
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !

The evidence is in Trump must Resign from office !! Like Nixon. There is no other remedy but Impeachment.


  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    10 weather forecast for my town

    SEP 26
    NNE 1 mph 84%
    SEP 27
    Mostly Sunny
    E 5 mph 56%
    SEP 28
    Partly Cloudy
    SE 4 mph 65%
    SEP 29
    Mostly Sunny
    ESE 4 mph 58%
    SEP 30
    Mostly Sunny
    ENE 6 mph 58%
    OCT 1
    ENE 6 mph 57%
    OCT 2
    E 5 mph 51%
    OCT 3
    NW 4 mph 50%
    OCT 4
    Mostly Sunny
    N 7 mph 49%
    OCT 5
    Partly Cloudy
    ENE 9 mph 53%
    OCT 6
    PM Showers
    ENE 8 mph 55%
    OCT 7
    Scattered Thunderstorms
    NNE 7 mph 58%
    OCT 8
    Mostly Sunny
    N 8 mph 49%
    OCT 9
    Mostly Sunny
    NE 8 mph 51%
    OCT 10
    Mostly Sunny
    ENE 7 mph 50%

  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    No! I got it right!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    If he resigns it will be in a stupid Tweet i bet
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, I tweet, that sounds right!

    "Trumpy must Resign !!! Worst president in History."


    Remember the footage of Nixon and Pat walking to the helicopter? Well the way this is going, Donald Trump will be removed by LE, and he will be in handcuffs.

    Pelosi: Trump Used Taxpayer Money To Shake Down Leader For His Own Gain | Morning Joe | MSNBC, 9/27, 7:30 am DC time

    Nancy Pelosi in FURY A­f­t­e­r Trump 'Abuse the system' By Moving All The Files To Private Network (this morning)

    Nancy Pelosi, Democrats hold press conference in addressing H.R. 1 bill (6 hours ago)

    Pelosi Torches Trump White House's Ukraine Call Response: This Is A Cover-Up | The 11th Hour | MSNBC (14 hours ago)

    House Republican: President Donald Trump's Ukraine Call "Not O.K." | The Last Word | MSNBC

    EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Attack on Whistle-Blower in Private Meeting Was Caught on Video

    Hear leaked audio of Trump comparing whistleblower's sources to 'spies'

    'The Room Was Mostly Silent': Reporter In Room For 'Spies' Remark | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    President Donald Trump: “Who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days, when we were smart, right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

    James Risen: Whistleblower Complaint Shows “Trump Is a Habitual Criminal” Abusing His Office

    James Risen: I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine in 2015. The Right-Wing Media Twisted My Reporting

    Trump food stamps cuts?


    nemesisk7's Impeachment Thread

    Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !

    SJG's Impeachment Thread

    Donald Trump responds climate activist Greta Thunberg with a sarcastic late-night tweet... “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to ...

    The great Hillary Clinton: "Trump MUST be impeached"

    Brexit Discussion, House of Commons

    How is a simple Leftist like me supposed to keep track of all this?

    If I were still married, I know how it would be, melting lots of butter and



    The Thrill is Gone, Jeff Healey
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Donald Trump unleashes fury over impeachment inquiry -- TODAY

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Briefing Room: Trump impeachment inquiry, Trump to slash refugee program, ABC News

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Everyone In Washington Is Reading the Whistleblower Complaint — Except Senate Republicans

    Trump demands Schiff resign over account of Ukraine call

    Trump To Kick Half A Million Kids Off Free School Lunch Program

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Friday News:

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives committee issued a subpoena on Friday for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, seeking to compel him to hand over documents concerning contact with the Ukrainian government.

    The House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees also scheduled depositions for five State Department officials over the next two weeks, including former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, Ambassador Kurt Volker, the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine, and Ambassador Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union.



  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Trump will resign before Christmas
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Rpt: Trump Comments To Russians Prompted W.H. Officials To Limit Access | The Last Word | MSNBC - saying that Trump meeting with Russians, 4 months in office, in Oval Office, let them off hook for attacking our elections, and is sufficient and necessary grounds for impeachment.

    Rpt: Trump Comments To Russians Prompted W.H. Officials To Limit Access | The Last Word | MSNBC

    This morning


    Natalie Brand

    Mandy Moore
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    They won’t go far with this stupid little game. It will be done and Trump will remain on top.

    The dems are far filthier
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump has compromised our national security, with the Russians, and with the Ukranians, and all for personal political advantage.

  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    SJG simply substitute Hillary Clinton for Trump in your statement - and you’ll have the truth.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Hillary Clinton did stupid stuff with email. But she did not do it alone. Other people who knew more about electronic security should have set her straight.

    But Hillary Clinton is retired from politics now.

    Joe Biden is not in office, immune from impeachment.

    In 2020 I will be voting for Bernie Sanders.

    But right now Donald Trump is making a huge mess!

  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    AG Barr is on a secret trip to Italy on business. If he is successful, it will provide conclusive evidence that the last 3 years of impeachment effort was a vast conspiracy to create fake evidence.

    First, feel free to mock this. Second, remember my warning in a few weeks when the impeachment effort blows up in Democrats face.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I’m hate politics, but Due to the last 3 years of total bullshit, I am 100 percent convinced that the Democratic Party is nothing more than BOZO THE CLOWN wannabes. But, they are nowhere near as intelligent as BOZO!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The Orange shit stain claims he his fighting for the people !!!! Small penis Donny doesn't have guts to resign !!!
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Hillary lost because she was a miserable, entitled, corrupt, cold, feeble, lying, vindictive , whiny candidate who couldn’t be bothered to talk with people in Michigan.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    "miserable, entitled, corrupt, cold, feeble, lying, vindictive , whiny"

    hmm, sound like anyone we know?
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ^^^ they got tired of winning?

    MackTruck is #winning and dumping loads on political threads
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago

    CBS News poll shows 55% of Americans approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

    Majority Of US Approves Of Impeachment Inquiry: Poll

    Why Trump's new limit on food stamp eligibility will affect working families most



    Trump whistleblower to testify over Ukraine call

    Joseph M. Firestone - live: Sanders Leads the Fight Against Food Stamp Cuts


    The B 52s With the Wild Crowd! Live In Athens, GA 2011
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I like Trump because him being in office triggers SJWs so hard.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    We have a national politics which completely revolves around scapegoating the poor.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Yeah but SJWs like to ruin people's lives just because they disagree with them. They're very dangerous, the more push-back against that crap the better.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ total nonsense!

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^Definitely not nonsense.


