"Greetings from Columbia 😘🥰💖" read the WhatsApp message.
What followed was a brief video of Elena, a CF chica from Hong Kong Club, Tijuana. She was dressed in a tight thin blue bikini and standing on a beautiful beach, posing adorably for the camera with her arms outstretched like a cheerleader with pompoms. Nena, as I'd come to call her, wasn't a perfect dime, a solid 8 though with a petite but shapely body and a cute face with braces, big brown eyes and long jet black silky hair. At Hong Kong Club this prior summer, she'd been absolute doll in the bedroom: demure, sweet, submissive, and offering lots of DFK.
I've been in the habit of collecting WhatsApps from Chicas over the past few visits to Tijuana. Some chicas end up asking for money. Some don't text at all, often because they've gotten out of the game. Nena had been a fountain of sweet, if not explicit messages since we had met. It was this last message with the video of her at the beach that made me decide I'd pull the trigger on an OTC session with her on my next trip to Tijuana.
Though my Spanish is improving, Nena is a proficient English speaker, so we mostly stuck with English when texting.
I texted her about my upcoming trip dates in Tijuana, and asked if she would want to meet OTC. "I am much more comfortable outside the club," she'd shot back, which definitely piqued my interest more, given how comfortable we had already gotten ITC on my prior visit.
I checked out Hotel Ticuán's website, and they had a suite with a jacuzzi available for a fairly reasonable rate, $140 USD including taxes and fees. I confirmed the date with Nena and pulled the trigger on an online reservation.
"I just booked us a room at Ticuán," I told her over Whats. "I'm so excited. I'd love to be able to see you for Toda La Noche, from checkin, around 3:30 PM, until I leave the next morning to catch my flight at 10 AM."
"What would be a fair donation for your time for the evening?" I'd added.
"I love the way this plan sounds" she replied to the first message. To the second, she said "I hadn't thought of an amount, so I'll leave that in your hands."
"How does $800 USD sound to you?" I shot back.
"It's perfect for me," she replied with more cute emojis. I probably could have offered her less, but $800 still seemed like a bargain to me. On our first rendezvous at HK, I'd taken her and her friend Lorena for a spin in a VIP, followed by a two hour arriba with both, dinner at Senda Norte, and then another two hour arriba with just Nena. Given I had spent close to a grand on her last time we'd seen each other ITC, $800 for a TLN OTC session seemed like a steal. Having said that, seasoned Tijuana enjoyers here like @PAFBAS and @PutaTester would certainly point out that many chicas in Tijuana will be happy to do OTC sessions for much less than $800.
Nena continued to send cute messages in the weeks that followed. At one point I asked her what her favorite restaurant in the city was. "Misión 19," she replied quickly. I looked it up, and it had great reviews, even a Michelin star. And the prices weren't devastating either, as fancy restaurants go. "That sounds awesome", I texted her. "Could you make us a reservation?" She replied promptly that she would.
I arrived in Tijuana two days in advance of my planned rendezvous with Elena, and did two debaucherously delightful nights at Hong Kong and a day trip to Chicago. My review of Chicago is here: https://tuscl.net/review/417988. My review of Hong Kong will be published soon.
Booking a room online at Ticuán is a breeze, as is getting there. It's located downtown, a $7-8 cab ride from La Zona Norte or a $10 ride from the border.
I'd booked the master suite, which was appointed as advertised including a spacious jacuzzi and king size bed. However, at checkin, the receptionist advised me that the room was located at the corner of the hotel, next to Las Pulgas, Tijuana's largest civilian nightclub. They warned me that it would be noisy all night long. Las Pulgas doesn't close until 6 AM, making sleep a difficult proposition. There wasn't much I could do with this information upon checking in though.
They also advised me that if I had a guest, they would have to register at the hotel before coming up to the room with me. This squicked me out a little. I was registered with my real name which I didn't want to share, at least yet, with Elena. I did manage to just sneak her in and out of the lobby elevator as we came and went, so this issue was moot, but I imagine there's a scenario at this hotel where they would stop us and make her register.
The safe in my room was also broken, which did affect our plans for the evening.
For these reasons, I think next OTC session I do in Tijuana, I'll probably try Pueblo Amigo Hotel & Casino. Pueblo is slightly pricier than Ticuán and also offers jacuzzi suites. Mongers on ISG and elsewhere report that Pueblo is chica friendly and doesn't require you register a guest.
