Thank you for your service

avatar for Pussylicker2
When I say "thank you" to someone it's because they did something that improved my life. Hold the door for me, fill my coffee cup, hand me my money at the bank, and I'll say thank you. If someone went to viet nam and participated in that war, which we lost, how did that improve my life? I have nothing against viet nam and korean war vets, they were doing what they thought was right. They were wrong, but nonetheless. Why should I say "thank you for your service"?


last comment
I wonder if the OP is aware that 25% of the soldiers that served in Vietnam were drafted and the fact that there was a draft caused many to enlist so as to have some choice of their branch and assignments as much as possible. I think of the OP as someone who really has no understanding of citizenship and is just another example of how entitled we’ve become as a country

avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
I thought you were an asshole before this post. I was wrong. You’re a complete fucking ASSHOLE
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
2 years ago
+1 to Founder for giving us an Ignore button.
When I see a post as ignorant as this one, I expect the OP's profile to have been created like a week ago and have zero reviews. In this case, he's been around since 2014 and has 47 reviews, so apparently the guy's not just some "troll" trying to provoke a response. He's a genuine fucking asshole.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I've worked for the military for forty years. I'm not an anarchist and think that the military does serve a useful function, defending the country. However, a lot of what the military does is not really related to that. Eisenhower, who knew a lot about the military, warned about the military-industrial complex back in the fifties. He kept us out of Vietnam because he was aware that a war there was not a part of the core function of the military. I've always felt a little uncomfortable with the blind worship of the military by some. You should always have a little skepticism that part of what the government may be doing is not useful, and that includes the military.
^ I don’t think it’s blind worship to be proud of our country and respectful of the service of our nation performed by people who believe in their obligation and serve. You can disagree with the objective while showing respect for the service performed by good people honorably
I think respect is due to men and women who go into a field of work that has a relatively high chance of them being severely injured or dying on the job. Military, police, firemen/women. You may not like the politics of their jobs/careers but you should respect that they put their lives on the line everyday for typically not the greatest pay. If that’s not good enough for you then remember in theory these people are working to protect others. Yes there are plenty of asshole and corrupt people in all of these lines of work but the majority of them are not.
I think that the OP knows exactly why people say it, but felt like throwing can of kerosene into the BBQ.

As Tetradon stated... bait.
But, if you don't want to say it, then just don't. The vast majority of veterans I know don't care if anyone does or doesn't say it to them.
You can disagree with the politicians that send our military into a war or other conflict all you want. However, you should never criticize the young men and women in uniform that who did their sworn duty and served their country to the best of their ability.

Vietnam, Korea and Iraq are all examples of conflicts our military should have never been involved in. The fact that the politicians made the wrong decision to send out troops into these situations is no reason to not appreciate those who served in the military and went where they were ordered to go. They sign up (or were drafted) to serve our country and where they were ordered to go was beyond their control.

I look at it the same way as a cop who is assigned to traffic duty and has to spend his days running a radar gun along a highway instead of investigating rapes and murders. He signed up for an honorable profession to serve and protect his fellow citizens and then did his job as assigned by those in charge.

That doesn't mean every person in a military or police uniform is honorable. There are bad apples in any group that size and those people deserve punishment and not respect, but the majority are good and honorable people that deserve our respect and our thanks.
So a guy who holds a door warrants thank you but not the guy willing to sacrifice his life to protect your freedoms. I don’t worship the military but I respect the ones who serve honorably.
avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
I think op gets off on this written abuse, he’s sitting at home and stroking his tiny Dick reading and rereading these comments and all of the many others that call him. Bd his “piece” a bitch
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
A couple of nearby strip clubs offer free entrance to anyone with a military id. When I use mine, the door guy will often thank me for my service. I don't like that, think they are overdoing it, and wish they would stop. I think that sort of thing should be limited to guys who have actually been shot at and risked death to defend this country. That is only a small proportion of military members. For anyone not in that category, which is most people who work for the military, getting a paycheck is enough. So, I have to agree with the original poster.

When I joined the military, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all threats both foreign and domestic. I thought that was worthwhile. In recent years I've come to question whether what I am doing really is worthwhile. Most recent U.S. wars have nothing to do with defending this country. We needed to make a military strike in Afghanistan to go after the perpetrators of 9/11 but the twenty-year occupation and attempt at nation building didn't make us safer. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. When we invaded, we were the aggressors. That invasion wasn't to defend this country and didn't make us safer. The military assistance to the Ukraine is not making us safer and, whatever you think of Putin, Russia has not attacked us.

