5 days ago•uniquenamereviewedDelilah's Den22 Washington Ave Manville, NJ 08835 There’s usually diamond amongst the dust here
1 wk ago •uniquenamecommented onFast and Furious$60 for standard PH service? Not just no, but hell no.
2 wks ago •uniquenamecommented onPlayhouse Lounge - JennyJenny’s upsell is well documented here. That’s why, in my recent post about the place, said that you always need to go in with a game plan. Jenny…
2 wks ago•uniquenamereviewedPlayhouse Lounge1205 US Route 130 N Burlington, NJ 08016 It’s The Dollar Store of Strip Clubs
3 wks ago •uniquenamecommented onScouting a new club: Where do you sit? Bar, table, rail. Always the bar. I can get a feel for what’s going on and scout out the entire place instead of just watching the dancer in front of me.
3 wks ago •uniquenamecommented onDo you miss....................................desertscrub??????????????????????Talk about a voice from the past… no, he’s not missed at all.
1 mo ago •uniquenamecommented onWhy are “extras” more expensive than hookers ? The most typical reason given is ease of access. No screening and potential RWI required, immediate results.
1 mo ago •uniquenamecommented onWhy aren’t you perverts discussing Ye and Bianca Censori?Attention seeking publicity whores are not worth the time or the effort they demand. Contribute something useful to the world and get back to me.
1 mo ago •uniquenamecommented onFriendly Dancers Amid Some Questionable Transactions (Jeers not Cheers)Sounds like a major clip joint with the way they count change.
2 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedPlayhouse Lounge1205 US Route 130 N Burlington, NJ 08016 A Swing And A Miss
3 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedAtlantis Gentlemen's Club11600 66th St N Largo, FL 33773 When in Florida, do as Floridians do
5 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedPlayhouse Lounge1205 US Route 130 N Burlington, NJ 08016 The Pink Palace Is A Daytime Standard
6 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedAdult World3932 Jonestown Rd Harrisburg, PA 17109TL; DR: Don’t bother, just don’t.
7 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedPlayhouse Lounge1205 US Route 130 N Burlington, NJ 08016 Upsell, upsell, upsell!
8 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedDelilah's Den22 Washington Ave Manville, NJ 08835 (Eh, whatever. They served their purpose.)
9 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedclosedDream Girls Wilkes-Barre205 Mundy Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Nothing to write home about
9 mos ago•uniquenamereviewedEnd Zone100 Lion Ln Port Matilda, PA 16870When Your Choices Are Limited You Do What You Can