Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 27)
discussion comment
5 years ago
Yes, agree with the left or they will wish death upon you.
Do you see why people think SJW ideology is toxic? SJW ideology teaches you to consider the other side as completely evil. The US cannot run with any party having complete control, the fact that both parties have relatively equal control is a good thing. Its never good for any ideology to have the amount of control SJWs have. If college professors were 95% Republican I'd have just as much of a problem with that as 95% of college professors being Democrats. but SJWs are trying to bully people, they believe they have the moral high ground and are using fear of being called racist or sexist to control everyone. Its totalitarian and dangerous. Its pretty much modern day McCarthyism.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I think yoga pants are kind of overrated actually. You can't see her skin in them. I don't know, bare female skin is like 80-90% of what turns me on so I only find yoga pants mildly pleasing to the eye. I definitely prefer a girl in short shorts or miniskirts.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Oh my fucking god I love girls' legs. They are so underappreciated. I love them more than tits and ass. I love how smooth and soft they are, I love travelling up a girl's leg with my hand or tongue. I love to lightly squeeze their legs and feel how squishy they are. I walk around campus and I see all the girls in short shorts and it drives me crazy. I can't pay attention in class anymore. The girl I dated last summer, one time she fell asleep with her bare leg wrapped around me and I felt like I was in heaven. I couldn't even sleep I was enjoying it too much. I especially go crazy when girls do poses like these in shorts and miniskirts...
discussion comment
5 years ago
New Jersey
I've noticed the forum isn't nearly as active as before.
Am I to take that to mean you hope I will become the new flagooner lol?
discussion comment
5 years ago
New Jersey
Damn, Rick just can't catch a break on this site.
What does he do to rub so many people the wrong way (in before a joke about rubbing bouncers the right way)?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
I didn't know if you were in the shower or bathtub that you were supposed to use anything lol.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I don't have any problem with the legal immigrants. I have more immigrant friends than native born friends actually. In my experience, they tend to respect and appreciate the United States a lot more than native born Americans do and they genuinely want to support our country and be a part of it. Whenever I talk to them they think progressives are nauseating as well for all the obsession with racism and white privilege and tell me they've never felt discriminated against. The SJW movement is mainly comprised of spoiled, whiny middle-upper class college students who's white guilt is so bad they've started hating themselves.
Most of the legal immigrants are more American to me than any of those whiny assholes which is why I welcome more of them.
But I do agree that illegals are draining our social services without providing much in return. If they want to be Americans they should go through the legal channels so we can properly integrate them into our country.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Young people today are way more divided than the Boomer generation was. The Boomer generation, for the most part, were all behind liberal ideas and trying to work towards that. The Gen Z and Millennials, however, are split. On one hand you have the batshit crazy SJWs who think band-aids are racist and that we should have 72 genders. On the other hand, you've got lots of guys on the /pol/ section of 4chan who are very far right. You've also got a major movement among young people that hate political correctness and SJW ideology who share some in common with that 4chan demographic but aren't exactly the same. A significant minority of young people are more aggressively right-wing than most "old white men."
discussion comment
5 years ago
The Raise Act is pretty stupid. I see targeting legal immigration as a strongly negative policy, that being said, I highly doubt it would ever get enough support to pass. Obviously, none of the Democrats would support it, but it doesn't really have much support among Republicans either. Its basically the work of a few dumbasses and Trump happens to be backing them. However, I doubt the bill could ever pass the house of representatives and it probably wouldn't pass in the senate either which means that Trump really has no power to decide on whether it can be passed or not.
You already mentioned that the Republicans are willing to stop Trump's more insane ideas, which means that the crazy Trump factor is actually being controlled quite well. When it comes down to it though, Trump prevented us from getting into a war with Iran which the neocons were pushing for, he made the right decision regarding Bashar Assad when he gassed his own people to send a message that the US will not tolerate evil dictators thinking they can do whatever they want, and he has gotten closer to peace with North Korea than any of our previous presidents have without simply handing them money that will never go towards feeding their people.
discussion comment
5 years ago
"the average middle class family struggling to pay medical bills and send their kids to college while a fat old trust-fund draft-dodger like Commie Donnie charges his voters $8 million to fly Air Force One to Mar-A-Faggo for one weekend of golf."
