Fingering the pussy

In your experience, do most dancers let you finger their pussy?
I'm asking this question, because in my area if you want to touch the dancer you have to do VIP. In VIP you can touch anywhere besides the pussy. Having said all this, I've had a couple of dancers put my fingers in their pussy. I've initiated putting my fingers in a couple other dancers' pussies, the dancers didn't have a problem with it. So I'm 4 for 4 right now, but I feel like the streak is gonna end soon.
There have plenty of dancers I've wanted to finger, but I didn't do it because I feared they would end the dance or go tell the bouncer.
What have been the reactions of dancers you tried to finger, but they didn't let you?
last commentMost don't seem to like it, but a few do. Seems they are somewhat more likely to let you fuck you them than to let you finger them.
Not something I've tried to do mostly due to awkward positions we often find ourselves in during a lap dance. If she's on your lap facing you, and no one can see, I have a hard time snaking my hand down there. If she is on your lap facing away from you, anyone can see you playing.
If she is sitting across your lap then that can be fun if she allows you to get your fingers wet. The best place for this I've been to is the Blue Moon Lounge in Phoenix where you pay $41 for a three song set of "dances". The first two songs are basically spent talking and rubbing on each other. This is when you can get your fingers wet. Of course this time is just as often spent with the dancer's hand wrapped around your hard member, so you may be distracted?
Generally speaking, no. However, my hands roaming "down there" is generally a good easy to tell what I can and will get away with.
During a dance, I will move my hands down towards that area. If she squirms, changes positions or just out-and-out says not to, then I know the dance isn't going to be real handsy down there. This is pretty common.
Occasionally, a girl will let you play with her clit, at which point, you start to think you've got something. If she likes that and is helping you not get in trouble for doing that, you've got a winner.
I've had girls in the dance area at topless clubs move aside their drawers and let me lick a little. Also have had VIPs in nude clubs where the girl has said "Put your hands on the couch at your sides," then "accidentally" sat on one, allowing access. It's possible, even in clubs where fear of punishment for breaking rules is high. You just have to be subtle and build some trust first.
Oh, and at least have a vague idea where the G-spot is and how to find it.
I'm running 100% allowing it in VIP and about 50% out on the floor during a table dance. The disalloweres will just gently push my hands away and say nothing at all or "only in VIP".
Blue Moon it is about a given. HiLiter, was granted free access, Most others across the country, not so much - in my experience like Jim, there was a southern lady at one nude club in PHX that did just exactly that. sat on my hand. What a hot MILF she is. She got off on my thigh - twice that afternoon but, that was years ago.
Went to a club in Renolast year and for the 2 for 60 private dance - that turned into 3+ for 60 becase it was a really slow afternoon - it was nearly a fisting situation. Cavernous and wet wet wet...
But, generally,
Another reason I don't finger the pussy too often is because it doesn't turn me on or do anything for me. Also like I said in the sucking tits thread, I don't ask strippers if I can finger the pussy, I just do it.
I don't ask if I can finger, I just start to roam down there, if she has an issue, she'll either change positions or move you're hand.
I don't go for the pussy as I am more of a laid back guy, eye-candy observer.
Though there were several dancers in the past few months that gave me the look of go-down-there-and-hit-me and it turned out pretty well. She enjoyed it more than I did, so she got charged $30 for cumming and staining my shorts. After that, she gave one awesome labia-gripping-my-dick grind while both of our eyes were intensely staring.
I generally don't, because I bite my fingernails.
At one of the clubs I go to, I've noticed an odd thing, many of the girls won't let you finger their pussy, but if you hold your hand completely still on your lap, they'll ride along it or even allow some penetration. Basically, they want to know your hand is just sitting there, and that they're in control, and then, voila, it's off to the holy land
In one club one night girls kept grabbing my hands and sticking them right against their pussy. I prefer not to start a dance that way unless her pussy is really nice. More conservative dancers and or clubs it is a definite no no.
Instead of no no, you might go ho ho. lol
I don't like it myself so unless a dancer takes my hand and guides it there I won't initiate it. But I love clit play with a THAT'S fun.
I agree with shadow
Many years ago at Rick's in NO, a hot brunette was dancing on one of those hard little ottoman stages in from of my chair in the back and she took my hand and inserted my finger in her while she was on the little stage and I was sitting in the chair. Right out in the open. Pretty blatant.
I dont usually go for it. I have had many dancers guide me there
Usually can only do it in VIP. The exception was Follies where if i remember right at least 5 girls allowed during table dances and of course it was allowed in VIP.
It's my general observation, at least at my favorite club, that they do not let you the first time around, but they will once they get to know you. There have been exceptions (some never do, some will the first time you meet a girl), but that's the general rule. There is an annoying girl there who will jerk me off, but then not let me finger her, which isn't fair at all. As for other places, most do not within my experience. I think in general, you need to be a regular for anything to happen.
I agree with Lopaw that clit play is much more fun than fingering the pussy.
I will defer to lopaw's VASTLY superior knowledge on the subject of female anatomy -- but aren't we getting too "picky" to differentiate between the clit n the puss. I took the question to mean anywhere in the nether region.
I agree with motorhead.
From Urbandictionary
1)part of foreplay that definitely requires an art other than 'sticking your fingers in a pussy' as delineated in previous definitions. many males still don't understand this, but true fingering will also constitute stimulation of the clitoris using fingers. if you are truly talented, you can do both at the same time. we appreciate that ;)
Wash your hands before and after you go strip clubbing.
