The Secret History of RickyBoy and The System: Part I: The Early Years

avatar for Dougster
I'm sure all will agree that RickyBoy's The System…

is the single most important article in the history of TUSCL. Now my good
friend JuicyJ and I wanted to learn more about the man who invented this The
System and the history behind its invention. We did find an article RickyBoy
himself had written that gave some insights into his "personality damage" and hinted at the troubled early life of the man who spent ten years inventing this The System:…

But we wanted to learn more! We tried to contact RickyBoy directly for some
details, but he refused to answer our questions. Thus we were forced to track
down and locate people from RickyBoy's early life to get the answers we were
after. The interviews went as follows:

[Ed]: Please tell us the basics about the family RickyBoy grew up in.
[Rick's Aunt Sue]: RickyBoy was an only child. He grew up living with his
mother and father in a town neighboring the town that his Uncle Vince (my
husband) and I lived in. The town RickyBoy grew up in was smaller and poorer compared ours.

[Ed]: What was the relationship like between the brothers: Rick's Uncle and his father?
[Rick's Aunt Sue]: Originally it was pretty good. Rick's father was on track to be a corporate lawyer while Rick's uncle was gradually building up a small business selling promising race horses across the country.

[Ed]: You said it started that way. What happened?
[Rick's Aunt Sue]: Unfortunately, Rick's father got into a tragic accident one
day. Rick had to be picked up from pre-school because he had an ear infection.
On the way, however, Rick's father got into a car accident and was left
paralyzed from the waist down. To make matters worse, Rick's father had ducked
out of work to pick up Rick to take him to the doctor without notifying his
employer. The company he worked for had found a loophole in the contract which
allowed them to reduce the disability payments because of this. Rick's father
was very resentful toward the world after that for the randomness and
unfairness of the accident had befallen him. After that, he would often go
into rants about the injustices of the world and complain endlessly. My brother got sick of this quite quickly and it strained relations between them.

[Ed]: Wow! That's terrible! What was Rick's relation with his father and mother like?
[Rick's Aunt Sue]: Rick was always a rather anxious child. At first he seemed
to like both parents, but after the accident Rick began to look down on his
father. His father was picking up on this and, after that, many times Rick
himself would become the target of the rants. Rick's mother, meanwhile, didn't do much of anything. She was nice enough to Rick but didn't intervene when his father went off.

[Ed]: Gee! That's terrible. Did Rick get along with you and his Uncle?
[Rick's Aunt Sue]: He seemed to like his uncle better than his father.
Especially the way his uncle dressed and how he was able to put at ease with
humor. Also, our own family became wealthier since my husband was able to work
and grow the business while Rick's father was no longer able to work. Rick
told us on a number of occasions that he wished he had grow up with us instead.

[*] To get some ideas about Rick's uncle and aunt we decided to talk to Rick's mother

[Ed]: So Rick had no siblings. How did he get along with his cousins?
[Rick's Mother]: Generally pretty good, but sometimes his cousins would tease him because their family had more money, and also about his father.

[Ed]: Rick's aunt mentioned some strain in relations between his father and
uncle. Can you tell us more about that?
[Rick's Mother]: Well Rick's uncle did not care at all for the complaining.
Rick's father, on the other hand, thought that Rick's uncle had only got to
his place in life through shady business dealings.

[Ed]: Shady business dealing? Can you elaborate on that?
[Rick's Mother]: Well Rick's uncle sold race horses across the country but
there were rumors that he would misrepresent the horse's lineage and record at
the track. It was also felt, from some of the large amounts of money he
received for some horses, that it was not always duping. Money laundering was
also suspected.

[Ed]: Wow! I can see how that could strain family relations.
[Rick's Mother]: Yes.

[Ed]: Changing gear a bit. What was it like for Rick in school?
[Rick's Mother]: Rick was anxious in school and, also, because our family was not the wealthiest, and because his father was in a wheelchair he did receive a fair amount of teasing at school.

