
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Its not such an outlier to get OTC from hooters. Most relationships and dating involve a p2p interaction in some form. And even if there isnt p2p involved, the guy still has some form of status or fame to offer usually. College and highschool athletes dont have any money, are many times ugly or average, and in the case of some football or baseball players are even fat… yet still get more women than basically any other college guy…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Could Donald Trump lose the popular vote but “win” the presidency twice?
    Most republicans support socialism- sadly for some reason they dont want it domestically but support giving taxpayer dollars to foreign entities like israel. The sad and ironic thing about sowell is that he tries presenting himself as sophisticated, civilized, and superior to the stereotypical black gangster… but he is far worse than that, despite what he pretends. The dude literally writes online articles complaining about how the US and others dont give israel free reign to wipe out the Middle East. Hes become increasingly unhinged as hes aged too
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    People like skibum- and puddy tat arent rational people. These guys literally want to wipe out half the world- they want the middle east wiped out besides Israel. They want every Muslim majority country in the world wiped out- including even places like Lebanon which for instance is like 45% Christian i believe… they want African countries wiped out if their governments are Islamic ruled… they want even Turkey, Albania, Iran, completely wiped out… perhaps India too? How do you reason with someone like that? How can you possibly associate? It isnt the second amendment, it isnt gay marriage.. it isnt abortion. Its far beyond. How do you describe someone who wants to wipe out billions of people because of their race, nationality, religious beliefs etc? Untermensch is a word- an offensive word no doubt. But even that word cant encompass the evil of someone who wants to wipe out half the world.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    You do know this is the USA, not israel right… No jewish person with any reasonable level of wealth/smarts, is going to get physical with someone for saying the word untermensch In israel they probably could get away with it… in the us not so much. Thankfully we still have some elements of free speech intact
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    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    I guess israel is fighting hamas… something something means israelis in the US have freedom to attack people now…? Its sad that this is the next step for conservatives
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    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    ^thats hilarious. I never commented on Jews in general, but regardless, I thought you claim israelis and jews are very peaceful people? Yet here you proudly admit they would become violent criminals in response to a single german word. Not so peaceful and non violent according to you, then? Also not very pro freedom of speech, but not surprising given the anti semitism bill. Your friend is an evil guy, by your own admission. At no point did i say anything regarding israelis or jews nor did I insinuate that your friend is the way he is because of his race or religion.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    My threats? I havent threatened anyone. If you felt i said something threatening please point out specifically what. Im talking about other people who want to hunt down anonymous internet people for using language they dislike.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    Yes, the review lacks detail and information. But no, from my understanding reviews aren’t supposed to be approved or denied based on curse words or racist words. Its sad that people are willing to spend thousands of dollars and go to jail to hunt down a random guy on the internet saying the N word or other racist language.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Most embarrassing last names
    Dick Johnson… Cummings
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    The 2 inch cock is because women who use enough androgens/anabolics can start growing dicks… it doesnt mean there was a birth defect or that she naturally is a male or something. It’s sad that things that are common knowledge and proven are denied by some right wingers
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Am I Antisemitic?
    You discovered something that exposes many supposed free speech adherents on the right and the left. So many go on and on about freedom of speech or freedom of religion and how they support those things and the constitution- but then you see bills like this, heavily supported, and you see the truth. We don’t actually have freedom of speech or religion, nor do people genuinely want those things. People are often selfish and tribal, and look at things from their personal perspective instead of a neutral one. As you see with this bill- people dont want freedom of speech. They want freedom of speech for some groups, their own group, but not others. People want freedom of religion to practice their own favored religion or religions. Not freedom for any religion to be practiced, even if it doesnt directly violate anyones rights.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Shes an Islamist… thats why she’s more masculine than other girls. Still a girl, doesnt have a cock. Just more “savage” you could say
