He's literally leaving the door wide open for something to happen to any extras dancer should the wrong person in that dancer's life stumbles across a review. And given the amount of screenshots all over the internet of reviews that are supposed to be paid for to read, who knows if it could be a pimp, manager, owner, spouse, parent, child, crazy customer jealous over him being charged x when the reviewer was charged y, etc.
Despite the stupid ass disclaimer of everything being a work of fiction, when (not if) something happens to someone because of this site, because an extras dancer was outed, it's going to come back and legally bite him in the ass.
“ Founder should stop allowing reviewers to name dancers who do extras though “
This gives another enhancement opportunity.Add option to select a reason when rejecting unpublished review. That drop down option should have a. Naming dancer name for extras b. Personal attack on a dancer c. other. If they chose other, they should enter info on open text box. If option 1 or 2 selected as the reason for rejection even by at least 2 reviewers, then site should auto delete the review., no need to wait for 5 rejections.
^ would fucking LOVE to see that happen as would almost every stripper in existence (extras and non-extras), but doubtful given the historical lenient bullshit moderation.
I rejected a review last night that was only a paragraph going after and bitching about a dancer. It was immature and offered zero club info. This shouldn't be a place for vendetta based reviews when we only ever get one side of the story anyway.
I think the "Too explicit" checkbox is already supposed to cover things like outing dancers. I have checked it several times for just this reason. I think the problem is that there is a contingent of morons on this site who think that naming dancers is perfectly fine and won't reject a review for it.
===> "The cameras in the rooms is a risk for us for our physical safety. It's better for our safety if customers don't know."
Baloney. Plenty of dancers all over the country feel perfectly safe without being on camera during LDs and VIPs. This is mostly supported by the anal retentive types who want management to bust girls caught doing more. If it was really a safety issue, you'd want customers to know that they're on camera as it would encourage better behavior.
According to some of the comments on the already approved reviews naming dancers, a common misconception with the morons is they are thinking of law enforcement seeing it instead of being concerned with dancer safety and privacy. They all play a factor but it's less likely for law enforcement to care more than a pimp, spouse, manager, or scorned customer.
And it's not baloney when you consider a scenario of a rapist choking out a defenseless dancer in VIP because he knew there were no cameras in advance. I know that's really extreme, but it is something dancers are concerned about.
Yeah, like every box I’ve ever checked that says I’ve read the licensing agreement before downloading an app. Continue to downvote them. Scrub’s right. Founder vested the power in us. It’s our responsibility to use it correctly. We need to police ourselves better. Reject them when you see them, hammer the idiots who approve them anyway.
One thing that's cool about Club 390 is they've got a big red emergency button, the kind you just slam with your palm, in each couch room cubicle. Hopefully they have cameras too. The thing with cameras is, danger that footage could end up on the internet (I've seen some).
One of my favs got roofied while she was dancing, when she was still a teenager. Fortunately she threw up on the guy, which caused him to leave. It was clear from the security camera footage that the guy practically dragged her into the couch room. But the bouncers either weren't paying attention or ignored it. She quit dancing for a long time after that, but couldn't get by on a low-wage job.
@BY are you saying you don't think we should ever mention a dancer's work name in a review? Even if we avoid details of anything potentially illegal or against club rules? I always thought of it as a way of thanking them, it would help them to sell the first dance to a new customer.
One of the clubs said the cameras in the lapdance booths don’t record. I dont know if that means they still have a live feed running or if the camera itself is just there for show.
I would like to know if a club is extras friendly, but that would be risky for LE if its publicly posted. LE will still care about extras even if a dancer name isn’t mentioned.
Knowing who will do what is actually very helpful in a review. There seems to be concern about dancer protection. It doesn't seem like anyone understands this but dancers use anonymous stage names which can be changed. The "I got extras but I cant say from who" isnt useful. I dont get the secrecy when this kind of info is available on usasg.
mickey said "Knowing who will do what is actually very helpful in a review."
Perhaps, but the potential harm that it can cause a dancer isn't worth it. Keep reading.
"There seems to be concern about dancer protection."
You are correct. That's because TUSCL members with access to these reviews can include club managers, staff, and other dancers, who can use that information to really jam up a dancer. It's also not impossible for local reporters to access these reviews to find incriminating quotes for their expose piece (see below). And, yes, it's also possible for the cops to get at these reviews (but, really, in most areas the cops already know what is happening in any given club without visiting TUSCL or anywhere else).
