
The Thigh Gap

Monday, April 22, 2024 2:47 AM
Had dances from a petite girl who had an amazing thigh gap. Oh my god, was it a gap. More like a thigh chasm. A thigh gap is not necessary for me because I also do like girls with larger asses and don't mind thicker thighs, to a degree. But looking from the floor up, following those long lean legs, wide thigh gap, converging into a plump pussy surrounded by a tight, round ass... a very sexy view indeed. Do you like a thigh gap?


  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    I don't generally notice whether she does or does not have sightly or unsightly thigh gap. I do prefer smaller women and spinners often appeal to me, but they can be gapless or gapped either way. I don't like larger or even above-average in weight, so that means I don't like extremely ungapped women, but moderately gapped or ungapped is immaterial to me. :)
  • MrFuturi
    3 months ago
    Just enough gap for them to remain skinny. Too much gap is anorexic looking to me
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 months ago
    Human stand out from other primates in that females have notably wider hips relative to their waists. This is because human babies have larger heads, so the woman's pelvic bones need to be spread apart, so the baby's head can pass between them. Men are attracted to wide hips, because it indicates a capacity to bear large-brained babies. A slimmer woman with wide hips will have a thigh gap. Wider hips made women worse runners, and thus worse hunters, than men. This lead to meat-for-play, which evolved into modern day pay-for-play.
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    Bikini bridges are where it's at. Belly crack (think Emily Ratakowski) for extra credit.
  • Huntsman
    3 months ago
    I’m pro thigh gap. And ilb, “meat for play”…that gave me a laugh.
  • MaxMaxima
    3 months ago
    Love the gap! In a world full of fatties, the gap is a true badge of honor. More spinners please!
  • goldmongerATL
    3 months ago
    I prefer thigh gap over thigh chafe.
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    not sure what gammanu95 means by "belly crack" but I'll gladly think Emily Ratakowski anyway
  • CJKent_band
    3 months ago
    @5footguy Pics and Vids of the “Thigh Gap” or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times.
  • Jascoi
    3 months ago
    oh yes. inner thigh gap. definently attractive.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 months ago
  • Mr Monger
    3 months ago
    Nah I like em thick
  • Rightfield
    3 months ago
    I remember the first thigh gap that caught my eye. I was in a cafe and a young woman in a skirt walked out the door. Sunlight was streaming in - and that made her short dress semi-transparent - and revealed a thigh gap. And my 13 year old brain was transfixed for the first time...
  • blahblahblah23
    3 months ago
    So not every woman that doesn't have a thigh gap is overweight, and not every girl with one is particularly slim.
  • jaybud999
    3 months ago
    I love thigh gap. I call it the "triangle of love."
  • MaxMaxima
    3 months ago
    Put it another way, the bigger the gap between the thighs, the bigger the gap in my wallet when I turn it over!
  • captainfun
    3 months ago
    Thigh gap is not something I look for. I have a bias toward trim women but I find it kind of sucky that some girls probably aspire to achieve it but their bodies simply aren’t built for it. No thigh gap to be seen at Bottoms Up in Brooklyn, IL (east St Louis) a couple nights ago - mostly just overfed hood girls
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