My impressions of 3 FKK clubs; Germany and Switzerland

avatar for Corvus
Over the past twelve years I have been to close to 50 different strip clubs in the US, and a couple in Mexico. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to be in Europe and took advantage of the opportunity to visit two infamous FKK clubs near Frankfurt and another one near Zurich. I was very happy with the time and money I spent in these places. I won't go into too many individual club details as others have previously covered those here on TUSCL.

One piece of advice I will give is to take cash and not use the ATMs or your credit cards in the clubs, especially with the exchange rate. And check the exchange rate before leaving NA or you might be in for a bad surprise when the foreign currency charges show up on your credit card bill, as well as ATM fees. I took some Euros and Swiss Francs with me, but mostly used ATM's at local banks to get cash to take to the clubs, although they also charge fees, as do the credit card companies for foreign exchanges. 

I visited FKK Oase, north/northwest of Frankfurt on a Sunday night. Not far at all from Frankfurt, the club is located a few kilometers outside the village of Friedrichsdorf, and easy to find. I had a rental car as the German rail workers decided to be on strike while I was there and it was an easy drive. I also visited Club Globe near Zurich, in Schwerzenbach, Switzerland, on a Wednesday night. It was more difficult to get to, at least for me, so keep transportation in mind if you plan a visit. And I also spent a great Monday evening at FKK Sharks in Darmstadt, Germany. Darmstadt was a short, inexpensive bus ride from the Frankfurt International Airport, so it's very convenient for air travelers. I combined my visits with previously planned activities while in both countries and found it easy to schedule these visits around my other plans and travel schedule.

All three clubs were similar in the fact you entered, paid the cover and received a key on a wrist band that was for a small locker near the entrance and a larger locker in the shower room. The small locker was for your keys, wallet, etc. They are not large but would easily hold your most important items. This is where you can keep your cash and the girl will follow you there for payment after you are done but before you go clean up after your romp. The large lockers are for your clothes and shoes and you can shower in that area. Other items you receive after paying your cover charge include a towel, a robe and a pair of slippers. Go change clothes, quickly rinse off in the showers, and let the fun begin. 

FKK Oase was my first experience at a FKK club and it was crazy as soon as I entered. There were naked or nearly naked, gorgeous women walking around everywhere and it felt kind of intimidating and wonderful all at once. Intimidating because how do you choose which girl to go with and wonderful because you have the choice of girls that in most any club you have ever been to would be a top earner and most beautiful girl on any shift. Of course, this also depends upon your taste in women. If you like slim girls with natural tits you will love these FKK clubs. If you like big bottoms and big tits, you might want to stay in the USA. The girls were all wearing heels for the same reason they do here. Each club had at least one pole but I never saw anyone using them, which is too bad as it would have been fun, but these places are not strip clubs, they are FKK spas. I did not see many obvious bolt-on tits. Most were natural and I appreciated that. But remember, these girls are not dancers, so big fake tits are not as much a necessity to attract attention on stage. Also, it's easy to claim every single girl was a 10 but of course that is not the case. But there were very few I would not consider for a romp. They were still getting attention from other customers; they were just not my type. But overall the girls were all attractive. One girl I spent an hour with gave me her Instagram name and I found out she was not very photogenic, but in person, she looks fantastic. I doubt many would be disappointed by the level of talent in these places.

In all the other reviews and/or articles about FKK clubs, it has been suggested to never tell the girls it is your first time there. And almost every single girl I talked with asked me that question. I told every one of them I had been there before but not since the pandemic. They all seemed to accept that and move on to other topics quickly. Just another thing that is similar to the girls in our clubs. They are all looking for low hanging fruit to pick and your money is that fruit.

Girls in the German clubs were more aggressive in approaching you and also asking for upsells for longer, or more services, for more money, but it was not outrageous either. The girls at Club Globe were not as aggressive in approaching you and you had to be more proactive with most of them. At Sharks one girl I had been watching for a short while responded immediately when I waved at her to please come see me. She jumped up and was soon by my side. At Club Globe it was actually kind of nice to not have to fight the girls off as much. It wasn't a bad experience in Germany, heck we all have experience telling dancers no, but it is odd to tell a girl 30 to 35 years younger than you, and as beautiful as any other you have ever seen, "no" when she asks if she can join you. But that is a cross we all must bear in our hobby. These are target rich environments to say the least. At each club I experienced girls wanting to talk you into threesomes with one of their friends. I actually did this for my first time and what's not to like, but there are drawbacks. First the price is always more than for one girl of course. Sometimes even more than two girls would be separately, so be aware and always make sure everyone understands what will happen and how much it will cost. Upsell requests were common, especially in the German FKK clubs but the girls were not always aggressive about it. Again, nothing we are not used to dealing with. The biggest problem I have with threesomes is the fact that these clubs take safety very seriously and everything gets wiped down repeatedly and condom changes are mandatory when switching from one girl to the other. While this is certainly understandable, it does bring your activity to a screeching halt every time a switch is made. And the constant wiping down can be a bit of a turnoff. But I had no bad experiences with any of the eight girls I was with during my three visits. 

