In several other countries, I have experienced the phenomenon of white guys pay more. Whenever the natives see me coming, they automatically raise the prices because I'm clearly from a western country. It got to the point one time where I had a native person arrange a cab for me and prepay, just so that I wouldn't get ripped off on the charge to the airport.
The other night was the first time I have experienced a similar tendency in strip clubs. I'm sitting at the tip rail giving $1 to girls that don't interest me or make no effort, and several dollars to the girls I want to get to know better. A milf dancer comes up who doesn't interest me in the slightest, and I eventually tip her one dollar. She keeps doing her thing in front of me, so eventually I give her a second dollar for the extra effort. I show no interest in her and give her no encouragement whatsoever beyond the reluctant second dollar. An experienced dancer like her should clearly understand it was time to move on and be grateful for the extra dollar. Instead, she keeps going, and motions for me to give her money for the third time. I politely declined, but she refuses to move on. Instead, she starts ranting and raving on stage about how I must have more money since I'm an older guy and I'm being cheap. There's a long line of 20-year-olds before me who gave her one dollar each, but now she has a fit over my tipping when I gave double what they did. She demands to know how old I am, and keeps calling me a cheap asshole. This is a great club, and I've never seen anything like this before from the girls there, but what a bitch. Anybody else ever had an experience where you are expected or required to pay more just because you're not a young guy in your 20s?
I have seen the older guys in clubs get shafted a lot by dancers. Either they are ignored as creepy old guys or I overhear the dancers making fun of them. Doesn't seem to happen to us younger guys. Must suck to be old.
Most men are probably in their peak earning years in their mid-40s and above – IMO most people would think a man in his 50s would be more established financially than someone in their 20s starting out. Also, one would think a guy in his 20s has more options for entertainment (dance clubs; bars; dating; etc) and would be less apt to spend much/as-much in SCs.
I started SCing regularly at age 30 (currently 44); and depending on the club (usually the more upscale ones) I sometimes noticed dancers walking right past me to the table with the older 50-something guy.
I am a creepy old guy. I like to leer, drool and generally make the young twats uncomfortable. But when push comes to shove I've usually got the greenbacks to back it up. With only a couple of exceptions, the dancers do love me. I know, because they tell me.
I'm not paying more. I see younger guys coming into my favorite club and paying more than I do for VIP service. My experience lets me know what the right price is and the dancers know that I know it. I'm sure that I do get passed over for young guys that don't know any better but there is plenty to go around and I'm getting my share.
What deogol said, plus inform the management of that dancer's bad behavior.
I've also experienced that the more shrewd dancers know that the older customers are likely to be the better spending customers, but I don't feel I've ever been overcharged because of my age.
When it comes to the dancers interacting/talking with the older customers, I'd assume it's a doubled edged sword for the dancers.
On one hand the dancers probably know that's who they can make some serious cash from. Therefore, you would think these would be the type of customers they'd cling to/approach more often.
But on the other hand it's probably a lot more difficult to interact with someone decades older than them. Very unlikely you'll have much (if anything) in common.
"In several other countries, I have experienced the phenomenon of white guys pay more"
A bit off topic - but here it goes. When I was in grad school, some big chief financial guys from a well-known orthopedics company came to speak to our financial accounting class. They made it no secret that they have a tiered pricing structure for the replacement knees, hips, etc...
The US and Japan paid the most. Let's say about $25,000 for a knee. Next were the Western Europeans...France and England paid like $18,000 Next were less developed countries like Mexico and Brazil and they paid $12,000 Cheapest on the list were poor developing nations in Africa at about $6000
Where is the "fairness" in this? I guess only if you're socialist.
But it pretty much proves your point that white guys pay more.
"I have seen the older guys in clubs get shafted a lot by dancers. Either they are ignored as creepy old guys..."
Sure, we've all seen "creepy old guys" in a strip club, but of course, that doesn't apply to the more, shall we say, mature TUSCL members who post here, who we all know are in fact "cool" old guys, you know, like the guys in the Viagra or "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials.
"or I overhear the dancers making fun of them. Doesn't seem to happen to us younger guys"
You should hear what the dancers say to us "old" guys about you "broke-ass, knucklehead" young guys in the club, lol
"Must suck to be old."
Yeah, sometimes. When you're in the club and a 20-something hottie is cuddled up to you, not so much ;)
"But on the other hand it's probably a lot more difficult to interact with someone decades older than them. Very unlikely you'll have much (if anything) in common."
