Guide to Miami and South Florida Black Strip Clubs

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I will break up this article into 2-sections:

I) Intro
II) Club Descriptions

The Intro section will be a general overview of the South Florida (SoFlo) black strip club scene along with the list of all the SoFlo black clubs that I am aware off.
[I wrote a separate TUSCL article w.r.t the SoFlo mixed clubs]

The Club Description section will have a brief description of each of the SoFlo black clubs listed in section I - the clubs will be separated by county into 3 sections w/ the Miami-Dade county clubs listed first followed by the Broward county clubs and ending w/ the Palm Beach county clubs.

Anyone that wishes to add or correct info with respect to the article please feel-free to post your comments.

This is a very, very, very, LONG, article – so if the subject matter (black SoFlo strip-clubs) does not interest you I recommend not bothering to read it.

Since the black SoFlo clubs are much less in #s than the mixed-clubs; I have described each one instead of picking just a few clubs as I did w/ the mixed-clubs article – thus I have added and described each SoFlo black strip-club for the purposes of information not as an endorsement of each club by virtue of it being in the article.

Additionally the clubs I prefer visiting and are more familiar w/ will have bit longer descriptions – also within each county I will describe first the clubs that are to my personal preference and/or are more popular.

If you are short on time or patience and don’t want the “full-tutorial” – I’d recommend you start by reading the description for The Body Club; Climaxxx, and The Office in section II; and see if these clubs are up your alley since these are probably the 3 most popular black clubs.

Below is a list of acronyms that will be used throughout the article:

b/c – because
b/f – before
IME – in my experience
IMO – in my opinion
LD – lap dance
SC – strip club
SoFlo – South Florida
VHM – very high mileage
UHM – ultra high mileage
w.r.t. – with respect to

I am a White Hispanic guy but into the chocolate pretty-much exclusively so about 90% of my substantial SC-visits are to all-black clubs.

I am very-active on TUSCL both via the discussion-board and writing-reviews thus I get a lot of PMs asking me for Miami/South-Florida (SoFlo) club-info. I wrote a TUSCL article for SoFlo mixed-clubs and this-one will be about the SoFlo black clubs.

I will first list all the SoFlo black clubs that I know off and then describe each-one a bit in the next section (“Club Descriptions”).

List of SoFlo black clubs (from south to north which includes the counties of Miami-Dade; Broward; and Palm Beach);

Miami-Dade County:
+ Extacy
+ Extacy North
+ Take One Lounge
+ Foxxy Lady
+ Climaxxx
+ Coco's
+ The Trap Lounge
+ Mint Lounge
+ The Body Club
+ The Office
+ King of Diamonds
+ G5ive
+ Black Diamonds

Broward County:
+ The Playhouse
+ Club-54
+ Flavors
+ Vegas Cabaret
+ Porthole Pub
+ Club Pink

Palm Beach County:
+ Sugar D's
+ Flashdance

Actually quite a # of black-clubs within just one-region. I have visited all of them except Club 54 and Club Pink and have written reviews for all the clubs in the list above (except Club 54 and Club Pink).

I like variety and thus used to hit most of the clubs listed above but in the last year or so I have shortened my rotation to just 3 to 5 clubs at most since so many of the clubs on the list are hit or miss or annoy me for one reason or another – thus my descriptions for some of the clubs are not necessarily up to the minute since many of the clubs are not in my current rotation and thus I have not visited for a while.

Some general info about black clubs in SoFlo:

+ pretty much all the black Miami-Dade SCs are $5 full-nude good-2-way-contact floor dances – most of the black SCs are small and don't have separate dance-areas so dances are done at your seat (bar or table); Broward and Palm Beach black clubs are usually $10/floor-dance

+ most of the SoFlo black clubs do have private VIP which is usually a small-room w/ a chair and have low room-fees of around $25 for 30-minutes

+ cut-songs can be an issue in many a black club – particularly at night many black clubs are often treated like party hip-hop clubs and the DJs seem to want to treat the strip-club like a hip-hop dance-club or a house-party and will start cutting and mixing songs trying to show off their “DJ skills” and thus seemingly totally oblivious to the fact there are custies paying for those songs he is cutting at any ole time – and it can get BAD – I don't mean somewhat a short-song; I'm talking about cutting songs randomly at any ole time he feels like it even 30 damn seconds into a song – and random – one song could be 1.5 minutes; the next-one 30 seconds; the next-one 1-minute; etc – I like getting lots of dances so cut-songs and thus not getting my money's worth is my #1 pet-peeve in strip-clubs – fortunately for the most-part the black-clubs I currently hit in SoFlo are not as bad as they used to be w/ their song-cutting crap (I write a lot of reviews and always mention the song-cutting so maybe the word got thru to management but doubt it was really my reviews) - but anyway these days is not as bad – nowadays I tend to try to SC more on dayshift (late-afternoons) than nightshift and the party-scene and song-cutting is usually a bit worse at night or when they have a fill-in or visiting-DJ that didn't get the memo it's a strip-club and not a hip-hop dance club – b/c of the egregious song-cutting in the past; what I do is I often time the songs w/ my cell-phone's stopwatch b/c sometimes the DJs go into hip-hop club mode – what I usually do is start the stopwatch on my cell-ph when a dancer starts dancing for me at the beginning of a song and stop the stopwatch at the end of the last song and divide the total time by the number of songs to get an avg song-length and see if I'm getting my money's worth – but since often times one can’t really do anything about a “sir-mix-a-lot DJ” I sometimes fall to plan-B in where I’ll tell a dancer that asks me for dances that “we’ll go by time” instead of # of songs – i.e. I’ll tell her the DJ is cutting the songs too short and that we’ll go by time and I will set my cell-phone’s stopwatch to count/measure the total time she had danced for me – in $5/dance clubs I feel a 2.5 minute song is a fair length for both the custy and the dancer – and in $10/dance a 3-minute song-length is fair IMO – so let’s say a dancer has danced for me for 15-minutes as measured by the cell-ph stopwatch; so for a $5/dance club for example that would be 6 dances – it’s kinda a pain to have to do this and some/many dancers may look at you weird; but as I mentioned I like getting LOTS of dances and hate getting very poor value to the point I feel I’m getting gypped big-time

