
The Cost of Pussy (Married vs OTC)

mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
To know the true comparison of the cost of pussy, you need a bit of my life history first.

Marriage ain't cheap. At least for me it wasn't. Back in 1979 I was naive, and then, I got into 35 years of wedded bliss. Ha!

I met her in church. I was looking for a wife to be in the will of God and of the church I attended. I was already in my late twenties and was getting desperate (I thought). She was very cute and attractive and a year younger than me. And a widow. Her husband had died in a private plane crash. From that marriage she had two beautiful and handsome young children. Seven and eight. I really liked "Mary" and her kids. The younger child, the daughter, latched onto me almost immediately and freely was calling me daddy. The boy was a bit more reserved. But it felt so good getting all the attention from the kids. And also the attention from "Mary", who also was (and still is) a great cook. So I was invited repeatedly to enjoy dinner and the evening with them. Most the time I'd be playing with the kids and watching TV with the kids and "Mary".

Infrequently sometimes "Mary" and I would go out together without the kids to dinner and maybe a movie. After such an a date she asked me to stop at a drug store and was surprised when she bought some of those waxy spermicide/lubricant capsules that were available then. We left there with my mind considering the possibilities. Keep in mind I was still technically a virgin at that ripe old age of 29. Up to that evening I've had fun with a few ladies (all my age and younger) but never had real sex. I was saving myself for marriage. That night during a full moon we drove off the highway into the woods and got into the back seat of my '63 Impala, got naked, and fucked.

I was hooked in more ways than one. Of course the absolute thrill of the sex. And the satisfaction afterwards. And then the guilt of having sex outside of marriage. Complicated with my church upbringing. I felt obligated to follow through and marry her. I liked her. Thought it was 'love'. We got married within two months. I felt that love would grow. After all I felt I was in the will of God and of my church.

According to the way I was brought up in the fifties and the sixties it was normal and expected that the wife would not work a job and stay at home and tend to the kids and housekeeping and I as the man would be the breadwinner and support the family. So I did. I got a better job and then an even better union job with benefits and a pension. We had two more girls and bought a new double-wide. Moved it onto our newly purchased lot in the woods. That was in 1982 when the interest was ridiculous at 17%. (and I had a great credit rating.) Five years later my wife wanted some acreage so she could have a horse. So we moved onto 5 acres with a great view of the mountains.

In 1995 I transferred to the company terminal in Phoenix (as my original location was closed) with the idea I would just do the long commute once a week back to my Flagstaff home. That didn't last long before the wife wanted to move to the Phoenix area and buy a real house. We found one that she loved and eventually sold the Flagstaff place. By that time the older two kids had graduated from high school and were successful on their own. The younger two were enrolled into the local high school (and did quite well.)

My marriage looked good on the outside, but was in a lot of trouble on the inside. I hated how my job was turning out. I was gone on the road over a hundred hours a week and "Mary" was turning into a very insecure jealous woman. Still a good cook however. All four of my kids noted the trouble. Between them they all thought that "Mary" and I would divorce after the youngest kid graduated from high school. I was of the old idea of the 'cheaper to keep her' philosophy. So we stayed married. I honestly was satisfied. Then I retired.

I went from the one hundred plus hours away from home to being home 168 hours a week. Man. That really strained our marriage. When I bought an old suburban to be my towing vehicle it wasn't long before "Mary" lost it and accused me of seeing the woman I had bought the suburban from. (I gave that woman an extra $250 to help her and her kids stay in their place.) With all the pressures of our marriage and her jealousy, possessiveness, and demands, I couldn't take anymore. So I said, “That's it. I'm outta here.” We eventually divorced, and the judge awarded "Mary" half of the possessions and spousal support (till death) that literally has taken all my pension.

Upon reflection of my experience just from the financial aspect over thirty five years I have easily spent over a million dollars on my wife and family.

So, keeping it simple, take one million dollars divided by 35 years further divided by 12 months. With three boinks per month average is almost $800 per boink. Compare that to what it costs for a boink in the strip club or otc. And now even cheaper with my going to Tijuana and having a good time. Even with the party and drinks and the girls, it’s roughly $200 overall per boink. And the girls, oh man. Heaven on earth. Wish I had been in this mode ever since puberty.

