
Comments by CJKent_band (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    You can have it all in HK
    tbot1102; I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions. Q: Any thoughts on having a similar outlook on the beauties that you see in your day to day lives? (I can easily feign disinterest or keep my focus on the professional/social interaction.) A: Every single one of us sees the world in a different way. Sexual desire is a natural part of human life for men and women mainly for reproduction. However in modern capitalist cultures/societies it has become a commodity. The so called “sex industry” generate enormous annual profits all over the world. This causes sexuality to become detached from people natural experiences, it becomes exploitative, and harmful. You have to know your limitations regarding sexuality in your life and act accordingly. As you should know by now that, with the right mindset and realistic expectations, most American heterosexual men will have a good time in Tijuana (Hong Kong) because it is, according to Krusty is the Happiest Place on Earth. https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=1401 And then they will go back to their “civilian” life and follow the rules of the game. Remember “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983) Let’s be careful out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Are these expensive OTC's even worth it anymore?
    @Muddy I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions. Q: Are These Expensive OTC's Even Worth It Anymore? A: They are worth it for the ones who can afford it and get a good service in the pay-for-sex adult Industry. You have to remember and remember well: “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983) With the right mindset and realistic expectations, most heterosexual men will have a good time with a woman from the adult industry. As long as they are able to communicate well and negotiate in a respectful, professional manner, they can develop a relationship that will make them feel comfortable with the service. The goal is to have a relationship that makes both feel that is a pleasure to do business with each other, a win win situation wher both walk away feeling that it was a good deal and would like to do it again. If you have the money and can afford it mentally, emotionally, physically, intellectually etc etc etc then do it and enjoy it. If you don’t have the money and cannot afford it don’t buy things you can’t afford. Let’s be careful out there and listen to your gut feelings, spider 🕷️ sense. And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    ^LOL So ridiculous, @skibum609 must work on his Anger Management Problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend. Chill @skibum609 Chill! ~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd Januaryk 2003 , Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist ~ Author of some of the most liked tweets in history :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @PuddyTat69 I will play along and answer your question. Q: Is she is of those who turns out to be a drag queen when she turns around? A: NO, not a drag queen. She is one of those dimes that ain't no pork chops! She is one of the dimes that are U.S. PRIME! I have Pics and Vid to verify that she is a Russian woman, beautiful, seductive, and I am pretty sure she is deadly spie too…
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The problem with Leftist groupthink and hypocritical liberal intolerance
    @blahblahblahs I will play along and answer your questions. Q: WTF is up with all the political trolling. This is one of the times that "both sides" are actually equally guilty. A: You are right It’s never been about either side; left vs right, or Republicans vs Democrats. “More like 0.1% of regular ass humans tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.” ~ SanchoRG, Texas ~ Joined Aug, 2017 Last Seen Nov, 2021 Q: Can't we get back to having threads complaining about girls on their phones, arguing the merits of LDKs, or impassioned debates about Detroit vs Miami, etc? A: Yes, we can, and we are, and that’s why founder created a Political Discourse Forum. “Young people today seem to be coming around to the idea it really doesn’t matter which politician or political party you vote for; and they’re catching on that it doesn’t even matter if you don’t vote because they have realized modern elections are just a way for the 1% to appease the 99% – a way to keep the masses in line by making them believe they’ve had their say, thereby perpetuating the lie that democracy continues.” :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I stand before you today, not only as your past and hopefully future president b
    @blahblahblahs I will play along and answer your questions. Q: WTF is up with all the political trolling. This is one of the times that "both sides" are actually equally guilty. A: You are right It’s never been about either side; left vs right, or Republicans vs Democrats. “More like 0.1% of regular ass humans tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.” ~ SanchoRG, Texas ~ Joined Aug, 2017 Last Seen Nov, 2021 Q: Can't we get back to having threads complaining about girls on their phones, arguing the merits of LDKs, or impassioned debates about Detroit vs Miami, etc? A: Yes, we can, and we are, and that’s why founder created a Political Discourse Forum. “Young people today seem to be coming around to the idea it really doesn’t matter which politician or political party you vote for; and they’re catching on that it doesn’t even matter if you don’t vote because they have realized modern elections are just a way for the 1% to appease the 99% – a way to keep the masses in line by making them believe they’ve had their say, thereby perpetuating the lie that democracy continues.”
