Younger Dancers

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
As I sit here and think of the various dicey activities that I engaged in with dancers during 2013, one thing that sticks out in my mind is the downtrending in the ages of the girls that are offering up alternative services.

I am not sure how to feel about this. For many years, the girls that I engaged in edgier activities with were at least in their mid to late 20s and, since I was 40 and under myself, I didn't think much of it. However, I am now getting older while, at the same time, the girls offering these things are getting younger. Shit, some of the girls that made offers to me over the past couple of years were not old enough to drink, while I am 43.

This changing dynamic is starting to give me pause. If I was 50 and they were 30, then I doubt that I would care so much, but at 19 or 20 most girls know so little about life and their options that it makes me wonder how informed their choices really are.

Anyway, in 2014 I think that I will need to set a higher minimum age standard for my dicier activities. I simply no longer feel comfortable messing around with a girl who is not only young enough to be my daughter (albeit I would have needed to have her at 21 or 22), but is also too young to make decisions with her eyes wide open.


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avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ rick the retard strikes again!
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
The dancers are adults and can make their own decisions. My experience is that younger dancers are more likely to do extras, especially BJs. They don't think such activities are taboo.

avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I'm coming up on 72 and I don't mind them young enough to be my great grand daughter. I can't be picky. :)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I guess poor RickyBoy wants us go think he is developing a deeper conscience. Maybe (in his fantasy world anyway) using The System against girls with such little experience just is not a fair fight? Like hunting rabbits with a bazooka (again in his imagination). Like I said, Rick the Retard.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I'm with SC. 18 and older is fine with me. I also like older women #3 is well into her 40's and she's as hot as any of the kids although my ATF is 26.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
Great topic.

The young ones are fine and firm but it is difficult for me to really connect with them even when it is strictly p4p. I think the younger they are the more they struggle with the weirdness factor of being with a perv twice their age. Too fine to resist though if the opportunity presents itself.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
If they are attractive and fun to hang out with I will always take them for a spin.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
I really started thinking about this more a couple of years ago, during my last trip to Atlanta. The girl was a hot as fuck 19 year old who I enjoyed ITC and OTC.

When we were arranging the OTC visit, she was genuinely confused about how hotels "worked." I had her call me when she got near the lobby, but it was clearly the first time that she had been in one, or at least a nice one anyway.

Her confusion and naivete really caused me to pause. Don't get me wrong, it didn't stop me. After all, I had already had her ITC. But after this trip I adopted an informal policy of never doing p4p again with a girl who was not old enough to drink.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
There are no jobs and things are getting even competitive in strip clubs.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
I've always thought that older more mature {in many ways} dancers [late 20's & up] were the better choice.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
There are many benefits to a woman with age and maturity (regardless of her actual age) on her side. A woman who knows how to take care of a man is indeed a great find for a man. I've met women of all ages who had it figured out, and many others who did not have a clue.

But I welcome the opportunity to educate a young woman in the ways of the world from the perspective of my bed. They should learn these things from a knowledgeable man and not some wet behind the ears boy they went to high school with.

And even though I keep getting older for the most part strippers stay the same age. Enjoy life while you can boys.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
If they're old enough to strip, they can do whatever the hell they want. That said, the only place I go where extras are possible, most of the ladies who do them are at least 30. In fact, I believe they only had 2 of them who ever were under 30 at the time they did any extras, and both of them are gone.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
I'm shallow, I like 'em young. Or at least young looking. Alucard's and others are right about one thing, the older women *are* more mature, and in some cases more sensual, but I think I'm barely breaking 25% on the sensual:bitter/jaded ratio.

I can put up with a *little* jaded for hot enough. The problem is that the jaded ones don't seem to put as much effort into maintaining the hotness.

The young ones, though, I can put up with a *lot* of flaky and naive for some young, sweet, tender, fresh, tight pussy.
avatar for chandler
11 years ago
Worldly experience and the maturity that comes with age are qualities I can appreciate in a doctor or an attorney. In a stripper, ehh, not so much.
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
What if it was your daughter?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ an academic question to most, but a real one to txtittyfan
avatar for ellocohombre
11 years ago
18 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy. Wheel chair throw it in the back we're rolling.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
The young ones I've been with have been sucking cock for 4 or 5 years by the time they're 18 or 19. I still occasionally find young girls (over 18) who don't think a BJ is having sex. (The Bill Clinton excuse). I usually agree with them and let them do their work and earn their money. I was recently with a 24 year old who told me that she wished she was better at sucking dick. I told her just how I like it done and we're going to practice over and over until she gets it right.
avatar for wwpmi
11 years ago
My perfect age would be mid 30's.
old enough to not worry that she is underage,and mature enough to understand what our relationship is about, as well as experienced enough to be a good provider.
I have the same issue that I would rather not engage services from someone younger then my daughter but as I age I realize how limiting that is. At some point I would be looking for dances from a 50 year old, not going to happen.
I am providing self counseling related to this issue and should be soon ready to reset the clock and invite 19 year olds back into the VIP, still have to worry about the maturity issue:)
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
Yes, they do seem to be getting younger. When I started going to clubs the girls were not much younger than me. Now they're half my age.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’ve always been attracted to older women – personaly I’m more attracted to one that looks and acts like a woman than one that looks and acts like a girl.

