Not mine lol. Some dude on Stripperweb asked that question. My username on Stripperweb is musik22, I spoke pretty honestly and surprisingly no one really (even Yoda) gave me grief over it. It's probably because they know it's true. I might be teetering on the line of getting banned. Maybe I should just say FUCK YODA! and get kicked out with a bang lol.…Anyways what do y'all think?
Knowing what you know about strip clubs, if you were dating a girl that wants to start stripping, would you let her?
last commentThere's a reason that certain strippers might date a customer that go beyond mere capital.
Not disrespectful enough. You should really disrespect that bitch, something everyone would remember. I'm talking the kinda disrespect that will make him flinch every time he sees a username that resembles yours. Dave Chappelle as Rick James disrespectful.
I would let her. 10/10 I'm not gonna marry her, so I won't dictate her life choices. Also, she'd probably be in phenomenal shape (which is a plus cause plus size is a negative). As long as she keeps herself clean, I'm with it.
0 thanks in 0 posts on all the time musik22 has been on the site. I see your input is appreciated.
But seriously, I think stripperweb is what we would turn into with moderation. No fun that would be, hmmm?
Just don't tell them your secret identity on here. Of course I don't think they would last long here.
Might be enough to get you banned.
Dating a dancer is fun, as is dating a musician, but I consider myself awful husband material and dancers seldom make good wives. I would let my g/f be a dancer