
Comments by CarlitosPeligro

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Nothing worse than groping on the floor in the club for keys, glasses, phone, etc. Gross.
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    2 months ago
    I never shared locations when I was married but I am so paranoid I power off the phone before leaving the hotel and just leave it in the car. I operate entirely on a deniable cash basis in the club. It’s still my habit and I just take less stuff into the club now, I don’t even take my wallet, less shit to fall out of pockets and get lost. I was never one to get numbers and text girls either so no issue there. Keeping it old school and off grid as much as possible gives me peace of mind.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    If you prefer Eye Candy more than Mileage
    Spot on. This is the spot for hotties not mileage. Good stage and party atmosphere most nights. Bring money.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Heading to Phoenix for fun
    So bad comparison
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    5 months ago
    Heading to Phoenix for fun
    Might have been a Sunday night now I think about it.
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    5 months ago
    Heading to Phoenix for fun
    Tucsons a long drive to do down and back at night esp if you drink. Consider getting a room locally. 3 months ago I did Tucson and phx weeknights on business and yes the reef had higher mileage than Bourbon street but I had more fun at bourbon st and would’ve been disappointed if I had gone to Tucson just to club. It was likely a Wednesday but reef was almost empty, maybe 3 girls, I got to know 2, older 6’s at best while bourbon was spilling over with young 7,8,9 talent.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Friyay at Library GC
    Frankie is my fave, another notable for me is indigo and a new girl lux. Low mileage but most of the girls are a good hang. Sage has a crazy bod but not the best 1:1. If you like the intense stripper vibe Akira and truth are pretty unavoidable. Not my thing so I always send them packing.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Always disappointed by Seattle too. Seems it should be more happening than it is.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    I’m always amazed there isn’t a a better scene in San Jose CA. There’s so many tech workers - male oriented industry - with money - many socially awkward - and business travelers - and lonely expats. Seems like a good market. Isnt California supposed to be “liberal”? News flash, CA’s not liberal in that way or at least not liberal everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    I’m also absolutely militant about never using the credit card or club atm (to some girls’ frustration). Plan ahead, withdraw the cash away from the scene in time and location. This also helps me stay within the budget I decided on when I was sober and without irresistible boobs in my face. If I cave on the budget I make myself leave the club to find an outside atm.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    I keep my hobby to out of town trips with clean changes of clothes, always shower after, sometimes twice, night and morning both, and I do my own laundry. I power off the phone or turn off gps before I leave the hotel or other legitimate restaurant etc and we don’t share location data anyway, I’m just extra paranoid. I track my kids phones, I don’t really watch them but have it turned on in case of emergency and more often because they always lose their devices but I don’t think they can see my location. Getting a job with some travel requirements has been a good move for my hobby. I can forestall the itch knowing I’ve got a trip coming in the next month or two. I agree 100% with the advice not to start into deceiving if possible, but there are ways to get by and not embarrass yourself or your family.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Hard But Good?
    I’m a sucker for a pity dance, and 10-20% of the time it’s not bad. Had one a few months ago, was about 9 pm at the end of a shift, looked ok, younger than I usually like but not too skinny with good tits. Came by to hustle, spent a little time at my table and I decided to throw her a floor dance but after starting I quickly decided it was going to be 3 or 4 songs, and her mood just got better and the dances just got better. There are a few diamonds in the rough out there. But that’s an outlier. Usually the first impression turns out to be correct and just as often they are worse than you think they’re going to be.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Phx mongers weigh in?
    Thanks. I’ll stick w bourbon st.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fantasy Gentlemen's Club in Grand Junction
    I think I was there in 2018. Basically one belle of the ball at that time and 2-3 5’s. Brightly lit and too few girls.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Do you still actively go to strip clubs?
    Once or twice a month with business travel. I’m doing my best to try to stimulus the business travel and SC industries post pandemic. I miss the old days of 2019 when I was in face to face client meetings every few days. Fuck zoom. It’s messing with my mojo.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    This place use to be a good deal. Is it still?
    That’s a steep cover. Thanks for the intel.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Los Angeles
    Another Club I Don't Like Anymore
    It’s all relative. Palomino is pretty damn good compared to all of California (few exceptions) but I wonder if you guys in Florida or Michigan seem to have gotten spoiled by world class SC scenes.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Electric Vehicles – thoughts?
    EV makes sense for me. Lots of chargers in so cal. Plus I’ll put solar on the roof soon. I work from home plus monthly trips around 100-200 miles away. I do longer road-trips 3-4 times a year and won’t likely use the ev for those. I can’t justify the cost of a Tesla S, X or the new BMWs, Mercedes, Rivian, Polestar, but I hate the look of everything else, (Hyundai kia Nissan ford Chevy vw).. Recently decided on taking over a lease on a model Y. We’ll see how it goes, I can bail after 18 Mo and go back to ICE or a plug-in hybrid. Hopefully better options by then.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Guide to Miami and South Florida Black Strip Clubs
    Hey Papi. Would love a post-Covid update to your magnum opus here!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    Can’t submit my review.
    I got it to post using chrome on my iPhone not safari.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    If it gets more tax $ from millionaires and billionaires who can outgun the irs with lawyers and accountants then I’m for it. Like buying body armor and hollow points to match the drug gangs.
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    a year ago
    New York
    the illegal alien invasion
    It’s a mess. We could help El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba to improve local conditions which would curtail the outflows. Sanctions on Cuba haven’t done jackshit since 61. Won’t work on Venezuela and Russia either. We quota the same number of green cards for Luxembourg as we do for Mexico. If we were rational about making the legal processes work we wouldn’t have so many attempts to go around the process or file bogus asylum claims. If we funded the damn courts and nominated judges for empty seats we could hear the asylum cases promptly and stop the catch and release. We just refuse to fund the government processes that could prevent or at least process a lot of this backlog and our chickenshit politicians want to posture for the south Florida Cuban political contributors or whoever thinks sanctions and embargoes do anything, which exacerbates issues in countries that were already facing enough challenges. And we will always start to have racial issues when resources get strained, jobs, money, etc. if more of us felt like there was plenty to go around I suspect we’d be less concerned with how many brown faces we observe on the street.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    Can’t submit my review.
    I had this issue as well on iPhone. Haven’t tried on computer yet.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Are there just an infinite amount of Cuban strippers?
    There were a bunch in Myrtle Beach in 2018 when I was there last and there’s a bunch at Chicas Bonitas in N Las Vegas. I’m bilingual, I talk to them all, common immigrant stories, sisters, cousins, aunts, friends get each other into the life, often immigrating to strip as their first job. Some have day jobs as chambermaids or in restaurants. I went to Havana before the Obama edict but also failed to detect the secret stripper training camps but did observe plenty of local talent at the beaches, on the streets, lovely ladies everywhere. The crew stamping passports at the airport were all wearing miniskirts and heels with their khaki uniform tops.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Weeknight at LGC
    Thanks for the tip. I’ve had several more trips and have had some bouncer hassles. Just polite check-ins to let me know they’re watching the camera on vip. “Cant touch her ass” was one message. Weird. I can’t believe there’s ever much mileage in that vip. I even tip the bouncers before I head in.