What is your type?

avatar for skibum609
I have a type and I know it. My current top 4 are all similar. All have dark hair and eyes; all are an A or B cup; all are between 4'9" and 5'3", all weigh between 88 and 115 pounds; all have a tight round ass; all exercise and it shows; all are exceptional in private and all have a super model level face, just stunningly beautiful. I always assumed I liked petite women with pretty faces, but a buddy tells me I don't. He says I like "ethnic" women because one is Puerto Rican, one is Mexican (looks 100% Asian), one is Cape Verdean and the other Haitian. Do I like petite or do I like ethnic and what do you like?


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Why can't it be both?
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I li ke ethnic and big boobs brunettes
avatar for rockie
11 years ago
While I play with many types, I'm most captivated by women w B cups, typically 5'0" to 5"4 in height, typically 100 lbs to 115 lbs of weight, upbeat conversationalist, any ethnicity. There are exception to the above in every club that I engage with, but there is no attraction for me to the welterweight division (150 lbs unless they are 5'8" +) or the heavyweight division that grazes at one of my local haunts.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
My experiences are all over the place, but my "type" would be a brunette under 5'3" with blue eyes and a killer ass. I am not concerned with her cup size, as long as they're perky. Hence same stats as a girl I dated in college that is (to me) the hottest girl I have ever encountered. Too bad she has/d the personality of a brick and was horrible in bed. Luckily I didn't make her mrs shailynn because today, she's fat and now a blonde.

But what do I know, the hottest stripper I have spent time with in the past year was a 5'10" blonde with brown eyes and an athletic build... Lol

I do know that I like to stay away from enhanced boobies, usually fun to look at but not so great to play with.
avatar for Mate27
11 years ago
Me too! Petite and pretty and athletic notated what ethnicity.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
I'm gonna go with you like ethnic babes. Ever see a Mexican, asain or Puerto Rican babe that's 5'8"? Probably not so all the girls you like are naturally petite due to the ethnicity... Just a theory...
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I prefer white spinners but my list of favorites is all over the place. The one thing they have in common is they do provide me with extras. :)
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
I prefer Latinas. Their skin tone and dark hair is what I love about them. Also, some of them, like Brazilians, tend to look exotic and I LOVE exotic looking women.

avatar for rediguan
11 years ago
Ski: my guess is petite. It doesn't sound like you would prefer the dancers u describe with 20 lbs extra weight.

I am the anti-kardashian type. Just can't get into huge asses. Smaller hips, tight ass. Tall or short, black or white or yellow or purple don't matter.
avatar for cbthree
11 years ago
It would be asinine for ME to tell you what YOU like as you should know your damn self! I like ALL women with a flat stomach and a big round ass as far as who I want to bang. Now if I am to be seen with them in public, the face must be up to par as well lol.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
+ black women – preferably AA (AA is a subset of black with black consisting of African American; Haitian; Jamaican; African; etc) – non AA black women IME/IMO often times have more mixing in them and thus sometimes have more Caucasian features which IME often means smaller/flatter asses (where I like them BIG ass-wise)

+ normally prefer shorter women 5”4 and under b/c they tend to be/look more stacked/curvy – but often time this is kinda a moot point w/ AAs b/c even the tall ones are often stacked/curvy; but still prefer short and stacked/curvy

+ prefer a good WAR – Waist to Ass Ratio – meaning I love wide hips and a big round booty where their waist looks small either b/c it’s relatively small or her supa-curves make her waist look small even if it’s not that small (often times when an ebony is on all 4’s and one is behind her; the small of her back seems to disappear out of view b/c of the size and curvature of her booty – yum yum)

+ prefer D natural breasts (or bigger) although if the azz is there I don’t mind if she’s an A-cup – AAs being the physical freaks that they are sometimes seem like 2 different women in one; i.e. sometimes they’ll have a skinny upper body (skinny arms; small waist; flat stomach; A-cups) and then a thick as hell lower body with thick thighs; wide hips; and big ole ass – I just love curves and contrast and often times small tits w/ a big ass (and wide hips; thick thighs) makes them look even sexier (damn I’m starting to get a hard-on)

+ w.r.t. skin color – I find yellowbones (light skinned ebonies) very pretty and exotic but actually get turned on more by the dark skin (and for w/e reason it often seems the darker sistas have the best bods/booties – but this could just be a psychological thing for me)