    I should probably mention SJG, that although you think you are far to the left, according to SJWs, you would not be. The fact that TUSCL is mostly a right leaning website is probably the main reason why your views are, although ridiculed, relatively tolerated. At worst, conservatives tend to think an opposing view is stupid, but rarely evil. SJWs will think you are evil. An SJW forum would've probably banned you, because SJWs cannot handle anyone who disagrees with even the tiniest nuances of their ideology. So if you said you liked women who act slutty and dress in high heels and miniskirts, they'd call you a sexist shitlord who expects women to serve him. Your organization, they would probably call sexual slavery.

    I'm not saying this is true, but I'm saying SJWs are insane extremists. If a man involves themselves in the SJW world, you will essentially have to self-flagellate yourself constantly to get acceptance.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Wah, wah, wah; the poor. Sis boom bah; the poor.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    V H assholes like you are why Trump won. You're just a stupid loud mouth from a shithole area of America.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Trump won because PC culture has gone nuts and people are sick of it. One should not have to worry about his views destroying his life in the united states and a lot of people were worried we were heading in that direction or are already there.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    CC99, what you are talking about as Social Justice Warriors, are people who are highly moralistic.

    No, I do not go along with that.

    If you want to know about that, here, an example I always give "The Uplifters", from D. W. Griffith's 1916 silent movie, Intolerance.


    Four stories from different periods in history, presented interspersed.

    The Uplifters are from the present, 1916. Griffith says, "Women often turn to reform, when they can no longer attract men."

    In the film, the first thing they do is get some pretty street hookers arrested.

    And basically, it comes from an industrialist who who diverts money from wages, to this moral reform program to make their company look good.

    I am very careful about calls for moral reforms which are rooted in containing sex, or which otherwise stigmatize the poor.

    But what you are talking about is what I have called, "The National Public Radio Mentality". Others have said that the idea is that everything would be just fine, "If only women would just wear sensible shoes."

    No, I am not like that. But that does not mean that I have some soft spot for conservatism or for the right. I am a Radical Leftist.

    I know that one cannot in most places talk about women in a sexualized way. I do not share that view, and this is why I like TUSCL, as well as strip clubs.

    If you are meaning to include Feminism in this, there are multiple schools of feminism. Some have been anti-porn. Now, because of the Internet making types of porn highly available, the anti-porn position does not play very well. So instead, the same contingent focuses on
    trafficking. They blow the prevalence of it way out of proportion. They use this idea to transform prostitution from a low level misdemeanor comparable to loitering, to a major international conspiracy which warrants trashing all civil liberties.

    But as far as Donald Trump, I don't care if he provokes SJW's. Most of the things SJW's want are right, like fair and livable wages.

    Donald Trump is trying to turn us back to the Gilded Age. He is trying to make poverty and joblessness into moral crimes. And he is doing this as our real joblessness rate continues to climb, in the face of advancing technology.

    I'm glad that you don't see me as an SJW. But I have been 100% opposed to Trump from when the 2016 race first started.

    And I don't go around trying to taunt or provoke SJW's. I talk about things on this forum which I would never say in any of our liberal churches.

    I am opposed to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. But I know that prohibition did not work, and I know that one cannot legislate morality for the general populace.

    It is actually some of our Extreme Right TUSCLer's who I have most often heard talking about "trafficking" and then trying to demonize the poor.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Social Justice Warriors - Violent, useless, hypocritical, criminal sociopaths.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    skibum609 = Evidence article number 1 in the argument that electoral democracy in America has failed, and that we need gun barrel communism.

  • CC99
    5 years ago

    You are what would've been considered a radical leftist in 2005, maybe 2010, but from 2013/2014 onward, nah, you're pretty moderate. Even being a communist these days isn't enough to be considered far-left given the controversy over the San Francisco murals.

    To be one of the SJWs, you have to believe there are multiple genders beyond male and female, you have to believe that there are no biological differences between men and women besides genitalia, you have to find the very use of gender pronouns like "he" and "she" to be offensive, you have to consider pretty much all sex jokes to be sexual harassment, you have to think that media which sexualizes women is bad because of "objectification," you have to desire a gender neutral world. SJWs dox people and try to get them fired from their jobs if they hold views they disagree with.

    I don't believe you subscribe to any of this. Believe it or not, these views are not as uncommon on college campuses as you would expect. Economic policy has become a relatively small part of SJW ideology, these days its mostly about identity politics and eliminating the concept of gender.

    I have never seen a TUSCL member try to insinuate that regular prostitution is human trafficking.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    I absolutely believe that SJWs are sociopaths. I remember not quite a year ago how they tried to demonize that 15 year old Christian boy at the protest in Washington DC and could not get over how despicable that was.
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Yes they tried to ruin the life of a kid for smiling, yet the prop up and exploit a retarded swedish girl without guilt. Leftists and SJW's are garbage people.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I'm nervous impeachment will look partisan. Look what happened with Clinton. But lying about a bj likely is different than national security issues.

    I'm getting the vibe defense and taxes Republicans are nervous and unhappy. But they never loved Traitor Trump.
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Yet he still much better than any piece of garbage that the left tries to wheel out. Democrats are traitorous scumbags who should go to one of their ideal socialist countries and fuck off.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    15 year old Christian boy at the protest in Washington DC

    You guys have a link about this?

    Trying to keep Brett Kavanaugh off of SCOTUS is not being overly moralistic. I do not go along with this SJW concept, at least not being broadly applied. I don't think innocent people are being harmed.

    For me, most moralistic talk is just for blaming the poor for being poor. I don't go along with this.

    Some I know crusade against prostitution. I don't go along with that either. But I also do not support arguments, like those CC99 has made, that we NEED prostitution. The issue is rather that lots of people want it and are going to do it. Not easy to stop. No real basis for trying to stop it. And it does get into an art form.

    I am not big on cultural control, or enforcement of laws against crimes which have no victim.

    I've dealt with people who are moralistic and tiresome. But no, I don't seem them as any kind of sociopath.

    And IME has said that the women who work in AMPs are trafficked. Seems to be a view based solely on racism.

    People select their own gender today. This seems to be of central importance to their identity. Not part of my life, but I respect that LGBTQ people have their need to do this.

    Most of the time, social rules enforcement is for economic reasons.

    People use sexual morality arguments based on economics.

    And people use economic morality arguments based on sexuality.

    In the US, with the history of Puritanism, bohemianism is more about resistance to sexual moralisms.

    In France, with its pyramidal educational system and its history of aristocracy and monarchy, bohemianism is more about resistance to economic moralisms.

    Today, LGBTQ people defend their own rights, as they defend the rights of all of us. They stand in front and take the billy club hits, so that the rest of us don't have to. So even though I have no personal interest in their issues, I still support them.

    In San Jose we have an LGBTQ activism center, Billy DeFrank.

    Unfortunately, from what I hear, it used to be about Civil Rights, but now it functions more as an extension of the County Mental Health System.