Please understand that I am a selfish jerk that could have done better in my decisions of life.

Thank you.


  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Tell aus more about the books per month. Did you start out strong early in marriage then fall into a dead bedroom? Or was it never really on fire for you?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Damn. Marriage sounds like it really sucks(not in the good way!). Seems people are taking longer to settle down these days and making sure they are ready before they make any commitments. And more and more women are trying to be "independent" so the ancient thought process of "get married, wife becomes stay-at-home-mom, husband is the breadwinner" is pretty much gone out the window. I think most people just get married and have kids at some point because its expected/pressure from family. Marriage definitely isnt for everyone though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I never married (per my decision) - but I often hear men say, even the ones in seemingly good-marriages, that marriage is the toughest thing.

    I'm of the old school of thought that marriage is the best way to raise children, thus if one wants children then marriage is the way to go per my beliefs - so yeah your marriage may have ended badly but you helped raise 4 good kids that will contribute to society
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I swear it seems that with all the stories I hear these days it makes absolutely no sense as a man to want marriage. Unless you are absolutely, positively sure you are going to be happy being committed to one person. Because if after that you change your mind, as a man you are screwed. Sounds almost as bad as a timeshare lol.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Thanks for sharing that, justme62.
    Marriage is hard to be sure, and if it weren't for my continuous juggling act (like spinning plates on poles, lol) my marriage would have been long over by now. Marriage is basically a social scam that is lousy for both parties, but women have been brainwashed into thinking that it's the great fucking thing since sliced bread. I learned the truth long ago yet I still did the marriage thing to please my gf. IMHO humans are not monogamous by nature, period.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago

    I don't think you need a marriage to raise children well. 2 parents in a safe and secure household, yes, but marriage doesn't add anything.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    At the beginning there was a fair amount of sex. Maybe three times a week. Then less as time progressed.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    That was a good story about your marriage. I'm sorry it did not end well.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    It is never cheaper to get married. Yes married men do live longer on average but that is so he can work longer to support her, her kids and deadbeat relatives.
    I pose the question: What is the difference between a woman who is paid to have sex and a woman who will not have sex until you buy her a ring and promise to give her everything? Answer is, the only difference I can see is the "wife" costs a crap-load more, give less sex in return, bring along a boat load of mooching relatives, wants anchor kids to further drain you dry, gets either fat or saggy or both, and only lets you touch that dry stinking forested ho if you buy her a present or get her drunk
  • JackKash
    7 years ago
    I got married for all of the wrong reasons, averted my eyes from the red flags I saw flying everywhere. My wife and I have barely even touched each other in 7 years and I know I have no desire to. (Perhaps stupidly) we had 2 kids and it is for them I am still pretending but it's a bad situation. Oddly, it hasn't soured me on the idea of marriage though. I'm sure it can work for those who can be patient and tolerant of each other. The mistake is not looking honestly at the other (or at yourself) and seeing who they really are.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Great story, thanks for sharing.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i actually should have included in the title of my article ' ITC'.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i've had far more itc experiences than otc. (and i love it.) something about being on the edge.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    if there is one plus about usa clubs over mexico, canada, asia and europe is the 'edge' of the experience of fs in a usa club.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Thanks bro for the forthright article. For myself I am still having to work to evaluate how conservative and reactionary ideas shaped the course of my life for the worse.

    And I get your point about it money wise. P4P can be more practical than the other alternatives.

    Please, hang in their, keep clubbing and womanizing, and keep posting.


    New Indian made large motorcycle:

    CSNY Live, 1970
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Marriage doesn't financially bankrupt a person, in fact it's one of the main ingredients for most people to get ahead financially. Divorce is what bankrupts people. The trick is to get married and stay married, unless you never find someone you can get along with you should stay single.

    It's not marriage that's the problem, in fact most of the time it's a great solution, as long as you're willing to put in the work before and during marriage. Like business partners, sometimes for some people they'd be better off going at it alone, but some people do better with others.

