avatar for colt011945


joined Jul 2013last seen Mar 2015
Professional northerner (Really northern), stop by on trips/vacations. Up for anything, but really, in the end, it's about the smoking hot, beautiful women.

Reviews by colt011945

Comments made by colt011945

discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Shameful State of Affairs
Rick - if some members were giving yoda shit for past penalties, sure, that's on them. BUT, let's stick to why there was a massive outpouring of anger - Chulo's penalty was WAY out of line for the offence. Listen, SW is a dancer-centered site, and we can't go over there and stir up shit. I can live with that. But in NO way was what Chulo did even close to anything listed against the rules. Honestly, you're using a straw dog argument - using other people's past problems to somehow justify a VERY WRONG action with Chulo. I'd be the first to say yoda's decisions there are probably right 95+ percent, if not 98 percent of the time - but they were not right here. Frankly, I get why most of the angry responses came - having read both sites, and seeing Chulo's original post, it didn't look ANY different than when other members did the same - and the tone was very constructive in his OP. Frankly, though, anything said over here is IRRELEVANT to protecting a dancer at another site. That argument has zero weight. Then you add the fact that other members have done the same thing, and not been penalized, for taking SW material & posting it here - really, yoda made a wrong call. Now, the personal stuff is just dumb, but the anger, and the issue with the decision made with Chulo, those are entirely legit. I get that you have to protect the strippers to post safely there - but nothing done with Chulo meets the criteria set out in their ruleset for bans, and the notion that discussing that SW thread here somehow damages them when it's being posted on a DIFFERENT site is just plain ridiculous. Contrary to most of the strongest opinions, I suspect yoda's decisions there were correct - but this one wasn't, and it's pretty clear. If it was a more grey-area call, believe me, I don't think you'd see the intensity of reaction. If you really can't see that, then I think your mind is already made up. Frankly, I don't know any of you, I go to both sites, and I enjoy both perspectives. If you are surprised by the intensity and widespread reaction, maybe you ought to ask yourself maybe there's a reason beyond your perspective that everyone else is being unreasonable. Just my 2 cents.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for trixxi
former stripper is now an internet slut
Knowing a Stripper's Real Identity
Lots of guys ask for names, a little bit of personal info to try and go for an element of real-life connection - even if it's small, it can make the experience more enjoyable. It's not for everyone, but that's the benign explanation. Asking for rides though is all about being a PUA, or trying to get OTC encounters going. And yes, unsolicited requests for rides only come from PL's (come on, you have to have enough $ for a cab LOL).
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Shameful State of Affairs
I'm a newbie, but I have to say - I didn't think what Chulo did merited a ban. Nowhere in SW does it say you shouldn't link a post. If that was clearly in the rules, then I see the ban. Honestly, most sites say what will merit a ban. I don't understand how a link on another site is a threat to SW. I don't get the argument that it's protective As I understand it, linking SW articles/posts was also done by other members here - and they were not banned. When you combine the 2 together, I think it's wasted energy to go to this extent, but I do see why the population at large was pissed. They had cause. I have no problems with yoda's comments to explain his actions, it's his call as a Moderator. But I do think it probably wasn't the right call - that's their right to do, but it's also the population's right here to express their opinion, too. The personal angles are a bit much, though. Just my 2 cents as an outsider looking in.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Mileage increases when the dancer is pissed at her S/O.
Seriously though - anything that makes her feel more appreciated (and paid) is going to get you higher mileage.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Mileage increases when the dancer is pissed at her S/O.
I got high mileage when her BF took her rent money. :)