Like strippers, some girls are a bit mechanical and others are very sensuous. Pay your money, take your chances. Most of the girls offered massages and I wonder if this was to help the time go by quicker? I don't know, but I do know I was not at any of these clubs for a massage. With a single exception, all the girls I spent time with were sensuous and not mechanical. I also met girls from at least 4 continents: Europe, Asia (Turkey), South America and Africa. It was amazing when I asked where the girls were from, and quite impressive. Countries I remember girls mentioning were Romania, Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Greece, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Columbia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria. It did seem like the most common answer to the question of where they were from was Romania. It was interesting to hear every one of them speak passable English too. By and large their English was fine and in some cases excellent. Given the well known sex industry in the Dominican Republic, I was surprised to find a Dominican girl in Europe, but there is no telling where you will find people these days. I was also a bit shocked I did not encounter more than one Ukrainian girl. The one I did meet was among the best I've ever had, she was outstanding in all respects. I did take the opportunity to ask one girl, I think it was at Globe, how many customers she saw on an average shift. She said 9-10 was not unusual. If a girl received 100 from each one and worked 4-5 days a week, that is some pretty decent scratch to take back home, but it is surely a tough way to make a living too. I met one girl who travels back home every two weeks. She worked two weeks, and then took two weeks off to go home and see her family, and likely a kid? She was staying in a hotel about 2 blocks from the hotel I was staying at. Most of the girls appeared to be in their twenties, and the ones I asked all answered between 24 and 29 if I remember correctly.

I have never had the experience of going to a public gym or locker room but I have seen multiple comments here following other FKK reviews or articles about sharing the shower/locker room with other customers. Yes, that is what happens, but each club I visited had multiple options for shower space and while I can imagine it would get busy and full during some times, while I was there it was never that crowded and I never felt my space was invaded by other naked men showering. It was just not a big deal as everyone was respectful and self aware enough to not cause any issues. I forget which club it was that I did encounter a group of 3-4 men who were obviously together (Asians) and at one point they were standing around talking in the locker room and basically blocking one of the walkways I needed. It did not take much for them to realize they were monopolizing the space and move. One other minor issue I encountered was when another customer who had a locker next to mine or very close to mine was sitting in front of their locker and a bit too close to mine for comfort. But this happened to me only once. All the soap and shampoo in the showers were in liquid dispensers, just like in all the hotels I stayed in. Each place I went to could have had more hooks to hang towels and robes near the showers. That would be a good upgrade.

My favorite club was FKK Sharks in Darmstadt. I liked the atmosphere, the set up of the main room, dining area and rooms to play in. The girls were all great looking and friendly. It was easy to get to and prices were good. Also at Sharks, except for heels, the girls were naked in the club, some with a brief wrap around their hips, but hardly hiding any of their fun parts. Although at Club Globe at least some of the girls would shower with you after the two of you were done in a room, and that was very nice. Not sure if this ever happens in the other clubs, but it might? I missed the infamous public sex shows a few of the clubs are known for because I visited on the wrong days. I did see one girl across the room bobbing her head in the lap of an older man and I was hoping she would climb up and mount him, but she didn't. More than at any North American strip club I've ever been to, these girls spent most of their time naked or nearly so, everywhere in the club. Hell, I've seen way too many dancers here in the US not even take their tops off while on stage. These FKK clubs were so much nicer in that respect; naked women everywhere, and you could fuck every one of them if you had the money and the energy. There is really no comparison between strip clubs and FKK clubs, they are just two different types of entertainment. I highly recommend FKK clubs if you have the chance. As others have said, they are heaven on earth for men.


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avatar for Rod84
5 months ago
Nice overview.

My 2cents: The R-girls (Romanians) are to Germany as Cubans are to the US. I think economic disparity drives them to the FKKs. And similar to Cubans, many are fine to be with. But, they often clump together, speak less English, and hence, tend to be less sociable. Plus, there can be economic and cultural aspects that make the overall experience less satisfying as compared to girls from Hungary, Latvia, etc.

As you say, nothing we haven't dealt with in American clubs. It's all in a day's fun.
avatar for caseyx
5 months ago
I've never met a Romanian dancer who didn't speak English, though there have been a couple who spoke it poorly. The only time language has ever been a problem for me in an FKK was with a Brazilian girl at Globe who only spoke German and Portugese. I have generally had very nice experiences with R-girls (as Rod put it) but a few sessions with Hungarian and Polish girls really stand out in my memory.
avatar for Neobwh
4 months ago
Been to oase, sharks and world in Germany - loved world first couple times pre-covid but really dead in 2023. Oase did not impress me - older, not well kept up and girls very aggressive and at least when I went not so great.

Sharks is a must- dozens of girls, well kept and fun. Have done a few threesomes - probably not worth it for reasons above - but an experience to have two naked women in bed with you ready to fuck. Go if you can!
avatar for 623
Since 1963 ...
4 months ago
Sharks and some of the other clubs have a designated special day of the week. Some are lingerie days and one I went to had a “all private rooms locked until 10pm” day so all sex before that was in public areas.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
FKKs aren't strip clubs, they're brothels. I've only been to Oase and Sharks, and prefer the former (though I don't go as often as it's further from when I normally stay). Oase has a better variety of women. I'd say it's almost-half Romanian while Sharks is closer to 70%. (A lot lie about it to stand out from the crowd but you can tell; they all look the same.) Oase is also less of a hustle--you'll get approached but not swarmed. Sharks girls are, well, sharks. In a feeding frenzy. Even if you just got out of a room (and I like to recharge between rooms), they'll practically line up to try and sell you. Also, Sharks has funny viewing angles; it's hard to see any of the TVs or people watch like you can at Oase.

But both kick the living shit out of anything you'll find stateside.
Glad you had a good time Corvus. I’m hoping to get back to Globe in the next three months, if I could be there on NYE I would, I’ve heard about all the fucking going on all over the place and the great lesbian and sex stage shows.
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Not an Article. Resubmit as a Club Review I’m just saying this could be 3 reviews, more bang for your type up unless this is Muddy

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