
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 74)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Suggestion to founder to improve the site content for Club Info
    Mickey the thing with that is a dancer name doesnt mean much, cause until you see her you wont even know if you want extras or a dance. So just knowing which dancer offers extras doesnt mean so much unless you’ve already been to tje club and know the dancers. And yeah there is the problem of the dancer SOs, rival dancers, managers, other customers. The benefits to naming the dancer arent that much unless pics are provided.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Vegas Observations
    Icee that is just sad youll insult cops, say theyre evil and racist, then run to them over internet dms. And you should be in jail more than anyone else, you admitted to stealing thousands in blm riots, if you were in a red state you wouldn’t be able to pull that nonsense so easily.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    "Thick-5-Incher" is Trucidos
    Iceeplop you came across a forum that just isnt the same as the reddit and twitter circles youre used to. Even the older liberal men dont think the same way as the pro blm circles youre used to. if youre saying ukraine is neonazi, im not sure about that, but plenty of people support ukraine. And btw even if there are neo nazi groups in ukraine it doesnt mean the country or entire miltary is neonazi.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    "Thick-5-Incher" is Trucidos
    Iceeplop the stuff skibum found and exposed on you is insane. I cant believe what i read, all the stuff you were doing with your clients and parents. You even did all that looting during the blm riots and told dancers and others you got the money from working
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dinner with a stripper
    Wow that sucks for icee to have to blow his own father, which has been confirmed and proven by longtime user skibum! That sucks i cant imagine the abuse you’ve went through iceeplop
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Iceeplop you literally copy word for word leftist BLM arguments off twitter and reddit. You literally bring up things like racism and apply them to russia and ukraine which have nothing to do with racism lol. And users like tetra and skibum have actually said lots of things against trump so theyre not copy/pasting right wing stuff off twitter. And iceeplop you openly bragged about looting the blm protest riots, pepper spraying someones balls because he stole your girl, stated dancers should beat and rob clients if they ask for otc, stated people can be robbed for doing anything illegal, etc. And you even said things like addresses aren’t private info because clubs ask for IDs, so nothing is private then because anything even SSNs can be asked for lol. And this thread is proof you come on here to “debate” in a heightened state
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Suggestion to founder to improve the site content for Club Info
    One of the clubs said the cameras in the lapdance booths don’t record. I dont know if that means they still have a live feed running or if the camera itself is just there for show. I would like to know if a club is extras friendly, but that would be risky for LE if its publicly posted. LE will still care about extras even if a dancer name isn’t mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dinner with a stripper
    Why are lawyers fucking their clients? Is it some kind of p4p thing. Did you do anything to the boyfriend after that incident?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fake profiles?
    We know its not Icee because he would have named the account 2Pussylicker Dolfan i dont think you need to send a photo ID or show yourself to get verified
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Vegas Observations
    Even if someone does that, whats so bad about it? Its odd to draw the line for sick fuck at internet trolling, whilst encouraging dancers to rob and beat clients
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    “. His views on abortion, immigration, corporate taxes, Ukraine/China/Russia, student loan debt, police brutality, and climate change are 99% the same as Trump and the other far-right kooks ” Lol, student loan debt, “police brutality”, and climate change are literally non issues that shouldn’t even be discussed in the political arena. Those categories dont even compare to the importance of the other topics you mention. Police brutality effects like 5 white people, 2 latino people and 2 black people per year. Student loan shouldnt be funded or forgiven at all, it shouldn’t even be up on the table. The only reason these subjects like loan debt and police get brought up is because of BLM looters who dont want cops arresting them for theft and who dont want to pay for college and think someone else should. “So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks. You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend". Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?” First of all the tactic used on floyd doesnt kill people, you tubers have reemacted that move and it has been used before. And there are videos of black cops abusing their power, or behavinng the same as white cops who get critciized. Cops are mostly representative of normal population metrics, so most are white. But it is telling how liberals state all lives matter and white lives matter are racist. Additionally, just look at daniel shavor. White guy died in mucj worse conditions than floyd, his gofundme only made 50k vs floyd making millions in a pandemic. He had a few hundred protesters instead of millions. Its liberal/blm hypocrisy at play, since its clearcut evidence you guys basically promote the agenda of “im not helping the homeless unless they’re black”. You guys have gone on record to say equality is racist, and that yoi want equity, which when you describe equity it’s an insane communistic concept And also racist. He said Mexico isnt sending their best, and they are probably the largest immigrant group as well as illegal immigrant group coming. And unfortunately they are bringing a lot of crime over the border. He has said much worse stuff than “send them back” to Hillary so you’re wrong there. Ultimately while some of trumps statements sound generalizing, his statements are still not as bad as going around saying you refuse to help victims of homelessness, cancer victims and police brutality victims unless they belong to a specific race. And with trump some of it is down to the way he speaks.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    5 incher what has DeSantis said or done that indicates him being a white nationalist? Trump has said and donr much more that could be related to white nationalism. You cant really compare desantis to hitler or others considering he bragged about wanting to be the most pro israel governor ever. And to center this around racial stuff or potential racism is laughable considering you have dems who support black nationalist groups or straight up say racist things in public. So you have dems who often say racist things compared to repubs who often say anti immigrant things, at least the anti immigrant stuff on the right is more logical than the racist stuff on the left. I mean the anti immigrant stuff is usually based around reducing crime or leech immigrants whereas the racist stuff on the left is often just blind hatred of whites
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Is Follies in Atlanta re-opening ??
