I'm a bad one to ask, because it doesn't take long for me to fall in love with a stripper. Then I would give my life for her, but not disturb the universe for her.
I'd pay a dollar if she wanted it. Sometimes that seems to piss off some of the bitchier dancers. That is great because I find out what bitches they are without a lot of hassle.
I would spend $500 for a perfect 10. In fact, I've paid $500 for a dancer who wasn't a perfect 10, but I'm an idiot. I don't think any woman is worth more than $300.
I've fucked girls I've considered 8's and 9's for free so a 10 wouldn't get more than about $500 and that would be only if I was coming off a dry spell.
I'm with shadowcat, I don't have a dollar figure in mind. I also don't know if any girl looks that good that I would dish out a grip of money. Just like joesparty, I've found the hottest ones sometimes are lacking in the categories GMD mentioned. Looks are important, but not the end all be all.
This topic really interests me. In my brief time in this hobby I have had return engagements with four different dancers and several one-and-done drive-bys with others. Since I am the shallowest kind of male, superior physical beauty is the initial hurdle a dancer must jump to get into my wallet. However once that hurdle is jumped the dancer must bring something in the form of personality, wit, intelligence, or outstanding, ahem, 'skills' to keep the wallet open for further raids.
In looking back, I think that the most I have ever paid for the first encounter of FS was $700. That figure ignores all the SC incidentals - valet, cover, drinks, etc. As to the maximum amount I would be willing to pay? I can't answer. I will admit to this: I was pursuing a beauty in an Ottawa club one night when I had a bursting wallet. If I had been able to lure her into my carnal web she could have had $2,500. Alas, I left that club solo!
I'll admit that I spent $1k for sex with a big titty porno star in Vegas. she wasn't really a 10, but those super big titties were awesome and she was quite skilled at BJ and FS. that's what gambling winnings are for!!!
My experience at the best club in Vancouver, No 5 Orange (infamous for $50 and $60 lap dances), but also noted for having seriously attractive dancers would give you a 'y' of $1000 to $1200. I have never wangled FS at any price in that club, only an unsatisfactory BJ once. OTC is readily available even from the high value '10s' and the asking price has never been more than $500. Canny bargaining has resulted in never paying more than $300.
But I must also admit that I have had a few train wrecks of booze and excess lap dances in that club that have been more than your 'y'. Certain nights that club can have a half dozen 10s floating around that I just can't resist.
steve229, I like your formula: y = 2x (LDU). For me, it yields a result for a perfect 10 of 2*10*$25 = $500, which is what I said I would pay. I look forward to your further quantification of strip clubbing. All that our hobby lacks is a rigorous mathematical underpinning.
I agree with jackslash on the math, the only problem, even if someone came up with the perfect algorithmic formula, the little head would still override the big head at times when you have a hot dancer playing with your dick and promising the world. lol.
sadly I'm in rrbill's camp. When I find a perfect 10 near me, I want it to be something other than a business transaction. Once you pay to play there's no undoing that.
I believe it takes more that just "seeing" them. I have seen many 10's but they could be a three or four if the rest of them didn't reach the 10 level.
Ok. I just wanted to be sure. Because if some super models out there aren't a ten then you have tougher standards than I do Gosh, I think Anna Kournakova is a 10 and she was just a tennis player.
But I'm going strictly on looks. But I'm shallow. Lol
You bring up a another point, in a way, age. Some older women can be ones idea of a 10 and don't think any 21 year old's can reach that level. Why, possibly maturity. We each have the image of our 10. I just have never met mine, although some come very close.
Upon further review and contimplation I have changed my mind to no more than $300........thanks for all the lessons from this board guys my game has changed so much since I've joined
last commentIn looking back, I think that the most I have ever paid for the first encounter of FS was $700. That figure ignores all the SC incidentals - valet, cover, drinks, etc. As to the maximum amount I would be willing to pay? I can't answer. I will admit to this: I was pursuing a beauty in an Ottawa club one night when I had a bursting wallet. If I had been able to lure her into my carnal web she could have had $2,500. Alas, I left that club solo!
y = FS $
x = Stripper hotness (1-10 scale)
LDU = Lap Dance Unit (typical $ of single lap dance in locale)
My experience at the best club in Vancouver, No 5 Orange (infamous for $50 and $60 lap dances), but also noted for having seriously attractive dancers would give you a 'y' of $1000 to $1200. I have never wangled FS at any price in that club, only an unsatisfactory BJ once. OTC is readily available even from the high value '10s' and the asking price has never been more than $500. Canny bargaining has resulted in never paying more than $300.
But I must also admit that I have had a few train wrecks of booze and excess lap dances in that club that have been more than your 'y'. Certain nights that club can have a half dozen 10s floating around that I just can't resist.
Steve, I like the formula. I think its spot on.
Pretty much what I said above. :)
In reality, girls who ask $400 and up tend to be the worst in bed whatever their looks are.
You should be able to get 9s and 10s who are 9s and 10s in bed for $250-$350 the first time out, then as low as $150 if you become a regular.
Do you mean in the world in general or just in strip clubs? I'm a tough grader and I've seen some in both places.
I believe it takes more that just "seeing" them. I have seen many 10's but they could be a three or four if the rest of them didn't reach the 10 level.
Ok. I just wanted to be sure. Because if some super models out there aren't a ten then you have tougher standards than I do Gosh, I think Anna Kournakova is a 10 and she was just a tennis player.
But I'm going strictly on looks. But I'm shallow. Lol
You bring up a another point, in a way, age. Some older women can be ones idea of a 10 and don't think any 21 year old's can reach that level. Why, possibly maturity. We each have the image of our 10. I just have never met mine, although some come very close.
Now ain't this stuff genteel compared to the non-stop trolling?