
A late 30s blonde dancer asks if she can join me in the booth at a local club. She tells me she just returned to dancing after a decade long hiatus. Her daughter is now a teenager, her husband left, and she needs quick cash. She looks ok for her age and I ask about her exercise routine. She says she regularly swims with her kids at the community pool, and mentions she volunteers at her kid’s school in the mornings.

I ask about lap dances and her VIP menu. She says her lappers are relatively tame because she doesn’t want to lose her job or get in any legal trouble (maybe she thought I was a cop?) because she can’t let her kid find out what she does afternoons. Her VIP, however, has no limits for the right $$$.

I tried several $20 / per lap dances but all I could think about was this neighborhood mom naked on my lap and letting me fondle her tits so she can buy food for her kid. Too much information from her made the experience a turnoff and I just couldn’t take her VIP.

Maybe in a few years she’ll be dancing at the club with her daughter and we can do a threesome. As long as they don’t mention their desperation, it might be a turn on.


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Avatar for Context21

Dude your overthinking it, just go for it.

Avatar for Studme53

I love a milf doing what she can. One I my ATFs - also a milf, retired but came back a couple years straight to make some extra cash for her kids Christmas gifts. I loved it.

Avatar for WiseToo

I hope you gave her a big tip so she could buy food for her kid.

Avatar for shailynn

Fuck all this, if I see a hot MILF in the club I’m running through the club knocking over chairs to get to her first.

The majority of my best club nights EVER have involved a MILF (MILF as in over 35 years old). They’re usually awesome in VIP, they usually have at least 3 kids so you know they’re good at sex, and they usually provide good service because they’re smart enough to know what they need to do to create repeat customers.

Avatar for Sgrayeff

I hear you. Conversation can be a turn off. Try my article on listening to strippers: /article/58117

Of course, if the tits are good ... Or the dirty talk ... Or I'm horny ...

Avatar for funonthaside

Looking at it all wrong...her desperation = more mileage to be had. It's strange, though, that while she has limits for LDs, she's fine to do anything in VIP. Seems more like she's trying to play people to get them into VIP. MILFs are more experienced at sex, but they are also more experienced at hustling.

Avatar for Manuellabore

This is my key demographic. Women in their 30s with kids tend to have their shit together more than younger dancers. As far as "desperation" is concerned, nobody does any job just for the fun of it. She's an adult with adult financial needs and this is how she meets her financial needs.

Avatar for funonthaside

Absolutely agree about the 30-something dancers. Still attractive, yet more mature.

Avatar for rickdugan

How many fucking trust fund babies do you think are letting random strangers fondle them for the pure fun of it? Of course she needs the money dude. They all do or they wouldn't be dancing.

At her age, she's probably made bad decisions about who to let between her legs at least 1,000 times or more, lol. Indeed it's likely how she came to this crossroads in the first place. It seems only fitting that she's now using the same tools to fix the problems that she created with them. 😉

Man are they making dudes soft nowadays. It's OK if she fucks you because she needs the money, but only if you don't know the details, lol. Just think about how absurd that position really is.

Avatar for 5footguy

"strange, though, that while she has limits for LDs, she's fine to do anything in VIP. Seems more like she's trying to play people to get them into VIP."

Yep. Also, said "has no limits for the right $$$". To me that's code for, "I don't really know how to fuck, and I don't like to much either." I've said a hundred times, the more you pay for VIP, the worse it is, almost without exception.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

A woman doesn't need to be a bad person to "deserve" the fate of being a sex worker. Lots of virgin chicks are major, nasty assholes. Lots of sex workers, and/or women who like to hook up NSA for fun, are good parents and decent people in general. And, like Man says, it's a job that someone can love, hate or just tolerate, like jobs in general.

Avatar for jaybud999

As we all know, the more experience you have.....the better you get at it! More years to learn how to make dat cack hard, and say the right things at the right time!

Avatar for JamesSD

I'm not a big fan of the pity hustle. I'm honestly too picky though.

Avatar for Lanechange

A.remember strippers perform for money. Anything they say may be a lie.
B. Support single moms. They can ride longer if you grab em by the hips and take some of their weight off their leg muscles.

Avatar for wallanon

My two lineup superstars are both in their 30s now.

Neither of them look it and one is in her mid-30s. Both are the textbook definition of a MILF. It's actually getting to be a problem not because they're older but because the talent gap is getting wider every year.

It's crazy that so many of these 20-something girls don't know how to suck dick properly or ride well. We're talking basic CG and RCG. The next chick who gets tired after barely being on top and asks me to bend her over is getting thrown out lol.

Avatar for 5footguy

"It's crazy that so many of these 20-something girls don't know how to suck dick properly or ride well."

It's because the internet has become a land of simps who pay to see sex on their screen, and the girls have become convinced that their youthful bodies with big asses are all that. "Looking" has become more valued than actually being able to use what they have. I see it much more in American girls, which is why I value non-Americans so much, especially las cubanas. Most of those bitches know how to work what they got.

Avatar for Jascoi

milf... sex can be off the charts with the right one!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

There's lots of evidence that you need to lean hard to letting people decide what's best for themselves. Even when people are clearly in a bad situation, doesn't mean it couldn't get worse. Those forced to sink or swim will often sink. If a sex worker with an addiction was short of $, she's at least as likely to resort to more dangerous situations, as to go through withdrawal and become abstinent. Often, when people have someone leeching off of them, the leech is the one who makes sure there is rent money left over at the end of the month.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Shes older, so it’s perhaps more likely that she has a boyfriend/husband pimp of some kind. I would think her desperation for a partner could also go up as she gets older.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Regarding needing money, dancers for the most part arent doing it just because of a need of money, but rather its the most money they can make. Most of them probably could work lower paying jobs if they wanted to. But dancing, extras, obviously allows them to make a lot more. 60k, 100k, even 150+k, which they would otherwise not be able to do without having a college degree or a business of some kind or extreme social media fame. Without dancing, they would need to share a place with roommates… drive a low maintenance asian car… with dancing, they can pay their own rent… get a high maintenance car

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Yeah true to @rickmacrodong. Some people need to pay the bills and a lot of the women have obligations, so they use techniques to really get the attention of the customers and even upsell the VIPs! That is why I abandoned the young spinner girls for MILFs and Cougars. Because they are not shy and offer extras.

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