    Ilba, isnt that any club where you have to pay $100 to see if you click with a dancer? Its usually only 3 songs, so most clubs you’ll likely need to spend at least that. Bubbleyum, net-net fair points all around!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank you for your service
    Bubbleyum, you posted a good write up there. You completely destroyed him, I’m not sure he’ll be posting again after what you wrote!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What does LDK mean?
    LDKing is busting your nut during the lapdance. Not all dancers are willing to do this type of dance. Usually it involves intense grinding throughout the dance. But some will do it even without you asking for it. Some really want you to nut, and may feel offended if you don’t.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Disappointing for a Vegas club...
    Icee are you going to review some of the better vegas clubs? You mentioned vegas has the best clubs in the country, which ones do you recommend?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Clip Joint
    $250 for just 15 minutes is far above the norm. Basically $50 per song. It’s insane they actually force people out of the club for not getting hookah. With a $250 vip for 15 minutes you’d assume the club keeps half of that?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    The info on the ID could make it easier for someone to rob you or mess with you if they wanted. And you have to go out of your way to not start an issue with bouncers or management who will usually have access to the IDs. Dolfan why did you go through all that effort paying for stuff to avoid clubs that scan IDs? What are your personal issues with the id scanning practice?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    Dolfan, how do they track what a particular customer spent and did? They actually go through the effort of scanning IDs then also using the camera system to track how many drinks and dances that customer bought? That seems intrusive, scanning the ID is one thing, but then watching a customer for their entire visit at the club, tracking what they spent money on and how much they spent is weird. And it would require extensive camera viewing by a live human since a robot couldn’t capture that kind of info. Usually you scan the ID then go inside, and they don’t check your ID again when buying drinks or dances.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    You made new terminology now, everyone was a “suck fuck” now they’re paranoid fucks
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    Someone having your address makes it easier for them to mess with you if they wanted. Its just basic stuff, most people keep their address private
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    Icee, you believe strippers have the right to rob and beat clients, so of course you dont think theres any risk involved in the id being given. And IDs being asked for doesn’t mean the info on tje ID isnt private, lol. Do you think social security numbers aren’t private because credit card companies ask for them? The reason IDs can be scanned and looked at is because they’re asked for they dont just grab them by force
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    Icee the logic you used is laughably similar to what some internet doxxers have tried to argue and failed horribly. The logic used by some of these doxxers has been that IP addresses and street addresses are all public record, so they didnt reveal anything personal by leaking someones address or ip address online. The problem for you guys is that as a standalone piece of info, a street address or ip address means nothing just a series of numbers or letters. When you attach someones name onto or other identifiable info onto it, or even their internet name, its no longer public record its private and doxxing. So yes a license is considered personal, most businesses and people don’t ask for it. And most people on the street dont know your address or DOB. An address is public in that you can go home shopping online and review addresses, once you attach someone’s name onto it it’s not public. You’re making excuses similar to what internet doxxers have made.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank you for your service
    You don’t know any individuals personal reasons for doing a particular profession and their history. Any profession has a mix of good and bad people. Military, strippers, politicians, fast food workers, drug dealers, students, etc. When you say thank you for your service to a random person, you’re assuming they’re a good person purely because of their profession. You don’t actually know anything about them besides their profession. The military as an institution is necessary and needs to be supported to some extent. But it doesn’t extend to every single person who worked in it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Can club scan your id without telling you and risks of club having your info?
    Icee it has the address and the numbers on the ID. And date of birth. It has plenty of personal info.