Are most strippers actually “hustling” and finessing?

avatar for rickmacrodong
Someone told me strippers like engaging in hustling which is doing the least amount of work possible for the most amount of money.

While I’m sure many want to do that, is it really a sustainable strategy to maintain regulars?

For instance if you try to do as little as possible, why would a client keep coming back? Some dancers will just lay their boobs on your stomach or avoid grinding on the dick entirely. Apparently that’s all part of the “hustle” so the less they do for you the better of a player or stripper they are regarded as?

I have seen some dancers brag about “finessing” people, what is that? some sort of scam tactic like promising sex in VIP then not doing it?

I know some strippers who have gotten in serious trouble for stealing or scamming people in their outside of work lives.

The more I learn and hear about these concepts like finessing or hustling the further it pushes me from strip clubs and drives me towards civvies and escorts. I’ve always been an honest John, and have trouble affiliating with scammers.


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avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA)

BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.

But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.

If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.

Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.

~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022

“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."

~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They're working. If you can't tell the difference between a girl you're paying to be with you, being nice as good customer service.....vs a girl who likes you. That's your mental problem.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee im not talking about fake niceness or them working or customer service im talking about things like finessing and hustling which are evil. Also hustling isnt good customer service it’s literally intentionally giving as bad customer service as possible while still trying to maintain a customer. Finessing is straight up scamming like saying youll do xyz and doing none of it. Hustling is a good way to not maintain regulars.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Escorts are morally superior to strippers by lightyears, and honestly morally superior to many civvie women. It’s sad they’re considered low level yet they have more morals than so called higher status women. There’s no finessing or hustling at least not to the extent strippers do it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Strippers sell a fantasy not pussy.

Yoire on a roll with the misogynistic threads? Did you get rejected again?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
You can sell whatever you want,
Im talking about hustling and finessing which aren’t simply selling a fantasy. You’re twisting my words
If they were just selling a fantasy there wouldn’t be any hustling or finessing...
And no I haven’t initiated otc or done anything
Whats misogynistic. Saying escorts are superior to scammers?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They just use the words. They're not hustling nor finesse. They're selling a fantasy. Problem is men who can't discern it from reality.

You're misogynistic. Cut the lame trolling where you ask idiotic questions over and over again.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You have more profiles on here than shailynn or nicespice
avatar for Lockjaw
3 years ago
Hustling and finessing and scamming guys will not generate regulars. The closest thing to a steady income a stripper can get is having a pool of loyal regulars. If the dancer is in a smaller city with a limited amount of customers, hustling guys is going to alienate her pretty quick. Word of mouth will say avoid that scammer. Somewhere like Las Vegas, the hustlers can get away with it. Thousands of new simps fly into McCarran every day.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They're not hustling or f8n3ssing you. They're selling a fantasy. You think it's hustling or f8nessing coz you feel led 9n and they don't fuck you.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
bte, u answered everything pretty well yourself.
a new sc sucker born every minute x even one rob dance = sustainable strategy.
finesse = rob/lie

"I know some strippers who have gotten in serious trouble for stealing or scamming people in their outside of work lives."

this is karma/poetic Justice.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
"if you try to do as little as possible, why would a client keep coming back?"

because the client is low-maintenance.
robs rank regulars by money *and* lowest effort required to get it.

avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
Most successful strippers seem to have a certain personality type. This is true for most careers. We were given the Myers-Briggs personality test at work once. Out of 16 possible personality types, most of the accounting people were all the same type. This included me. I had a female friend in the office who had a completely different personality type. She hated the job, got bad job ratings and ended up getting fired. I think girls with a certain personality type like stripping. If you like something, you'll make an effort to succeed at it. In my experience, someone making as little effort as possible is usually someone who doesn't like stripping because they don't have the right personality for it.
avatar for VanessaM
3 years ago
An “Honest John”, from an oxy-Moron

But I digress 🥰
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
Huh there is more than 1 myers Briggs type that does well in clubs. I think I'm the worst type of person for this job, but I make do with my many personality flaws.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
Learn the definition of hustling. It's not doing the least for the most. That's almost common sense, basically everyone wants that. Some people focus more on the doing the least part, while others focus on the getting the most. A hustle in the context of stripper/customer relationships is usually an experienced stripper tricking a novice customer to buy things based on either vague promises or outright lies. Things like promising it'll be much more fun the champagne room or saying she'll fuck back there for $500 and then either tacking on another $500 or simply refusing. The girl who focuses on doing the least will be the one who simply refuses to blow the customer in the back, the one who focuses getting the most will be the one who tacks on the $500.

