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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 28)

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5 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers
If political discussions are banned, there's only so many times we can talk about our love of fondling and licking breasts lol.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
@Skibum I absolutely believe that SJWs are sociopaths. I remember not quite a year ago how they tried to demonize that 15 year old Christian boy at the protest in Washington DC and could not get over how despicable that was.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
@SJG You are what would've been considered a radical leftist in 2005, maybe 2010, but from 2013/2014 onward, nah, you're pretty moderate. Even being a communist these days isn't enough to be considered far-left given the controversy over the San Francisco murals. To be one of the SJWs, you have to believe there are multiple genders beyond male and female, you have to believe that there are no biological differences between men and women besides genitalia, you have to find the very use of gender pronouns like "he" and "she" to be offensive, you have to consider pretty much all sex jokes to be sexual harassment, you have to think that media which sexualizes women is bad because of "objectification," you have to desire a gender neutral world. SJWs dox people and try to get them fired from their jobs if they hold views they disagree with. I don't believe you subscribe to any of this. Believe it or not, these views are not as uncommon on college campuses as you would expect. Economic policy has become a relatively small part of SJW ideology, these days its mostly about identity politics and eliminating the concept of gender. I have never seen a TUSCL member try to insinuate that regular prostitution is human trafficking.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
Trump won because PC culture has gone nuts and people are sick of it. One should not have to worry about his views destroying his life in the united states and a lot of people were worried we were heading in that direction or are already there.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
^Definitely not nonsense. https://thoughtcatalog.com/joshua-goldberg/2014/12/when-social-justice-warriors-attack-one-tumblr-users-experience/ I should probably mention SJG, that although you think you are far to the left, according to SJWs, you would not be. The fact that TUSCL is mostly a right leaning website is probably the main reason why your views are, although ridiculed, relatively tolerated. At worst, conservatives tend to think an opposing view is stupid, but rarely evil. SJWs will think you are evil. An SJW forum would've probably banned you, because SJWs cannot handle anyone who disagrees with even the tiniest nuances of their ideology. So if you said you liked women who act slutty and dress in high heels and miniskirts, they'd call you a sexist shitlord who expects women to serve him. Your organization, they would probably call sexual slavery. I'm not saying this is true, but I'm saying SJWs are insane extremists. If a man involves themselves in the SJW world, you will essentially have to self-flagellate yourself constantly to get acceptance.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
Yeah but SJWs like to ruin people's lives just because they disagree with them. They're very dangerous, the more push-back against that crap the better.
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5 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Ever make tough life choices
@Cashman That's what happens when you fuck a nasty hoe. One girl I made out with, for some reason her drool tasted like cherries. Maybe it was her lipstick idk, but I found it surprisingly pleasant.
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5 years ago
avatar for nemesisk7
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
I like Trump because him being in office triggers SJWs so hard.
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5 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Ever make tough life choices
Not a tough choice, pussy for sure. I can eat later.
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5 years ago
avatar for Lone_Wolf
Ultra sexy and feminine
I've never seen Tila Tequila as ultra-feminine. When I think of really feminine female celebrities I think more of Britney Spears or Selena Gomez.
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5 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Good news if you like looking at women’s breasts
@JAprufrock Not surprised considering people like this are apparently identifying as "women." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOkdR7on6Ok
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5 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Good news if you like looking at women’s breasts
The whole thing about "desexualizing" the female body is retarded. Girls bodies are inherently sexual, that's why we get boners upon seeing them. I would think that is common sense but feminists completely lack it so I guess I'm not surprised.
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5 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Loss of appetite after good sex
I don't know about hungry, but sex almost always makes me thirsty. Maybe all that jacking off is why I don't have much of an appetite.