Lol that's progressive rule causing that. Feminism pushing women to be full time workers has made it so that companies now expect every household to have two full time earners and don't feel obligated to pay any one person enough to sustain a family on one income.
It isn't about kicking out the brownies from Mexico. Concerns about illegal immigration have to do with the inability to integrate millions of people into our infrastructure if they are illegal. How the hell are we supposed to be able to handle everyone and their mother from central America trying to come over here if the democrats actually institute open borders? If they do it legally they are perfectly welcome but millions of illegals streaming over the border will cause social services to become overwhelmed and dysfunctional.
Ok the travel ban was stupid. But Trump has mostly backed off of the dumber ideas he had at the beginning of his presidency.
discussion comment
5 years ago
PC culture is the downfall of the democrat party. If Democrat politicians would stop race baiting everyone and being openly hostile towards straight white men, maybe they'd have more support. I've met SJWs who just straight up said they hated white men. I have no white friends. I'm not sure why this is the case, but I don't. All my friends are either Arab, Latino, or Asian, and they all dislike the SJW ideology. I actually see white people supporting political correctness more frequently than non-whites do. Its not a matter of racist Trump supporters just wanting to kick out all the brown people. Its a matter of being disgusted by how openly hateful the left has become towards white men. And the way they have become so obsessed with race that they want to place everyone on a hierarchy centered around where people fall on the oppression scale.
discussion comment
5 years ago
As far as I know, most people my age still know who Marilyn Monroe is.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
You forgot cumming in a tissue, which you never used for sneezing anyway so you don't care.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Its nothing bad I swear lol.
discussion comment
5 years ago
The state of New York literally just made it illegal to say "illegal alien," you can be charged a $250,000 fine for it. Other things banned are employers and landlords using gender pronouns that an employee or resident does not identify by.
The left has lost their minds and gone completely insane. I did not used to care very much that Trump was president, couldn't take him seriously to be honest, but the Democrats need to know that Americans are getting pissed off with this political correctness bullshit and extreme SJW pandering.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Damn talk about boredom. The hot girls ain't doing it anymore so time to fap to landwhales lol.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
discussion comment
5 years ago
Damn is the RickDugan/DoctorEvil feud still going on? That began like ages ago lol.
discussion comment
5 years ago
^I think if Trump gets re-elected, the SJW meltdowns are gonna be even better than when he was first elected.
discussion comment
5 years ago
It hasn't, most people at the party just thought it was funny, including the black people, at the time it took place that was.
#MeToo targets more people than just Harvey Weinstein/Bill Cosby types.
SJWs are not just a meme, they're all over the place.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Now I will say, guys like Harvey Weinstein really did cross the line many times. Aziz Ansari on the other hand? Not so much.
discussion comment
5 years ago
^Most of the men targeted by #MeToo. Countless men have been falsely accused of sexual assault and SJW ideology is that women be believed no matter what.
Ralph Northam was targeted because he wore blackface at a party where nobody considered it offensive.
Justin Trudeau got in trouble for something similar.
Carson King, the guy who led a busch beer fundraiser, had a lynch mob come after him after people found out he made racially insensitive jokes in his high school years.
The reporter who went after Carson King also got fired when they found out he also made racially insensitive jokes in his high school years.
Some cops have committed suicide because the media was so relentless about attacking them with accusations of racism.
There are countless examples.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Hmm, I think I would shill out 1 review for a twenty minute lap dance, 2 reviews for FS, and 3 reviews for free OTC.
discussion comment
5 years ago
When does Fox News ever scapegoat the poor? I feel like you probably haven't watched anything on Fox News. Tucker Carlson actually tends to go after corporations and neo-cons a lot.
SJWs are sociopathic because they are willing to destroy anybody's life without a second thought if they think it'll benefit their agenda. Its not just being moralistic, its being totalitarian, and falsely accusing people of racism is their favorite weapon. Whenever I've debated with a conservative, I've never felt like I had to worry about them doxxing me or that they'd organize a harassment campaign if they knew who I was. Nobody on TUSCL, for example, cares enough about your views to try and harm you in real life. On left-wing forums though, if you are known as the right-winger on the board, you better protect your anonymity at all costs because if you let anything slip, somebody could try and dox you and destroy your life.
The problem with multiple genders is that they fundamentally don't exist as a real gender and yet we've got actual hospitals right now with "non-binary" as an option? I mean wtf?