It's not an effective tactic for getting repeat customers, but that often doesn't matter. Like Lockjaw said, there's a fresh batch of suckers at McCarren every few minutes. Miami's got the same. The girls at Rhino in Vegas or Tootsies in Miami doing hustler shit are almost certainly out earning the strippers trying to cultivate regulars and have been for years. Those two cities do not have the lock on that sort of thing.

There's plenty of clubs where that thing is less profitable. In an area with less tourist and first timer activity, word will get out fast. As a customer, you need to learn to recognize which area your in and how to read the intentions of strippers better. You also have to accept the nature of the business and the people it are what they are, and even the most experienced customer will miss the signs from time to time.

Like Bharlem is saying, keep in mind strip club customers are no fucking angels either. A dancer may start out her career or even her day with every intention of providing the kind of service that cultivates regulars, but there's plenty of douchbags who'll agree to that $500 blowjob and then only pay $100 at the end, knowing or at least hoping the stripper can't really come out screaming about how this guy promised her $500 for a blowjob and then didn't pay up. That can only happen so many times before she either outright quits or decides to turn the tables.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee you can’t use the excuse “they use words” and its up to the customer to assume theyre lying. Them using those words is still a scam. So if a dancer promises something then doesnt follow through its called a scam or finesse.

And the concept of hustling, like doing the least work for the most money, or getting the most work for the least amount of money exists on both sides but it doesn’t help retain customers. And if a customer pushes too hard it won’t work either like most likely a dancer won’t suck someone off for $50.

Dolfan thats a good point
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Doc savage what myers briggs type is good for stripping? Also what do you think of the INTJ personality type?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee i didnt know nicespixe and shailynn have multiple profiles.

And icee i have a DM from you telling me the hustle for strippers is doing the least work for the most money. Now you’re posting on here saying strippers dont finesse or hustle they just sell a fantasy. Lol.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
icee is cacaplop.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Doing the least for the most is 6ye goal of any hustle. Why should she fuck a trick when she can sell a fantasy. A girl can make more off regulars without hoeing than with if she knows how to make them feel.

Not being a hooker isn't a scam. And despite what many on here act like. Hardly anyone goes to clubs trolling for cheap hookers.

One thing about girls who promise sex and take the money and don't deliver. They do it to guys they think deserve it. It's about how they come across so fuck them over.... they generally deserve it.

But being upset that she's not a cheap hooker is your problem not hers.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
"Hardly anyone goes to clubs trolling for cheap hookers."

well fuck me. that's been my first goal for 40+ years.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee imo if the regulars are looking for sex but only getting dances, they likely won’t be regulars for long, they would just be getting dances until they find something or someone better. The regulars who keep coming back for just dances, likely have serious problems or are extremely fearful of using an escort or something.

Icee i dont think there is any getting upset over her not being a cheap hooker. The hustling as you describe is it just human nature. Everyone wants the best value for the best price. And i guess similar to how guys would be excited getting a super hot girl for super cheap, so too would dancers get excited getting a lot of money for very minimal work. But it depends how you approach things. If the dancer intentionally does things like laying on a guys stomach or not grinding on the dick, that may not be a good way to maintain a regular. It might be a good hustle, but it won’t maintain a regular.

Doing stuff like promising sex and not delivering, is no longer a hustle but just a finesse or scam. That would make you not only lose potential regulars but you could even lose other customers who find out about it. Of course as people mentioned the big tourist cities are more likel to have dancers finessing as they can get away with it much easier.