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5 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Good news if you like looking at women’s breasts
Me and my friend came up with a term for girls walking around in sexy outfits... "Driving hazards." Lmao. I have mixed feelings. On one hand, yay for half naked girls. On another hand, yuck fatty hippo boobs. On another hand, will those girls yell at me if I'm caught staring? Will I be able to remotely pay attention in class if there are sexy girls everywhere and will I crash my car if I can't stop staring at the 8/10 walking on the road in a miniskirt? But to top it all off? Is it all worth it to see some sexy, half naked girls? I can't decide.
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
What Happens When We Die?
I just want reincarnation to be real. The idea of living multiple lives sounds awesome to me. Maybe if there's a paradise world though I could control the circumstances of my next life a little better (wink wink).
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Lol @ men who cheat on their wives by going to strip club & attribute "lack of f
@CMI To me that kind of sounds like the middle ground you are talking about is divorce and having multiple successive marriages which pretty much everyone would agree is not a positive experience. I think if people could, most would want a successful lifelong marriage. At this current moment, it seems to me like we don't really have an option that doesn't require either person to sacrifice anything. Swinger style marriages probably come closest to being a healthy "middle ground" but in order to be equitable, both people should be allowed to fuck other people instead of just one person. In which case a lot of people feel that they're sacrificing their spouse's faithfulness and that these kind of relationships might be more likely to end in divorce if their partner gets emotionally tempted by someone they slept with. Monogamy and bachelorhood also require sacrifices for obvious reasons. So I'd say if we took SJG's suggestion of "moving beyond marriage" that it is not a solution that "doesn't require anyone to sacrifice anything" as a lot of advocates of such claim but rather that it requires people to make different but equitable sacrifices. I think the reason why we ultimately chose monogamy as the best option is because its the most stable one. If large numbers of people refuse to marry then we have lots of single mothers (which is true of today's day and age) who are exhausted from the burden of having a full time career as well as taking care of a child. Swinger style marriages can be risky if not done right or if the participants attach any emotional meaning to sex which I've found that most people do. Even if you don't need an emotional attachment to have sex in the first place a lot of people develop one after having sex, especially if they have sex with that person multiple times. One sided polygamy is also problematic for obvious reasons. Divorcing and marrying multiple different people is very difficult for children. So I think people ultimately decided that monogamous, lifelong marriages were the healthiest of the options available to us.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Lol @ men who cheat on their wives by going to strip club & attribute "lack of f
@SirLDK Yeah I would say that's true. @CMI It does seem to me like a middle ground isn't really available. Not so much talking about SJG's organization specifically, but generally, the options are either marriage or being a bachelor. The closest thing I can really think of to a middle ground would be cohabitation. Open and swinger marriages like what Skibum has could also be a middle ground sort of thing but from what I hear, most people can't really handle that. If someone is trying to have a family though, then marriage becomes a necessity. Some women are much more likely to tolerate their husband going to strip clubs or even visiting prostitutes every now and then though because the husband may have a higher sex drive that overwhelms her anyway or perhaps he can't really handle monogamy but if the sex is paid for then its less of a threat to their marriage the way an extra-marital affair with a co-worker would be. Some people in the early 20th century advocated for prostitution to be legalized under the idea that prostitutes can fulfill that need without being a threat to the customer's marriage.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Lol @ men who cheat on their wives by going to strip club & attribute "lack of f
I think the benefits of marriage and monogamy far outweigh the downsides. My dad actually said something on topic a couple months ago. We were discussing how a lot of guys think that moving beyond monogamy or marriage and everyone just being single and fucking one person one night and then another person another night would be a good thing. So I said that the benefits of this lifestyle have been exaggerated a lot, and he said... "Its like always having to hunt for more food. You have no reliable source of food so you always have to go out and hunt for more prey whenever you need to eat. Staying committed to one woman means that your fridge is always full." Essentially, promiscuity and being a bachelor is high effort and low reward. You may be able to get the variety a lot of guys want or the freedom to choose to fuck another