    LGBTQ people often face some of the hardest economic situations, as well as extreme marginalization.

    Like they say at Glide United Memorial Methodist Church in San Francisco, "Poverty is created by social marginalization." So in their services they don't talk about salvation, they let people tell their own stories about how they fought back and reclaimed their social and civil standing.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    We have a lot to learn from the Social Democracies of Western Europe. We were on track with them up through the mid-60's. But then Richard Nixon and his Southern Strategy, and the Reagan, and its been downhill ever since.

    The Democratic party has played a huge roll in extensive social progress in the united stated, like for example in the New Deal.

    The Republican Party was originally an anti-slavery party, and it did a huge good. But then during the Grant Presidency it became just the party of big business. And in the 20's it emerged as a completely reactionary party. And it has continued to worsen.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    JamesSD, we don't know where this will go. Originally all the Republicans stood with Nixon. But in the end Barry Goldwater said that only 4 of the 100 Senators stood with Nixon.

    It is possible that the House will vote to impeach. They already have enough votes, simple majority.

    The Senate might not have the 2/3'd to vote for removal. But then the Republicans and Trump will take a pasting in the 2020 election.

    The issues are serious enough, and there is a consistent pattern, bullying banks into forgiving $3T, but then still getting out of paying taxes on it, just overall mob boss behavior. It will take a decade to clean out the Trump style of corruption.

    I think the Democrats just feel that they have to act, no matter where it goes.

    I say that because of Fox News and the general view of scapegoating the poor, that electoral democracy in America is tottering on total failure, and that will mean gun barrel communism.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    McConnell reaffirms he has 'no choice': Senate will take up impeachment if it passes House

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    When does Fox News ever scapegoat the poor? I feel like you probably haven't watched anything on Fox News. Tucker Carlson actually tends to go after corporations and neo-cons a lot.

    SJWs are sociopathic because they are willing to destroy anybody's life without a second thought if they think it'll benefit their agenda. Its not just being moralistic, its being totalitarian, and falsely accusing people of racism is their favorite weapon. Whenever I've debated with a conservative, I've never felt like I had to worry about them doxxing me or that they'd organize a harassment campaign if they knew who I was. Nobody on TUSCL, for example, cares enough about your views to try and harm you in real life. On left-wing forums though, if you are known as the right-winger on the board, you better protect your anonymity at all costs because if you let anything slip, somebody could try and dox you and destroy your life.

    The problem with multiple genders is that they fundamentally don't exist as a real gender and yet we've got actual hospitals right now with "non-binary" as an option? I mean wtf?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Fox News supports this idea that the poor are America's problem. This has been fundamental to the Right, a reaction against the Great Society and against the New Deal, from Reagan forwards.

    Fox News kills brain cells.

    Who's life has been unfairly harmed by these people you are calling SJW's. Got links?

    You might do well in debates with "conservatives", i.e. reactionaries, because you are in the same conceptual space as them.

    When I have dealt with Fascists, I have acted to remove them from key positions.

    I support the right of LQBTQ's to define their own gender as best suits them. There is no fixed thing about gender, its just the way most of us have grown up and most of us still accept.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^Most of the men targeted by #MeToo. Countless men have been falsely accused of sexual assault and SJW ideology is that women be believed no matter what.

    Ralph Northam was targeted because he wore blackface at a party where nobody considered it offensive.

    Justin Trudeau got in trouble for something similar.

    Carson King, the guy who led a busch beer fundraiser, had a lynch mob come after him after people found out he made racially insensitive jokes in his high school years.

    The reporter who went after Carson King also got fired when they found out he also made racially insensitive jokes in his high school years.

    Some cops have committed suicide because the media was so relentless about attacking them with accusations of racism.

    There are countless examples.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Now I will say, guys like Harvey Weinstein really did cross the line many times. Aziz Ansari on the other hand? Not so much.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    CC99, WIth all due respect I think you are being played for a fool. And its by the Right, Fox News and other things which support it.

    The Left has not changed that much, not since Reagan was elected.

    1. more talk about UBI, which is really out there. Andy Stern of SEIU, now Andy Yang. And then AOC and Bernie Sanders putting lots of stuff on the table.

    2. Occupy movement has stimulated lots of talk and thinking.

    3. And then related,

    None of this Left advancing stuff has anything to do with what you are calling SJW's. The entire idea of SJW is just a meme coming from the Right. The Left is always about economics, and that goes back to Marx and Engels.

    Black face has always been offensive. And lots of men in powerful positions have used that power to take unfair advantage of women, and now people are starting to get real about this!

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    It hasn't, most people at the party just thought it was funny, including the black people, at the time it took place that was.

    #MeToo targets more people than just Harvey Weinstein/Bill Cosby types.

    SJWs are not just a meme, they're all over the place.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    This was in the South, a place which had had slavery, and where racist views were strong.

    Just because something was thought funny, that does not make it okay. I could say racist stuff and get some public audience. Does not make it okay.

    You are looking at the stuff the Right tries to use to oppose the Left, but for economic policy reasons. And you are being taken in by it.

    Just like it had been with the Anti-PC argument.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    TRUMP and the Republicans are going down!

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • ime
    5 years ago
    HAHAHA you guys should just neck yourselves now, how you gonna deal with his second term? Better just put yourselves out of your misery now.

    If the impeachment goes forward which it wont because it is all political theater the Democratic party will be destroyed because they will have to answer subpoenas and with the level of corruption they will lose all their leadership. So keep pulling for it, so we can rid our country of the traitorous democratic party, possibly the most corrupt party in the history of the world.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^I think if Trump gets re-elected, the SJW meltdowns are gonna be even better than when he was first elected.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Florida amd Texas are soon to be Blue like our Cali hahaha
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    CC99, a young bright guy getting close to graduation from a good school.

    Very discouraging that such a person would be swept up in this Right Wing nonsense.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    To Impeach or Not to Impeach? Chris Hedges & John Bonifaz Debate What Congress Should Do Next

    House Democrats subpoenaed President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani Monday, seeking documents related to his work in Ukraine. Last week, Guliani admitted on television that he had urged the Ukrainian government to investigate Trump’s political rival and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. This comes as House Democrats continue to build their case for impeaching the president, following a whistleblower complaint focused on a phone call in which Trump asked the Ukranian president to do him a “favor” investigating the actions of Democrats, including Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Meanwhile, Trump is continuing to threaten lawmakers who are pushing impeachment, and publicly admitted he is trying to find out the identity of the anonymous whistleblower, in possible violation of whistleblower protection laws. We host a debate on impeachment with John Bonifaz, co-founder and president of Free Speech for People, one of the organizations demanding Trump’s impeachment, and Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, award-winning author and activist.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    SJW meltdowns? You mean you get off on a lack of social justice and think those fighting for it are in the wrong. A lot of people in NAZI Germany thought the same way.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Women have been subjected to some real shit in the workplace. Glad that is being brought to the surface and dealt with.


