What Do You Think This Is?

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There is a contingent of weirdo on this site that act like we’re are in some sort of power struggle with strippers. They have this mindset that on some level strippers are evil for wanting our money, and in some cases evil for wanting to be treated fairly and communicated with clearly. They see it as a Mano e Moano where you have to be this mega alpha not to be ripped off or mistreated.

Basically there are guys in this board who either can’t deal with women, hate women or some combination of both. Now is that the average PL in the club, dude on this board or dancer? Hell no.

The Fundamental Lie
The top lies strippers tell online are around extras. The second biggest are around cutting off/standing up to (more on this later) there regulars. The 3rd is that we are all losers. Let me explain.

I’m not saying they don’t actually think we’re losers, of course many do. We’re talking about the kind of women that often (not always) think any man that isn’t what they want and isn’t willing to give them what they want on there terms is a loser. That’s why some dancers hate regulars. They consistently deal with/see a man for whom they must do what he wants to get what they want and that eats them up inside.

They also don’t like us. But not being seen as attractive, cool or a good person to someone doesn’t actually make that someone a loser. And many strippers are just poorly socialized and wouldn’t know a winner if they hit them in the face with a stack of singles. Look at how many strippers approach guys during floor work based on how they dress, there jewelry, if they order bottle service. Frankly, I’m not sure a dancers opinion on what makes someone successful is worth hearing half the time.

I’m calling the idea PLs really are PLs a lie because of how often it’s simply not true in the material sense. I can spend money on dancers because I work hard, work well, moved up, invested well and make good decisions. Kings and billionaires surround themselves with beautiful women because they have money and probably always will. I don’t do go to the club because I can’t get a hot woman outside the club, I go because I can drop the pretense and performance and be honest about what I want and so can she.

With that being said, real sexists, creeps, predators and guys that are just bad with women are in the club, we know and see that. That’s where this weird rhetoric about “checking” a dancer for have GSP, expecting them to read your mind before they give you a dance instead of you speaking up or paying them as little as possible to humble them starts to creep in and it’s dumb on so many levels.

Level 1: It’s Silly - How can some of these guys turn the booty club into this lame tug of war? I’ll more into this later but what a misreading of the room to make a 7 Up factory the field for a battle of the sexes. Why would you want to spend money on that?

Level 2: It’s Regressive - In some of these guys minds male and female interactions can’t just be an exchange, it has to be a power game. Well, it isn’t. I’ll get more into this later.

Level 3: It’s Prudish - It never fails to amaze me how many people in the strip club (honestly a lot of dancers are like this too) need to feel better than someone. Some dudes just want to feel above someone. I want to feel ass.

Level 4: Its Mean - A minority of people in clubs have nothing else in life other than bringing someone down. Get a fucking life. Alot of dudes who call themselves checking dancers just get off on making a woman feel bad. I just want her to make me feel hard.

Level 5: It’s Insincere - I don’t believe that most guys who are strip club regulars are actually bothered by a woman only wanting their money. They might be bothered by not getting anything for their money but then that’s the issue. It’s in a man bones to provide for a woman. All the paranoid rhetoric about getting played is disingenuous. We just want to pay for play.

The other big problem is the nature of the strip club renders the mindset these guys who think all the dancers need to be brought down a peg or they’ll end up paying for 1000 buck air dance useless. Because strip clubs aren’t places men interact with women. It’s a place where customers tip a performance and buy a service.

Checking strippers doesn’t work because she’s not yours to check, never has to do what you want and shouldn’t have to. Treat it like any other buiness.

How Do You Handle A Service I Don’t Want?

Get a different service. Simple. I don’t check my landscaper if I don’t like my hedge trim. Also if she won’t let you touch, grind, or whatever else, find a new dancer, no depedestalizing necessary.

I don’t have any power over her and she doesn’t have any control over me. She doesn’t have to get nude on stage I don’t have to tip the rail, and if you try to make her change that’s like dating to me, at best. You have no regard for consent at worse.

Strippers don’t have to stand up to me as a regular. If you don’t want to dance for me don’t. If your limits mean this isn’t entertaining for me, I’ll politely move on.

Use These 2 Keys Before Your 2 Balls

Strip clubs boil down to expectations and communication. Everything I’ve written in this site boils down to that. You have got to talk to a dancer before you touch her. I lay out every I want in a dance/VIP/OTC before I buy anything more than a drink. Not act like a jerk and panic like all the dancers will over charge or lie. That act will probably create what you’re worried about.

And these guys might damage our good time. I think this talk and tactics are going to cause an uptick in ROBs and management who validate ROBs, more dancers who do a little as they can out of fear or resentment, less dancers who work the floor. Also part of it some of these guys are not actually spending and that’s what they are really hung up over. What they post is fantasy crap.

But the bottom line is this, you need to ask yourself: what do I think this is? Why am I here? Is it because I can’t date? Because I’m holding a grudge against women? Or because I like the vibe, the action and the lack of airs or strings attached. If you’re talking about a stripper like you’re in a relationship with her, you might need to look at yourself. If what an actual strip clubs provides isn’t the reason you go then you need to get your shit together. Because this isn’t a competition, it’s entertainment. Take it outside that realm and you’re in for big problems.


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@uniquename Most of the articles I write start as possible discussions that end up being too long to post there so I hope I get a big reaction.
Great article, sadly none of your target audience can read and likely can barely form sentences so probably won't get that big reaction you're looking for.

My only disagreement is that every man in the club except the owner and staff is definitely a loser. The Kings and Billionaires comparison is wild when any investment in the world, even in alternate forms of SW (or god forbid an actual relationship), is guaranteed higher value than at any SC. The only "value" of a SC is the glitz and glamour, and throwing money while being dazzled is the definition of loser behavior.

Mind you, this is coming from someone who embraces the PL moniker and is perfectly happy to be dazzled to escape mundane reality, but call it as it is.
@MajoraCream Reading does seem to be an issue right now.

The Kings and Billionaires thing is probably hyperbolic. But the Narrtive online seems to be that any man who uses money to get pretty women is a loser. Well are kings and Billionaires losers because they do the same thing,
The comparison is hyperbolic, and that's OK because it gets your point across. Me calling all men at SCs losers is also hyperbolic, but what I'm getting at is that apart from the subjective value of "fun" or potentially networking for OTC opportunities, the SC is pretty much always a losing game.

By contrast, Kings and Billionaires don't directly pay for women's attention, they invest in their own value and recieve attention automatically. Their wealth and influence allow them to live the experience of being able to disregard the standard flow and rules of courtship, something that you pay to get a cheap fantasy of in the club.

At the end of the day, I agree that using money or influence to attract feminine attention does not make you a loser, but very often pursuing it directly instead of indirectly does.
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Approving just to see the reaction.
Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board

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