Every once in awhile i'll find a dancer that is ultra feminine. They just have that extra sexy something that is difficult to put into words. Most often they are Asian or Latina.
Usually they have very soft skin with thick black hair. Outrageously feminine and sexy. Most have a good sense of humor too.
Another thing they have in common is a fucked up personal life because they can't keep their panties on and be faithful to any man for long. Most love to drink and drug too.
I'm extremely attracted to these types. They are rare but own my time and wallet when I find them.
Any of you PL's relate to the type I'm talking about?
When I was clubbing earlier this year, there was a mixed girl in one of the clubs who just exudes sexuality. If there was music on that she liked, she was moving to it in a provocative way, with her eyes and body. She just *flowed* through the dance moves on stage. Not the prettiest girl in the world, but that made no difference at all.
Reminded me a lot of my ATF, even though they look nothing at all alike.
@Nidan - IMO there is a scale. Compare Tila Tequila to Stephie Graph for an example.
Tila is probably an example of a honey with that extra feminity I'm talking about. It transcends looks to some degree. Sexy, funny, feminine, loves to party and BSC.
Interesting to hear Tila Tequila described as highly feminine. Based on your comparison, to Steffi Graff, she would appear highly feminine.
I was thinking more along the lines of Kate Beckinsdale as a highly feminine woman, who happens to be totally gorgeous, and sexy, and in great shape.
I agree with CJKent, that Marilyn will always be the standard for a very sexy female. However, I wonder if the new generations are aware of Marilyns impact as a sex symbol?
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last commentReminded me a lot of my ATF, even though they look nothing at all alike.
Tila is probably an example of a honey with that extra feminity I'm talking about. It transcends looks to some degree. Sexy, funny, feminine, loves to party and BSC.
I like variety; sexy and feminine is one of my favorite varieties.
The B 52s With the Wild Crowd! Live In Athens, GA 2011
When I think of really feminine female celebrities I think more of Britney Spears or Selena Gomez.
I was thinking more along the lines of Kate Beckinsdale as a highly feminine woman, who happens to be totally gorgeous, and sexy, and in great shape.
I agree with CJKent, that Marilyn will always be the standard for a very sexy female. However, I wonder if the new generations are aware of Marilyns impact as a sex symbol?
Monroe was close friends with Strasborg's daughter Susan.
I like her in this later film, "Let's Make Love".
san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.