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I stand before you today, not only as your past and hopefully future president b
    @skibum609 “Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll” ~ July 19, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. EDT “the jury clearly found that Trump had “ ‘raped’ her in the sense of that term broader than the New York Penal Law definition.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I stand before you today, not only as your past and hopefully future president b
    @founder An opinion and/or true statement is not libel neither. Libel refers to specific facts that can be proved untrue. Also remember: Privacy Policy • Terms & Conditions All contents should be considered a work of fiction. © 1993-2024 the ultimate strip club list
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
    @JM1069 I will play along and comment your discussion, and answer your questions Q: Has Summer Cum & Gone? A: Who knows? Q: anyone know what the story is? A: I am sure someone knows the story somewhere… Q: she still work there or go 2 a different club or just do OTC now? A: Who knows? Officer, you wrote, and I quote; “heard she does otc 2 & aims 2 please.” Why don’t you ask the question to the people you heard say that? Why don’t you go back there and discreetly ask a waitress or any of the staff? Why don’t you call the Club on a Friday night and ask if she is working that night? And if she is not what night she will be working. Officer why didn’t you ask Summer about OTC when you “used 2 get dances with” her? Or invited her out for dinner, or asked her about herself? In any case if you really wanted to know about her the best way would be to do your research at the club. Or you can hire a professional investigator to help you find her. Just be careful out there. And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you give up strip clubs for Taylor Swift?
    @shadowcat I will play along and answer your question. Q: Would You Give Up Strip Clubs For Taylor Swift? A: NO :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ex-dancer testifies about drug use at Pharaoh's
    @jackslash I will play along and comment on your discussion. First a quote from the article: “Among his other federal charges, Bongiovanni is on trial for allegedly taking bribes from two sources: the Ron Serio drug-trafficking organization and Gerace.” So “allegedly” there are drug-trafficking organizations and corrupt police/government-officials north of the Happiest Place on Earth? Can you people believe that? https://tuscl.net/photo/1401
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    Try S&M? Even if you don't want to?
    @skybum609 I will play along and comment on your comment. Quotations are used by me as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader. People should decide whether something written or said makes sense by its content, not by the person who writes or says it, regardless when or where it was said or the letters after his or her name, title or position in society, age, nationality etc. To answer your question: Q: By the way what kind of fucking stupid accent is Al Pacino using? A: Al Pacino was, unsuccessfully, trying to use a Cuban immigrant accent I will leave you with another quote: So ridiculous, @twentyfive must work on his Anger Management Problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend. Chill @twentyfive Chill! ~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd Januaryk 2003 , Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist ~ Author of some of the most liked tweets in history. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    Try S&M? Even if you don't want to?
    @Sgrayeff I will play along and comment your discussion, and answer your question. Q: Try S&M? Even If You Don't Want To? Have you tried S&M even though never really wanted to? A: You don’t have to try or do anything you don’t want to. Q: Have you ever tried a dom just to experience what this particular woman is into? A: NO, I am into what I am into and will look for it until I get it as close as the way I want it. Q: Is the possibility of a little humiliation worth the risk? A: Yes, in this life anything is possible, but in this case not for me. If, as you said, and I quote you; “she's uber hot (yes, she is) and just my type in seemingly every way except for the dom thing” Most people into BDSM fall in one or more of the following categories; Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/Submission, and Sadism/Masochism. And many do fall between more than one; and some identify themselves as Switch. A switch is someone who demonstrates both characteristics and is comfortable with both submissive and dominant roles. If she is on it for business reasons, she can be paid to play any of the roles or not BDSM role at all. Since you want to be a costumer in the pay-for sex adult industry, you should ask her if she would accept to just have a Vanilla encounter. I am sure if you pay her accordingly she will accept to act/perform for you and you can be the director in charge of the “project/movie”. You have nothing to lose by asking her, because technically you are paying her for her time, companionship and/or entertainment and it is a business transaction between two consenting adults—one paying customer and another person providing their time in exchange for money. Anything else that may or may not occur (sex, love, play adult games) is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. Payment is for her time spent only, and she is considered an independent contractor. Remember “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983) With the right mindset and realistic expectations, most heterosexual men will have a good time with a professional in the adult industry as long as they anre able to communicate and negotiate in a respectful, professional manner. If you have the money and can afford it mentally, emotionally, physically then do it and enjoy it. Let’s be careful out there and listen to your gut feelings, spider 🕷️ sense. And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Warsaw help
    LOL @londonguy FYI there are 17 places named Warsaw in the USA. Pleas visit the Wedel Chocolate Factory, it offers tours for visitors and hopefully you can sample some of the best-quality chocolate you will ever eat. And if you sample some of the independent escorts write a review with Pics and Vids https://www.eurogirlsescort.com/escort/lola/583377/?list=8bgh0h Let’s be careful out there. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    First TJ Visit 2/23
    @chugwa This is a discussion in tuscl about Cascadas vs Rizo de Oro: https://tuscl.net/discussion/80285 They have the same owner, if I were you I would stay at Cascadas for easy access and only one night But you are welcome to make things as difficult and complicated as possible if you like. :D Don’t overthink things, if you can afford to go to the Happiest Place on Earth and enjoy it just do it. If you can’t afford it, don’t do it. Just be careful out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Warsaw help
    @londongut I will play along and answer your question. I think you mean Warsaw, Poland. Independent Escorts are the best deal in my humble opinion and limited experience, because it is legal for them to work as such. You can use a reliable website like Tryst for example: https://tryst.link/escort/escort-in-warsaw-poland If you are more into the Strip Club hunting scene go for it, but in my opinion it would be more difficult and expensive to get full service from the club, because it is a middle man (the club) involved. Remember to follow your spider 🕷️ sense and act accordingly. Also remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Anyone else for a trip to Brazil?