At this point, I think the military may be doing more harm than good and, to a certain extent, is parasitic on the productive members of society. I'm very ambivalent about working for them and I'm not the only one. I've talked to a number of soldiers who told me that when they were in the Middle East the natives saw them as unwanted occupiers, not liberators. These soldiers wondered why they were there. A lot of the top military brass and upper DoD management have gone woke because they want to curry favor with the Democrats in power. They want to keep the gravy train going and keep their high incomes. I stay in the military because it is near the end of my career, and it is too late to start another one. I wouldn't go in if I were starting my career now. With our trillion-dollar yearly deficits, we can no longer afford to be policeman for the world and need to seriously reduce military spending.
avatar for prevert
2 years ago
I couldn’t give a shit whether you feel any gratitude or say thanks. I didn’t do it for you I did it for myself.
I think bubbleyum isn’t harassing this guy enough.
Apparently Facebook didn’t get the message. There are thousands of “thank you for your service posts”
"I think bubbleyum isn’t harassing this guy enough."

Thank you for summoning me.

PL is extremely dense and, as Htxx stated, PL gets off on the abuse from hot women he can't afford and real men because he hates himself for living in his mommy's basement and needs her to suck his dick for him. He moonlights as a streetwalker and can't afford valet because nobody will pay him to suck their dick in Detroit. His so-called "piece" is his strap on he uses to peg guys with, but is worried valet will steal it.

I've seen his photos. He's another younger dumbfuck who uses the same username elsewhere on the internet. The stupidity and entitlement emanate an atrocious stretch from his 10 year old dick pics (now, now, nobody go Google his username now; we don't bully the retards here on TUSCL and PL already cries enough about the big mean mandatory valet parking).

It's also not surprising he'd post something like this given his complete ignorance and speculatory assumptions over the existence of mandatory valet, let alone his mundane and incessant constant complaining about it 800 times every week and as a comment in every Detroit review.

I'm considering proposing a Detroit meetup at Flight Club or Landing Strip and all attendees chip in a little so wittle PL doesn't have to pay for valet, entrance fees, the bathroom attendant, or maybe even dances. If he doesn't want to hand his keys over, we can send a short bus for him to chauffeur him to/from, too. Unfortunately, some veterans may be in attendance though. PL probably wouldn't go though because he's too insecure in his "manhood" and his financial situation to be in the vicinity of real men and actual hot women.

In short, he's a piece of shit and gets off on posting dumb shit like this. I can usually do better, but it's late and I've already insulted this garbage heap enough (but don't worry wittle PL, your mommy will make you feel better every time after you get bullied on the big mean internet and maybe... just maybe, she'll even peg you with your own "piece").

To the extent that our military is being used for purposes it shouldn't be used, I get what the OP means. Since getting out, I feel like it's less and less about protecting America's interest, and more and more about protecting America's *billionaire's* interests.

But that's entirely separate from the people who serve, and those people don't deserve the derision.

I once felt docsavage's discomfort at being told "thank you for your service," partially because as prevert says, I didn't do it for them, I did it for my own reasons. Then one day, a wise old man told me what he thought about it. Some of them say it because they are genuinely grateful for those who've served. Some say it because they feel mildly guilty for not going themselves. Still others say it for the appearance of piety. His advice was to just say "you're welcome" and move on. It was good advice, for me.
I say it to honor my father who enlisted at the age of 17 in WW II.

But more importantly, when he talked about his experiences I truly listened to him and engaged him with questions. I do not say it as a false platitude or to be politically correct
Is this the guy who whines about valet parking? He seems so super entitled that he acts like a complete asshole in these discussions.

