
Extras or No Extras

Avatar for ReplyToCraig

I think it would be great if Tuscl had 1 more thing listed on each club..if the club is an "extras" club or not..since I don't waste time with clubs with mindless bouncers who think their shit don't stink so they get in your face if you're touching the goods you just paid for, it would be good to know if it's just a dancer club or an extras club..


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Avatar for SuperDude

Some posters have been jutifiably relectant to give too much information about the regular availability of "extras" for fear of LE trolling this site.

Avatar for mjx01

slightly OT, but basic info (hrs, etc) don't get updated. Plus the non-LE trolls or even PL from very low mileage areas who don't know what a real extra is would just give bad info like they already do. I really don't see an efficient alternative to 'reading the tea leaves' that would be more reliable.

Plus (IMO) mileage tends to be very regional and it's isn't that hard to get the gist of what areas are better than other. Also, IMO, being a regular / known PL pays a part in what menu is offered.

Avatar for mjx01

With the exception of certain near 'guaranteed' situations, what one guy got isn't necessarily going to be offered to another.

Avatar for Big_sarge

And in my experience, some extras come with time and overall cash spent. So the club may not be an extras club for the normal PL...but for us uber PL's it is...

Avatar for DandyDan

Not to put too fine a point on it, but at least within the letter of the law, extras are illegal. Now, do you want LE to come to some extras club and read you the letter of the law? Besides, it's more fun to figure things out firsthand.

Avatar for shadowcat

It's bad enough that I get PMs from people that I don't know wanting names of dancers that do extras. I don't want to open the flood gate.

Avatar for zipman68

C'mon, c'mon...hear ol' officer Craig out.

Should we break it to him that ALL of the supposed extras described on here are works of fiction? He will be disappointed to learn that most strippers are actually studying to be nuns and most remain virgins. They are just clean and virtuous girls working through their issues by showing themselves off.

Lookee...no touchee Craig dude.

Avatar for bvino

There is enough information in all the reviews if you read them. Either directly or indirectly the info is apparent. If there isn't any mention of it there probably isn't any.

Avatar for ReplyToCraig

Actually all the comments make a lot of sense..I had just come back from a club where the bouncer was an ass hole and acted like I should pay him for the privileges with the ladies..

keeping the extras on the down low actually does a lot to keep the club from getting busted.

Avatar for dennyspade

I had actually read Craig's review of a Chicago suburban club and have experienced similar treatment at tat club and its sister club. Some may recall the 'Owner/manager' of a Chicago strip club who had $12 million tucked away in a storage locker. The location of this club is in an area with other clubs that have been shut down for 'prostitution' and solicitation. Craig only has to go 10 minutes away to get all the 'extras' he desires from a club that puts it all upfront. Chicago strip clubs SUCK, unfortunately, not all of the entertainers adhere to this mandate,

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Unfortunately unlike most of the westernized world; the U.S. is still in the dark ages when it comes to sex thus driving P4P somewhat underground.

LE often times will not make a big deal out of messing w/ clubs unless the clubs get out of control – thus keeping a low-profile is probably the only/best way to go about it – LE and management probably prefer to look the other way w.r.t. extras; but if the behavior is too blatant then they may need to clamp down b/c of our outdated laws.

IMO – only when P4P is decriminalized (as in most advanced societies) can there be a more honest and open conversation.

Avatar for Player11

Even girls in non extras clubs fuck - I have done a number of them OTC -$200 is magic number..

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

In some states just talking about PFP can get arrested.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

What Papi said is very true. an example of this is Cheaters in Providence RI

LE was pretty much leaving everyone alone and most clubs were keeping as a quiet badly kept secret -wink-wink- . Here comes Cheaters even after being busted a couple of years ago for an underage dancer and getting off on a technicality. They got greedy. openly push extras, and hired without checking the new hire ID's for validity and got busted for not only an underage dancer but her offering sex for money out in the main room to a cop. The cop of course had no choice but to bust everyone in sight. A publicity nightmare and even though Cheaters owner got a small fine (a few thousand dollars) and a finger wagging admonishment. He decided to close and sell the place leaving all the other places in Providence to deal with the public scrutiny that will take until after the next election to die down.

Providence likes the revenue these club bring in from out of towners coming to town to club.

But right now the politicos are using the public ire to generate votes.

Most people do not look for prostitution to bust and have a

"not my business policy", but when it is front of their face they will stomp on it like an ant hill that has bitten them.

Discretion is always the better part of valor... in other words a low profile is always best. Every club I have ever been in including Detroit clubs have an official policy of No Prostitution to keep LE off their backs. The smart owners just have a blind spot and allow it to go on under their noses so to speak, collect the private dance fees, booth & room fees and drink fees. They don't have to push the girls to do extras that will happen on its own because if one girl sees another with a fist full of cash from extras she will likely want the same thing. When the owner/managers get greedy and coerce the girls then it becomes blatant and LE is forced to make a show of busting people.

Avatar for ujay

Well said Tiredtraveler. I could not have said it better. Discretion is the better part of valor

Avatar for lopaw

mjx01 +1

Avatar for Cheo_D

Now this is an outstanding sample of the community coming up with good solid explanations of why things can't always be the way people would want them to be.

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