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    What you mention in the third paragraph, is how a free market would ideally work. Customers and dancers can simply go elsewhere, or go OTC if the rates and fees are too high. However we arent in a true free market. Clubs have licensing laws and thus are basically using government to create a monopoly situation. All those licensing laws and other regulations aren’t supposed to exist- but obviously will help prevent or reduce new clubs from opening up. So in a free market situation, yes, if a bad club exists, someone else can easily open up another one thats better for dancers and customers. But in a monopoly situation, there is no other club for dancers and customers to go to. In this case they would have to go to ebony inn, or further out to either DC or baltimore. Those cities come with their own restrictions and their own drawbacks working the clubs there. Plus theres no guarantee they will gain employment there- after all a lot ot the showcase dancers are older… and their stage dances are a lot of twerking so they may not be a fit at other clubs. Even 100k in the dc area is enough to live comfortably. You can easily find a place for 800k, or a million bucks. It just wont be as large as what you could get for the same money if you were 20+ miles away from dc. There arent many who can make 200k. Youd need to be a lawyer or doctor or, a finance or tech professional at the manager or higher level. Theres only one way, to truly bring the market back in your hands
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Ali and Tyson arent honorable. Ali used a coward move “rope a dope” and refused to rematch foreman. Supposedly even looked for voodoo witch doctors to do stuff to foreman like make him ill. Completely tried cheating against antonio inoki and failed. Tyson, mostly ok but he resorted to the ear biting when he was losing against holyfield…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Islamists are a savage, animalistic and different species arent they…? Shouldnt be a surprise then that an Islamist like Imane exists and is female…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Friday Plans is Amazing. Thanks Everyone
    ^how do you perform with a microdong? The medical definition of a microdong is I believe 3.5 inches or 3 inches and under…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Girls who won't Work It
    Its better that she refuses dances than to accept and scam you because she doesnt want to perform. I didnt read through the entire OP… but there could be any number of reasons why a dancer would refuse a dance. As some mentioned yes they could be waiting for a regular/whale… but that shouldn’t be a factor unless they’re thinking he could enter the club any moment. There could be a hygiene or smell issue or she feels uncomfortable or scared in some way or assumes you want some sort of extras. I doubt its due to age or looks or physical attractiveness. Did you say you grabbed her ass out on the main floor? Not all dancers are open to that since you havent paid technically. Some may become open to it if you are a pre established regular who has already done it in paid circumstances. I’ve never gone for that move with a dancer, and ive always assumed the clubs have some sort of rules about touching out in the main floor anyway. If you mentioned she rejected a bunch of guys asking for dances.. she may be tired… maybe she has a mental disorder…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Are Older or Younger Dancers more likely to do OTC / ITC
    You mention paying their rent- what exactly are you paying them for a single session of OTC or ITC? When you mention a word like rent- it makes it sound like youre paying $1000, $1500, $2000. All extreme amounts. I asked a related question to this which was whether older or younger dancers are more likely to have boyfriends/husbands/pimps. Its also something to be mindful of because it can absolutely affect the service level. A girl with a SO is more likely to have a bunch of different rules like no kissing, no bare bj, no CIM… no fingering no DATY, no getting off with clients. Youre much more likely to get a non genuine, mechanical experience with a pimped or SO girl. They are basically scammers. Theyre also more likely to be clock watchers
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Porn Hub Fantasy
    Rick where are you and others finding these super hot cleaners? All off angis list or how? I cant believe your house cleaner is hotter than the strippers and wears those tight pants while cleaning
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    MILF experience
    Regarding needing money, dancers for the most part arent doing it just because of a need of money, but rather its the most money they can make. Most of them probably could work lower paying jobs if they wanted to. But dancing, extras, obviously allows them to make a lot more. 60k, 100k, even 150+k, which they would otherwise not be able to do without having a college degree or a business of some kind or extreme social media fame. Without dancing, they would need to share a place with roommates… drive a low maintenance asian car… with dancing, they can pay their own rent… get a high maintenance car
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    MILF experience
    Shes older, so it’s perhaps more likely that she has a boyfriend/husband pimp of some kind. I would think her desperation for a partner could also go up as she gets older.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    As far as the food its very average… a mcdonalds burger tastes better than hooters burger.. and the quality level is probably the same… but since hooters is a sports bar they can get away charging like $13 for their burger… theres much better options available for that price. The desserts, wings, fries are also very mediocre. It seems they dont really care about food quality and the main attraction is the girls.. and yes some are open to p2p.. theres probably girls on seeking right now who work at hooters
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    I haven’t been to hooters in over 2 years but the first comment is completely incorrect. Theres plenty of thicc white girls out there- and the hooters i went to, had a nice thicc lightskin black girl, and a nice thicc white girl, and several other girls with skinny or average physiques. Now even at a strip club, every girl isn’t going to have a perfect slim thicc physique. I never saw anyone who appeared under 18 and basically never saw anyone who appeared under 21.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    Comon now, lol. “ The most disgusting piece of shit we've ever seen in high office. ” That has to be racism or something else going on. What has Kamala done to get that description?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Rick how many times do you have to state “whip out penis on camera” comon mate no need to be so vulgar…