    Rosicrucian Music

    The American Electoral Republic has failed

    Ocasio-Cortez: Ukraine allegation one of the most serious we have seen

    Planet Nine could be a miniature black hole hiding in our solar system
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Daniel Ellsberg
    He faced off with Nixon. See his advice to whistleblower


    Planet Nine could be a miniature black hole hiding in our solar system
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    These are the people tied up in Trump's tangled web

    These people are all Diplomats, Military, Intelligence, or Lawyers. They have gotten to where they are by being careful what they say, and by showing that they can carry out duties responsibly.

    They are the diametric opposite of Donald Trump.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    NYT: Trump Talked About Electrifying Border Wall and a Water-Filled Trench Stocked With Snakes

    Trump pitched shooting migrants in legs, NYT reports

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump is losing it, accusing Adam Schiff of helping to write Whistle Blower Complaint.


  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Impeach the asshole , this process is going to slow !!!!
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    ^What's the crime?
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Yes, agree with the left or they will wish death upon you.

    Do you see why people think SJW ideology is toxic? SJW ideology teaches you to consider the other side as completely evil. The US cannot run with any party having complete control, the fact that both parties have relatively equal control is a good thing. Its never good for any ideology to have the amount of control SJWs have. If college professors were 95% Republican I'd have just as much of a problem with that as 95% of college professors being Democrats. but SJWs are trying to bully people, they believe they have the moral high ground and are using fear of being called racist or sexist to control everyone. Its totalitarian and dangerous. Its pretty much modern day McCarthyism.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    CC I'm proud of you. You're not a Beta Cuck when it comes to politics. You've got it exactly down. Considering that your typical college professors drink the Democrat cum by the bucket I'm glad you've objectively analyzed the sitch. It's absolutely McCarthyism.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    In one of my classes, the professor asked everyone "so how racist is the average American?" And everyone just automatically blurted out "extremely racist." Meanwhile I was like "right so the average American is extremely racist but I presume all of y'all think you're the enlightened ones who aren't?"

    I think the average student drinks just as much Democrat cum as the professors do. That class I'm in is so brainwashed it's scary. In response to New York banning people from saying illegal immigrant, I said it was scary that a state government would take it upon themselves to legislate what people are allowed to say and one guy's response was "it's not that hard just don't say illegal alien."
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Most Americans, especially Republicans, are racist.

    CC, this SJW idea you are spouting is just plain wrong. Trump has completely abused the Presidency. Using US foreign policy to get rivals investigated, that is wrong, and it compromises our national security.

    8 ways Trump attacked the impeachment inquiry, in 1 day

    Pelosi says Trump ‘scared’ of impeachment inquiry l ABC News

    Michael Moore Says Dems Finally Have 'President Donald Trump On The Run' With Impeachment

    Impeachment is broken. Impeach Trump, anyway.

    Trump has turned into a Third World Dictator, trying to hold onto power, so that he can evade prosecution.


    Red Tails 2012
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Democrats the party of the KKK, slavery, and segregation,if you vote Democrat you are a racist piece of trash. #DNCiscollapsing #goodriddance
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    You are talking about the Southern Democrats. Today these people are Republicans, thanks to Ricard Nison's Southern Strategy.

  • ime
    5 years ago
    Rong it is all democrats you are awful racists who try to separate everyone into little groups. Democrats are always racist.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Democratic Party offers an inclusive message, an America that works for everyone, not just for the wealthy or for those who have not somehow been marginalized.


    Pelosi says Trump ‘scared’ of impeachment inquiry l ABC News 10/3, quite good
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @Txtittyfag, stop text bombing. I'm all for goofy trolling but text bombing is just annoying.

    "The Democratic Party offers an inclusive message, an America that works for everyone, not just for the wealthy or for those who have not somehow been marginalized."

    An inclusive message for everyone unless you're white, straight, and male who are still 30-35% of the population by the way and don't deserve to be marginalized themselves so that some people can feel like they've corrected historical wrongs.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Trump is unfit for office .
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    This thread offer so much irrefutable proof that left-wingers and other assorted democrat party supporters are simply too filled with hatred and hypocrisy to have a rational discussion. They are 99% responsible for all that is wrong and partisan about American politics today.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Left wingers are the fecal waste of humanity.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Trump is about to loose it all, and anyone that doesn't see it is as batshit crazy as he is !
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    All partisan rhetoric aside, there is no proof anywhere that Trump did anything illegal, treasonous, or even remotely shady. There is only evidence to the contrary, and loads of it.

    There is a stunning amount of evidence, including a video of the confession, that Joe Biden is nearly as crooked as Hillary. Unfortunately, the swamp and Deep State will protect him as they have the Clintons, Comey, and all the rest while the media ignores the story and attacks us honest, God-fearing, hard-working Americans as "deplorable".
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Trump is about to loose it all, and a
    I’d be losing it too. Three years in office with constant harassment from a butthurt koolaid drinking group. While is up trying to do his job, whether one agrees with it or not, all the house has been doing is running one long witch-hunt. The American people aren’t stupid, our tax dollars are going to a bunch of clowns doing nothing but trying to tank the Prez. Anyway I’d be pissed too if day in and day out I was doing a job and working my ass off with such speculation in the background, why don’t they call for a vote already? If I do something at work, write me up - don’t talk about it be about it. The spineless pussy dems are a bunch of PC fags that think they are progressive but are in reality more backwards than a swamp hillbilly from the middle of Alabama. You see Pelosi saying ‘I pray for Trump’. Bitch, don’t lie. Schiff looks like the end of a pecker and is a do nothing fucktard that I would vote to ban from the tribe. Bernie Sanders thank god he is about to keel over. This is the best they got? The good news is Romney is trying to come out of this smelling like a rose and had the world not fallen in love with Obama’s speeches and his skin color, that man could be the best President we’ve had in years. Fuck you democrat bitches.

    Ps Nemesisk can take him and his truckload of illegals he is probably living with back to fucking Mexico
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    We know how Trump made his money, in real estate.

    How is it that “public servants” like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and even Comrade Sanders became multi millionaires on government salaries ? The millions paid to Biden’s son are just the tip of the iceberg. The corruption we’ve tolerated for decades has finally been revealed. Drain the swamp !
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Cmon Pistola he's working his ass off give me a break, all he has going on is completely batshit crazy, and y'all know it very well.
    If any of y'all carried on like this you'd be lobotomized.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Generally Democrats are hard working less wealthy people, compared to Republicans.