[Ed]: What did his teachers think of him?
[Rick's Mother]: Rick got in trouble a number of times because he would always lie. He did ever since he could talk. It was almost like it was programmed into him by genetics our something. He could never stop. Even when it was obvious that others were onto him he would just keep going and going. Rick also got in trouble for petty theft a time or two.

[Ed]: Wow! Sounds like he was in danger of falling in with the real bad seeds at school.
[Rick's Mother]: Yes, we were worried about that, but it didn't happen.
Although he was considered a "bad kid" his anxiety meant the really bad kids didn't want to hang around him. And the wealthier kids avoided him as well. He was quite lonely at that point.

[*] To get some more ideas about Rick's school life we talked to his neighbor
Jill - a girl in school around Rick's age.

[Ed]: So we understand that Rick was quite anxious and lonely in school and something of a "bad kid". Did he have any friends?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Not many when he was young. I thought sorry for the
family situation, the terrible car accident and all, and I tried to take Rick a bit under my wing. He wasn't all bad.

[Ed]: What do you mean "not all bad"?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Well when Rick was young he seemed to have no natural
understanding of how people and human relations worked. It was like everything
had to be a rule for him. As he got older, however, he was gaining some
confidence. I think his Uncle was helping him along, giving he clues regarding
human behavior. Rick really idolized his Uncle. Especially the way he looked
(his uncle was a very handsome man) and dressed. Rick just loved spending time
with Uncle. There were rumors it went beyond that... But that's something I
shouldn't talk about. So back to your question... Rick was developing
something of a sense of humor as he was getting older which helped him become more popular.

[Ed]: That's interesting, sounds like things were looking on the up for our RickyBoy?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Well they seemed to be. But the thing about his father
always hung over him and was weighing increasingly heavily on his mother. When
Rick was 14 his mother couldn't take it anymore and the parents got divorced.
Rick's mother go custody and Rick went to live with her, meaning fewer visits
to his cherished Uncle. Again, Rick did not react well to that and went into a
very melancholic period. Shut himself off from the tenative friendships he was
inching his way toward making.

[Ed]: Bad luck again! Did Rick ever pull out of that?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: It took a while. His Uncle had been the only really solid foundation in his life and when that gone he was just drifting. Even lost his sense of humor for a time. But then, of all things, he did get to see his Uncle again. An outing to see the movie "Wall Street".

[Ed]: What kind of an affect did that movie have on Rick?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Oh, he was completely transformed! Completely idolized
Gordon Gekko. He would talk to me about Gordon and the contrast with his
father. While his father he saw as weak and someone who complained about the
injustices and unfairness of the world, Gordon completely embraced it and
turned it to his advantage. All that money all that power. Rick stole the VHS
tape and most have watched that move a dozen times when his mother wasn't
around. Even started talking like Gordon Gekko. He would say things to kids at
school like "Ok, kiddo!" He was driven. He wanted to be as much like Gordon
Gekko as he could. Go to a good school. Study business. Work on Wall Street.
Actually become Gordon Gekko.

[Ed]: Seems like Gordon Gekko had come to fill the void created in Rick's now that he couldn't see his uncle as often.
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Yes, very much so. There was a very odd story Rick related to me. How when going out with father on "business errands" his uncle would often duck into the homes of some very lovely women while Rick waited in the car. Rick's uncle made him swear not to tell anyone, but I guess he trusted me. At first Rick didn't really understand but as time went on, he started to figure out the truth, but, strangely, it seemed to be something he admired.

[Ed]: Was there trouble with Rick's Aunt?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Not exactly. She was a very beautiful woman. Some said a "trophy wife". She really didn't do much just stood to the side and let Rick's uncle handle everything.

[Ed]: Were there any strong women in Rick's family?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Not really.

[Ed]: Okay, changing gears then, it sounds like those dreams Rick had of becoming Gordon Gekko would have taken some work in school?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: That's true, and the truth is that Rick rather
preferred sneaking out to drink with friends rather than studying when he
could during this time. His friends were getting a bit sick of his arrogant "I
am Gordon Gekko" attitude. He was about to get cut off, but it seemed he was
learning another skill - telling people what they wanted to hear. That kept
him in there (barely) enough for them to taking him out drinking occasionally
but not nearly as often as he wished.