+ another issue w/ black clubs that have cheap dances in dancers over-counting songs – I'm a 46 y/o whiteguy not too versed in hip-hop music so it's often hard for me to tell when one song ends and another-one starts – at least in some mixed-clubs they have a consistent system where the DJ always talks/says-something at the end of a song thus giving you a head's up where the break b/w songs is; but in most black clubs they bleed one song into the next and it's very hard to tell and keep track of the # of songs – what I do is to tell the dancer to let me know every time she is starting a new song that way I can keep count and she knows I'm keeping count – o/w it seems the dance-count is often not what you think it is either b/c the DJ is cutting songs super-short and you could not tell or she knows you were not keeping count and thus she inflates the #

+ also; it seems to happen too often; though not all the time; that in these small black clubs sometimes the dancers don't take-off their tops when dancing for you – as I mentioned the floor-dances are usually full-nude so some dancers will take off their bottoms but not their tops – I can only assume it may be b/c most of the black custies don't care too much about the boobs? - but I like boobs along w/ everything else and like to feel and grope them and look at them; thus I will either run my hands over their boobs while they have their tops-on and this will let them know I like boobs and they'll usually go ahead and take-off their tops; and if that does not work then I'll just go ahead and ask them and they'll go ahead and take off their tops

+ beauty is in the eye of the beholder – if model-quality black dancers is what you look for these will be far-and-few-between – most of the SoFlo black clubs are $5/dance and some $10/dance and at these prices one will not often find beauty queens and perhaps one should not expect-to – for the most-part one will find well put together dancers as it’s common for many a black-woman w/ some clubs tilting a bit more towards the slim-and-fit type ebony dancers but most clubs tilting towards the thicker/curvier ebony dancers more typical of many a black club

+ IMO/IME I often get much better mileage in the $5 and $10 per dance black SoFlo clubs than I do in the $25/LD SoFlo mixed-clubs - most of the ebony dancers work hard for their $$$ for a fraction of what dancers get paid in the mixed-clubs – i.e. if you feel you are getting good-dances at the $5 spots; def tip the girls for their efforts being that they are only getting paid a measly $5/dance while often giving lots of grinding and allowing plenty of groping – at the $10 spots $10/dance is a more fair price and I don’t tip extra as regularly but still often do if the dancer puts in a good-effort - I always used to pay $10/dance even in the $5/dance spots but b/c I SC so much it started to get expensive so I had to cut-back to $5/dance but always tip extra and also try to get multiple dances from the same-dancer so she can at least make a little something off of me for her efforts (assuming the dances are good)- e.g. I’ll usually at least get 3 $5-dances in a row and pay her $20 if her dances were ok and $25 if the dances were pretty-good – if I particularly like the dancer I’ll get b/w 4 and 6 $5-dances in a row and pay her $30/$40, respectively

I will describe the clubs in the order of clubs I sorta visit the most or that are a bit more popular in general w/ the clubs I visit the most and/or are more popular having a longer/fuller description and the other clubs a shorter-one.


Sorta my go-to club per my *personal* tastes - small all-black club that used to go by the name of Secrets for many years and changed names to The Body Club sometime in 2015 but not much about the club changed w/ the name change AFAIK:

+ it's a small-black club but not too hood for those not used to going to all-black clubs – dancers, staff, and clientele all mind their biz and everyone is there to have a good time – the immediate area around the club is a commercial area that sits b/w two middle to upper middle class neighborhoods and the club sits on a major street (US-1 aka Biscayne Boulevard)

+ the club seems like an old small 2-bedroom house that was converted into a small club – parking is always free and free cover everyday b/f 8 pm – nightshift cover is b/w $10 and $20 ($20 on weekend eves) and club has a full-bar