My experience: Every woman is very different. I don't think there's a particular way the nerves are set up down there.
For many, clit stimulation is the be-all and end-all. Some like direct finger-on-clit contact, but it's too much of a sensation for others, who will either prefer you work the hood over the clit rather than the clit itself, or even not really consciously go after it at all.
The G-spot is kind of a mysterious thing. I literally think it's somewhat whether the woman believes in it or not (they do say the second-largest erogenous zone, after the skin, is the brain). It may be its own unique thing, or it may just be the nerves on the "back" of the clitoris, which isn't just the nub on the outside but is actually nerves that can extend well into a woman, up along and around her vaginal cavity. But yet some women don't seem to notice anything if you stimulate the generally accepted G-spot area. It's worth a try to see if a woman likes the stimulation there (do some reading on where & how). If not, then don't keep doing it.
Of course, then it's fun to mix -- some of both. Trying to find the right mix is a great part of the fun, though, in most club settings, unless you've found a way to make bouncers & cameras disappear, the need to be subtle often precludes truly thorough efforts.
Plus, certain women are very into the initial feeling of penetration, as in stimulation around the labia. Some light teasing there can be a good precursor. Others prefer the feeling way in deep, while others don't want you fiddling with their cervix.
Long story short: You've gotta just try a bunch of things. This is where chemistry comes into play. In addition to finding a girl who will let you try (a rarity in many parts), you want a girl who's willing to be honest as to what is/isn't working with her, and you have to have the confidence, knowledge and self-esteem to say, "If I try five different things and none of them work, one of the next five things I try will."
Yet another reason to stay away from the buffet at the club.
I've met lots of girls who don't want fingers inside them who will still let me play outside. I tend to like to play with her pussy both for it's own sake, and as in indicator of hygiene. If it takes 10 minutes to get the smell off my finger after the dance, I probably won't be interested in getting any more dances from her.
True, motorhead....I guess its all semantics. I have gotten so used to the acronym of FIV on SC sites that I never associate it with clit play. Speaking of all things clitty I was very naughty today and broke my general rule of no unprotected DATY. Dammit tho she was sooooooo tasty.
I will gargle for an hour and say 2 Hail Mary's and hope for the best.
What, no dental dam?
I like to touch the pussy and then put a finger in when it gets wet. Strippers never object. I think it's because I'm a stud. But some cynics may think it's because I club in Detroit.
@Slick- Damn the dam!You'll. laugh but I used to keep an extra dental dam or two in the glove box just in case the opportunity arose -and it often did. But then I swore off 'eating out' in stripperville so I dumped the dams. See how well that vow turned out, eh?
Do most dancers let you finger their pussy?....In my experience, yes. Before the dance starts I always ask the dancer to pull her thong aside and let me see her pussy. No-one's ever said no. During the dance I just stick my hand down there and start fingering. Several have told me how good it felt and all have allowed me. Maybe its just the club I go to which is known as a high mileage club.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
I always try to play with their clit. They love it and it drives them wild. But first I start sucking their tits and playing with their nipples squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers ever so gently. After that gets them a little excited I go for the clit. I never put my finger in their vaginal unless they ask me to. I play with their clit as long as they want me to. This can be done in the front room under the table and no body knows the difference except her and you. Guaranteed once you get her to vip in goes your dick because you have her excited and now she wants it. Been there done that many times and didn't pay no extra. And it all started by sucking a little titty and then playing with a little clit in the front room.
Sorry it wouldn't post so I kept pushing the button and wham it posted many times
I always finger the pussy.Randy Anukam did it,Randy Anukam did it.
I always keep my finger nails trimmed and filed for just this reason. I wash my hands well before being in such a situation too. Lap sitting, DFKing, and FIV drive girls absolutely mad. I love doing it. But I also know that many sex workers don't like it and prohibit it. They just see it as risky.
"Finger no good."
Sometimes in AMPs I've limited it to FOV for this reason. Even when I do do FIV, I go about it slowly, in stages.
In lots of reviews posted various places, at the best FS dive SC's, it sounds to be okay, and in the front room.
Where I have done booth dances, I have instead made them DATY.
Clapton, Old Love, awesome version
^^^SJG serious question. This site is about strip clubs, why do you always bring up AMPs? YOu like them good, but this is isn't the TUAMPL
@jestrite50 - say again, over
Sorry ! Guess either the site or my computer had a problem. Couldnt figure out how to remove all the "extras" LOL!
@SJG: "Where I have done booth dances, I have instead made them DATY."
You made them DATY? Just exactly how did you do that? Sounds a bit like rape to me.
Only once. 5 years ago at the brass rail in toronto.
Classic thread! I see he does reviews but quit joining on discussion boards. Fisherman, Larry
A thread risen from the dead. Most strippers put that area of the body off limits. I've only done that one time. It was about 12 years ago at the nude club Little Darlings in Las Vegas, and she encouraged it. The lap dance was done in a little room but it wasn't VIP. I haven't had a similar experience here in Indianapolis. I don't do VIP rooms, which is where it is mostly likely to happen. The closest was a girl at Club Rio telling me in the regular lap dance area I could touch her anywhere, so I touched her between the legs.
I'm in Detroit and only go to extras clubs. I almost always try to finger the girls here. In these parts, IME about half don't like it often for sanitary reasons. Most of the other half are just ok with it, and a few really dig it