"Extra, extra! Read all about it!"
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
The term "extras" is used here frequently, but I've only ever heard one dancer, and no customers, in all my years clubbing actually use the term. Just out of curiosity, have you ever used, or heard used, the term in a club itself? In the context of sexual favours, that is.
When I use it the girls go
Same dancers refer to their HJ, BJ, and FS offerings as "fun".
Just once, and only because my first fav got fed up with how dense I was. One day she turned to me and said, "You know I do extras, right?" Afterwards I kicked myself over all the hints I'd missed. Sheesh!
I've heard "clean" dancers call other dancers "dirty" or "nasty." I assumed they were talking about providing extras, and not their personal hygiene, but I could be wrong.
AT least 5 dancers in 3 clubs used "extras" "full service" and "outside the club" over the past few weeks since I've started paying attention. And I don't seek out extras, it's just come up in the course of conversation or as part of the sales pitch.
Of course "fun" does seem to be a much more popular term, but its fairly ambiguous. A lot of girls I know not be be extra's girls will throw around "let's go have some fun" kind of thing.
So now my question is, are my strippers reading TUSCL?
You're looking in the wrong places. ;)
Did you get their names and schedules?
Fucking stripper hypocrites!
That particular Dancer was hypocritical, are you declaring EVERY Dancer as a hypocrite?
I have heard 2 to 3 customers use the term but have hard many more use "Mileage"
I have heard 2 to 3 customers use the term but have hard many more use "Mileage"