+ club is smallish w/ not much seating – there is barstool seating on 3-sides of the bar that is against one of the walls – and there are a couple of very small seating booths that consist of a small-round cocktail table and two chairs per booth – all seating is free – club also has a private VIP for dances – the VIP rooms are separate from the main-room, small and very basic (just a chair in them); and VIP room fee is $25 to the house for 30-minutes – private VIP dances are $10/song or w/e you negotiate w/ the dancer

+ $5 full-nude good-2-way-contact floor dances (club does not have a separate lap-dance area so dances are done at one's seat) – there is sort of a “technicality” w.r.t. the floor-dance prices - “technically” if the dancer is standing-up on her feet (not dancing your lap) when giving you dances then that is a $5 floor-dance – so if one is getting dances on a barstool where the dancer is standing-up dancing in front of you; that is a $5 floor dance (also it's a $5 floor-dance if both of you are standing up getting dances; aka wall-dance (which I happen to like)) – if getting dances on a low-chair and the dancer is on your lap grinding on you then it's “technically” considered a $10 lap-dance instead of a $5 floor-dance – some dancers will charge $10 for the low-chair lap-dances and some will still only charge the basic $5 floor-dance price since a lot of dudes in this club often just hang-out and don't buy any dances at all so many of the dancers are willing to still only charge $5 for the low-chair lap-dances – additionally – since many dudes don't buy dances and less yet willing to pay $10 for a dance; some dancers will not grind on you if you are sitting on a low-chair and will do a low-contact $5 dance if you are sitting on a low chair b/c some dancers think the custy is not interested paying $10 for a grinding lap-dance on a low-chair – kinda confusing so I'll try to summarize the dance prices (and it's not really that confusing or big a hassle; just letting you know of all the possible details) – so w.r.t The Body Club floor-dances:

* if you are on a barstool or standing-up; then it's always $5/dance and most dancers still grind on you very well and allow plenty of roaming hands – these dances are normally full-nude but some dancers will choose to keep their g-strings on b/c they don't like to grind bare (for me personally full-nude vs g-string dances is not that big of a deal – I guess I prefer full-nude but what I want most is good contact/grinding – so if the dancer is not comfortable grinding bare and this affects the dance-mileage; I personally prefer for her to keep her bottoms-on so I can get good mileage)

* floor-dances on the low-chairs are technically $10 if she is grinding on you but many dancers will still only charge $5 while grinding you on the low-chairs – technically the dancers are supposed to have their g-string on when grinding on you on the low-chairs but some dancers put them-on and some don't – and as I mentioned if sitting on a low-chair sometimes a dancer may give-you minimal contact b/c she thinks you may not be interested in paying the $10 for a low-chair grind lap-dance – what I do if I'm getting dances on a low-chair and the dancer is not grinding on me I'll let her know I want a grinding dance and she may say it's $10 and then give you the grinding dance on the low-chair (but as I mentioned b/f many will give grinding dances on the low-chairs for $5 even w/o having to ask them)

* I personally prefer getting my dances on the barstool and enjoy them more that way than having a dancer's weight on me on the low-chairs

Body Club works for me and thus is sorta my go-to club; below are the reasons Body Club works for me personally but may not necessarily work for you:

+ my personal preference is definitely for black-dancers and is to the point where non-black dancers rarely move the needle for me anymore – so if you are not into black-dancers primarily and as much as I am; you may not like this club

+ the black dancers here are on the meaty and curvy-side but there are often a good # of dancers on-shift so small thin-ones are also present though IMO the club leans more towards the thick and curvy which is my personal preference – so if big ole booties are not your thing this club may not be for you (and in my professional opinion you need to seek therapy :))

+ if you are looking for cover-girl model-quality looks this is not the place for you – if your idea of a sexy black dancer is Halle Berry or Vanessa Williams; don't bother stopping-by b/c you will not see many if any women like this in most $5/dance clubs – most dancers here are typical of the avg black woman that is well put together (curves; big tits; big asses) and they know what to do w/ what they have and that is what I like (curvy well-built women that are willing-and-able) – Body Club dancers for the most-part are not shy about giving nor receiving contact w/ their dances and it's probably what I like the most about the club; at $5/dance I can grope and get grinded-on all visit-long by well put-together black women w/ big tits and big asses and I like that

+ dancers at Body Club are often proactive about approaching custies which I like – for the most-part they don't sit together talking w/ each other and ignoring custies nor sit by themselves staring at their cell-phones – I guess at $5/dance they know they gotta hustle to make any kind of $$$ - although many of the dancers are proactive; particularly when the club is somewhat busy many walk right past you – as I mentioned many dudes here don't get any dances and some dancers are a bit gun-shy or get tired of getting “no's” to dance requests and thus depend on guys to grab their attention – thus one is better-off at Body Club to grab a girl you like as she walks by if you want dances particularly if the club is somewhat busy; IME pretty much all the dancers will give you dances when you ask them and also once other dancers see you getting dances more will start approaching you