By the time my final day in Tijuana arrived, I felt a small amount of trepidation in meeting Elena. Would she be as hot as I remembered? My time at Hong Kong had been amazing, would it be worth giving up another night at the club to meet Elena?
Being a chica, there was no question she would be late. But how late was she going to be?
My trepidation was exacerbated by the copious amounts of marijuana I was smoking, and also the exhaustion of two Tijuana days and nights prior. I've found that for me three nights in Tijuana is the ideal amount. Two nights is too few, and four is far too many. Three is ideal, provided one is really willing to push hard through the third day and night.
As I was packing up my things at the Rizo, I got a message from Elena, saying that she would be delayed, because she had to take her dog to the Vet. She told me she would be at Ticuán by 5 PM. Ouch. I told her I hoped her dog was OK and that I was looking forward to seeing her at 5 PM.
With some extra time on my hands, I made a unfruitful pitstop at Bar Tropical. Then I made my way over to Ticuán. I picked up some wine and beer at a nearby mercado and got cleaned up.
Elena sent me a live location after 5 PM showing her somewhere back in the Zona Norte. I waited patiently for her to get close, then I rolled down to the lobby to meet her at the entrance. She was there by 5:30 PM, exactly 2 hours late. Name a more iconic duo than chicas and being late.
As she stepped out of the cab, I was struck by how hot she looked. Dressed in an all pink outfit, with heels, a short skirt and bare-midriff she looked outstanding. Immediately, my trepidation washed away and was replaced with the sheer excitement of the fun we would have that evening.
"¡Qué bueno verte, Nena! Te ves preciosa, me encanta tu atuendo." / Good to see you, Nena! You look lovely, I love your outfit.
I gave her a hug and she gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"I'm glad to see you again, Ron," she replied with a big smile.
As we entered the hotel, someone was just getting off the elevator, and we were able to hop right on without confrontation from the front desk.
She held my hand as I walked her down the hallway to the room and asked her how her dog was doing. When we got to the room, I poured her a glass of wine, opened a beer for me, and took out the vape pen. Nena, I knew from our ITC session, was a major pothead.
We smoked, drank and chit-chatted for a while. Often I'd talk in Spanish and she'd reply back in English, sometimes we'd just stick to one or the other. Her English is a full notch better than my Spanish, but I explained to her that I'd really been studying hard recently, and appreciated the opportunity to practice. She volunteered to be mi maestra de español for the evening, and I got a kick out of affectionately calling her "profesora" throughout the night.
I put on music and took the opportunity to collect a few more songs from her for a playlist for the evening. I'd already had a solid start of some of her favorites from our summer arriba. Nena, like all chicas, was a fan of reggaetón, but she also was really into electronica, from older artists I know like Daft Punk to newer artists I'd never heard of, like Elderbrook and Anyma.
"Cuéntame todo sobre tu viaje a Colombia," I told her as these electronic beats buzzed around us. / Tell me all about your trip to Colombia.
She had been there with a group of 9, 8 chicas and one dude. She reported they were out late drinking every night, it sounded like a sight to behold. It was pleasant having this beautiful and fun chica in the room, and being beholden to no schedule other than a dinner reservation at 7:30.
The talk of her partying with her chicas got flirty, and we wound up on the bed making out. One thing I had loved about Nena from this summer's Hong Kong arribas was her willingness to just sit and canoodle indefinitely. DFK with lots of groping was one of this chicas specialties and she did not disappoint during this TLN session. We probably sat on the bed and made out for a solid 30-45 minutes before any clothes even came off, like kids in high school. It was exceedingly pleasant.
It went from pleasant to outstanding once the clothes eventually did come off. She looked even better naked than I remembered.
I asked, knowing full well what the answer would be, if I could go down on her. "Sí, me lo encantaría," she replied. / Yes, I'd love it.
She tasted sweet, maybe a bit like strawberry. I made a sincere and sustained effort to produce a Schrodinger's Orgasm, licking her clit at a steady pace while massaging her g-spot with a finger. Eventually she delivered about as she curled her toes and smashed a pillow over her face to muffle the screams.