    One of my foreign students, Maria, was a professional samba dancer from Brazil, she invited me and other students to go see her at a Samba/Carnaval Show in Hollywood it was amazing. I went there and only other student attended, Erin, an Irish girl that was also a dancer in her case of traditional Irish dance 💃 think Riverdance. We had a really good time, I can’t admit to any extracurricular activities, because a gentleman (teacher/professor) never tells… But I have Pics to verify it did happen… Thanks you for reminding me of the good old times. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    First TJ Visit 2/23
    Figueroa Street Girl at 67th street 🛑 STOP https://tuscl.net/photo/13788
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    First TJ Visit 2/23
    @chugwa I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions. Since this is your first time and you are going for one night only, you should consider this a “recon mission” to gather intelligence and see how things work, so you can go back and get a better experience. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Nothing is going to be like you think or were told, everyone has a different unique experience. Don’t drink or do drugs or do or carry anything illegal, focus on enjoying your first Hong Kong experience, relax and enjoy, don’t worry be happy. Some people like the “party” atmosphere and drink, but the main reason to go is to take a girl if your choice upstairs (arriba) $100-120 per half an hour plus the room and tips $30-35. Most tuscl members recommend to get your own room if you are planning to take a couple of girls upstairs, because with the discount VIP card is better than paying for a room every time you want to take a girl upstairs. Make a reservation for m the hotel Cascadas website $220 per night on Friday and Saturday and use the Free Limo service to get there after you walk in at PedWest. Q: What's a good budget range for a night? A: $500 to $700 should be fine, again depending on how much fun you want to have and how many girls you want to take upstairs and if you have the stamina to perform. Like I said, maybe just take it easy and just go to see how things are, but if you decide to take a girl upstairs have the money to do it. If you’re on a budget Figueroa Street in Los Angeles between 65th Street and 83rd Street has some 7s, 8s and even 9s in a nice afternoon and in my humble opinion and limited experience are affordable at $140-$200 per 15-20 minutes, room included. The paid-for-sex hobby has a degree of risk because the “rewards” are “worth it”. Just be careful out there, like you would be in any other country, including the USA, when you search for paid-for-sex services. And remember Pics and Vids of it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Venezuelans in HK?
    @tbot1102 Like I said good luck on your quest “sampling Venezuelan beauties” at the Happiest Place on Earth. Remember Pics and Vids of the Venezuelan Beauties holding their Venezuelan passport or Venezuelan birth certificate or it didn’t happen. Good Times, Good Times.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Dancer gives you her cell#. You Google it?
    @gothamyte I will play along and answer your questions: Q: Dancer Gives You Her Cell#. You Google It? A: YES, who wouldn’t? Q: See if she escorts on the side---on the interwebs with that same# ? Etc A: YES, again, who wouldn’t want to know more about the girl? Q: And if she does, what's your next move? A: If she does escort, ask her if she prefers to eliminate the middle man, the club, so you can both work out a better deal. A win/win situation. Q: Is it a better price seeing her at the club---or versus getting the escort version of her? A: in my limited experience and humble opinion, it is going to depend on many factors; as usual your mileage may vary. As an escort you won’t have to be screened, and you both already have seen each other other, so no bait and switch, but in the light outside the StripClub she might look better or worse. I had a very nice experience in Los Angeles with a stripper that was a high end escort visiting from Northern California. I arrive very late to the Club, and saw her on stage and was the most beautiful girl in the place, a tall dime, super model type, and i asked her for a dance as soon as she finished her stage dance, but it was almost closing time so we only had the opportunity for a dance, but we had some chemistry and she asked me for my phone so she could type her phone number in and call her phone so we could have some OTC time. Of course I googled her number and I was able to see that she was a very high end escort. I texted her and we arranged for me to go visit her at her nice hotel in Hollywood and had a very nice time. It was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. We meet a few times, before she had to go back to her home in Northern California. If you behave like a gentleman and treat girls/women as ladies outside the “bedroom”, you can have a good GFE and PSE in the “bedroom”. Remember: “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983) With the right mindset and realistic expectations, most heterosexual men will have a good time with a woman from the adult industry. You can even play some air hockey if you want. https://tuscl.net/photo/13795 Just make sure you can afford the experience and don’t get buyer’s remorse, have fun and remember to “be careful out there.” And also remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D