+ I personally have had better visits @ Body Club on dayshift for a while now – seems to me not only is the club not as busy but there actually seem to be more and better dancers on dayshift – I've also seen this at some other local black SCs (i.e. better dayshift) and asked some AA dancers at some of these clubs why more and dancers on dayshift and some have told me that the dayshift crowd is often an older crowd and custies coming-in after-work and they spend and buy dances whereas at night it’s often young wanna-bees that don't spend crap and don't buy dances but still want to grope the girls and spend time w/ them w/o buying any dances – thus @ Body Club I've had a better time on dayshift and seems there are more dancers – particularly on Saturday and Sunday afternoons I've seen a good # of dancers which I kinda didn't expect at first but seems to be a trend at Body Club – I can only assume the high # of dancers on the weekends may be b/c of part-time dancers that perhaps have regular-jobs during the week and dance @ Body Club on the weekends to make extra $$$? – also, most SoFlo clubs close late (~5:00 a.m.) thus most have 3-dancer shifts (day (~12 to 8); mid (~4 to 12), night (~10 to closing)); thus at Body Club on weekends b/w 4 pm and 8 pm when the day and mid shifts overlap is when I’ve seen the most-dancers

This club has been around since the 1980's where it first went by the name of Rolexx and from what I was told by one dancer the watch company made the club change their name so they started going by Lexx.

This club changed name and ownership in early 2015 – a dancer told me the new owners are not the outright owners and are leasing the club from the original owner (an older black gentleman that I think may be originally from some African country) – not sure about the exact details of the ownership change but the club is a bit different than it used to be.

This club sits on a major street about a block away from Miami Dade College which is a big community college; so the area is not too bad.

Club is smallish but a bit bigger than most other small black clubs in the area and bigger than Body Club – no cover on dayshift and nightshift b/w $10 and $20 ($20 on weekend eves) – free-parking although lot often gets full – no issue parking on perimeter of the club on the adjacent side-street or on the empty-lot to the right of the club as one faces the club

+ like Body Club floor-dances @ Climaxxx are $5 full-nude w/ contact and are bar-side although there are a few small tables scattered around the floor

+ this club does have a separate semi-private $10/dance dance-area for lap-dances but dancers are required to have at least g-strings on and some have told me they are required to have booty-shorts on in the $10/dance lap-dance area – there is no cost to use the $10 lap-dance area although at first when the club changed ownership they seemed to require both you and the dancer to have drinks if getting dances in the lap-dance area but I don't think they are enforcing this nowadays

+ post ownership change in 2015 they made some improvements to the club but it's by no means plush; but the staff does seem more professional now and I have not noticed the DJ get into hip-hop-club song-cutting mode so IME most songs are a good-value of around 3-minutes long

+ Climaxxx seems to have a bit stricter hiring standard than the avg small black club in SoFlo; most of the dancers are young, slim/fit, but still have nice bods – it seems to me most custies that prefer their ebonies on the slim-side prefer Climaxxx over Body Club and those that prefer dancers on the thicker side like I do prefer Body Club

+ I find the mileage @ Climaxxx a bit-lower than at Body Club – I think part of the reason may be the dancers are a bit better-looking and a bit-younger; and also part of the reason may be management – been told at times by some dancers that management has told them not to do too much grinding w/ the $5 floor-dances so $5 floor-dance mileage seems a bit more inconsistent than at Body Club – not sure if management is still telling them to cut down on the floor mileage or not; sometimes it’s great sometimes so-so

+ as I mentioned there is semi-private $10/lap-dance area and I think they also have two private VIP booths which are $25 for 15 minutes house-fee plus $25/dance or w/e you negotiate w/ the dancer

+ IMO this club is very well ran for a $5/dance club and the dancers are pretty-attractive in the context of a $5/dance club – if one is looking for a fairly chill small black club w/ pretty-nice looking ebonies this is a good spot – when this club first changed ownership back in early 2015 it became flush w/ dancers particularly on dayshift; but over the last couple of months I've seen the dancer #s dwindle – word is management is very strict w/ the dancers and have either gotten rid of a lot of the dancers or dancers have left – I like variety thus prefer a club w/ lots of dancers on shift and no interference/mandates from management w.r.t. dance mileage; the lower-dancer #s at Climaxxx and a-bit-spotty mileage have me not going as much as I used-to but still recommend this club particularly on dayshift (I also don't like the fact most of the dancers are cookie-cutter in they are mostly small and petite – I def think they are sexy but my lust if for the thick chocolate which sorta seems to be in short-supply these days @ Climaxxx w/ the lower dancer #s)

+ I don’t visit Climaxxx on nightshift much – it’s often crowded and not really that many dancers so it feels like 50 custies/dancer; the club also gets more of party club feel and I feel the mileage is not as good as dayshift

[Note: this club has recently closed again; AFAIK it’s supposed to be temporary but time will tell]

This club is an acquired taste for lack of a better way to put it – I’m putting near the top of the list since it’s a club *I* like to visit but it’d def and acquired taste and not for most; I can’t really recommend it to most but it works for me.