    You've all seen Nixon walking to the helicopter for last time.

    Well with Trump it won't likely be that way. Melania will have been long gone, and Donald will likely be in handcuffs and taken out by LE.

    From Trump to Nixon: “Watergate” Film Explains “How We Learned to Stop an Out of Control President”


    OZZY OSBOURNE - "Mr. Crowley" Live 1981

    Rainbow Live in Cologne 9-25-1976 (full concert)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    White males are still the hegemonic group. Just look at our elected office holders and the Captains of Finance and Industry.

    The Democratic Party offers a progressive and inclusive vision.

    The Republican Party is the party of Hate Mongering with Dog Whistles.

  • pistola
    5 years ago
    If any of y'all carried on like this you'd be lobotomized.
    Ding dong dems been acting like fools for three years now. Like, Obama got elected. But ok. Not sure why the other side can’t do the same. Oh yeah it’s because they are a bunch of sniveling whinny entitled cocksucking turdnugget weedheads who vote with and for their genitalia and could give a damn about economic or world issues.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^Please man this isn't a Republican thing, this is full blown crazy and the nutso in charge has lost all of his sense, and the rest are so cowed that they walk around kissing his ring. I'd love to see some Republican grow a pair of balls, but It seems unlikely.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Democrats have been far too timid, goes back to Reagan.

  • pistola
    5 years ago
    That nutso built us a wall and is telling China to shove it on trade. I love it. I don’t care that he said, by the way, if yous gots any dirt on this here bozo, let me know. All I know is I love watching these Democrats get so mad.

    Proof that the Us is sick of Democrats and their sniveling ass bitch selves is that he got elected in the first place. If the Dems weren’t so despised it would’ve been a blowout in 2016. That’s why they mad. They lost and the election which they should’ve won hands down showed that their little progressive party is looked at like a bunch of ass clowns. I mean have you seen these DNC debates? Booker, Hawaii, and Minnesota are impressive the rest of them are straight up AOC stupid.
  • pistola
    5 years ago












  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And so, go ahead with impeachment, but if we don’t begin to address the underlying malaise and disenfranchisement and rage — and legitimate rage — on the part of the white working class — however much Trump lies — and, of course, he lies like he breathes — the Clintons also lied, in far more damaging ways to the working class, and, in particular, the white working class, than Donald Trump. And we know from polls that right before the election in 2016, you had 55% of those who said they were voting for Trump, it was because they disliked Hillary Clinton, only 44%. So, Trump was kind of weaponized. You know, he was the middle finger to the establishment. He was weaponized against the man. And if we don’t begin to deal with those issues, impeachment itself will rend the fabric of American society further into antagonistic tribes. And we have to acknowledge the fact we are a country awash in weapons, 300 million weapons, you know, mass shootings on the average of one a day. And we almost saw, with Cesar Sayoc, the complete decapitation of the Democratic Party with pipe bombs. That’s the territory we’re headed towards.

    Hedges thinks this country has a bigger problem than just Trump. Its the people who voted for him.

    Hillary Clinton got more people voting for her, by a margin of over 2.8 million.

    But we still have a serious problem that Trump did get almost as many votes as she.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    If impeachment goes to Senate, we'll win: Trump ( 5 hours ago )


  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Republicans needs to start demanding his RESIGNATION .
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, the longer they delay, the harder they are going to get hit in the congress.

    3 Republicans strongly criticizing him now. This will not take as long as it did with Nixon. According to Barry Goldwater, only 4 of the 100 Senators were still standing with Nixon at the end.

    Yes, Impeachment is a political process, it does not have to be based on criminally prosecutable acts.

    Second Whistleblower Emerges On President Donald Trump And Ukraine

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Why Are So Few Republicans Publicly Defending Trump? 10/7

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Quid Pro Quo

    GOP challenger Joe Walsh: Donald Trump is a traitor

    Goodbye Donald Trump!

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    MATH, Make Americans Think Harder, Andy Yang

    Court orders Trump to provide 8 years of tax returns

    Former Trump Organization executive says she expects Trump will resign

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I first saw that there was something seriously wrong about Trump with the Muslim couple who spoke at the Democratic Convention.

    Trump was talking about Muslim Bans. He was fondling his xenophobic base.

    But such a ban would violate the Constitution, and the courts would later tell him so.

    At the Convention a Muslim couple spoke. They challenged Trump, asking if he had ever read the Constitution. They were Naturalized Citizens, having as much right to be called Americans as does Donald Trump.

    They lost one of their sons, 27yo, while he as serving in Iraq, as a US Army Captain.

    But Trump makes fun of them.

    And that is totally wrong, he makes fun of the Muslim Couple, he makes fun of all immigrants, and of all who have descended from immigrants, and he makes fun of all of those who have served in our military.

    Donald Trump has no idea at all what this country is about!



  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    URGENT !! Breaking Trump News [3PM] 10/8/19 | CNN News Today Oct 8, 2019

    Gordon Sondland has instructions direct from Trump, no buffers.

    Trump admin issues new letter of defiance to Nancy Pelosi, ratcheting up Constitutional Clash.

    URGENT !! Breaking Trump News [6PM] 10/8/19 | CNN News Today Oct 8, 2019

    4 hour gap, Sondland making his own phone call to Trump

    Will Trump's handling of Turkey mean that US troops will be placed at greater risk later on?

    The Khan Family lost their son to a car bomb while serving as a US Army Captain in Iraq. There are dangerous wackos in the Middle-East. But Trump's entire political career has just been massaging such wackos here in the US.

    Who should deliver the Final Message?

    I say it should be Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

    But who will give Trump asylum, and can his 757 fly there without refueling?

    There is not enough water to get to Leningrad without crossing over EU waters and airspace. But he could go above the Arctic Circle and get beyond Finland to Murmansk.

    If his 757 does not have the range, maybe a bunch of food and water and he can borrow Greta Thunberg's 60' yacht.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    White House: Trump will not cooperate with impeachment probe

    Majority Of Americans Back Impeachment Inquiry Or Trump's Removal From Office

    This Joseph Maguire, Acting Director of National Intelligence, Retired as a Navy Vice Admiral, spent over 20 years as a Navy Seal.


    These sorts of people, and Adam Schiff Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, all very different from Donald Trump. They are Military, Intelligence, National Security, Diplomats, and often Lawyers. They may or may not agree with the politics of Donald Trump and his party, but they conduct themselves very differently. They are careful about what they say. They have gotten to where they are by decades of reliable service. Trump is absolutely nothing compared to them.

    Impeaching Trump is a Constitutional Requirement!

    Messages Detail Alarm From State Department Official Over Policy Toward Ukraine

    This is so similar to how Nixon went down, but just greatly accelerated, and with Trump very likely facing post removal prosecution.