"It doesn't seem like anyone understands this but dancers use anonymous stage names which can be changed."
Really, man? Do you actually think you just broke the news that strippers use stage names to a bunch of guys who've been going to strip clubs for decades and posting about it on this website... also for decades? Is that really what you think?
"The 'I got extras but I cant say from who" isnt useful.'"
Yes it is. I tells you that they happen in that club versus others. Strip clubs aren't vending machines; you don't just put your money in and get exactly what you want. For some stuff, you need to go to the club and talk to dancers. Also, what a dancer does for you might not match what she wants to do for the next customer (and that's her choice). So, posting details with names can jam up a dancer with other customers.
"I dont get the secrecy when this kind of info is available on usasg."
Well, Mickey, USASG is a fucking cesspit and that place can do more harm than good. So, if that's your standard then you need to work on your standards. Case in point... many years ago one of the clubs in Providence landed themselves in the news in a big, big way. The news media were all over the story and started doing "investigative journalism" on all of the Providence strip clubs.
At one point, one of the news stations broadcast a series of screen captures of local USASG postings where guys were talking about specific dancers at specific clubs doing *extremely* specific things. Not only was it not good for those dancers in those clubs, but it also helped throw gallons of ice water on the club scene for months.
So, no, we should not connect dancers by name to extras. Yes, we should down vote reviews that do it.
Mickey the thing with that is a dancer name doesnt mean much, cause until you see her you wont even know if you want extras or a dance. So just knowing which dancer offers extras doesnt mean so much unless you’ve already been to tje club and know the dancers.
And yeah there is the problem of the dancer SOs, rival dancers, managers, other customers. The benefits to naming the dancer arent that much unless pics are provided.
"Knowing who will do what is actually very helpful in a review. There seems to be concern about dancer protection. It doesn't seem like anyone understands this but dancers use anonymous stage names which can be changed."
Tell us you're a retard who doesn't understand without saying it. Have you ever heard of reverse Google searching images, dumb fuck? Go find that dancer's IG and do a reverse search and suddenly her old MySpace page or Photobucket shows up. Search for that corresponding username and suddenly a spokeo account shows up with a real name attached. Google that name and now you haver her government name, address if she's registered to vote, and her Facebook.
Suddenly John is pissed off because Bubbles charged him $300 when the reviewer got whatever for $150 and he hunts her down because how dare that whore overcharge his tictac dick. Not only does John write a review about her making shit up deliberately naming her, but he goes out of his way to show up at her apartment. Some customers are crazy as fuck and I'm happy to link numerous articles about things like this happening to dancers because they were found out.
It's 100% unnecessary to name dancers when this is supposed to be a STRIP CLUB REVIEW site. The name is The Ultimate Strip Club List, not the Ultimate Dancer Review Site. Use private messages and stop endangering dancers.
So, Mickey, do you live in Roseville, hence the zip code in your username? Kindly hit yourself in the head with a hammer and knock some sense into that empty space of yours.
Don't know why cameras should be a topline item of interest. Low mileage, no extras clubs are well identified in the reviews. Does it matter if that's because of cameras, physical layout of the club, club "ethos", or whatever? And, if your dancer of choice is willing to engage in your activity of choice, does it matter if there are cameras?
As far as the things asked about by OP. I guess those things could be listed, but several of them (aside from parking and smoking) would become outdated almost immediately.
We've all seen customers here hotly debate each other about rumors of hidden cameras in VIP or LD areas in different clubs. So, I honestly wouldn't trust that information if it was listed. ID scanning ... a club around here used to scan both day and night shifts, and then it was only night shifts, and then it was just weekends, and then just weekend night shifts, and then it went back to all day and night shifts. So, depending on the club and when a guy went, you'd get conflicting feedback on whether or not it happens.
Given the sometimes chaotic nature of strip club management, I think all that we can do is list what we see or experience in our reviews. After that, it's up to the customer to sort it out in the club.
Ok guardians of the galaxy. All those reviews that tell us a beer cost 10 bucks and the parking lot was paved recently is the way to go then. Maybe in a place where extras are not permitted, I can see keeping that on the DL but for the inkster joints, a positive review of a dancer could help her stand out in a crowded marketplace. Most reviews on here, unless someone reports a rob, aren't of much use.