+ I’ve had an affinity for black women pretty much since puberty – I’ve always been way more turned on by the bod than the face and there is no body like a black woman’s body IMO – and even when I was young and had not been exposed to the ebonies; I still preferred the white girls with the best/most-developed bodies

+ I’m at the point where I can find white women attractive but they just don’t get my juices going – I also like how many black women are very physically strong and not conservative at all about sex (for the most part) – i.e. they’ll fuck the shit out of you and more often than not leave you satisfied which is not the case for me personally with white women

+ almost everything that is particular to black women turns me on more – i.e. love full lips (can’t stand skinny lips); love big dark areolas; and da curves of course (I even get turned on by a large tongue and many black women have large tongues) – a pretty face is def a nice extra but def not a requirement (I often turn down dancers w/ pretty faces and avg bods but hardly even turn down dancers w/ great bods and avg faces)

Sorry if I was too brief and didn’t make my point.

avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Exotic looking, nice ass, beautiful face, tan, nice toned legs.
avatar for lousygolferdude
11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Short and stumpy. Kinda like a keg with tits.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I have no type. As long as she looks exactly like Kate Upton, I have no type.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Moto-Haha. Now that's the truth.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
No bullshittin'.
avatar for chessmaster
11 years ago
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"Exotic looking, nice ass, beautiful face, tan, nice toned legs."

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
And most of what Papi said....
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I already got that covered, lousygolferdude.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Asians are preferred, but are rarely seen in these parts. After Asian, exotic looking. Don't care where they came from. Black hair pretty much a must. I don't care for black women, in general, but if she were light skinned enough, OK by me. B or C is fine. NO tats or piercings. In shape, but has to not be bony.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
Beautiful, sexy, tight, with a great ass.
avatar for Poof
11 years ago
Me and Papi have the same taste in strippers/women: ebony, thick, ass, titties, thighs, oh my!
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Long dark hair, athletic build, over 5'6", B or C cup, firm ass, preferably Asian or Russian.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
I have no type, I take all of em.
avatar for Pole_Doc
11 years ago

Man, I hear ya on the WAR (waist to ass ratio), although my CF falls rather short in this area (I've told her as much too).

I used to say I have a type (petite and curvy, with dark skin and a perfect WAR) but my shit has been some of everywhere!

Now I just say, "I know it, when I see it." It's something different, just about every time. With my CF, it was her personality and pretty, soft skin (although she's fucked it up with overkill of tattoos). She also has an infectious smile (great dental plan) and I'm particular about a woman's mouth. I like kissing, so the mouth (lips) has to be pretty.

Idk... I just know, when I know.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
My CF is my type. Long blonde hair, blue green eyes, tanned. No investment made just to get her to bed, she actually chose me, more like a dude picking up a chick, that's what she did to me, yeah, a prostitute.

My backup CF is also my type. Tall, reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, milky white skin. She is young and stands out in the crowd. This one I'm investing a little bit.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I can be all over, but if they got big tits and ass, they got a chance. The only real things that turn me off are boobs which look obviously fake and if they look anorexic. As far as hair color goes, it's blonde or redhead.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago

Well, there are only a few real deal breakers for me, and redhead is one of them. Especially the bright red with freckles. Not good.

And really white skin. Which often goes with redheads. Not gonna happen. I HATE really white skin.

Which is why I tend to dislike Japanese girls. They try very hard to keep this really white skin. And they also tend to have fairly featureless bodies, with no tone or shape, no muscular definition whatsoever. Not good. Deal breaker.

BBBZZZZTTTTT !!! Penalty...Flag on the play.

It's kinda strange. In some SE Asian countries (Thailand, etc.) the girls try very hard to get and keep white skin. They'll carry umbrellas when it's sunny so they don't get a tan, even if their skin is already dark. And skin whiteners are really popular. I feel like telling them, "Honey, chicks in the US pay big bucks to get tanned/dark skin like yours !!" I guess they think it makes them look rich or something.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Very similar to my choice. Guess I just might also be a lesbian. :)
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
@Papi -- you clearly haven't thought this through carefully. ; )
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
For me it is natural tits (small is ok, but prefer B-C), thin but not anorexic, no tats, light skin, redhead or blonde. Freckles are a plus. Blue or green eyes also a plus, but brown is not a deal breaker.

