Stripper Fights

No, this isn't the next big thing after Bum Fights. I'd like to know how many of y'all have seen strippers in actual fisticuffs? We seem to have a lot of 2 amers but I rarely read any threads about stripper fights. I've seen strippers argue with one another but I've never seen two strippers mollywop each other.
Now, best girl fight that I've ever witnessed was in Pomona,CA, after this party. This was back in the early 90's when there were still cholas, real cholas, not just hoodrats. One big chola was beating the shit out of this little chola, probably half her size. Why, I haven't a clue. Right when it looked like the little chola was through, a razor magically appeared out of her feathered hair and the slicing began. Not a very pretty site.
Now, best girl fight that I've ever witnessed was in Pomona,CA, after this party. This was back in the early 90's when there were still cholas, real cholas, not just hoodrats. One big chola was beating the shit out of this little chola, probably half her size. Why, I haven't a clue. Right when it looked like the little chola was through, a razor magically appeared out of her feathered hair and the slicing began. Not a very pretty site.
This guy was huge. He looked like Huell, Saul's body guard on a Breaking Bad. About 425 pounds. He literally held this 90 pound black spinner like he was carrying a football and tossed her out on her ass just like in the movies.
Other instances I've seen have been substantially similar. One girl chucked a stripper heel at another one, while she was on stage. Meaning the girl on stage took off her heel and chucked it at the other dancer (presumably cause she was approaching her custie.) Another one jumped out of a custies lap, ran across the floor & cold cocked a girl as she walked out of the DR, then proceeded to go into the DR. its always been one sided like that, where one attacks and the other gets attacked. Never an outright fight where blows are exchanged.
I've heard about actual fights in the dressing rooms, but never actually witnessed one. Allegedly, those can be long and brutal, even in some of the classier clubs.
The 1/2 stripper fight was a fight between a dancer and a bouncer at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach. She started whaling on him and he and another bouncer had to carry her out kicking and screaming. Don't know what set her off.
As I heard about it from another dancer the next night, T. Fight ensued between S. and two other girls. T. was a straight up working girl, and I believe very good at what she does. She was always fun to talk with. She brought her own security with her. Smart! T.'s security broke up the girl fight.
But you know, the problem with this is that these fights destroy the environment. You can't be getting tities in the face, or caressing a girls behind, or using your hands and thumbs to spread her from behind, when it is not safe.
After the girl fight, there was a guy fight. These can be really dangerous. Girl fight will often cause this.
So the talent agents who run this were smart, they fired S. and one of the other girls. They have to do it this way, or it will never work.
This is not the one I saw but a good one
If you ever want to see strippers fighting, that's the place. And it's amazing how quickly some seriously hot chicks turn real ugly, real quick. The heels come off, the wigs come off, tears make the makeup run...damn, not something you want to see. It'll really smash your visions of hot strippers into the ground.
another one of my faves knocked out this girl who was taking food away from my fave. had the balls to take food right in front of her face. nothing subtle-not trying to steal while my fave is not looking. this fave though did get fired.
1. At one of those clubs where they go from stage to stage every song, two girls who obviously didn't like each other started wailing on each other while onstage. Needless to say, both were escorted out of the building.
2. At my favorite club once, there were two girls who were fighting because apparently, the one intruded on the others customer. I believe the instigator of that fight got escorted out of the building.
I've heard about many fights in the dressing room, and I may have even heard them fighting a couple times.