Finessing crosses the line to where its immoral and not honorable.
How do you deduce a guy deserves to be finessed? Nobody deserves to be finessed, not even murderers. If some guy is some crazy killer it doesn’t mean he deserves to be robbed for someones personal gain. And if someone is a robber it means they deserve to be robbed but their money is supposed to be returned back to whoever they robbed.

So I doubt there are customers who actually deserve to be scammed as you claim.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
To her a guy trying to proposition her and treating her like a hooker deserves to part with his money.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
"Doc savage what myers briggs type is good for stripping? Also what do you think of the INTJ personality type?"

I think one of the more extroverted types is better at it. Introverted types would enjoy the constant social interaction less. Women are predominantly of the feeling rather than thinking type and I think that would be true of strippers. The thinking type of female would be attracted to what are traditionally male careers.

I've talked to lots of girls in clubs. The most common future career they consider going into is nursing, a career that normally attracts extroverted feeling types the most. I am an ISTJ working in accounting. I've only run into one stripper going to college to be an accountant. She told me she was bad at stripping and then laughed. We had a long conversation about the various business aspects of strip clubs like pricing levels or best hours to be open. Most strippers are not as interested in that as she was. They are interested in their income but not how strip clubs are run to maximize investor profits. It was actually the longest conversation with a stripper I ever had. The female accounting people I work with don't seem very much like strippers at all. I've always been attracted to opposites when it comes to women. Strippers seem very opposite of me but rather than me being repelled by that I'm attracted by it.

As for an INTJ, that is the most uncommon personality type. I'm actually on the borderline between ISTJ and INTJ. They are original thinkers who are good at creating things. This could be a new scientific invention or artistic creation. Politically, the NT types are more libertarian. I've seen Ayn Rand classified as an INTJ and also Thomas Jefferson. Being on the border between INTJ and ISTJ, I'm kind of libertarian like many INTJ types but also have a conservative traditionalist streak like many ISTJ types.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I've gone between ISTP and INTP and yeah the attracted to traditionally male careers is spot on and the part about hating the interaction. I think the extroverts are better suited for this. However they are nowhere near my level of mindfucking men. I think the introverts are far superior in the 1 on 1 mindfuck game. I could be full of shit though 🤷🏼‍♀️
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Strippers talk to each other about “hustling” and "finessing". But in the vast majority of cases they can still be gotten to.

And all the more reason to never buy dances. Always FRMOS, then you invite her to the back room, then you take her home with you and continue with her regularly.


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avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
My myers-brigg always says I’m an INTP. I think that personality type probably screws me over on the biggest money a lot of the time because there is a lot of things I just don’t have patience for that I should. And I stay stuck in the industry because it seems a heck of a lot easier to ignore people’s bullshit at clubs than in the “real world” of values and plans and LinkedIn profiles or whatever.

All I can say is thank goodness I have large natural big tits 😁 🎉
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I am INTJ. "Evil Overlord"

It is one of the E side types that is best for sex workers.

But as I posted when this was discussed before, the women who are always doing high quality FS are very happy people.

Like in the best of our underground clubs, the core group of Latinas. They were just going from one guy to another, getting the nuzzling going, and what ever makeout session he wants, and unzipping him and getting the money and climbing on. And they do all the OTC, very high quality, that they can.

These girls are beloved, and they are very happy.

The ones hustling and finessing are the ones who are not delivering, or not delivering well. They are frustrated people.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Sjg what do you mean “E side types”.

Its best for sex workers to be INTJ?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
1/2 I side, introverts
1/2 E side, extroverts. One of these later is said to be best for prostitution.

Mikea02 posted about a girl on stripper web who said that she is smarter than 95% of her customers.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
SJG i have too much expensive stuff at home to let anybody in for a sleepover. Not civvie girls, not most friends either
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I felt like that about home stuff, as I approached being married and then when I was. I live differently now, and I will when I am on the road.…

On some lists I think it is ESFP that they say is best for prostitution.