^ You can say good things about a dancer without connecting her by name to extras. You're either lazy or you suck at talking to dancers about what you want.
Even in a region or club where extras are common, most dancers will not want their name connected to doing extras. And it's not a heavy lift to respect that, have loads of fun in a club, and write reviews that help other customers.
But don't take my word for it. Next time you're in a club and get extras, let the dancer know that you're going to "help her stand out" by posting a widely available review that spells out in detail everything that she just did in VIP.
But make sure that someone is shooting video, because the TikTok of that shit is going to be amazing.
One add on: bubble dumb, wouldn't it be a good idea for a dancer to check herself out and make sure people couldn't connect her dancer life to her real name and outside life? Run the image search as you said and see what comes back so that those connections can be cleaned up. I doubt that even a non extras dancer wants her outside life to be known. I guess the drinking water in roseville makes us this way.
Let's just say not all strippers are tech savvy or realize they can be so easily found out. And that's the same for customers as well (as we recently learned with our married friend who's no longer on this site). It's more of respecting the girls who service you for their privacy and their safety.
For example, what if a pimp where to come across a review where one of his girls was named and the reviewer admitted she under charged the minimum he set for her to charge and then he beats her ass for it. Certainly it doesn't affect you because you got what you wanted. You got your dick played with at a reasonable price to you and you wrote that amazing and wonderful review about it. But this is about her. It affects her because she has to deal with the consequences of you writing a review while naming her. And then you're going to go back to that club and wonder why she isn't working anymore and someone's going to tell you something bad happened or who knows what. And that scenario, while it sounds fictional, has actually truly happened to girls in the past because of this website and USASexGuide.
It's not that hard to just describe the girl you went to VIP with and then private message somebody who may inquire about who it was. People think the reviews are private, but non-VIP site members are allowed to view a few free reviews every day.
Why endanger someone's life, privacy, or safety if you don't have to? As stated above, laziness... But also no remorse and complete disregard for the safety of the strippers who risk their sexual health so you can get off.
Another point - naming a dancer in review can also stir up stripper drama. While it might sound funny to you guys, it's actually not a joy to be around. I've introduced this website and USASexGuide to plenty of girls because I feel like they should know bullshit like this exists where they may be named in a review. And not all customers tell the truth in reviews. Next thing you know, one girl reads something about a girl she doesn't like and then the entire Club knows making it hell for the girl who was reviewed. It's another example of respecting others. Put yourself in the position of a dancer and imagine if somebody wrote a review about you. I'm sure you wouldn't want everybody to know your personal business either.
And bubble dumb? That's all you got? Well, I hope calling me that made you feel better about yourself and the fact that you're out ratioed here. You sure showed me!
I guess we will remain at odds with regard to what makes for a good review as I could keep arguing with that fool Ishmael and we'll never see it the same way. Of course the argument of what detail should be included will go on forever. I realize tuscl aims to be more of a pg rated site compared to usasg. Didn't think my initial comment wasn't much unlike what a lot of readers probably think (although you'll only hear from Ishmael and his circle jerk of friends) which is that while tuscl style reviews are ok, the presence of usasg style reviews on here would be welcomed
^ so according to you it’s ok to potentially cause issues for a gal who shows you a good time, that makes you a prick, it’s obvious you don’t have any respect for the dancers and don’t care what happens to anyone as long as you get what you want Fuck off jerkoff
Mickey's mad nobody else is agreeing with him. I also don't think he's actually reading any of the replies to him and also just looking to argue... He's behaving like a little pussy bitch child being inconsiderate and disrespectful of dancers.
Also, I'm in the middle of a circle jerk here? Awesome! 😎 Pay up, bitches! No freebies.
Without the dancers the clubs won’t be much fun. We should do everything we can to protect the profession. Even if naming extras dancers is only a moderate risk, the risk is unacceptable. The situation might be different in the Detroit burbs, COI, Pompano or Seattle, but generally naming dancers is unacceptable. If you disagree, maybe take your business to USASG. You won’t be missed.
IDK I've always assumed that it can be helpful to strippers to promote them by name, as long as you're vague about the specifics of the naughtiness. Sex work is very draining, some nights strippers need to coast even if it hurts their money. You can't expect 100% consistency.