I think there have been several appropriate replies in this discussion regarding the importance of recognizing the sacrifices made by our military. I doubt the OP will read them or understand them, as he would rather continue to be a true POS.
avatar for wildRover
2 years ago
“PL is extremely dense and, as Htxx stated, PL gets off on the abuse from hot women he can't afford and real men because he hates himself for living in his mommy's basement and needs her to suck his dick for him. He moonlights as a streetwalker and can't afford valet because nobody will pay him to suck their dick in Detroit. His so-called "piece" is his strap on he uses to peg guys with, but is worried valet will steal it.“

OMFG BubbleYum. LMFAO. I’d give this post 10 likes if they’d let me.
I don’t understand this op and a few others here that are too dense to comprehend that everything doesn’t revolve around them, these idiots make statements just to hear the sound of their own voice, to op and others like him you’d do well to remember god gave you two ears and one mouth to remind yourself that you should listen twice as much as you speak.
So TUSCL is about hate-clicking obvious troll posts now? Sad.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
You don’t know any individuals personal reasons for doing a particular profession and their history.
Any profession has a mix of good and bad people. Military, strippers, politicians, fast food workers, drug dealers, students, etc.
When you say thank you for your service to a random person, you’re assuming they’re a good person purely because of their profession. You don’t actually know anything about them besides their profession.
The military as an institution is necessary and needs to be supported to some extent. But it doesn’t extend to every single person who worked in it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Bubbleyum, you posted a good write up there.
You completely destroyed him, I’m not sure he’ll be posting again after what you wrote!
I always destroy that little PL bitch. Of all of the crybabies on this site, he's definitely the whiniest and most annoying.
"OMFG BubbleYum. LMFAO. I’d give this post 10 likes if they’d let me."

Look, I only speak facts - sometimes tactfully and sometimes I'm a little too brutally honest.

Sometimes when numb nuts PL's mommy drops him off to his job as a dishwasher at Bogarts, she'll come over and vent and cry about how worthless, pathetic, dumb, and inconsiderate he grew up to be.

He's a major disappointment to her, so I'll give her a shoulder to cry on and then take her out for dinner and some wine until she has to go pick up her embarrassment she wishes she'd swallowed instead from his wittle dishwashing (and sometimes dick sucking) job at America's #1 most luxurious strip club - Bogarts.

And all PL is going to do is throw a tantrum because an actual female dancer is bullying him on the big mean internet instead of pegging him like he fantasizes about. I'm not a male, sport. And I have posted photos before (on a different profile I lost access to). And I've been reviewed at local clubs, retard. But if you want to believe I'm a dude, fine. At least as a female, I'm still more manly than your little whiny broke pussy ass. Please tell your mom I say hi and I can't wait to wine and dine her again on Wednesday.

Also, sorry your dad walked out on you. He couldn't take your whiney bitch ass any longer. ☹️💔

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Both BubbleYum and nicespice exquisitely flame hard. Each with her own unique, inimitable style.
If the OP doesn’t have BubbleYum on ignore, I hope he reads her posts in this discussion. Her comments are harsh, but they are also very entertaining and well written!

If I was the manager at Bogarts - I’d fuck with this whiny little boy - and make sure his dishwasher paycheck always had a deduction for Valet Parking. I know it would make him whine like a baby - as his mommy drops him off at the back door, and I would enjoy putting his whiny ass in it’s place.
...what if PL is the guy who pays us to beat him up at the foot fetish parties at Dream Girls? 🤔 He's a whiney little bitch on here and that guys is just a little bitch... Oh wait, I've seen PL's pics. My bad. Definitely not the same person. Nothing says "I have a tictac dick and I'm proud of it!!" more than PL holding his in hand for a selfie and uploading it on the internet for everyone to laugh at.
The "2" in "pussylicker2" stands for the fact that in addition to sucking cock the OP will also lick a pussy too.....
avatar for bobsuncle
2 years ago
"I'm considering proposing a Detroit meetup"

LOL. What the hell, it'd be worth chipping in a few bucks to see you humiliate him in person.
Well PL2 as Vet Vietnam I can tell you that you are full of shit! If you have an issue with Vietnam blame the politicians not the Vets who gave all. Obviously you avoided the draft and never served. Remember the definition of over bite it is when you are eating pussy and you taste shit!
If a guy uses a name like pussy licker, it’s likely he’s never licked pussy in his miserable life.

Although, if he’s a cat owner, I’m thinking he’s coughed up lots of hair balls…
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
That carries too many implications Cash. It means your name and my name are untrue, that we dont like or have these things.
We should take pussylickers comments at face value - he seems to be an honest guy
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Vietnam soldiers were solid Americans that did what their country leaders demanded/commanded of them. They took the brunt of the war and the harsh undeserved response of the American public when they returned home. They were and are the most courageous of all soldiers. Honorable, courageous, patriotic.

Politicians should have been strung up for getting the USA in that war and feeding it with our money and young boys.

Seems like we have gone full circle as we currently watch Biden single handedly destroy the USA and get away with it.
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