It's pretty much a straight-up bar that has a few naked dancers and it looks like a scene from a 1970's blaxploitation film - it looks straight-up as just a local watering-hole w/ poor sound system; poor A/C system, and poor lighting. Up to about a year ago it only had a jukebox dancers had to feed $$$ into; then it had a “DJ” (some fat black chick) for a short while and now seems to have some kind of computerized music system (which I def prefer over a song-cutting DJ or a DJ that thinks he is the king of the club and the reason the club exists) – I've never been to Vic's in NJ but from reading Vic's reviews the clubs seem kinda similar (for those familiar w/ Vic's).

The Trap never has a cover-charge and has free-parking on two-sides along it's perimeter – it's not in the best neighborhood so def keep your eyes open when coming in and out of the club (one can also park across the small-side street against the side-wall of the business across the side-street after that business has closed for the evening which I think closes like at 9 or 10 pm) – club-side parking is limited and often the staff will park 2-deep; i.e. if finding a spot club-side don't pull all the way-in less someone parks behind you and blocks you-in (and don't park behind anyone either and block them in).

The club is old and raggedy and only has bar-side seating where one gets their floor-dances – in terms of staff other than the dancers just one female bartender that looks like a retired former dancer; no waitresses (don’t really need them here); and a manager/dance-counter – the bar just serves beer, wine, water, and soft-drinks – it being more like a bar than a strip-club it has a bit-odd operating hours – I “think” it either opens at 3 pm or 5 pm but often no dancers b/f 6 pm or maybe 2 or 3 max – dancers kinda start trickling-in past 7 pm or so – club also closes early at 1:30 a.m. the latest and sometimes a bit earlier if not very busy.

+ floor-dances here are $10 and dancers need to give the house $3 out of every dance

+ songs are often good length about 3 to 3.5 minutes

+ not many dancers – maybe 6 or 7 on weeknights and maybe 10 or so on Fr/Sat eves

+ this club used to mostly have older very thick and very curvy AA dancers (big natural DDs were not in short supply which I like) - these dancers def were not the prototypical stripper of being young and slim/fit – big tits and assess were the norm and so was ultra-high-mileage – the dancers were experienced; knew what they were doing; and had been at the game a good while – the club closed for a couple of months b/w the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 supposedly for renovations but once the club reopened the renovations were very minor – some dancers told me the reason; or part of the reason, the club closed for so long was b/c a few former dancers were suing- the club over the contractor/no-contractor dancer lawsuits that have been going around the last couple of years – after the club reopened in early 2015 I did not see a lot of the old dancers come back – the club also seems to have upped their dancer-fees which are pretty-high for a low-level club like this which is small and not a lot of spending custies (I think the dancers have to pay anywhere from $45 to $55 dancer-fee; think it's $45 but not sure; plus they gotta give $3 out of every $10 dance so it seems to become sorta financially not worth-it for many dancers particularly since it's not that easy to sell lots of dances in this joint

+ personally – I used to like the old dance-crew – I love UHM dances and the old dance-crew delivered – I've also always liked older women even as a young-boy – I def like women that look like women and the old Trap dancers def looked like real women w/ big natural tits and big assess and very curvy and not shy about doing their thing

+ after the reopening in early-2015 seems they now have more younger and slimmer dancers that IMO don’t quite put it down like the old dancers – and are often not as built/stacked/curvy – I still like stopping by every once in a while but mostly hoping to relive the “old magic” (per my tastes) but it's not the same – it's a bit better on Fr and Sat eves when there are a few more dancers that dance part-time b/c they seem to have regular jobs during the week – a year plus ago one could find up to 15 dancers on weekend eves which was a good # for the size club and crowd; these days maybe 10 or 11 on weekend eves

+ this club is def a hole-in-the-wall of holes-in-the-walls – only if you are a freak like me that likes the types of dancers I described above should you consider coming in here IMO – if you like your strippers “cute”; slim; fit; young; this is not the place

+ the club does have two private dance booths but I have never used them nor seen anyone use them and most dancers don’t' mention it – I think it's $25/song plus a house-fee but I assume a block-payment can be arranged for a block of time or “services”

This is a nice little AA club that’s on the same street in b/w Tootsies and King of Diamonds – the club is smallish but pretty nicely appointed and per my visits in the past gets packed at night – dayshift has been pretty-weak per my limited dayshift visits.

Parking can be a bit of an issue as this little club seems to insist on trying to pass itself for upscale and thus sections off 1/2 or more of its parking spaces for paid-parking (about 1/2+ the parking-lot is coned-off for paid-parking; free parking is towards the very-back) – cover is free b/f 8 pm and nighttime cover is usually $20 (I paid $25 once when I went around 2:30 in the morning on a weekend eve).

The club seems to have hiring standards and has some nice-looking ebonies; perhaps the best looking ebonies of any SC in SoFlo IMO – most are young and fit although there can be a good # of enhanced/fake butts in da house (but that is fairly-common these days in most black SCs and most of the enhanced booties in this club are usually good-jobs and look pretty-good if one is into big-butts which I certainly am).

