Joined Jun, 2013
Last Seen Apr, 2015

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Offtopic Is Obama going senile?Anybody who thinks that things aren't exponentially better under this president than the last is completely deluding themselves.

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Putin vs Obama.....The conservative crush on Putin is a strange side effect of their hatred of Obama. I'd think the party that brought us 9/11 and…

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Russian news on the Malaysian planeWonder if Palin's panties still get all wet for Putin like they were a few weeks ago.

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LeBron going back to Cleveland ... Any Thoughts ? I can understand that he is homesick for northeast Ohio. Cleveland also has some other talent with Irving and now supposedly Kevin Love through…

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Comments... well, lets say they are livelyNope, they're just pulling a Cliven Bundy. And he is a conservative messiah. That makes these people super patriots.

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Offtopic The Pitchforks are coming for the 1%Says the guy who (supposedly) has had his dream life of hard drugs and an endless money supply given to him by mommy and…

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stripper drug of choiceWho, in their mid-twenties, says they're in their "mid-twenties," and not just say the actual age? Too much personal info already given to make…

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stripper drug of choiceIt's funny when drug-addled party boys who have been given everything in life (or fry cooks posing as such) complain about others being "deadbeats"…

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The Most Improbable Text from a StripperI agree with the others. She's trying to build your trust back up to ask for more.

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Banging StrippersI guess we should be grateful that it is an audiobook, if your original post is indicative of your writing skill.

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Detroit without a CarIf you are there multiple nights, rent a car for one night and explore lots of clubs, including 8 mile. Just be responsible about…

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OT: Surveillance FatigueYet, these two asshole terrorist cop killers weren't so "fatigued" that they couldn't post their views all over facebook or give video interviews to…

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Heat or SpursIf Parker is effective, the Spurs have a shot. But I think Miami will find a way to win another. As a Detroiter…

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Mom and Dad are super pissed!All three of these links are The Onion-quality parody. Very well done.
For his part, I thought LMN's posts were pretty good Bret Easton Ellis…
For his part, I thought LMN's posts were pretty good Bret Easton Ellis…

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Porn Stars Facing Bank Account ClosuresPlus I hate the way the democrats are forcing constitutionally legal abortion clinics out of business too.

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TUSCL Meet in DetroitSounds fun. FC might be a good choice since it is closer to hotels / airport for any out of towners and having Bogarts…

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OT QuestionI'm middle class, have never gotten government relief, have not had my taxes raised, have the same employer provided healthcare I had before Obamacare…

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OT QuestionI wouldn't be surprised if there have been a couple of secretly-atheist popes over the centuries, let alone presidents. It's all about power.

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OT: Harold Ramis dead at 69On his death bed he received total consciousness. So he had that going for him. Which is nice.

A Comedy Classic is 10 Years Old Today"I'm Rick James, Bitch!" is ten years old today. The Rick James episode of the Dave Chappelle show first aired on 2/11/04. In my…