
Alternative/burn phones and numbers

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
For those of you who do *not* use a burn phone, or a service such as Google Voice, to communicate with dancers, escorts, etc, why not?

Is it just that you didn't know such things were available, or some other reason?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Other reasons.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    The implied question was *what* other reasons? Care to share?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    ^^^very informative. ..

    I have not used other numbers because I have not had any serious problems
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Also I was un aware of Google voice until this site
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    No Sir, NOT with you. Others perhaps.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    ^^^ very informative
  • ime
    11 years ago
    you should put it in your profile so you can do the whole please see my profile if you want to know. Oh wait.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Like CJ, I didn't know about Google voice until this site. I've never had any problems with my regular cell. Yet.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I have nothing to hide. All the dancers I want to communicate with have my cell number, my Facebook page, my real name and address.

    I have their's as well.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    The reason I don't is mostly laziness. I typically carry around a work phone and a personal phone, so a 3rd physical burner is a realistic option. I also use google voice on my personal phone for non-stripper related reasons. Having a 2nd google account and remembering to switch back and forth is more hassle than I feel its worth. I tried it, but I communicate with strippers infrequently enough that the messages would go unread for too long. I also would slip up and call direct instead of via GV and they'd end up w/ my other number anyway.

    I also tend to stay away from particularly volatile strippers and exchange numbers once we're both comfortable the other isn't a complete and total psysco. Which may have something to do with why it hasn't been an issue, but definitively relates to why its less of a concern for me.

    Finally, I'm a relatively young single guy without many of the concerns that drive most to use such solutions. I get NSFW emails/texts from male/female friends all the time, the odd one from a stripper doesn't stand out and won't cause my any grief. I suppose there are some incremental safety hazards associated with giving out my real number to unsavory characters, but I don't see them as being significant.

    I know its "well documented" why folks chose to use those services, but I'm curious - why do you? Maybe I'm missing something any should start...
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I'm the same as CJ and Slick. Also, I'm single and live alone. I have no security risks.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    No need for a burn phone. I have a Google Voice number but I have never given it to strippers.

    I don't have a wife or SO whom I need to hide my activities from, and I've never had any major problems with strippers calling or texting or emailing me. If a stripper wants to text me and beg me to come to the club or to lend her money to get her boyfriend out of jail, that's OK with me. I reply or ignore them as I wish. None of the girls have harassed me.

  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @Dolfan: "but I'm curious - why do you [use those services]? Maybe I'm missing something any should start.."

    I wrote an article about GV while ago which contains more detail, but the bottom line is convenience. It allows me to easily screen and block calls, and it lets me turn it off entirely when it's appropriate to do so.

    It is *not* about security; any service that needs your real phone number to which to deliver texts and calls is not secure. I use a burn phone that is unconnected to any part of my "real" identity to better preserve that.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @GMD-We worry about the strippers and invading our personal, private lives. I wonder if strippers also use Google Voice or burner phones? They also have shit to worry about with crazy pl's.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    True dat Slick. Some PLs are way scarier and crazier than the craziest stripper.

    And don't get me started 'bout some of the craziest TUSCL posters. Yep...you know who you are. The mean crazy not the socially acceptable PL crazy.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    No reason to use other than my personal phone. Like Dolfan, I already carry two, and a third just makes no sense for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @SlickSpic: I've met many strippers who use an alternate phone for "work", but far more who use their *real* phones. I once googled a very attractive escort's phone number (because I thought the pictures were TGTBT), and found it also as the contact for a high school organization!

    I didn't call her. :)
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    What Dolfan said
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I believe some may not worry about a stripper calling them very much. I am very selective and rarely give out my phone number. However it is in the phone book and anyone who knows my first and last name and where I live can easily find it. It is already public information. Many dancers find out my first name and city when we first meet. So far I have not had any strippers camping out at my house waiting for me to get back so they can have sex. Most of the time I hear guys are happy if a dancer returns the phone call or text within a few minutes.

    Although I did have one dancer call me at 1 am. She didn't know my work schedule. I just met her. and she asked for my number. You can say we hit things off well.

    If I really have a problem getting rid of a dancer I know by example how to get rid of her. Keep talking about doing away with her rights. Change the law. Make it that she can not defend herself if she wanted to even if criminals are armed. Be persistent. Then add in other crap. Keep saying ban all condoms and that protection is not needed. Pass a law banning anything that protects people.
  • ButterMan
    11 years ago
    I'm single thats why i don't worry about it. Although as i stated in my recent discussion thread sometimes you might regret giving a dancer your number because they bug you too much.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @sharkhunter: "However it is in the phone book and anyone who knows my first and last name and where I live can easily find it."

    While that's not why I use Google Voice, that *is* one of the reasons why I use a phone number not connected to my name. There is no way I want to make it that absurdly easy for a dancer to find out who I really am.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Good point George. Meet a female that sounds crazy after you already gave her your number and she has a gun but believes in doing away with everyone else's rights to defend themselves. I don't think they do background checks on dancers before hiring them.

    Who knows, she could have a boyfriend who is into theft big time. She gets the numbers of new guys. He gets their name from the phone number. She finds out if he lives alone. Ka ching, robbed after she texts him that the guy is coming to the strip club and he just arrived.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Of course if the guy didn't mention that he lives next door to a dept of corrections officer and there is a direct view across the street, boom, boyfriend arrested for attempted robbery.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I gotta check out Google voice, it sounds pretty good.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I don't even use my cell phone. It's on my daughter's account for an extra $10/mo and I just leave it in my car for emergencies or when I am out of town.

    So I use my home phone for 99% of my needs. That would include strippers as I also don't have to answer to anyone.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    I have heard about dancers that saw the possibility of blowing your cover as leverage if they ever needed it. To even have a dancer think it was a possibility would be too much.

    I could get a burn phone, but I'd have to hide it somewhere where it could never be found by wife or kid. There would be long times between uses. And I worry about Google--it seems every time I turn around, they are linking together all of the Google platforms. So when I use Google for other uses, work, etc., I don't want this secret Google Voice identity popping up. I can't have any clues appearing when I least expect it.
  • Yoda
    11 years ago
    I'm single and not paranoid.
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