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    IMPEACH !!!!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Lmao @ loser nemesisk.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ Geriatric Senile-Suicidal, Skibum609
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The asshole doesn't have the brain to RESIGN !!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Yes!

    I think he will resign, but likely there will be US and EU indictments for his arrest.

    Trying to consolidate everything to this thread:

    Is Donald Trump still President?

    Former ambassador clarifies Joe Biden's role in Ukraine

    Former ambassador to Ukraine arrives to testify in impeachment inquiry

    Menendez Reacts to Testimony of Dismissed Ukranian Ambassador

    Michael Smerconish: There are 2 cracks in Trump's firewall

    Why Robert De Niro thinks Donald Trump is just a bad gangster

    Appeals Court Upholds Democrats' Subpoena For Trump Financial Records


    BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Live 1975
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    WATCH: Defense secretary and Joint Chiefs chairman hold news conference

    PBS NewsHour live show October 11, 2019

    General Mark A. Milley

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    53 % SUPPORT REMOVAL !!!!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    53% of pedophiles.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago







    Ted Cruz just tipped off something about where Donald Trump’s impeachment is headed | Us News Tv

    Ukraine Fears Collateral Damage From Trump Impeachment Probe

    Ex-White House aide testifies in impeachment inquiry l ABC News

    NBC News: WH Tried To Limit Testimony For Former Trump Russia Adviser | The Last Word | MSNBC

    Giuliani Role In President Donald Trump Ukraine Scheme Develops New Twists | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Leaked Testimony Unveils President Donald Trump’s ‘Shadow Foreign Policy’ | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

    Who Is George Kent And Why Is He A Key Player? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC 10/15

    Turkish Oil Pipelines:

    The attacks on the Kurds had actually been in this Southern area of Turkey which borders Syria.

    Harran is in that Kurkish area:

    The cruise missile attack on the Iranian oil tanker is far different from attacks on Saudi oil field equipment. That later was a fixed position on a map. The oil tanker is a moving target, not a fixed position.

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The worst president in HISTORY TRUMP !!!!!!
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Untill the conversation becomes about the Presidents conduct rather than the process for removing him this is just a waste of time energy and money
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Democrats aren't really impeaching him, just sucking their ignorant base's AIDS infected dick.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ TwentyFive is correct.

    ^^^^^ Skibum609 should crawl back into his sewer pipe.

    Hey, here 4:20, someone else calls those two Ukrainian-American associates of Rudy Giuliani "Rosecranz and Guildenstern", just as I had!


    A debate with Trump is just a shouting match. I watched the debates with Hillary Clinton. She was always the one who was coherent and rational. He was never anything of the sort.

    I do think there will be an issue of dealing with future Trump type candidates. But with Donald himself, I think the issue is just which country will be paying the costs of feeding and guarding him in their prison.

    Trump Impeachment Inquiry Banks Evidence As Witnesses Testify | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Congress Prioritizes Protecting President Donald Trump Impeachment Witnesses

    Sen. Lindsey Graham: "This is the most screwed up decision I've seen since I have been in Congress."

    LIVE TODAY WATCH: Study group gives recommendations for U.S. policy in Syria to House subcommittee ( very interesting )

    Ted Deutch (D) FL

    Judiciary Committee Member: GOP Colleagues Acting "Increasingly Sheepish"


    How Porsche's First Electric Car (The Taycan) Is Made

    What is the BEST Fuel to Use in Your Car or Truck and WHY
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Were the Russian troops already prepared to move in? Looks like the first Russian deployment that far South since Afghanistan.

    Can we get rid of Pence too? They got Spiro Agnew out in lieu of federal tax evasion prosecution.

    Representative Elijah Cummings dies this morning, age 68, (D) Maryland, Chair of House Oversight and Reform Committee.


    “Meltdown”: Trump Defends Syria Withdrawal as House Votes 354 to 60 to Condemn His Actions

    That's over 80% of the US House. They got about 2/3 for just Republicans.

    Rep. Ro Khanna: We Need a Responsible Withdrawal from Syria, Not One Oblivious to Human Life

    Giuliani in DEPRESS after Sondland REVEALING his DIRT in Ukraine ( 3 hours ago )

    Latest On Impeachment Inquiry ( 11/17 )

    US ambassador to EU to testify in impeachment inquiry l ABC News ( 11/17)

    Trump defends Giuliani amid impeachment inquiry

    The Growing Body Of Evidence Against The President | Deadline | MSNBC

    WATCH LIVE: 'We've all lost a friend,' Pelosi says on Rep. Elijah Cummings' death

    The Kurds: The Most Famous Unknown People in the World | Stephen Mansfield | TEDxNashville

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    His Presidency could end in a tweet.

    Top US diplomat to testify in impeachment inquiry l ABC News | Bill Taylor

    Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry Against President Donald Trump Takes Shape

    State Dept Witnesses Make Case Clear In Trump Impeachment Inquiry | Rachel Maddow

    Dems Narrow Focus On 'Abuse Of Power' In Trump Impeachment Probe

    PBS NewsHour live show October 22, 2019


    Foghat Playlist

    American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump

    Rio Carnival 2019 [HD] - Floats & Dancers

    Paris - Moulin Rouge show and dinner
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    PBS NewsHour live show October 23, 2019

    WATCH: Head of Syrian Kurds' political group testifies before House committee

    WATCH: State Department officials testify on U.S. troop withdrawal from northeastern Syria

    Dmitry Firtash: The Ukrainian gas tycoon linked President Trump's personal lawyer

    What is the significance of William Taylor’s testimony?

    Impeachment Bombshell: Aide Recounts 'Direct Line' From Ukraine Plot To Trump | MSNBC

    Trump says US House will vote to impeach | U.S. News Today

    How Ambassador Taylor's 'stunning' testimony could affect the impeachment inquiry

    Democrats call U.S. diplomat's impeachment testimony "damning"

    Kate Bolduan AMAZING EXPOSES Dramatic Deposition ROCKS Trump's Impeachment Defense

    Approval For Impeachment Inquiry Grows, Poll Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    WATCH: Republicans disrupt testimony in Trump impeachment inquiry

    Republicans disrupt impeachment deposition

    Chaos as Republicans storm impeachment inquiry deposition !!!!!