I think it is necessary to allow naming dancers who disappoint. I don't hate on dancers who have stricter boundaries than what's typical in their club, and don't warn PLs about that. Anyone who's doing sex work has likely had very bad breaks in life. (Worse bad breaks than people who whine about their bad breaks as a reason to never have sympathy for anyone else's bad breaks.) But I don't think a strip club is the right venue for me to be making charitable contributions. It's important to give some context. She offered something, then didn't do it. She agreed to something I asked for, then didn't do it. Especially with extras, keep it vague, don't say more than her boundaries are much stricter than what's typical for the club. And we have to keep in mind that, in some places due to local laws or a tight-assed club, two way or even one way contact may be an "extra".
last commentFounder should stop allowing reviewers to name dancers who do extras though.
100% agree
Despite the stupid ass disclaimer of everything being a work of fiction, when (not if) something happens to someone because of this site, because an extras dancer was outed, it's going to come back and legally bite him in the ass.
This gives another enhancement opportunity.Add option to select a reason when rejecting unpublished review. That drop down option should have
a. Naming dancer name for extras
b. Personal attack on a dancer
c. other.
If they chose other, they should enter info on open text box. If option 1 or 2 selected as the reason for rejection even by at least 2 reviewers, then site should auto delete the review., no need to wait for 5 rejections.
I rejected a review last night that was only a paragraph going after and bitching about a dancer. It was immature and offered zero club info. This shouldn't be a place for vendetta based reviews when we only ever get one side of the story anyway.
Baloney. Plenty of dancers all over the country feel perfectly safe without being on camera during LDs and VIPs. This is mostly supported by the anal retentive types who want management to bust girls caught doing more. If it was really a safety issue, you'd want customers to know that they're on camera as it would encourage better behavior.
And it's not baloney when you consider a scenario of a rapist choking out a defenseless dancer in VIP because he knew there were no cameras in advance. I know that's really extreme, but it is something dancers are concerned about.
One of my favs got roofied while she was dancing, when she was still a teenager. Fortunately she threw up on the guy, which caused him to leave. It was clear from the security camera footage that the guy practically dragged her into the couch room. But the bouncers either weren't paying attention or ignored it. She quit dancing for a long time after that, but couldn't get by on a low-wage job.
I would like to know if a club is extras friendly, but that would be risky for LE if its publicly posted. LE will still care about extras even if a dancer name isn’t mentioned.
Perhaps, but the potential harm that it can cause a dancer isn't worth it. Keep reading.
"There seems to be concern about dancer protection."
You are correct. That's because TUSCL members with access to these reviews can include club managers, staff, and other dancers, who can use that information to really jam up a dancer. It's also not impossible for local reporters to access these reviews to find incriminating quotes for their expose piece (see below). And, yes, it's also possible for the cops to get at these reviews (but, really, in most areas the cops already know what is happening in any given club without visiting TUSCL or anywhere else).
"It doesn't seem like anyone understands this but dancers use anonymous stage names which can be changed."
Really, man? Do you actually think you just broke the news that strippers use stage names to a bunch of guys who've been going to strip clubs for decades and posting about it on this website... also for decades? Is that really what you think?
"The 'I got extras but I cant say from who" isnt useful.'"
Yes it is. I tells you that they happen in that club versus others. Strip clubs aren't vending machines; you don't just put your money in and get exactly what you want. For some stuff, you need to go to the club and talk to dancers. Also, what a dancer does for you might not match what she wants to do for the next customer (and that's her choice). So, posting details with names can jam up a dancer with other customers.
"I dont get the secrecy when this kind of info is available on usasg."
Well, Mickey, USASG is a fucking cesspit and that place can do more harm than good. So, if that's your standard then you need to work on your standards. Case in point... many years ago one of the clubs in Providence landed themselves in the news in a big, big way. The news media were all over the story and started doing "investigative journalism" on all of the Providence strip clubs.
At one point, one of the news stations broadcast a series of screen captures of local USASG postings where guys were talking about specific dancers at specific clubs doing *extremely* specific things. Not only was it not good for those dancers in those clubs, but it also helped throw gallons of ice water on the club scene for months.
So, no, we should not connect dancers by name to extras. Yes, we should down vote reviews that do it.
