Funny or Odd Club Names

avatar for Papi_Chulo

This is kind of a stupid thread to start; but as I skim the daily reviews; I sometime chuckle at some of the club names.

Came across one today that made me LOL – the name of the club is:

Leave it to Beavers

Anyway – I thought it was funny but then again …


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avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
The Pleasure Dome
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
"The Booby Trap" gets my vote. At a quick glance there are at least four locations: Two in FL, one in GA, and a now-closed location in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
The Hi-Way Playground
Every bit as seedy and disgusting as it sounds! Their dancers looked a bit like they had played on the highway.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
The Hardware Store (Wisconsin)

The Lumber Yard (Iowa)
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
If this was near Washington, DC, I'd be really surprised. But it's a safe distance away in Auckland, New Zealand:

The White House…

You must check out the opening screen of it's website:

And, if that's not enough, it has a related brothel (legal there) named, "Monica's"
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
The Library Gentlemen’s Club (California)

Gentlemen’s Club (California) <- very original name :)
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
My ATF club name is The Organ Grinder. Papi, it was where the black club is on 87 Ave near the Falls. I think the last name I saw on it was Kisses.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Yeap – that is what is called now – was there once a couple of months ago
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Shooters Alley in Atlanta had a shooting in 2010 resulting in a death.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
That was the first club I visited oh so many years ago. I went back a few times about 4 years ago (forget the name then), but it wasn't all that good and quickly got worse.

An interesting note, the last visits there I met a dancer whose mother worked at the Organ Grinder. And amazingly, I remembered her, at least her "name".
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… Shooters Alley in Atlanta had a shooting in 2010 resulting in a death …”

Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… That was the first club I visited oh so many years ago. I went back a few times about 4 years ago (forget the name then) …”

I think it used to be called “The Playhouse (Miami)”
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
One place I went to, which I believe has bit the dust, is the Bear Chest Lounge in Beloit, Wisconsin.

Someone told me once about the original Lumber Yard (in Des Moines, not its sister club in Cedar Rapids) that before it was a strip club, it really was a lumber yard, but I have no idea if that's true.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
There used to be a nude bar just outside of Pittsburgh called The Climax Lounge. It had a pool outside that they had strippers swimming in during the summer. Their most "unique" feature: a drive-thru stripper station. Pretty bizarre!
avatar for TheNakedBachelor
11 years ago
@Papi RE: The Lumberyard in Iowa

There are two of them, actually, the first in Des Moines, LY2 in Cedar Rapids. I love the radio ad as well "Where real men go to get their wood!" Funnier still, just down the street from LY2 is "Woody's Showclub" which opened a few years before that. If you drive down I-380 there is a billboard for "Woody's" right next to the "Peterbilt" billboard. That alone is funnier than the names of the competing clubs combined!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

I think you are correct with The Playhouse during my second visiting period.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I thought a clever name for a club was "Chix on Dix"

It was a club in Detroit but was closed a few years ago. The twist is that the club was actually located on "Dix Street"
avatar for 59
11 years ago
Frank's Chicken House (now Delilah's Den in Manville).
avatar for 59
11 years ago
Volcanic Eruptions in South Jersey.
avatar for ScottyW
11 years ago
Christies in Canton is located in "Everhard Rd"
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
Please Station Lounge
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
There used to be a restaurant in Jacksonville called Joanne's Chili Bordello. The place was great fun, has six varieties of chili each night and all of the waitresses were in bus tiers, panties and stockings and were all smoking hot. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared what the chili tasted like, but it was actually pretty good.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Fuzzy Bear's(Stanton,CA)
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

OMG, I remember that place from a business visit to Jax. Myself and some associates ate there a few times, Enough that we got nicknames from our ATFW.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago

The place seemed to disappear - don't know why. Maybe the owner (Joanne? Nice lady) finally retired. Can you shed any light?
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
There is a Play House in Romulus MI re-opening after being closed for a while.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Bare Assets in Melbourne, FL
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
In between Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana use to be a club called Jerry's Stable. The dancers there should've been sent to the glue factory.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Not a clue. I only was only in Jax a week, but we went there 3-4 nights. Not sure of the time frame, but I would think the late 80's.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Tropical Lei (California)

Not necessarily an odd or funny name – but w/ English not being my native tongue; my vocabulary is a bit more limited that most.

Did not know what “Lei” meant – I thought it was some kind of Asian-Pacific term – but from it means:

“(in the Hawaiian Islands) a wreath of flowers, leaves, etc., for the neck or head.”

For those SoCal(ers) – I’ve heard it mentioned Tropical Lei and the former Hawaii Theater were sister clubs – interesting how they both had Hawaiian themed names – maybe the owners had a Hawaiian fetish or were Asian-Pacific?
avatar for MrDeuce
11 years ago
I'm amused by:

Landing Strip (Austin, TX)
Boobie Bungalow (Elkton, TN)
School House (Toledo, IL -- in a former school!)
Palace in the Pines (Lowellville, OH -- not a palace, no pines in sight)
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
My contributions seem to be from club names that are amusing, because they're in unusual places for that name. I just noticed this club among today's reviews: Alcatraz. If it had been in San Francisco, I wouldn't even be writing this. But, it's in Helsinki, Finland!

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
@ Papi: There is a club in the same general area as the Tropical Lei and the former Hawaii Theater (now Monarch's), that is named, "Flesh." That club was also owned together for a long time by the same owner as TL and HT. So, no particular connection to Hawaii or anything Asian-Pacific in its name.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Flesh got shut down for prostitution, etc several years ago and from the current reviews is nowhere near what it was before the bust. I know a dancer that is a TUSCL member that used to work there. She said it made her current club look like a kindergarten.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Jiffy Boob -- grope and go in 20 minutes or less.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
Harem House
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“Boom Boom Room”

Edinburg, Texas
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
The G Spot

Columbus, New Jersey
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
I was in Philadelphia last year and saw some of the strangest names.
Set-It-Off Go Go Bar.
Penns Port Pub
Sabel's Gaslight Pub
Outer Space Club
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Double D Saloon

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
avatar for BigCodyCooper
11 years ago
Nuttin' Butt Horseplay in Myrtle Beach, SC. I wonder if thst place is still open?
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