Mikea02 posted about a girl on stripper web who said that she is smarter than 95% of her customers. And on the whole strip club women are a couple of grades smarter than the general population.

So nicespice is probably not the best sort for sex work. Mechanical stuff, vending machine stuff okay. But not for the more emotional. Good sex work is always emotional work. So not really suited to DFKing, FIV, and FS with lots of guys. Not interested in letting dick heads talk themselves out, or in maintaining a ring of SD's. Maybe this is why she seems to stay on the road.

Don't worry though, someone will know how to get to her.

For our Beloved Latina Escorts, they were going from one guy to the next, nuzzling, DFKing and FR DATY and BBBJ as he wants, then climbing on and getting a load out of him. They would do every guy in the room and they make every guy feel like a king, were it not for the fact that some of their colleagues are doing exactly the same thing. Obviously a suitable Meyers-Briggs type.

If you talk about them to the other girls in the regional clubs, the other girls get mad. So I asked why and I was told, "They're prostitutes."

Well gee, they certainly are not alone. Then I realized that the reason that the other girls don't like them is that these ones are so good at it. So the others are jealous.

BTE, I think you are probably the same type as Juice was, an E type. But I don't know which one.

avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
sjg, do me (baby). lulz

mmm. latinas.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I would say the typical stripper is roughly as scammy as the people in the marketing departments of the places I've worked. The ones who get the money that's in my paycheck. So, no real reason to feel like I'm somehow more pure.

Many (maybe most) PLs have fragile egos. A stripper with high EI can play to that to bank with them. But, she has to tamp down on any feeling of pity she might have for their fragility/neediness. She cannot realistically satisfy them fully, only make them hope she will.

I think nice was lasted in dancing because she's smart enough to know that wisely spending less money generally leads to more bliss in life than splurgey spending of more money. She has less need to deal with the most fragile/needy PLs, so doesn't get as burned out.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
SJG many years ago I tested as INTJ, but I was more anxious those days due to bodybuilding supplements. It’s possible i could be ENTJ now
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Well, you can read about it and see what tests they have. You have to decide for yourself. I am sure that I am INTJ. Interesting that Nicespice is INTP

We all want to learn to be flexible and so we can at times function more like another type. But we do have a habitual mode which we will return to.

Hear they have added a fifth binary, A / T. Need to learn what that is about.

avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
It's no different than how you do your job. Or how I do my job. Or how everyone in the world does their job. We all do the least amount of work we can get away with for the most amount of money we can get. Of course, many people aren't good at figuring out where that intersection point is and that's why they don't last very long in their job.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ Yes, but the women who dance in strip clubs are still ordinary women. They can be gotten completely off script, and usually quite easily too.

avatar for BubbleYum
3 years ago
"I have seen some dancers brag about “finessing” people, what is that?"

Why is Google so difficult to use? And why are you asking? You ask a lot of stupid questions with obvious answers. Are you trying to learn how we do our jobs so you can be one of us?

Ask fewer nosey and invasive questions and just enjoy the forum.

avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
way to show ur true colors cunt.
just another bitter she-troll.

"I have seen some dancers brag about “finessing” people, what is that?"

great question and thanks for asking bruh.
'finessed' is a rip-off the ho is particularly proud of.
'assaulted' just means a failed hustle.

avatar for BubbleYum
3 years ago
Aww did I strike a nerve with my QUOTE? 🥰

If you'd actually look again, you'll see that I was quoting OP, idiot. 😂

*Sending prayers and positive vibes your way* ❤️
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Bubbleyum different people have different definitions of finessing and hustling. I have researched and it seems finessing is usually scamming, but some dancers seem to think even selling any dance is hustling or finessing.

The question is not nosey, in fact anybody looking to go to strip Club’s should familiarize themselves for their own sake. Its not invasive at all either, simply saying something doesn’t make it true. I asked absolutely no personal questions of you
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Which MBTI type fits different crimes?

ESFP- Prostitute


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