    Briefing Room: Trump claims 'breakthrough' on Syria, Impeachment latest, Zuckerberg on Capitol Hill

    Shields and Brooks on Trump’s Syria ‘blunder,’ impeachment outlook

    Taylor Testifies Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Investigation of Hunter Biden


    Energy Critical Elements

    Economic Update: The Capitalist Corporation

    The immanent threat of Gun Barrel Communism is what keeps our government from going to the hard right and listening to skibum609

    We are haunted by a specter, so listen and learn:
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    House Foreign Affairs Committee, Democrats and Republicans saying the same things. Can't tell them apart. They agree with each other, and I agree with them. And everyone agrees that Trump really screwed up.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    PBS News Hour 10/24/2019

    Ending Endless War: Andrew Bacevich on How Reckless Use of U.S. Military Power Caused Today’s Crisis

    GOP Lawmakers Disrupt Impeachment Hearing As More Damaging Details Emerge About Trump’s Misconduct

    GOP lawmakers try to crash deposition in House impeachment inquiry

    Poll Shows New High For Impeachment Inquiry Support | NBC News Now

    BREAKING TRUMP NEWS 12PM 10/24/19 | Trump News With John King Oct 24, 2019

    BREAKING TRUMP NEWS 1PM 10/24/19 | Trump News With Brianna Keilar Oct 24, 2019

    Major Percentage Of Young Adults Might Not Feel Better Off After Trump | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

    Impeachment Bombshell: Aide Recounts 'Direct Line' From Ukraine Plot To Trump | MSNBC

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The asshole runs his mouth on Twitter everyday !!!!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Move this to Front room !!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    It is extremely important!

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    IMPEACH !!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I am hoping that the impeachment inquire can also move to the pulling out of the troops and letting Russian troops get in.

    I do not know though that this is slated to happen.


    The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes




    The Undisputed Truth ‎– You Make Your Own Heaven And Hell Right Here On Earth ℗ 1971

    Little Child Runnin' Wild -- Curtis Mayfield

    Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) Marvin Gaye

    Ben Fong-Torres
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    10 Articles of Impeachment for the Cheeto fat man !!!!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Worst presidemt in HISTORY !!!!!
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Get back in your she shed, Nemecunt
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    shut the hell up pistofag
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    The asshole runs his mouth on Twitter everyday !!!!

    ^^^ Sounds like you Nemecunt. Now get back in your she shed, wash your vagina, and stop trolling Tuscl
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Nemecunt good one , did you come up with it yourself ?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    He meant it as a compliment. I don't think you're that worthy.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    foreign emoluments clause

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defends decision to move forward with impeachment

    PBS NewsHour full episode December 6, 2019


    T. Rex - Children of the Revolution
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Lets see if these hearings force the fat orange man to resign !!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    House Judiciary Committee to debate articles of impeachment

    Rep. Ro Khanna Urges “Universal Condemnation” of Trump as Democrats File Impeachment Charges

    Democrats Charge Trump with Two Articles of Impeachment

    Federal Judge Blocks Trump from Diverting Funds to Border Wall

    British Voters Head to the Polls Thursday



    Moco De Gorila

    Deep Purple - Highway Star
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Dems must win 2020 !!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    News Hour 12/13


    WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary votes on articles of impeachment


  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^ STFU!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    I find it hard to believe Boris Johnson won
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^ really? Like hard to believe!!???

    The fucker won by a landslide so whats left to not believe??!! Did you think Britain’s love being taken over by foreigners and tax sucking do nothing socialists?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Boris Johnson is a disaster. Its just like it is in the US, people using the voting booths for anger management.

    These are dark days.


    Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    PBS NewsHour live episode, Dec 19, 2019


    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (Live) - OFFICIAL
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    PBS News Hour

    Andrew Yang is talking about the media, Yang is really doing good.

  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The trumptard stating more wars in the middle east !!!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The worst economy in History !! thanks to the Trumptard !!1
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ The Trump economy is fraudulent!

    Adam Schiff close, TODAY

    Romney and Mark Warner on Bolton and his book!



  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Impeachment and Removal Actions go into high gear NOW!

    Refuse Fascism

    Trump and Pence Out Now!

    Supply Side is a fraud, always has been!

    More job creation during Obama's last three years than in Trump's first three.

    Supply Side is just a spoils system.

    It will all come out. Never thought I'd be looking to an extreme Hawk like Bolton, but now we need him because he knows how Trump compromised our national security and sold out our troops.

    Trump and his party are a complete disgrace!

    Glad Doug Jones (D-Alabama) stuck with Democrats
    Glad Joe Mansion (D-West Virginia) stuck with Democrats, convicting on one of the charges

    Schumer, post acquittal

    Newshour Today 2/5

    The blistering campaign against Orange Man Trump goes into overdrive!

    Romney to convict, but other Republicans Chicken

    Buckle Down


    Not so, even China's GDP growing faster than ours!
    Economy is not growing

    Donald Trump and the Politics of Decline: Doug Henwood

    ^^^^^ Henwood is real good!

    Voters react to President Trump's State of the Union

    In my observation, Trump's professed ideology is just the Red State doctrine of Rick Perry. It is completely bogus.

    More Bernie Sanders response

    Working Families Party Response to the State of the Union: Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)

    Luntz: Voter reaction to State of the Union shows how divided the nation is

    Bernie Sanders responds to Trump STOU

    In State of the Union, Trump Celebrates Hate & Xenophobia While Touting “Great American Comeback”

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer gave the Democratic response to President Trump's annual address to Congress from a high school in East Lansing, Mich., on Feb. 4. Here are her full remarks.

    Democrats Respond to idiotic STOU

    Nancy Pelosi has had Trump by the short hairs for some time now. She is exactly what we need at this time, starting from Trump's budget impasse shut down, leaving federal workers unpaid. Pelosi handled that masterfully.

    Democrats Boycott & Walk Out of Trump’s State of the Union Address

    Amid the chaos in Iowa and President Trump’s expected acquittal today in his impeachment trial, Trump gave the annual State of the Union address Tuesday night. During his 78-minute speech, Trump made his case for re-election while touting the economy, trying to stoke fear and xenophobia about “criminal aliens,” and calling public schools “government” schools. A number of Democratic lawmakers protested his address. Michigan Congressmember Rashida Tlaib, Ohio Congressmember Tim Ryan, New Jersey Congressmember Bill Pascrell and Massachusetts Congressmember Seth Moulton all walked out of Trump’s speech. Others didn’t attend at all, including New York Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Massachusetts Congressmember Ayanna Pressley, Texas Congressmember Al Green, Georgia Congressmember Hank Johnson, Tennessee Congressmember Steve Cohen, Oregon Congressmember Earl Blumenauer, Florida Congressmember Frederica Wilson, Mississippi Congressmember Bennie Thompson, Illinois Congressmember Bobby Rush and California Congressmember Maxine Waters. Democratic congressmembers who did attend the speech also broke into chants of “H.R. 3” when Trump spoke about lowering drug prescription prices. H.R. 3 is a House-passed bill that would require Medicare to negotiate for lower prices on insulin and other life-saving medications. Trump refused to shake House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s hand. She later ripped up a copy of his speech after he finished speaking.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “It was a manifesto of mistruths.”