    Like SJG says, invest in yourself and others, your efforts will be rewarded more that way, otherwise divorcees are people who have more dollars than sense.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. Sorry it didn't work out. But it sounds like you have closure and are happier now, which is all that matters.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I am divorced and will not get married ever again. I honestly don't want to have to answer to anyone about where I'm going or what I'm doing. The only thing I have to do now is take care if my kids. Fortunately we agreed to just split costs with the kids. I took what I wanted, she took what she wanted and it was done. Divorce did not cost me any money outside of the lawyer.

    If I don't want to clean my room for a week, my prerogative to do so. If I want to go out golfing, I can do it. If I want to go to the club and see some titties, my choice.

    I actually have a good relationship with my ex and i will always be indebted to her for giving me the wonderful children I have. But I also am grateful for her divorcing me and giving me the freedom I have today.

    There have been two women I considered as possible candidates to get remarried. In each case I dodged a bullet as one was bat shit crazy and the other has a life so complicated there was no room for anyone else and as you get father away from it you see the things that make you say "what the hell was I thinking?"

    My ex is about to get remarried and all I can think of is I am so glad I am not married anymore.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    @rh48hr: Good deal. I agree. I'm never getting married again. As much I miss having someone to come home to and take care of me like my wife did (she was the best), I know I'll never find anyone like her again, especially at age 53. No fucking way I'll ever risk getting burned and fucked over again. I'll gladly die alone one day than go through that shit again.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    It's funny.... I read all these stories online about men who have, at best, mixed feelings about their marriage, and at worst, hatred toward their wives (*cough* SJG *cough*). But, I do not often hear the stories of men who never married nor cohabited. Where are those stories? Are they as fabulous as the married men imagine their lives could have been? In my opinion, this is only one side of the story, just like there are two sides to every story in life.

    One side of the story says "The Sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, and, in so doing, it revolves around the Earth." The other story says, "In an inertial frame of reference fixed to the position of the stars of our galaxy, the Earth revolves around the Sun, and one revolution is called a 'year.' The Earth also rotates about an axis (approximately parallel to the axis connecting the magnetic north and south poles), and one rotation is called a 'day.'"

    Both stories are true. Perhaps the OP's view of himself as "a selfish jerk" is the reason why he feels he could have made better decisions in life. Which is to say, perhaps if he took a different perspective--a different frame of reference--and was proud of himself, and did not view himself as "a selfish jerk", he would not think that he could have made better decisions.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My wife and I have been together for 28 years. Today, at worst, is as great as any other day in our marriage. It kills me financially as a small business owner that my access to my wife;s gold standard union medical, dental and optical plan costs $30 per week, pre-tax. I despise having a second household income of more than 1k a week. It is awful that she cooks like a chef and cleans. What is really the worst is swinging with bi females and swapping with cpls. It is embarrassing to only fuck 16 women whom you aren't married to in less than a year, excluding sex workers. It is terrible to fuck a strange woman doggy and watch her lick your wife's pussy. Its terrible to be able to go golfing with my friends, play poker and never get shit. What is truly the worst is that after 28 years she is 40 pounds lighter and gives the best bj on earth, when her best bj before this year was mediocre. Tight as a drum too. Marriage sucks.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    skibum... you are living the dream. really. you got a good thing going.
    and as to a selfish jerk. i could have done better. in many ways. like not to be in such a rush to get married. i've learned a few things. cheaper to rent sometimes. and more fun.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    skibum - sounds as though you have the unicorn wife. Unfortunately, most of us aren't that lucky.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Marriage is sold the way Gaffigan sells it. But more often than not it seems to be a Death Trap.

    Divorce is really hard, but people do it because they know they are dying.

    Keep on going justme62, keep living, keep fucking, and keep posting.


    Jeff Beck ft/ Rosie Oddie
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    Disregarding your methodology, interpret your calculations of 800 bucks a “boink”.
    That might be more or less from different perspectives.
    Unless you married under-par or you bring down the cost to 80, marriage still looks favorable numerically to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Marriage would be favorable if it worked as advertised. It is not supposed to be fee for service, its supposed to be a partnership. But as I see it, it is fraudulent.

  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    she cost me a million bucks that i made and could have spent with much more fun and satisfaction.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ But our society and the institution of marriage are more complicated than what you describe. What other long term connections do you have? For me, it is none. But with the organization I am building that will be completely different.


    Karl Marx, A-Life
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