[Ed]: So did Rick study at all?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Not much. He did well in softer subjects where he could just write what he thought teachers wanted to here. Science was a challenge for him despite his love of "rules" and "patterns".

[Ed]: So was he successful in the end?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: We were all amazed when he managed to get accepted to one of the lesser more prestigious schools in the country. Rumors circulated that his uncle might have pulled some strings, since his grades were a little weak.

[Ed]: One final question for now. What was Rick's dating life like in high
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Well Rick's anxiety definitely limited him, but a
bigger problem was that he would only try for the best looking and richer
girls and invariably get shot down immediately. The few times he did manage to
go on a date they were quite turned off by his Gordon Gekko like speech, phony mannerisms and
general arrogance and pretention. Rick was never able to score a prom date, but after
considerable pressure from my own and his family I agreed to accompany him. He was
almost giddy with delight.

[Ed]: Did he try to make any moves on you that night?
[Rick's neighbor Jill]: Yes, very nervously. I really didn't like him that
way, though, and when I told him so he was very apologetic and almost broke
down crying. I really felt badly for him.

JuicyJ and I were fascinated by this and quite eager to hear more, but it would have to wait for another interview session....

[Coming Soon Part II: RickyBoy's College and Early Working Years]


last comment
avatar for BlueLion
11 years ago
Lol...a tuscl epic first and a juice dougster classic
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^ I noticed you put juice in front of
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Great reading material...looking forward to part two
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Dostoevsky who? This classic should be mandatory reading at ALL levels of education, K-12 and at the collegiate level.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
crazyjoe posted: "Great reading material...looking forward to part two"

Me too. ;)
avatar for Mate27
11 years ago
This is awesome! I hope to finish this later and reread after a couple drinks tonight. Thanks!
avatar for BlueLion
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Thanks for the kind words all! JuicyJ and I are glad you enjoyed part I and working on completing the research for part II. Stayed tuned!

avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
^What a loser.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ still mad at me, because I fucked his mother. (Looks like my little bitchboy urpissedonpot now posts about me in 85% of his post. Good work, my little bitch!)
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Who pissed in urpissedonpot's corn flakes anyway? Guy is nearly as much of a perma-grouch as the JestieGirl.

avatar for LarryBird33
11 years ago
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Part II "Ricky Boy's College Years and Early Working Career" needs to find a publisher soon and get it out on the market. I believe this is where "the System" begins it's transformation from seedling to sapling. Most sequels aren't as good as the first, but like "Star Wars" and herpes, it's will be as inspiring as the first go around. Part II predicting a chapter on how Rickyboy handles his first STD, and how his mother when she found out screams at him "Your dick is going to fall off if you keep fucking them whores!" Her eventual over smothering of Rickyboy sets him down a path that separates his emotional ties with women, and soon begins a pattern of objectifying ladies.

Wish I had time to interview those people in Rickyboys past with you. I'd love to help account for the life and times of Rick Dugan.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago true
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Rickyboy tried creating a normal life for himself and thought getting married would satisfy the hole left in his gaping heart, yet none the less like in so many marriages, the sex dwindles once the wife has children. Rickyboy's hyperactivity kicks in, and needs constant attention to satisfy his emotional distance from true unconditional love, which he never received as a child, except for the few moments he spent with his uncle. Driven and motivated, Rickyboy begins selling on Wall Street, where his boss takes him to the strip club for the first time. Manhattan has a certain allure and beat, and after this first sc visit Rickyboy is hooked. His first OTC wouldn't come for another two years, because it takes that long for being on the firm to start getting bonus checks. Money was tight and hiding it from his wife was difficult, which is why he had to wait for his first bonus check to arrive. It was an expensive lesson to learn, because once arriving at the hotel, fear set in and erectile dysfunction came as he was uneasy about this experience. $500 out the door made him realize he needed to bring along Viagra for all other OTC trips. When successfully completing an OTC with Viagra in hand, he begins to perfect "the System" where he undoubtedly maintains OTC relationships with several dancers from the same club. One time he had to escape out his hotel window with a raging scorned stripper who found out he was cheating on her with another dancer. "The only other girl fucking you besides me better be your wife" was what he heard from outside the hotel room. Another expensive night for Rickyboy with no sex, as he gave his girl $450 plus cab fare to cover for him. He should have handled it in another way, because he booked his hotel room with his credit card, and once the dancers started exchanging stories about good 'ol Rickyboy, they trashed his hotel and he was stuck with an additional $1000 charge on his Visa. Since it wasn't his corporate card his wife found out perusing through the statement, hence his first bout with covering up his tracks on an OTC gone wrong. Rickyboy always puts expenses on his corporate card from here on out, expensive lessons learned from a major PL!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I was looking forward to writing part II of this, but then I got busy with some stuff. Then when that was over Rick has actually been very behaved here for quite some time. So much so that I can't get motivated to write a part II. I get the feeling Rick is just mellowing out and enjoying the economic boom. :-)
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
"Oh behave....." "Yeah baby! Shag you rotten."