There is sorta a SC “school of thought” that often times the better looking dancers may not give as good a dance-mileage – no theory is perfect but I tend to agree w/ this one – many of The Office dancers look-good and they know they look good and thus many come across as a bit stuck-up – and their dances can often be low-mileage sorta reminding me of an ATL club – in many of the Miami black SCs good 2-way contact is kinda the norm w/ the $5 floor-dances; but @ The Office IME many of the good-looking ebonies will just wiggle their ass a foot away from you w/ the $5 floor-dances and if you tell-them you want contact they’ll charge $10/dance instead which def is not bad IMO but still even w/ the $10 “contact dances” mileage can be sorta-low w/ some of the Office dancers.

As I’ve described in my reviews of this place I do not like the layout of this club – there isn’t much seating and also only a couple of stools at the small-bar which seem to be always occupied in addition to the bar-area always being packed w/ people standing-around anyway.

The rest of the floor-space is dominated by a stage that IMO is too-big for this size-club thus taking up space which can be used for seating or a dance-area - there are a few small round tables w/ some wrap-around style-chairs but these are few and suck for getting-dances b/c of their wrap-around design - IME oftentimes one ends up getting an air-dance when sitting on the low-chairs b/c the chair is low and also the wrap-around arms of the chair make it hard for the dancer to get up close and personal – due to the lack of seating and also adequate-seating for getting dances; I often opt for getting wall-dances at this place – in keeping w/ its upscalish pretentions; this club seems to have a good amount of the available seating reserved as VIP/paid seating which IMO is not a good-move w/ such a small-club w/ limited seating – I think they may have VIP dance rooms here but not sure.

In summary w.r.t The Office:

+ usually lots of dancers on nightshift (not so many on dayshift IME)
+ good-looking young/fit ebonies
+ pretty high-energy vibe at night

+ dancers come across a bit stuck-up and many seem to expect to get rained-on on the floor for just looking pretty while giving zero contact (and a good # of custies seem to indulge in just standing there raining on dancers and making zero-contact)
+ when the club is packed (which is often the case at night), many of the dancers will walk right past you and not even look at you (I guess they are looking for the party-groups of rain-makers) – thus you are better off being proactive and grabbing a dancer as she walks by
+ mileage can be hit or miss – many of these chicks I guess feel their looks are enough for you to pay them w/ them just wiggling their butts a foot away from you
+ small club and poor layout – hardly any place to get a good-dance other than a wall-dance – I actually like wall-dances but this place is so small and gets so packed it’s even hard to find a spot to stand to get a wall-dance

In conclusion; although I feel they have some very nice-looking chocolate at The Office; I rarely visit more than 2 or 3 times per year to sorta scope the state of the club – the M.O. of this club seems more like a hang-out/lounge/party club – feels more like a party-club than a good-place for a serious SCer to get his grind-on – if you like pretty-girls and a party-atmosphere and don’t mind hit or miss contact; then you may like this place – this place also gets a good # of female custies thus IMO leading even more to a hang-out/party club atmosphere almost looking like a hip-hop nightclub instead of a strip-club.

This is a pretty-small all-black club somewhat in the hood but not necessarily unsafe inside of the club (I have visited many times in the last 5 years or so since I relocated back to Miami.

+ $5 full-nude 2-way contact dances

+ free parking – cover b/w $10 and $15

+ the club is not bad – but for w/e reason is often slow of custies and dancers (some dancers have told me the manager is very picky about whom he hires)

+ not much seating – some small cocktail tables w/ wrap-around low chairs which I don’t like for getting dances – a couple of high-top tables w/ high-chairs which I prefer for getting dances or maybe a barstool by the corner of the bar

+ dayshift is often very slow but sometimes it takes just one dancer to make the visit worthwhile

+ nightshift a bit busier and a bit more dancers but not jumping by any means – perhaps 8 or so dancers but this can be enough for this size-club and size-crowd

+ they seem to have some hiring standards – dancers are usually young and fit and on the small/thin to medium-size - usually no supa-thick brickhouses which is my preference but they do have nice bods IMO

+ club is small and floor-plan wide-open and well-lit so no privacy - mileage is pretty-good but not necessarily off the charts

+ in addition to floor-dances there are two dance booths which are $10/dance plus $25 to the house I think – they are fairly private but not completely private (I think they have a small opening where staff can look-in if they so choose

+ the club is a little too small and too slow-paced for me – I like variety and lots of dancers to choose from and also like thick dancers and this club kinda falls a bit short on these aspects – the dancers are often young and pretty-good looking and IMO these types of dancers often give a bit less mileage - I check-out Foxxy Lady from time to time and have a decent time but it’s not exactly on my regular rotation

This may perhaps be the most-famous black SC perhaps ever – the club is huge similar in size to nearby Tootsies and like Tootsies it sits inside a large converted warehouse:

+ club is large and nicely-appointed

+ cover @ night can be b/w $20 and $40

+ good-amount of free and valet parking

+ “traditionally” club had large-crowds and a good # of dancers whom were above avg and some way-above avg like Smooth-Magazine types

+ club has $10 floor-dances which can be decent mileage depending on the girl and $25 dances in a separate area which are private-rooms over in a corner but they have an open door-way – I’m pretty-sure they have VIP rooms but IDK anything about them

I started going to KOD in 2011 and visited quite a few times during 2011 and 2012 – post-2012 I sensed that the club just didn’t feel the same and I stopped going for a while and over the next 3 years or so I often saw smaller crowds and fewer dancers and fewer good dancers that gave good-dances – I thought it was just me and not the club or me unluckily going on some bad nights – but then around 2014 a fellow TUSCLer sent me an article stating the club had been sold back sometime in 2012 – I was unable to read the article b/c it required some kind of pain-in-the-ass website registration process so I was not sure or could not confirm via reading the article (since I couldn’t read it) if the club had indeed being sold – but apparently KOD *was* sold sometime in 2012 per another short article I *was* able to read (…) and it then made sense why I thought the club was not the same post-2012.