girl if the opportunity comes up, but for the most part, being a bachelor means always having to find another source of food. From a perspective of both quantity and quality for the lowest effort, monogamy is the best route. The way I see it, issues usually arise when one partner starts refusing to meet the other's sexual needs. In a monogamous relationship, you are agreeing to take care of them. As long as each person holds up their end of the agreement, then monogamy should work pretty well. If, in a marriage, one partner stops taking care of the other's sexual needs, that's when that person starts cheating on their spouse. This seems to be the case with most married men who visit prostitutes. Their sex life at home leaves something to be desired so they go out to find it. A lot of churches and priests actually encourage frequent sex within marriage for precisely this reason, because an empty sex life at home will almost inevitably result in someone cheating on their partner.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
@SJG Yeah, college can be a really weird environment. Its like having a small city full of 18-22 year olds a lot of the time. Some bizarre social dynamics exist in college that really don't exist outside of it. I've noticed people at my school seem to either love it or hate it. A few people I know have talked about feeling like girls outside of college like them a lot more than the girls at my school do. I think the college environment also serves to blow up a lot of girls' egos. Whether its the constant feminist oppression message given to them in classrooms, the 1,000 matches they get on Tinder, or getting hit on constantly on campus. The girl that I dated seems like she's never been in an environment with a lot of people. She grew up in rural small towns all her life. I met her because she just happened to be visiting a city where I was visiting and we found out we didn't live too far away from one another. Then again, I actually got a girl's number at a party two nights ago. I think a guy who's had sex recently just puts out a different vibe from a guy who hasn't been laid in months. That's part of the reason why I think prostitutes can help socially awkward guys a lot. It gives you a foundation to work with at least while just being in a dry spell for months can make it really difficult to dig yourself out of that hole.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
Lol I was thinking we sound a lot a like too. I think every year that goes by its gonna get better. Best of luck to you as well.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
@Heaving Yeah I get that for sure. Wooing girls is hard and much more anxiety provoking. Its much easier to just pursue friendships with them. I actually didn't ask the girl's name. For a few days, I called her and just began the conversation with "hey how's it going" to cover up the fact that I didn't really know what it was. Eventually I found out her name by giving her my social media profile and then seeing what hers was upon getting a friend request. I then began the conversation the same way so as not to tip her off that I previously did not know. Eventually, however, I started using her name is casual conversation.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
Oh no I was there with the purpose of finding a girl and was thinking about it the whole time. But I do think that sometimes not giving a fuck helps. @CaptainFun I think you are right. I do tend to be pretty all or nothing about things. Not the best way to be but I do seem to throw myself head first into things.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
@Heaving I know this a horrible answer, forgive me but I honestly don't know what I did. I was just dancing in the club and she came up and asked me to dance with her. I guess, I was wearing cologne, I had a black shirt + blue and black plaid cargo shorts, and I was dancing in the club. That's all I can really say. One thing I did learn this summer was that even if you don't feel like it, make yourself go out to nightclubs or bars sometimes because you really never know what's gonna happen when you enter a room full of drunk people. Even if all you can muster is to just stand there on the dance floor and awkwardly dance. And of course, some nights are going to be completely unproductive, nothing will happen and you'll walk out feeling like you wasted $20-40. But, as it turns out, just going out enough times can be worth it. It at least takes your chances from 0% to 1% lol. I'm sure you know that I really had lost all hope last year. I thought I was doomed to die alone, but I regained a lot of it and it happened when I least expected it. I'm still awkward too, I can relate a lot to that feeling that its hard to meet people but then it gets easier later on. Its okay if you want to talk about your problems by the way, I don't consider it "threadjacking." @NiceSpice Its okay I'll take it as a "welcome back." I can say I'm at least staying as long as this thread is active. @IceyLoco I can't, my family is way too fertile for that lol. I'm just joking about the beta cuck stuff btw. I'm glad to see such a warm reception from everyone, I might stay after-all. But I gotta make sure if I do that I don't get addicted the way I did last year.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
Didn't realize it was seinfield but it's true.