It also seems that the younger girls often don’t have a clue; IME.

I’m also 43; and sometimes do feel a bit guilty about “molesting” a very young dancer especially if she looks very young (e.g. spinner; etc.) – but at the same time; it’s not as if they are being forced and they are probably fucking guys their age w/o even getting paid and probably have been fucking since they were 13.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Ellocohombre, you took the words right out of my mouth.
avatar for lotsoffun201
11 years ago
My current ATF is 50. Not an ounce of fat on her, perfect body, sweet as sugar, single, and has a good head on her shoulders. I'll take a mature dancer over a 20 something any day of the week.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
George Burns (famous comedian and womanizer) said in a Vegas show that he did on his 91st birthday, "When I was 19, I liked 19 year old girls. Why shouldn't I like them now?"
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
Fuck that. I only like YOUNG, really HOT redhead spinners who give expert DTBBBJCIMWS--nothing else. Preferably as young as possible--18 really does the trick.

You couldn't pay me to get it up for a woman my age.

When the crows feet and preggo bellies start to kick in on the young ones, I'm gone faster than you can say "Wanna dance?"
avatar for canny
11 years ago
When they say they're 18 I get nervous because I know that some of them are underage and used a fake ID to get hired.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I prefer 18-25 yo but have canoodled with dancers from 18-40 and had hella fun doing so. It's all good. What adult-aged sex partners do consensually is OK by me. I have noticed more dancers of all ages willing to go that extra mile in the VIP without any hesitation. I attribute that to a more open sexuality in general. Lots of bi and bi-curious dancers out there nowadays ;)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Anybody watch the South Park episode where Butters was bi-curious? Classic.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
As I think about this question a bit, I have to say that with one or two exceptions my favorite dancers have been single mothers. My ATF is actually 43 and has a 22 year old daughter and a year old grandson! She is the top earner on the day shift, and some weeks probably the best on any shift. She can easily pass for 28, even with some of the girls she dances with. Is she the best looking dancer I've ever seen? No, but she's certainly in the top ten. Several things would normally be turn-offs for me: bolt-ons (but I have to say her surgeon was an artist!), a sizable tattoo, a couple of odd piercings that she doesn't always fill and a smoker.

So, why do guys of all ages, and I mean from 21 to 80 flock to her like white on rice? My conclusion is that there is an aura of sexual wickedness about her, not evil, but when you talk to her you sense that sex is like air, food and water to her. And it drives all men bonkers. On top of it all she's bright and loyal to her family.

Am I in love? No, but I am certainly in lust! Of all the women that I have met in my 32 years of marriage, she is the only one that if she were to ask, I would probably say yes, or Hell Yes! to.

As I look back, my other favorite dancers have shared these traits, though to a lesser degree. The maturity and smoking sexuality that comes with age is what does it for me!
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
No son, let's walk down the hill and fuck them all.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Rickdude... I've jumped on your case about the whole wishing one of your faves would backslide on her heroin (or oxy or whatever...) addiction so you could get cheaper OTC. Maybe you were joking there. But that was either sad or not funny.

But isn't this going to far the other way? I mean really...the girls are willing to indulge you for money. They are adults, albeit inexperienced. If I were you I'd steer clear of the major league druggies just 'cos that is a bad scene. But 18-21 year olds? I suspect there are 30 year olds in some socioeconomic strata that have never been in some upscale hotels. Or, if they have, have only been there for OTC.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Plus, if I'm to believe ol' Juice and Dougsta you strike out 65% of the time with the system. Can you afford a catch and release strategy with the young'uns?

And it's not like Juice or Dougsta would lie to us, is it? Those dudes would never tell a lie. Thing is...I keep following Juice's advice to show with a bucket of the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay and I keep finding that the filthy lucre works better. Why d'ya think that is? Maybe Juice is a wizard or something...
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
I am suprised that any of you ask the age of the dancer you are with. I go with how they look and how they act. Age is irrlevant to that equation. Since I am not interested in formin a relationship the age gap is not important. In real life I prefer certain ages but in the clubs who cares?Other than underage,and I can beat that rap in this milieu, if it moves right I am in.
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
I seem to recall reading somewhere (here, or other similar site) where the ideal age of a woman for a guy is half his age plus 7 years. So for rick, ideal age for his fave OTC romps would be 28.5. As for lopaw, I trust that she'll eagerly conduct her studies to come up with an ideal age for lesbian partner(s).
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Minnow-I read an article by Malcolm X where he said that line. Don't know if he invented it or not.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
I've enjoyed many dancers aged 30-45, but recently my newest CFs are in their mid-20s. Those 2 are very mature for their age. Both have kids.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I do not ask for the age of the dancers. Sometimes they just give it away. Sometimes, you can friend them on Facebook and figure it out from there. Sometimes, the other dancers tell you how old they are. Sometimes, they say something like their kid graduated high school, so someone like that is a minimum of mid-30's. To be honest, a lot of it is conjecture, but you can always make a reasonable guess how old they are.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
good thing I'm 22
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