Are Songs Getting Shorter in the SCs You Visit ?
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Decided to post this thread upon reading the recent thread titled “Lap dance prices are not keeping up with inflationâ€.
It has been stated via some discussion board comments and/or reviews of clubs that have raised their LD prices.
In these still tough economic times clubs appear to be trying to get profits anyway possible often by nickel and diming (or more) the custies.
Some clubs seem to either be raising prices or offering less for your money.
I like to get a lot of LDs when I SC and I spend a lot on LDs; so song length is critical to getting my money's worth.
I was @ Tootsies Miami a few weeks ago and got some LDs and I thought they went by pretty fast – I thought it was just me but after I got back out on the main floor I timed them w/ my cell and noticed all the damn songs were being cut @ 2:45 – and LDs are $25 per – I also noticed this in another popular mid-level club in Miami that I used to visit a lot.
Have you noticed anything similar in your clubs – maybe they are doing it and you have not noticed? At $20 or $25 per LD; a song less than 3 minutes is ripping off the custie big time IMO.
The two clubs I referred to in my OP are not urban clubs and not dumps either and songs used to be longer when I visited in the past. It appears to me the song cutting thing as some of the non-urban clubs in my neck of the woods is a fairly new thing.
(Okay, I know there are shorter versions of Sister Ray...but they've all got the smack and transvestism and suckin' of ding-dongs so they ALL good)
My #3 club, OTOH, seems to be shortening songs, or at least playing shorter songs. I'm not sure it's true, or why it would be. However, since this is a club where they rotate from stage to stage, they like to complain about all the stage time they have to do and shortening songs will cut down their time on stage.
Why did you suggest to edit the songs @ 3:00 minutes – and what would be the price per song?
3:00 minutes feels a bit short and thus not that great a value to the customer IMO – wouldn’t giving better value to the customer result in better business rather than cutting them short?
Where I have noticed increases is drink prices and cover charge.
I kinda get it when it comes to keeping a lap dance within a certain duration. The other day a club played Free Bird, obviously I was okay with them cutting it somewhat and I dig the song - so no complaints. What Tootsies is doing is tantamount to raising prices though, which I'm not a big fan of. I've also noticed an increased number of girls there setting other own (higher) rates for dances. I get a lot of "I only do 3 for 100 dances" - to which my answer is always the same: "It was nice meeting you"