Her oral skills were fantastic as she dove in eagerly for a sloppy BBBJ. She had one move where she'd take my head in deep, nuzzled in the fibrous tissue of the back of throat, then jack off the base of my cock. That move alone would ordinarily having me nutting in an instant, but this being day 3 of a bender in Tijuana, Nena had some work cut out for her.
"Quiero cogerte ya," I told her. / I want to fuck you already
"Sí mi amor," she replied.
She grabbed a condom and rolled it on me. I asked if she wanted lube and she told me. "Ya no lo necesito" / I don't need it anymore.
In truth her pussy was wet as fuck. I took her from behind first. Unfortunately, there was no mirror to watch her with in this room, so I quickly switched us to cowgirl, which she excelled at, bopping up and down energetically, moaning as I groped her tits.
We fucked missionary, rigorously and face-to-face then with both knees up, then with her grabbing her legs, which is where I finally nutted.
It was around ten past 7 when we finished. As we got cleaned up and dressed, I figured I'd pay her now to be polite. I offered her a fancy chocolate bar I'd brought from the states along with an envelope containing her $800.
She took the chocolate eagerly, opening it immediately. To the cash, to my surprise, she said, "I don't want to carry all of that. Can you pay me with CashApp or Venmo?"
"I don't have either," I told her, "This is all I've got. But I can hold on to it and give it to you in the morning." She nodded in agreement, taking a bite of the chocolate and offering me a piece.
I made a critical and marijuana-induced blunder here and pocketed the envelop of cash, meaning that it followed me like an albatross to dinner.
Running a little late for our reservation, we dashed out of the room, down the elevator, and out to the lobby entrance where there were plenty of taxis waiting for us.
Misión 19 is located in the Zona Rio, a 10 minute cab ride from downtown. En route, Nena suggested I get the driver's Whats so he could pick us up on the way home.
The restaurant is located in an office park that was absolutely deserted on this Saturday night. I was worried that the taxista had taken us somewhere to get mugged. Eventually, we found a security guard who directed us to the elevators to take to the restaurant.
The space was lovely. I felt slightly uncomfortable, walking in as an obvious gringo with this stunning mexicana in bright pink on my arm. She turned a few heads, and I'm sure was the subject of discussion in the kitchen or break rooms. But the staff treated us respectfully through our time there, even enduring my shitty Spanish without retribution.
As we sipped on red wine and pondered the menu, I touched the third rail of politics and found that Nena and I had a lot in common. She doesn't think AMLO's proposed judicial reforms are a good idea either. With the Mexican elections having just completed, and the US election in it's final stretch, we had plenty to talk about.
She was passionate about the issue of human trafficking. I asked her at one point if she thought any women were trafficked at Hong Kong. "By the club, no," she replied, adding, "by boyfriends, all the time."
Her perspective on US-MEX relations was interesting. It was tarred by the fact that she'd tried to get a tourist visa in 2019 just after her 18th birthday. After paying a hefty sum, $200 USD, I think she told me, getting photographed, fingerprinted, and making multiple trips to the embassy with documents to establish her intent to return, she got denied, and that was it. "I only wanted to come to the US and spend money," she told me, laughing. But it was clear it really pissed her off and I couldn't blame her for it.
The meal was absolutely fabulous. We ordered wine, apps, entrées, desert and an digestif to top the meal off. The total damage including tip was $5,000 MXN, about $230 USD. I've had larger tabs at the Mexican-American cantina in my home city. Even fancy shit in Mexico is cheap, it's amazing.
Over and an amaretto and chocolate mouse, we plotted the rest of our evening. Nena mentioned that right near our hotel was a free live electronic DJ festival. She pulled up the event page on her phone and showed me, it looked legit and fun. The page had a live stream going, showing a rave-like environment with lots of young people dancing. Going to electronic music performances with 24 year old chicas is the type of shit you have to do when you're middle aged to feel young again.
I told her "¡A huevo! ¡Hagámoslo!" / Hell yeah! Let's do it!
Then I remembered the cash in my pocket. I told her we'd need to stop at the hotel first to drop it off. "¡Ay no! ¿Trajiste todo ese dinero contigo?" she replied laughing. / Oh no! You brought all that cash with you?
"Sí, soy un idiota," I replied. "¿Deberíamos llamar al taxista?" / Yes, I'm an idiot. Should we call the taxi driver?
