
How to ask for FS in VIP?

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, November 24, 2013 9:16 PM
How many times has this been asked on the board? Here is an approach that I have never heard before. From a recent Atlanta Cheetah review. " I placed a Trojan condom next to my cola, waiting for a girl to ask me to take her to ViP room,,,, However, no request was forthcoming."


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    That's only a little more tactful than customers, once seated in the VIP/CR, whip out their dick first thing.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    That may be added to the revised edition of the system
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    This thread should sum it up. [view link]
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Ballsy move.
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    It does take BBBJCIM off the table, however.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    If someone did that in my club a bouncer would likely toss them out. That's just asking for trouble.
  • edak94
    11 years ago
    Here is my "system." When the topic comes up about going to the VIP or CR, just ask what is on the menu. It's either "yes" and we go or "no" and I move on. Way much better than a 35% success rate.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    rockstar666- "If someone did that in my club a bouncer would likely toss them out. That's just asking for trouble." In 20 plus years of mongering I have NEVER been "tossed out" of any club in any city/state. This is the USA not Tijuana, no need to be afraid of getting your ass kicked.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    jackslash- "Tacky" ************** You got to be one of them SW bitches. Look, I'm not an asshole when I ask. After 10 minutes or so of talking to a dancer, I just nicely ask them, "so, do you just do regular dances or are you somewhat open minded?" And if a stripper says she only does HJ or BJ.....BS, she does FS, you just have to stand your ground and tell her, "no thanks, I'm looking for more." She will come around.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    To keep things somewhat in perspective; the club in the OP (Cheetah, Atlanta) is a low-mileage, no-extras, air dance club. So the strategies being proposed by others would necessarily fly in this club. Maybe the guy was trying to be subtle in his own way and trying to see if they were any possible sellers.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    And ask BEFORE you go into the VIP. She's not going to fuck you for 150 if you just got 75 worth of cl....cl...cle...cle...clean (god it's hard to say that word)....clean dances.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    edak: "Here is my 'system.'... Way much better than a 35% success rate." LOL! Sounds like it don't take no ten years. Anybody can think a better system than RickyBoy's with just a few club visits.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    the best way to ask for FS. is to do it in a kind respectful manor. And make sure the condom is on top of a wad of cash
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Simplest way to ask for FS? Bring a bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay to da club and leave it sittin' out for da girls to see. You'll be in da backroom DP'ing one o' dem in no time my friends! Just ask Juice. Not like that dude would lie to us, is it? BOOM
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I've used the menu line before, and I usually get a vague response, lol!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "In 20 plus years of mongering I have NEVER been "tossed out" of any club in any city/state." Your home base is Detroit dude. Try the same shit in the corn fields of Wisconsin and see how that works out for you. Seriously, these guys from places like Detroit and S. FL talking like they know what it's like to source stripper tail nationwide. Never ceases to amaze me.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I agree with the general view that it is critical to work out expectations before going back. Contrary to popular opinion around here, most strippers are pretty bad liars if you look them in the eye and ask firm questions. When confronted directly, they will either (1) make it clear that you will get what you are looking for (score!); (2) tell you upfront what their boundaries are (fair enough - at least she is honest); or (3) give highly evasive and generic answers (and now you know you have a ROB - send her away fast and make room for the next contestant).
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy- "Your home base is Detroit dude. Try the same shit in the corn fields of Wisconsin and see how that works out for you." ************************************* I've been to many cities all over the country, in my 20 plus years of clubbing I have never been tossed out of any SC. I've had dancers tell me "we don't do that her," I've had bouncers ask me not to solicit the dancers. But I have Never been "tossed out" of any SC. RickyBoy- "Seriously, these guys from places like Detroit and S. FL talking like they know what it's like to source stripper tail nationwide. Never ceases to amaze me." ****************************** Dude, do you always have to post like the biggest asshole on the site? I really tried being nice to you in my last few posts but you just have to be an asshole constantly. Have you ever wondered why 3/4 of the posts in every thread are guys fucking with you? I'm not saying that I never struck out, I'm saying that I've never been tossed out. Maybe the fact that I'm a little bigger then 5'8" and 175lbs keeps me from getting tossed out.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Read this thread. [view link]
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Perhaps I shall try placing a dental dam next to my Diet Coke and see where it takes me.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    What is "da system"?
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @dirtboy: I notice that you posted that thread on the other board right around the time you posted the link here. If I were a cynical, suspicious old man, I might accuse you of writing that thread over there and then linking to it here 10 minutes later. Don't you think it's kind of tacky to use Founder's resources to advertise for your other interests, without paying him? And why has the administrator over there "disabled public write access" to that thread. Could it be that *you* are the administrator, and you just wanted to generate some clicks?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Bitchboy, all you've done since you've been on here is shill for other site and you call *me* an asshole? That, of course, is when you are not stalking some young girl dancer over 4 different fucking sites like the bitch that you are. If the likes of you are the caliber of "guys fucking with [me]" then I am not gonna' lose much sleep at night. The only thing worse than a troll, of which there are many around here, is a stalker bitch troll. And if you want to have more credibility around here, then contribute something meaningful. Oh, wait, since we are on a review site, maybe you could contribute, I don't know, er, a review? Or if that is too much for you, maybe even a little intel about your local clubs, including all of those fabulous experiences you have accumulated over 20 years? Because as it stands right now, all you around here is a stalker bitch shill troll. ;)
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Sounds like somebody just got Slam Dunked. Ouch.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    georgmicrodong- "I notice that you posted that thread on the other board right around the time you posted the link here. If I were a cynical, suspicious old man, I might accuse you of writing that thread over there and then linking to it here 10 minutes later. Don't you think it's kind of tacky to use Founder's resources to pay for your other interests, without paying him?" *********************************************** I see your points. I just did it that way because this topic seems to come up a lot, so I thought it would be a good thread to start on Peeler Review. I figured some of the Detroit heavy hitters would add their two cents and make it more informative, so I posted the link. I'm sure me posting a link to another site isn't going to put TUSCL out of business, I'm sure he makes a pretty penny off this site lol. So, no, I don't think it's tacky. georgmicrodong- "And why has the administrator over there "disabled public write access" to that thread. Could it be that *you* are the administrator, and you just wanted to generate some clicks?" ***************************************** I am NOT the admin on that site. Once you register the admin still has to approve your account, that's why you can't post in that or any thread except the "Welcome Center" (I think) If you look, a few people have replied to that thread (most of them teasing me in good fun) Unlike here the teasing (banter) is just in good fun, we are all good friends. I hope this makes you feel a little better. Joe Dirt [view link]
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    RickBoy- "Bitchboy, all you've done since you've been on here is shill for other site and you call *me* an asshole? That, of course, is when you are not stalking some young girl dancer over 4 different fucking sites like the bitch that you are. If the likes of you are the caliber of "guys fucking with [me]" then I am not gonna' lose much sleep at night. The only thing worse than a troll, of which there are many around here, is a stalker bitch troll. And if you want to have more credibility around here, then contribute something meaningful. Oh, wait, since we are on a review site, maybe you could contribute, I don't know, er, a review? Or if that is too much for you, maybe even a little intel about your local clubs, including all of those fabulous experiences you have accumulated over 20 years? Because as it stands right now, all you around here is a stalker bitch shill troll. ;)" *********************************** Rick, remember your blood pressure. Snoochie Boochies, Joe Dirt
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
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