    During Trump’s speech, the father of one of the victims of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, was thrown out, after he shouted about his daughter Jaime’s death. Fred Guttenberg was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s guest at the State of the Union. He interrupted Trump’s speech when Trump touted his pro-gun positions. And Melania Trump bestowed the Medal of Freedom on right-wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who has spread racist conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama, among other racist lies. We’ll have more on the State of the Union later in the broadcast.

    Homelessness Among School-Age Children Hits Decade-Long High

    New data shows homelessness among school-age children in the United States has surged to a decade-long high. More than 1.5 million public school students experienced homelessness during the 2017-'18 school year. That's more than double the number of students who were homeless over a decade ago. Experts say homelessness can have long-term effects on a student’s health and academic performance.

    Pershing Square, Downtown Los Angeles


    CSU San Jose has 4300 homeless students, the vast majority employed. And UCLA has had to set up its own homeless shelter.



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  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Best Thing Donald Trump Could Do For His Party Is To Resign NOW!

    PBS NewsHour live episode, Feb 7, 2020 w/ Shields and Brooks, talk of economy and of Trump

    Bertolucci's 1900, about what issues were at stake in the 20th Century, and are still at stake

    Trump: It Was ‘Very Illegal’ For Nancy Pelosi To Rip His SOTU Speech: ‘She Broke The Law’ | MSNBC


    A Broken System Acquitted Donald Trump (w/ Paul Blumenthal)

    Proving Progressives Are Viable 2020 Candidates

    Bernie Sanders on Jewish heritage: It impacts me profoundly

    Impeachment Witness Alexander Vindman Fired From the White House , but Sec. Esper has made it clear that they protect all of their people at all times, from retailiation, from anything. So he will be welcomed back into the Pentagon.


    Why You Should Be A Socialist

    Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter

    Ultimate Stripper Shoes, 10"
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Brad Pitt's Oscars 2020 speech mocks senators for not calling John Bolton to testify at impeachment

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump’s $4.8 Trillion Budget Would Cut Safety Net Programs and Boost Defense

    What Happens Next With Trump's Food Benefit Cuts - Breaking News

    Trump’s proposed budget seeks steep cuts to safety-net programs like Medicaid and food stamps

    Trump’s $4.8 billion budget proposal revisits rejected cuts

    Trump To Kick 700,000 Off Food Stamps

    Trump’s New Budget Funds Endless War & Nuclear Weapons While Slashing Aid to Poor & Hungry Americans


    This Is The Blues [ 31 ] ~ 2008 ( Modern Electric Blues ) (over 4 hours)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    News Hour Today, 2/12, starting with Dem's and New Hampshire

    Pete Buttigieg is making an ass of himself.

    Super Tuesday is March 3.

    Dems Are The 'Only' Thing Between The U.S. & 'The Abyss', Says James Carville

    Today, US Senate, Minority Leader Charles Schumer
    Senator Schumer Calls for Investigation and Hearings Into Roger Stone Sentencing Reversal

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal: Attorney General Barr Should Resign | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
    Sen. Richard Blumenthal calling for investigation!

    Rev. 2.0 Investigations, call going out TODAY!
    Chuck Schumer Calls for Investigation into Trump’s Retaliation-Motivated Firings

    Roger Stone backlash: Democrats demand Barr resign, call for investigation, hearings

    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on all 74 federal inspectors general to investigate retaliation-based firings of whistleblowers or witnesses who report presidential misconduct. Two days after his impeachment acquittal last week, Trump fired two key figures from the House’s impeachment proceedings: the National Security Council’s Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland.

    Joe Calls Out GOP For Telling Trump His Actions Had No Consequences | Morning Joe | MSNBC





    TJ Street

    Mexico City

    Robin Trower - For Earth Below (1975)

    In City Dreams (1977)

    Robin Trower - Caravan To Midnight (Full Album) 1978
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Impeachment Inquiry Rev 2.0 is coming. DJT doesn't seem to even be able to tie his own shoes without committing impeachable offenses.


    TJ Street

    Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)

    Little Wing
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trump Goes After Mayor Pete For Kissing Husband

    Does Increasing The Minimum Wage Increase

    Have Billionaires Bought Our Democracy? A very good account of our economic situation and trajectory!

    Bolton Speaks Out And Calls Grow For Trump's AG Barr To Resign

    The real story of Rudy Giuliani’s mission for Trump in Ukraine

    PBS News Hour 2/18/2020

    Feds Intensify Giuliani Probe As Barr’s DOJ Accepts Ukraine Dirt From Giuliani | MSNBC


    ELP 1997

    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Top Pentagon policy official resigns at Trump's request (today)


    DOJ Memo Shows Barr's Lid On Reported Giuliani Investigation

    Steve Rattner: Less Job Creation Under Trump Than Obama

    He's known Bill Barr for 40 years. Now, he's calling for his resignation

    Trump says Obama left him an economic mess. Here are the facts

    Mark Sanford Says GOP Letting Trump Drive U.S. To Financial Ruin

    Trump Hush Money Case Seen In New Light After New Reports On Barr

    Media Won't Use This Word To Describe Trump.... Why?

    Dems Battle To Retake Control Of The Senate In 2020

    TJ Street

    5 colors, won't be falling off, make Vitamin V unnecessary
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Stocks Plunge Following Trump’s Response To Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News (stock market deflation is a very positive thing) (getting close to tripping 7% circuit breaker, suspending trading)

    President Trump Announces Europe Travel Ban in Error-Laden Oval Office Speech

    Bernie Sanders: We Are Winning “Ideological” & “Generational” Debate, Now Need to Win “Electability”

    Is Over Population A Threat To The Planet?

    Bill de Blasio, today, getting close to 100 NYC cases, expecting 1000 cases by next week. Conducting "War Gaming", always using a war analogy now!

    Why Only Rebellion Can Save Mankind From Climate Breakdown (w/ Roger Hallam)

    Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse

    Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home

    Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population

    One official Corona case in Portland
    Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?


    Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    1 hour ago: Trump Says He Could Demote Fed Chair Powell, Risking More Market Turmoil

    1 hour ago news: On a Saturday Night in Florida, a Presidential Party Became a Coronavirus Hot Zone

    Trump is totally fixated on the stock market, he is showing his absolute ignorance.

    David Cay Johnston, really good!

    Will Coronavirus Outbreak Impact 2020 Elections? | AM Joy | MSNBC


    Eric Clapton Layla 2008
  • nemesisk7
    4 years ago
    Trump is crashing our economy !!!!
  • nemesisk7
    4 years ago
    Right now we need a president instead of a bunker bitch !!!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Right now we need to play golf.
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