
avatar for georgmicrodong
Was at a local place last night, where that vast majority of ladies' virtue is highly negotiable, and encountered a ta, shapely thing with some nice curves. We chatted and she gave me a nice gropey lapdance. However, when the conversation turned to earthier subjects, as I inevitably attempt to turn such when the lapdance is good, her response to my query was "Yes, but I'm expensive." When I asked *how* expensive, she replied $1,000 for meeting at a hotel, $800 if I wanted to do it at the club.

I just looked at her for a minute, and said, "Has anyone actually taken you up on that?"


Then I said to her, "So what that is really is just 'No' withou actually coming out and saying it, right?"

"Sort of. I wouldn't actually be crazy enough to turn you down if you'd agreed to it."

To be fair, she *is* a gorgeous girl, but ain't no fuckin' way I'd pay even half that. *Maybe* a quarter, if she turned out to be good. When I told her that, more politely, she just shrugged.


last comment
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
While I agree with you and would personally not pay $1000 for OTC either, this might even be considered cheap compared to what some girls in NYC may want (or at least about the same). Interesting how different markets can vary so much.

But yes, at the end of the day, this just sounds like a trophy fuck. At a certain point it's really not worth paying so much extra when there's other attractive women willing to do it for much less, even if they're a bit less attractive, it's still better bang for the buck. :)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
After $400 quality actually decreases. Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Cheap heh.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
george: It's also interesting you should mention that at this time. Over the last little while I have heard some girls throw out astronomical rates for OTC. Like you I wonder if that was just saying "no" without saying "no", but one of them kept joking/hinting she was somewhat serious.

My guess? Some whales are starting to re-emerge on the scene. It has been a mighty good year in the market, after all, and even the house flippers are back.

avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
That's a pretty good line, actually.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
For how many hours did she say should do OTC for a $1000? If you check out escorting sites, those numbers are market price for high end ladies.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I've had some dancers quote prices like $700 or $1000 for FS. Do they think their pussy is made of gold? I can find very attractive dancers for $300.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Better than gold. There pussy is made out of...Pussy. It makes the world go round.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Well George, its pretty obvious she didn't need the money. She just wanted it.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
MY response would have been "Now we know what you are. We can argue price later". :) The highest I have ever been quoted was $500 and I passed on that.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
lol Maybe that is some dancer's version of us PL' s saying " maybe later". It just all means "no".
avatar for sinclair
12 years ago
If you are going to drop that kind of money, might as well do a pornstar. They are usually in that range.
avatar for onehitwonder
12 years ago
I didn't do extras while I was working...yet everyone who asked told me that everyone has a price. So when pushed about it, I would tell them that I would, if it was enough to live on for five years. when added up was about 150,000 at the least. Guys would generally find it comical but it was the truth. Its not that I think my pussy is made of gold, but i'm not willing to do those things...and some just won't take a simple "no".
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
I think 300 would be top for a nine or ten. 200 tops for an eight, and no more than 100-150 for a seven or lower.

The gal quoting you 1000 is a rip off bitch. Basically, she is saying she does not fuck. If you want to know the market price of pussy research backpage and eccie.net. That stripper pussy wb higher than escort pussy is just SS.

If pussy were legal it would probably come down to 30-50 - wb like dollar menu at jack n box. I can't believe they call this a free country when some misguided deranged fucks can make laws preventing women from practicing the worlds oldest profession.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Hey, at the end of the day it's her vagina. It doesnt make her a ROB if she's charging more than you're willing to pay. She can charge whatever she wants to. Doesn't mean you have to pay it. If I were to have sex with someone for money I don't think the reward would be worth the risks unless it was over a certain amount of money... And if I can make $300 in a 30 minute champagne room with no sex involved, well, it would cost more than that ;P

@Dougster - I have noticed a re-emergence of whales recently and thank God. I need to use their blubber for candles to light the way to the champagne rooms.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@duo: yeah, I was starting to suspect it was the Norwegian, Japanese and stripper lobbies that won out over the green-peacers.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
@ sclvr5005: An excellent observation!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Even if she was “gorgeous”; imagine paying that kind of $$$ and her turning out to be a lame fuck – quite possible since it seems she does not want to do it in the first place.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Remember the book "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus". It's so true.

Men will do just about anything unpleasant for money. Just look at farmerart spending winters up north in pretty nasty conditions.

And this woman - a stripper in fact - won't even have sex for $1000. Yet how many times has she had a one night stand with some dude she met in a bar.