Per the article; it states the club was originally owned by an infamous old whiteguy that owned clubs in Vegas and other cities and was sorta a legend in the SC industry – per the article after the gentleman passed-away in 2012 the club was sold to some NY investors that were not in the strip-club biz and that IMO could explain what I saw as the decline of KOD.

Post 2012 I saw:

+ smaller crowds (the 2nd-bar in the main-room always closed and that area of the club void of custies whereas 2012 and b/f the 2nd bar was always open and that area full of custies sitting in the surrounding tables in that area

+ saw fewer dancers, and fewer good dancers both in terms of looks and dancing-ability – many of the new dancers seemed inexperienced air-dance types

IMO these days the club is living off its former-glory/rep and it’s not what it used to be and IMO *personally* not worth-going if one is a hardcore SCer into mileage. The club these days IMO has been turned into a glorified hip-hop club that feels more like a nightclub than a good *strip*-club and they seem to be living of its former hype and are trying to milk the make-it-rain main-stage thing which feels more like something that is choreographed and thus more style than substance – although I must say I have not visited much in the last year since the writing of this article (April 2016J) but my few visits in the last 2 years or so have not been what I was hoping for from the famous KOD.

This is a good-sized and upscale black SC about 5 minutes by car from King of Diamonds and Tootsies although it can be a bit tricky to find since it’s in a tucked away industrial area w/ barely any movement/traffic at night and the streets kinda go off in angles making it a bit tricky but should not be a problem if using a GPS.

This club has opened and closed (and sometimes stayed closed for a while) over the last 10 or so years under different names – I think it was called Diamonds when I first visited back in the mid-2000s and it seemed like it had a fairly high black-Caribbean influence back then custy and dancer-wise (just a hunch on my part IDK for sure if most of the black people I saw were in fact Caribbean but looked like it to me for some reason).

I don’t visit this club often though I have reviewed it in the past – back in the 2000s when I first started visiting it often had good crowds and a good # of dancers that were similar to KOD back in the day (many above-avg, and some way above-avg Smooth Magazine types, and many model-looking light-skinned ones like KOD back in the day).

+ The club is fairly good-sized and nicely appointed and my last time there the female bartenders were looking hot – cover on Fr/Sat nights is usually $20 – parking is street-side and they have the balls to cone off about half the block for paid parking which is not their property (free parking further down the street)

+ This club seems kinda hit or miss w.r.t. crowds and dancer #s – it looks like it can get fairly busy on Fr/Sat nights but other nights perhaps not-so – but even w/ good crowds the dancers #s have been low (single-digits) in my sparse few recent visits

+ Back when it was Diamonds (or something else?) in the 2000s it had a separate LD-area on one side of the floor which offered decent privacy but not complete privacy

+ These days per my limited experience I didn’t see a LD area in the main-room but I “believe” there may be one out of sight that perhaps one has to pay to use w/ the dances in the LD area probably being $25 but not sure

+ Floor-dances are $10 but can’t really comment on mileage – per my last visit a while back I saw single-digit dancer #s (on a late Saturday night) and don’t recall seeing any floor-dances being given nor dancers walking w/ custies anywhere to another part of the club – and per my few visits b/f my last visit a while back I never saw much action going-on dance-wise – basically some stage-dancing w/ perhaps some stage rainmaking – the few single-digit dancers did seem above-avg in looks

+ I have limited knowledge w/ this club – but does not seem to be a go-to strip-club to get-action/good-dances – per my limited visits it felt more like a nightclub w/ a lot of female custies and people just hanging-out like it was a damn piano-bar - I even think at one point they were planning, or actually did do it, to have part of the club as a regular dance-club but not sure if that ever materialized

+ looking at the club’s TUSCL page it currently only has 4-reviews since 2014 and 2 of the 4 reviews are by me – thus not exactly a hopping spot w/the caveat most black SCs on TUSCL don’t get reviewed very much anyway

Per my limited experience; G5ive is not a club for hardcore SCers looking for mileage and good dances and seems to be frequented by those that like to hit a spot to chill w/ their posse and have a few drinks, listen to good music, and hang in a nicely appointed environment.

This is a very small black club towards the northern end of Miami-Dade county not far from Dolphins stadium – it’s in Miami Gardens so not the best hood but not as if one should not go there.