"Todavía no," she said. "Hay un parque cerca, deberíamos ir allí a fumar un churro. No podemos fumarlo en el hotel." / Not yet. There's a park nearby, we should go there to smoke a joint. We can't smoke it in the hotel."
"Qué lindo, profesora," I replied, adding, "Hemos completado la misión diecinueve, entonces, necesitamos completar la misión cuatro veinte." / Nice, profesora, We have completed mission 19, so we need to complete mission 420.
We exited the building and first called the cab driver, giving us 10 minutes time. We found our way to a bench at the nearby park. The park was nice, and could've been an office park area in downtown San Diego, except for one critical difference: the possibility that Tijuana municipal police might show up.
Nena gave me a kiss, then sparked the joint. Sensing my heightened state of alert, she told me, while exhaling a big cloud of smoke, coughing, "No te preocupes, nadie va a molestarnos aquí." / Don't worry, no one is going to bother us here.
"Espero que no," I replied. She handed the joint over and I took a huff. It was really good shit, sweet, definitely Californian. We passed it back and forth a few rounds. As we smoked we talked about the weed situation in TJ. She had to get her weed from a dealer, like we used to do in the US in the 2000s. The upside was he dealt in exclusively California products. She conceded she hated Mexican weed.
"Yo, también," I replied, exhaling. "Uhhhh... creo que me encanta esta mota y estoy bien marihuano." / Me too. Uhhhh... I think I love this weed and I'm really stoned.
"Bueno," she replied, giggling. She gave me a marijuana infused peck on the lips and took the joint from me.
"¿Recuerdas cómo era el taxi?" I asked her. / Do you remember what the taxi looked like?
"Un pequeño coche amarillo," she replied, exhaling a huge cloud. / A little yellow car.
"Creo que ya está," I said, watching the headlights of a tiny car pull up on the street in front of the park. / I think he's already here.
"A la chingada," Nena replied, taking a quick huff and then offering me the joint, now two-thirds exhausted.
"Estoy bien, gracias", I said. / I'm good, thanks.
Nena hustled over to a nearby trash can, then took an enormous puff of the joint, practically vaporizing the rest of it. This flaquita could fucking smoke, it was amazing. Coughing under a huge cloud, she dabbed the porrito out and tossed the roach in the trash. We hustled over to the cab.
I was exhilarated to get in, buzzing from the porrito and the thrill of having survived smoking it in such risky circumstances.
When we got back to the hotel I managed to sneak Nena up the elevator for a second time without alerting reception.
In the room, I stowed her cash in the safe. I pared my wallet down to a couple hundred pesos for a drink or two at the festival. I plopped my cash next to hers, and it was then that I discovered the safe wasn't working.
I called down to the front desk and they sent someone up to have a look. This put a serious damper on things, as both of us were eager to get to the festival.
Mercifully, the telechero was quick to respond. Stupidly, I'd left all the cash sitting in the safe. So as worked on it, I had to awkwardly stand over his shoulder to make sure none of it disappeared. He fumbled with a bunch of shit, and eventually reported, "Está roto. Tenemos que reemplazarlo por completo. No puedo hacer que funcione esta noche." / It's broken. We have to replace it completely. I can't get it to work tonight.
He sulked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
I looked at Nena, and she looked back at me for the verdict.
"Lo siento. Está roto. No me siento cómodo yendo al festival ahora. Especialmente desde que ese pinche tipo acaba de ver todo el dinero," I reported. / I'm sorry. It's broken. I don't feel comfortable going to the festival now. Especially since that fucking dude just saw all of the cash.
I was disappointed. If Nena was perturbed she didn't show it much. "Está bien, ¿Qué tal nos metemos en el jacuzzi?" / It's fine. How about we get in the jacuzzi?
"Definitivamente, ¡podemos tener nuestro propio festival, con vino y Daft Punk!" I said as I put the music back on. / Definitely, we can have our own festival, with wine and Daft Punk!
I started filling the jacuzzi, it was a slow process. We piled some more songs onto the playlist and took a look at the view from of Tijuana from the window. She pointed out that we could see the Zona Río, where we'd had dinner. And of course she gave me more awesome DFKs because that's the type of chica Nena is.
I grabbed a beer for myself, and offered Nena another glass of wine, which she declined. Instead she brought a pen of her own to the tub for us to enjoy.