And yeah there is the problem of the dancer SOs, rival dancers, managers, other customers. The benefits to naming the dancer arent that much unless pics are provided.
Tell us you're a retard who doesn't understand without saying it. Have you ever heard of reverse Google searching images, dumb fuck? Go find that dancer's IG and do a reverse search and suddenly her old MySpace page or Photobucket shows up. Search for that corresponding username and suddenly a spokeo account shows up with a real name attached. Google that name and now you haver her government name, address if she's registered to vote, and her Facebook.
Suddenly John is pissed off because Bubbles charged him $300 when the reviewer got whatever for $150 and he hunts her down because how dare that whore overcharge his tictac dick. Not only does John write a review about her making shit up deliberately naming her, but he goes out of his way to show up at her apartment. Some customers are crazy as fuck and I'm happy to link numerous articles about things like this happening to dancers because they were found out.
It's 100% unnecessary to name dancers when this is supposed to be a STRIP CLUB REVIEW site. The name is The Ultimate Strip Club List, not the Ultimate Dancer Review Site. Use private messages and stop endangering dancers.
So, Mickey, do you live in Roseville, hence the zip code in your username? Kindly hit yourself in the head with a hammer and knock some sense into that empty space of yours.
We've all seen customers here hotly debate each other about rumors of hidden cameras in VIP or LD areas in different clubs. So, I honestly wouldn't trust that information if it was listed. ID scanning ... a club around here used to scan both day and night shifts, and then it was only night shifts, and then it was just weekends, and then just weekend night shifts, and then it went back to all day and night shifts. So, depending on the club and when a guy went, you'd get conflicting feedback on whether or not it happens.
Given the sometimes chaotic nature of strip club management, I think all that we can do is list what we see or experience in our reviews. After that, it's up to the customer to sort it out in the club.
Even in a region or club where extras are common, most dancers will not want their name connected to doing extras. And it's not a heavy lift to respect that, have loads of fun in a club, and write reviews that help other customers.
But don't take my word for it. Next time you're in a club and get extras, let the dancer know that you're going to "help her stand out" by posting a widely available review that spells out in detail everything that she just did in VIP.
But make sure that someone is shooting video, because the TikTok of that shit is going to be amazing.
So... you're 12 years old?
For example, what if a pimp where to come across a review where one of his girls was named and the reviewer admitted she under charged the minimum he set for her to charge and then he beats her ass for it. Certainly it doesn't affect you because you got what you wanted. You got your dick played with at a reasonable price to you and you wrote that amazing and wonderful review about it. But this is about her. It affects her because she has to deal with the consequences of you writing a review while naming her. And then you're going to go back to that club and wonder why she isn't working anymore and someone's going to tell you something bad happened or who knows what. And that scenario, while it sounds fictional, has actually truly happened to girls in the past because of this website and USASexGuide.
It's not that hard to just describe the girl you went to VIP with and then private message somebody who may inquire about who it was. People think the reviews are private, but non-VIP site members are allowed to view a few free reviews every day.
Why endanger someone's life, privacy, or safety if you don't have to? As stated above, laziness... But also no remorse and complete disregard for the safety of the strippers who risk their sexual health so you can get off.
And bubble dumb? That's all you got? Well, I hope calling me that made you feel better about yourself and the fact that you're out ratioed here. You sure showed me!
Fuck off jerkoff
I'm sorry that you're triggered. I'm also sorry that you can't navigate a strip club without someone drawing you a topographical map.
Also, I'm in the middle of a circle jerk here? Awesome! 😎 Pay up, bitches! No freebies.
I think it is necessary to allow naming dancers who disappoint. I don't hate on dancers who have stricter boundaries than what's typical in their club, and don't warn PLs about that. Anyone who's doing sex work has likely had very bad breaks in life. (Worse bad breaks than people who whine about their bad breaks as a reason to never have sympathy for anyone else's bad breaks.) But I don't think a strip club is the right venue for me to be making charitable contributions. It's important to give some context. She offered something, then didn't do it. She agreed to something I asked for, then didn't do it. Especially with extras, keep it vague, don't say more than her boundaries are much stricter than what's typical for the club. And we have to keep in mind that, in some places due to local laws or a tight-assed club, two way or even one way contact may be an "extra".