Sure has been less fuel from him, but at least he has more PL experience than I to share. Gotta hand it to him for that. I love going to clubs and pointing out the Rickyboy types, and others, too.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Behaved? Mellowing out? LOL.

I post the same way that I always did tiger. The only differences are that I stopped feeding the trolls, which in turn seemed to abate the trolling. However, I'm obviously slipping now since I'm responding to those comments. So does all of that make things fresh for you now? If so, write away. ;)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Oh, you've definitely mellowed Rick. Coinceced with when you announced you had moved away from New York. It's cool you are in a place more suitable for you now and acting much better as a consequence. Nothing wrong with that!
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
Dugan, you've stopped feeding the trolls by posting on a Dougsta thread. That makes total sense. I mean, Dougsta is many things and I can see why you don't consider posting here to be feeding...wait, Dougsta is mostly king o' the trolls. You're feeding the trolls dude. You're feeding Dougster, his Royal highness, KING of the mothahfucking trolls.

The only thing that has changed is that Dougsta has developed more of a hard on for Steve. Are you jealous?
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Rickyboy, just to be clear, I think you're a TUSCL god! I could never know the things you do and contribute in any meaningful way such as your excerpts provide. Embracing the level of your PL-ness is quite an accomplishment, despite me busting your balls about "the system". We all have our own system, yet you putting in words how you work gives great insight on the magical workings of strip clubs and dancers. My "system" isn't as significant as yours, and I never will forget that day I saw you in a dive bar in a 3 piece suit pulling in all the chicks, and it was almost 100 degrees outside! Your commitment to clubbing was an inspiration to me I will for always remember, and someday I hope to get to that level. Thanks again for your contributions.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy has definitely made for interesting reading all these years. His contributions aren't what he thinks they are though.... Something different entirely.

I'm glad that he and Stevie-girl are speaking up regarding the stock market now since they are both pretty close to perfectly negatively correlated indicators of how things will really go.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
It's quite the fascinating read about early formation of Rickyboy. He should do a sit down interview with Mike Wallace, 60 minutes.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Lol! Can't wait for part II.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
50yo, the oldest actress ever cast as a bond girl:…

avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
We need another edition to Rickyboy's formative years. Good stuff.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
A fascinating read. I wonder how Dougster(Ed)got this exclusive interview with Rick Digan's family?

Great writing.
avatar for rickthevulture
8 years ago
You are on our list Dougster.

Some day you will look over your shoulder and see a lion wearing a suit. He will be carrying an AK. And he'll have a vulture wearing a suit on his shoulder.

Then you'll hear a word that chills you to the bone. Wildebeest!

Roar! ...cough...cough... Squawk!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Rick Dugan's The System (tm) is one of TUSCL's highest intellectual achievements.


8 dead in Mississippi shooting rampage. ( I spelled Mississippi correctly without computer assistance.…

Bread! Peace! Land!
even more exciting than the French…

more Russia…

Santa Clara's stupid stadium. Management of this is total fiasco. Better they just let my Christian Eating Lions have exclusive use.…
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Classic Rickyboy literature!!

avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
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