefit from the info. You post in a public forum so many people have access to info.

And considering that most of the crap that's posted in this forum is fucking useless, childish ranting by fucking 6 year olds, don't you think it raises the bar just a bit to provide some actual information instead of calling everyone faggots?
avatar for pineconepartyliquor
10 years ago
^^^ ....Says the king of calling people faggots
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"^^^ ....Says the king of calling people faggots"

Well, to be fair, I believe that what you are referring to is a single incident in which I suggested, somewhat jokingly, that a guy who derives sexual satisfaction from "ass play" might be exceedingly gay. Not a faggot. And I believe that was directed at you. Hence your incorrect description of me as "king of calling people faggots", likely derived from being offended and therefore hating me until the end of time, I suspect. So, like others here, I'm sure I can assume you will now spend your time nipping at my heels and calling me names?
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Actually, jerkoffson, you also correctly observed that jester214 is gay. His interest on fashion and preoccupation with what other guys look like makes it a pretty dead giveaway.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@pineconedude - you're thinking of Dougsta. He specializes in calling folks faggots. jerikson seems to have some issues with gay dudes, but he doesn't call folks faggot that much. Perhaps ironically, Dougsta doesn't seem to have similar issues with gay dudes. Just digs callin' his rivals faggots.

@sharkdude - sonic screwdriver? I'll raise you a frickin' Dalek!

Doctor Who companion naked with Dalek:
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"....jerikson seems to have some issues with gay dudes"

Well, yeah, but I don't think it's much different from most guys. I mean, lets be honest, if someone asked you if you would ever fuck a guy up the butthole, what would your response be? I'm guessing that 90% of the guys surveyed would immediately say "NO FUCKING WAY !!!". I certainly would. Would you? So yeah, I have some issues with homosexuality.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.

No, not at all.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
Alrighty then jerikson dude. Perhaps I've misunderstood your stance. So...let me get this right. You're a big fat "no" on the whole "fuckin' another dude up the butthole". Correct?

How 'bout rimjobbies?
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
zipman, you didn't answer the questions I posed...

How would YOU respond? And what's YOUR stance?
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
OK...OK... I'll take off the joker hat for a moment.

Personally, I don't dig the dudes 'cos I'm straight. If I'm fuckin' anybody up the butthole it's going to be a chick. WEEE-YAWWW!!!

Well, I guess I didn't fully remove the joker hat. What I was referring to was your previous threads about homosexuality being immoral because it makes you want to throw up. There are a lot of things I don't want to see or do (among them fucking another dude) that I'm fine with other folks doing. As long as everybody is over 18 it ain't nobody else's business.

And my personal stance on rimjobbies? WEEE-YAWWW!!! (As long as a chick is doing the licking)

But I'm not going to judge another dude that wants his rimjobs served with a moustache on the side.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
In the wise words of one Joe Rogan, "I'm not homophobic, I'm just cock-conscious."
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Jerkoffson is the biggest closet case going.
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
jerikson40, I trust that a guy with a name like "JohnSmith69" can get over himself lickety split.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
@slick your a Rogan fan did you listen to the ex-CIA guy Mike Baker interview podcast? I thought it was really good.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
@IME-Yup. He had some insight and wasn't too much of a spin doctor/company shill. I liked how he brought up the CIA/FBI rivalry and problems because of it. His first show with Bas Rutten as a guest was one of my favorites. Bas is the man.
avatar for Douqster
10 years ago
"- you're thinking of Dougsta. He specializes in calling folks faggots. "

Damn straight, skippy!


avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
As long as you feel good about yourself Douqsta. Keep on keepin' on.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@steve229- with me you forgot about dating strippers and fucking strippers for free lol.
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