We got naked and hopped in to enjoy the suds. Earlier in the weekend I'd had trio in the tub at the Rizo that had gotten very rowdy. This session with Nena was more sensual, romantic even. It feature plenty of DFK and mutual groping. We'd occasionally talk about the music on the playlist, have a puff of her pen, then get back to making out. We were in the tub until the water was tepid and she suggested moving onto la cama. It was blissful and glorious.
Once we'd dried off and moved to the bed, she started off with a BBBJ. It featured tons of slobber, and more of that deep throaty hand job she had done earlier. I was in heaven.
We moved straight on to missionary. She put some pillows under her ass, and then grabbed her knees as I ploughed into her. We fucked like that for a while, and though I wanted badly to nut, it wasn't happening yet. It had been a really long weekend.
I told her "Quisiera probar una paja y una mamada otra vez." / I'd like to try a handjob and blowjob again.
"Sí, mi amor," she replied, peeling off the condom and getting to work. Like an energizer bunny, she kept going, no complaints from this chica about her mouth or hands getting tired.
I fucked her again missionary for while, and it was stupendous, but a nut wasn't in the cards.
Eventually, I pulled out, rolled onto my back, and told her, "Creo que no puedo, esta noche," / I don't think I can, tonight.
"Está bien, mi amor," she said, snuggling up against me. Both of us were exhausted at this point. We chatted in the bed naked for a while before cleaning up and getting back in the bed naked.
I set an alarm for 9 AM. I could've passed out right then, but Las Pulgas was a cacophony of noise. It was worse than staying on the 5th floor of Cascadas. We put on the TV to drown out the noise and then conversed more, cuddling naked for another hour or so, until we eventually both fell into fitful Pulgas-hampered sleep.
My alarm went off at 9 AM, but it was closer to 9:30 before either one of us were awake after the short bought of sleep.
Nena was game to make out for a bit, and then go down on me bareback again. Unhibited by the vitamin V, her deep-throaty handjob maneuver finally got me off, leaving me feeling refreshed after the prior evening's fruitless rampage. She'd swallowed the load, telling me "¡Qué rica!"
"¡Qué linda, profesora, eres muy divertida!" I replied. How nice, profesora, you're so much fun!
I looked at the time, 10 AM. "A la chingada, ¡Llego tarde a mi vuelo!" I told her. / Fuck, I'm late for my flight!
I hastily cleaned up (no time for a full shower, I would have to travel home smelling like chica) and then packed my things. Nena threw on a cute skin tight sundress she had in her handbag and bid me farewell as I was packing. I'd meant to tip her $100 and give her my pen, but in my haste I'd forgotten as she said goodbye. The pen I left for the maid with a few pesos, the $100 I pocketed.
I made it out the door at 10:30, and was at the airport by noon, including a stop at a San Ysidro dispensary. Thank god for Global Entry.
I sent her and some other chicas farewell messages from the airport. Nena got right back to me with a cute message, wishing me safe travels.
On the flight home, I pondered the world of possibilities.
Nena had told me over dinner how excited she would be to show me around her hometown Mexico City. I've always wanted to visit, it's the biggest and oldest city in all of the Americas.
That was a possibility, so was returning to TJ for another TLN with Nena, or maybe with one of the other chicas I'd met previous. Why not do multiple nights with different chicas, OTC, I thought? And of course, there's the adventure of finding new chicas at Hong Kong and the smaller clubs in La Zona Norte. Tijuana is a world of near endless mongering possibilities.
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last commentGreat read Ron! One of your best works yet!
Great experience. Thank you for sharing!
Great ARTICLE. (I don't get why some say it should be a club review, when the only club connection is where you met the chica.) Anyway....
You called it.…
Thanks for the feedback @PT. You're absolutely spot on in your comments.
Yeah, I need to practice more with this, because…
Of note, most of my TLNS are 12-16 hours. They are always with girls that I like being with, not just having sex with. Sounds like your girl…
RJ. a great experience and a damn good article. I wonder if she's a girl I know...
Sounds fun bro!! Just curious, whenever you engage in various sexual activities (including non-protected ones) with these girls, how do you evaluate STD risks?
Another epic tale Ron. Congrats on finding such a cool girl to hang with