Spray on tans a major turn off!
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Ethnic spinners is my preferred dancer type so I seek them out. 5'3" or shorter, B or C tits. I like Asians the most with black and Hispanic tied for second. Too many white girls have attitudes....99% of the bad dances I've had were white girls.

In real life I've had pretty much every race and body type at one point or another. Tall, short, fat, thin, you name it. I find personality is WAY more important than looks when I'm having an actual relationship. My current g/f is my height and my age, and is decidedly not dancer material as she could lose some poundage. But she's the best bed partner and we like all the same things in life so it works out.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
I don't have one type....I find some women attractive in all categories. Spinners, Asians, Tall blonds, AAs, whatever. I'm more into the service than the looks anyhow (to a point).
avatar for TxVegas
11 years ago
I have had a great time with women with multiple looks. But, if I had a preference, I would choose pretty face, flat stomach, small tight ass, c cup boobs that are actually slightly larger than would be appropriate for the fit body that they accompany. Hair color is not that important to me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“…The kind who look like Serena Williams …”

I would not mind getting some LDs from that stacked ebony

“…Papi -- you clearly haven't thought this through carefully …”

Yeah I know – I’m kinda waffling – I think I need to hit the black SCs a couple of hundred more times so I can come to a conclusion
avatar for HungryGiraffe
11 years ago
Tall, long- haired, brunette, flat stomach, high hip-to-waist ratio, natural D to DD, with stunning facial beauty.
avatar for Pole_Doc
11 years ago
What are "spinners?"
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"What are "spinners?""

Tiny chicks that are so small you can lower them onto your dick and spin them around.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Right on Papi. You know what you want. Go get it. Again and again and again...
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
@Clubber -

lol......in that case you'd better start showing up for our monthly meetings ;)
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago

enough said - flawless IMO
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Nothing really set in stone, though I prefer nice size tits.

My only real weakness is short red heads, darker red, with nice bodies. I can empty my wallet on that but unfortunately (or fortunately I suppose) they're rare.
avatar for Pole_Doc
11 years ago
Thanks, Jerikson....

IMO? Anyone?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
IMO = In My Opinion

urbandictionary.com is a very good site for finding meanings for acronyms and slang terms.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Pole_Doc - to more clearly define Jerikson's definition...5' or less 85lbs or less. "A" or "B" tits. Often confused with petite.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
No particular type for me. My faves have been between 5' and 5'10", blonde/brunette/
redhead, brown/blue/green-eyed, AA through DD cup, 21 through 44 years old.

They are all very sexy women, and I wouldn't want to limit that by looking for a single type!
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"Often confused with petite."

And kids in grade school....
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"99% of the bad dances I've had were white girls."

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Oh, and Pole_Doc, here's an urbandictionary reference for my response of "word".

"Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth."
"Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night."
"Word?" ("You speak the truth?")
"Word." ("I speak the truth.")
avatar for Pole_Doc
11 years ago
Thanks for the clarification, Guys.

I'm pretty much up to date on slang, Jerikson. It's just these acronyms sometimes used on these boards. BTW, "Word" is quite old. I was using that in junior high, growing up in Queens, NY (LOL)!

Papi, thanks for the resource.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Is there an east coast chapter?
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
@ Clubber -

I'll make some phone calls =D
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Just out of curiosity, how do you get your SC time? I assume all of us with a SO have their ways.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago

I only have Saturday afternoons (the missus plays beach volleyball all afternoon with her friends) and sometimes Wednesday late afternoons (the missus has meetings late on Wednesdays). That's about all I got to work with. I make it work the best that I can.

How about yourself?
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Seems to me you might wish to go to the volleyball games. :)

For myself, I work on the road and not in an office, so I can pretty much stop anywhere I wish. One of the reasons I am an afternoon SC goer. That also limits my time to about an hour, but that is plenty of time for me. Sometimes I work some in the evenings, but paying a cover somehow bothers me a bit, and I prefer the slower afternoons. All of my faves and my ATF were all "found" in the afternoon.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I got another type I love, the four eyes and no clothes type.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago

Shorter Papi: "Baby got back"
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