As it happens, most of the dancers I interact with are roughly the same age as my kids/nieces/nephews, so I have a knowledge base to relate to. I talk to dancers about the same subjects - music, tv shows, movies, books, sports, restaurants, college, etc.
Yes older guys do pay more. Sometimes I will see a very hot stripper that I want to get dances from, but some old guy will snatch her up and take her to VIP for three hours! I generally see the hottest strippers approaching the older guys first.
Age has it's privileges. Now if you combine the old guy with a bad boy biker image, it gets better! But the biker better have the cash. We all know that is what everything is about in the clubbing life.
One dancer told me, "You gotta love drunk bikers." This was after she had returned to the seat next to me after giving him a couple of lappers - and turning him down for OTC.
well if I was an older multi millionaire in my 50's or 60's and retired, It wouldn't bother me if I was spending more than others. I will start trying to notice if dancers skip me looking for older guys. one dancer in one club is at least a few years older than me. In the last few weeks, I've been spending a whole lot less in strip clubs. My spending seems to be dropping as I get older. If it drops much lower, I will need to stay home or have the dancers pay me to visit or give me free passes. I haven't had a dancer give me free passes in a Long time.
At my regular clubs the dancers know I spend a lot of money, and they expect to get paid well. On the positive side I have no trouble getting what I want ITC or OTC.
I learned my lesson years ago. Getting drunk with naked women around usually costs a whole lot of $'s, then you remember none of it. I stay sober now. :)
@Steve: I'm the opposite; I have no idea about current pop culture, but it doesn't hurt me because I'm a very interesting person to talk to. I know a lot about a lot of other subjects and the dancers do seem to enjoy my company. I think my greatest asset is I tread the fine line to be both playful and respectful at the same time which dancers really like. Once you get clingy they start to hate you.
I'm an apprentice old guy at 56 but I only tip with fives and don't tip anyone I am not interested in. Occasionally I will tip a girl to go away but this is rare.
I only pay attention to hot female customers and the dancers. I once saw one female customer with a slightly open blouse. I could see her nipples at the angle she was sitting from my table. It's hard not to notice something like that. I don't believe she even realized it. Usually dancers keep me too distracted to notice too much. I believe a dancer on stage unbuttoned her a little while she was tipping. I don't remember her face but I do remember seeing some nice nipples. :). I'd like it if most females sat around topless in strip clubs.
last commentI started SCing regularly at age 30 (currently 44); and depending on the club (usually the more upscale ones) I sometimes noticed dancers walking right past me to the table with the older 50-something guy.
I've also experienced that the more shrewd dancers know that the older customers are likely to be the better spending customers, but I don't feel I've ever been overcharged because of my age.
On one hand the dancers probably know that's who they can make some serious cash from. Therefore, you would think these would be the type of customers they'd cling to/approach more often.
But on the other hand it's probably a lot more difficult to interact with someone decades older than them. Very unlikely you'll have much (if anything) in common.
A bit off topic - but here it goes. When I was in grad school, some big chief financial guys from a well-known orthopedics company came to speak to our financial accounting class. They made it no secret that they have a tiered pricing structure for the replacement knees, hips, etc...
The US and Japan paid the most. Let's say about $25,000 for a knee.
Next were the Western Europeans...France and England paid like $18,000
Next were less developed countries like Mexico and Brazil and they paid $12,000
Cheapest on the list were poor developing nations in Africa at about $6000
Where is the "fairness" in this? I guess only if you're socialist.
But it pretty much proves your point that white guys pay more.
Sure, we've all seen "creepy old guys" in a strip club, but of course, that doesn't apply to the more, shall we say, mature TUSCL members who post here, who we all know are in fact "cool" old guys, you know, like the guys in the Viagra or "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials.
"or I overhear the dancers making fun of them. Doesn't seem to happen to us younger guys"
You should hear what the dancers say to us "old" guys about you "broke-ass, knucklehead" young guys in the club, lol
"Must suck to be old."
Yeah, sometimes. When you're in the club and a 20-something hottie is cuddled up to you, not so much ;)
As it happens, most of the dancers I interact with are roughly the same age as my kids/nieces/nephews, so I have a knowledge base to relate to. I talk to dancers about the same subjects - music, tv shows, movies, books, sports, restaurants, college, etc.
As a middle-age cat, they complain to me about young & old.
I learned my lesson years ago. Getting drunk with naked women around usually costs a whole lot of $'s, then you remember none of it. I stay sober now. :)
I've found it better to know a little about everything then to know a lot about very few things. Works even in the club environment.
Clingy? Moi? :)