Donald Trump is “the worst criminal in human history”

avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title says it all.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
avatar for CJKent_band
9 months ago
Yes, sometimes the UNDENIABLE RELITY is boooorriiinnnggg.

Like the fact that you people live in the undeniable denial that Donald Trump is a scofflaw, though he has a long history of criminal and civil courtroom encounters and is currently facing 91 felony charges…
avatar for funonthaside
9 months ago

"Facing 91 felony charges" does not equate to guilt.

And, you think there is nothing inappropriate about a sitting US President exploring criminal convictions in an effort to knock out a competitor from voter ballots?

There will be chaos if Trump is elected, and that chaos will have far greater harm than anything Trump has done, or will do.

Trump hurt peoples' feel-feels, yet we were far better off under Trump than Biden. Look no farther than the migrant crisis and bleeding of cash in NYC.
avatar for TheSingularity
9 months ago
Nonsense. Adolf Hitler existed. That alone invalidates the argument. He's not even the worst American criminal, as we've had serial killers like Bundy Gacy and Dahmer.

He's not a good guy, but the worst criminal in human history? Stop.
avatar for elmer
9 months ago
I don't like Trumpers but you what CJKent you're just as bad, If not worse. You come across as a freaking fanatic
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
I'm dubious Trump is less scrupulous than the average politician. His lack of scruples is more dangerous, because he has more balls, and charisma among people who lack critical thinking.
avatar for Givemegothgirls
9 months ago
What a joke! let’s go Brandon!!!!!
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
Stick to smash or pass, OP
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
#bait & #baited
avatar for Somoth Ergai
Somoth Ergai
9 months ago
"Like the fact that you people live in the undeniable denial"

HA HA HA self contradict much? I honestly could not care less about this topic, I just thought that shit was hilarious. Have fun spazing
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
I would gladly stay away from politics, if politics would stay away from me.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
It's enormously difficult to keep up with all of Trump's criminal cases, especially with the noise of the civil suits he's involved with. If you focus only on his criminal suits, I think it's hard to argue he's the WORST criminal:

Tracking the Trump criminal cases |…

The most serious of the crimes he's accused of are election interference. That's serious. And, he's mislead so many people with lies about the 2020 election being stolen, I think that's damaging to our democracy.

But there are worse criminals. Trump wasn't (yet) throwing dissidents out of helicopters, like Augusto Pinochet. He wasn't committing a genocide like Hitler. He didn't cause a Holodomor like Stalin. Surely you can think of hundreds of WORSE criminals in this regard.

And if you mean WORSE criminal in terms of least effective. I worry you're wrong. Trump's legal strategy in all these cases will be to "deny, delay and denigrate." At the core of the strategy is that if he's re-elected president, he can pardon himself and his co-conspirators once back in office. Given that he's in a dead heat with Biden in recent polls, this isn't a terrible strategy from an "effectiveness" standpoint.

avatar for skibum609
9 months ago
This thread proves beyond a doubt that in the progressive world of totally useless douche bags, the OP is their King. Every fucking breath this semen stain on a dirty mattress is a crime against humanity and a waste of air. Enough Icee/Cj.
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
The title is a good example of the emotionally driven hyperbole that draws so many mentally ill people to your side.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 months ago
Right, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Hitler, Bundy, et al, were all pikers, petty criminals, by comparison.

Fucking moron.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 months ago
Worst in history? No. Despicable, lying, thieving, conning sexual predator who should never see the oval office again? Damn straight!
avatar for CJKent_band
9 months ago
Can you people think of anyone in human history who has dedicated his efforts to undermining the prospects for survival of organized human life on earth?

What leading figure in human history has dedicated policy toward maximizing the use of fossil fuels and cutting down on regulations that mitigate the disaster?

It’s hard to find an American President who has been more dedicated to enriching and empowering the ultra-rich and the corporate sector—which is, of course, why they’re happy to tolerate his antics.

He’s a very loyal servant of private power, private wealth, and the corporate sector…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
A key point is that, back in the 90s, NYC was as grateful as fuck for Trump. It was still climbing out of a very deep hole. He believed in the city, and backed that up with shit tons of money. So anything he did, short of shooting someone on 8th Ave., they weren't going to sweat it. His mistake was not seeing that the old guard was gone, and the gratitude had worn off.

How the fuck do the Pelosis have so much money? I can't buy it that there's not a similar level of corruption there as with Trump. Maybe they were less sloppy, and maybe they're smarter about keeping the gratitude of those they need it from.

It would have been cool as hell, if Atlantic City had managed to become a rival to Vegas. Trump jumped into that with both feet, and barely survived.
avatar for skibum609
9 months ago
Nancy Pelosi funneled government contracts to her husband. That is how Democrats get rich, see, legendary piece of shit Bernie "the traitor to all" Sanders. Incredibly wealth built on a platform of stealing money from those who work and giving it to those who don't but vote progressive.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 months ago
Trump isn't really all that much different from any other politician in U.S. government. Corruption, fraud, sexual assault, deception, etc are rife in government circles, and he fits right in there. He's just not apologetic about it, and makes little effort to hide it.
avatar for WiseToo
9 months ago
This political OP should be in the political discourse forum; not in the front room. Have some respect and follow the rules, please!
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