I don't understand it, but I'm not from Venus.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I've been paying $500 an hour to my ATF for years. If I didn't think it was worth it I would have switched years ago. I was with her once when over the phone a guy offered her $3500 for a two day fishing trip. She turned him down. One of my faves offers no extras and swears she turned down $7000 for a blowjob. It's all where you are and what you want. I spent a couple of hours in a hotel this week with another stripper who I paid $200. She's hot and I've been sniffing after her for years. It was great, but not my ATF. Putting a price on pussy is a dicey proposition at best. Never having seen her I know I'd be glad to pay Duo $1000 for an hour of heavenly bliss.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@gsv: Fortunately, I'm not anywhere near NYC, so I will hopefully never find out how comparable it is. :) And I don't know about a "trophy" fuck; I'm with Dougster on the diminishing returns thing. Past a certain point, which point might vary by market, things not only don't get better, but might actually get worse in some cases.

@Dougster: With any luck, the whale resurgence won't make it hear to flyover country. :)

@SlickSpic: Don't know. Doesn't really matter, unless it was for the entire weekend. :)

@ clvr5005: True, but I believe her when she made the "if you'd agreed" comment.

@duo: Absolutely agree. But remind me to make sure you don't have any knives on you when I see you. While I wouldn't mind losing some weight, somehow I don't think letting you carve it out of me for lamp oil would exactly be pleasant.

@gawker: I get you. I was giving my SB between a hundred and three hundred on occasions for about an hour. She was an experience unmatched in many, many years. She spoiled the crap out of me for other strippers. For a complete unknown, however, a thousand is inconceivable. (And I'm certain that word means what I think it does.)
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
I've had even higher numbers tossed at me by hookers in casinos, always wonder if they ever get it...
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@gawker - in addition to heavenly bliss the price also covers me shutting up and going away after.

@george - I would never use such a crude instrument on you.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
Strangely dancers who quote that way will also be with you OTC for nothing. Or a pair of shoes! Hobbyist.

I'd say drop the topic altogether. but stay connected. Lap dances, drinks, the usual SC enjoyment. While also having fun with other dancers. That is if you really like her. I mean really really like her.

As dancers progress in life - they meet enough jerks to start appreciating us gentlemen (ha ! ) more and more each day.

Very good chance she'll broach the topic by herself one day. Many dancers are uncomfortable with the idea of money for sex. Especially young and gorgeous babes. Offer FWB instead - help her with something that's important to her or bothering her.

Something I learned from Dougster right here on TuSCL - offer more the first time. Don't know the science - but subsequent OTC costs come down. In line with market. Sometimes even in line with your own affordability on a particular day. Always does. Don't ask why.

That is if you really like her. Kinda long winded - but right now you'll be pushing a rope to get her at any cost. That's my experience.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
The problem with "trophy fucks" is that someone always takes the trophy away from you.

In my limited experience, it is always better to have sex with someone who actually wants to have fun with you and charge a reasonable price.

This $1000 dollar dancer strikes me as a prima donna who really doesn't want to have sex, but likes men to think her shit doesn't stink.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Girls don't poop.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Girl Code
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Jeez, you guys!

We live in a free market economy. Price of a good or service is determined by what a buyer is willing to pay for that particular good or service. Competition determines the price level for sellers of similar goods or services. Buyers decide which particular good or service matches their requirements at a price level satisfactory to them.

If a girl can get $1K for a jump, good for her.

If you can get jumped for $40, good for you.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
lol duo!
sure we poop....but ours smell like potpourri and is shaped like tiny beautiful little swans.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Women poop, just not for the first 6 months they know you.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@lopaw - little swans that come to life and song our praises, which explains a lot.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
@farmerart, you're definitely right, but when you're in a market where probably no customer will pay $1k for the sex, it's effectively like saying no. So it's not really adjusted for market pricing, from what I understand, but rather inflated so she doesn't actually have to do. But IF she somehow does find a guy that says yes, she gets a nice pay out.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I'm enjoying the Duo/Lopaw banter on this thread!
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Now you guys know why we take so long in the bathroom.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
Back in 1972 my ship made a port call in San Fran and I spend freely on my one day ashore. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen joined me walking down a street about sunset. I began talking to her, we stopped at a street vendor and I bought us both fruit. When we had walked another couple of blocks she pointed to a nice hotel across the street and told me that if I would get the room she was mine until checkout. I had just spent my last $2 dollars on the fruit. At that point I would have mugged a cop for money to get a room, but alas, we were the only people on the street. That's absurd
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
What farmer said. The girl doesn't want to sell pussy routinely, but is willing to do so for the right price. But I also have to add that I doubt the pussy would be worth it from a girl who normally won't do p4p to begin with.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
In miami the going first quote for an hour of anything goes is 1k. They can be talked down depending on who else is there willing to pay that much. It also depends on the club and the girl. I would start at 1k as well if I was.a sexy young woman. In west palm I have found that price to be much cheaper. So it varies greatly by club and city. Many guys in Miami xan afford to pay 1k to play whenever they want at the higher end clubs that offer a lot of privacy. So that in turn drives up the price.
avatar for TcVegas
12 years ago
IF it she was into it (IF), then I would think $1k would mean less dudes, maybe less chance of STD.
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