This club is often more miss than hit on the talent – I’ve had some decent times here and started visiting a bit ore during the day in 2014 and 2015 – nighttime used-to get too packed and the club has always been pretty-hood.

+ Cover is b/w $10 and $20 at night depending on the night and no-cover everyday b/f 8 pm – free parking on the side-street or on the small club-side lot (traditionally they have charged for parking club-side at night but not sure if they currently do)

+ $5 good 2-way-contact full-nude floor-dances

+ they have about 4 or 5 very small booths w/ curtains in the back where you and your dancer “can get to know each other better” but it’s not that comfortable of a setting – the private booths are $25 to the house for I believe 30-minutes and $10/dance or w/e you negotiate w/ the dancer

+ talent has been up and down at the Mint throughout the years but as of late it’s looked more down than up

+ I used to have this club in my regular starting rotation but have relegated it to the bullpen over the last few months – the club in my limited experience as of late has gotten even more ghetto than b/f and the talent has gone down (and the two may be related) – my theory on the ghettoization of The Mint is that the hood-rats have migrated here after clubs like Climaxxx and Body Club have sorta cleaned up their act and stepped-up their game in the recent past (within the last 2 years both these clubs have been renovated and talent has improved)

Club does not offer a consistent experience and IMO/IME is more miss than hit these days – one can get lucky and hit it up w/ a good dancer but seems more of the exception

+ Smallish but not tiny club and fairly nicely appointed – no cover b/f 8 pm - $10 to $20 nightshift – free parking

+ $5 floor-dances

+ $10 couch-dances

+ there used to be an LD-area (not sure if they still have-it) that one had to pay $7 every time one went back there but it had a camera and bouncer patrol so IDK why the f*** they had a more-private area if it was gonna be monitored via cameras and bouncer-patrol - there is a private VIP room but IDK the details

+ This club is also not currently in my rotation – low dancer #s and unmotivated dancers – had a few decent dayshift visits in 2013/14 but my subsequent visits were not very good

+ this club AFAIK changed ownership sometime in the last couple of years and seems to have fallen out of favor w/ most dancers and most serious SCers – it seems there is one, maybe two, nights a week where the club gets pretty full like a house-party but there are still not many dancers – just lots of custies and also female custies treating the club like their local hangout for the night

+ as of this writing (April 2016) this club has not given me a reason to revisit

[Note: I have driven by this club a couple of times in the last couple of weeks (March/April 2016) and have not seen any cars in the lot – the club is lit-up on the outside but zero-cars in the lot so I assume it’s not currently operating – I’ll do some recon drivebys and see if the club looks like it has reopened and post any updates via the comments section of this article]

+ tiny club

+ $5 floor dances (no VIP or LD area)

+ not the best hood but does not mean one should not go there

+ not much parking – at night most folks park on street (there are parking-meters but AFAIK those are a relic of the past and no longer in-use/operational)

+ this club is way out of my rotation – it was pretty-decent talent-wise back in the mid-2000s and I had some decent times up to about 2011/12; but club these days seems to have been taken-over by a whole bunch of young custies (male and female) that look like they are still in H.S. and seem to have picked this club as their little “cool” hang-out but they don’t spend any $$$ on the dancers and thus hardly any dancers there per my last couple of visits a while back – back in 2011/12 had some decent dayshift visits but in the last year+ it’s been dead during dayshift

+ over the last year or 2 while the club sucked dancer-wise, from the outside one would think the club was jumping b/c of the huge amount of cars parked outside – but 90% of the clientele at night is the young non-spending wannabees so not many dancers thus this club is not worth-it IMO as a serious SCer and why I have not visited much in the last 2 years and don’t plan to unless I hear/read of the club being good again

+ this is a smallish club pretty far down south in Miami Dade county – kinda away from most of the other black clubs and most clubs in general which are towards the northern end of Miami-Dade county

+ have only visited once on a Su night – not much of a vibe and not many dancers

+ club was very bright and not much privacy for the $5 floor-dances – the dancers were not professional even for a black dive club – did not seem to entertain properly to earn that $$$

+ club looks pretty-hood – I assume it’s fairly busy on peak Fr/Sat nights and cover is probably $20 on these nights as most black Miami-Dade clubs – I assume it’s fairly slow on non-peak nights

+ a few parking spaces in front of the club and a some more parking in the rear of the club

+ I assume sister club of Extacy down south

+ in the hood near Foxxy Lady and Take One

+ only visited this club I think 2x - opened in mid-2014 but did not know about-it till late 2014

+ club is decent sized and fairly nicely appointed (inside looks new)

+ decent amount of parking club-side and I believe the lot across the street can also be used

+ IDK what the deal w/ this club is but per my visits the dancers were not allowed to get nude nor topless anywhere in the club (stage or floor) – I can only assume the club did not have the proper permits to operate as a full-fledged SC – I got some floor-dances in my 2 visits but although I was able to grope a bit the dancers were fully covered in their outfits – IDK if there was a VIP room but no-one mentioned-one

+ I’d driven by this club a couple of times and it looked closed – called the sister club down south and guy on the ph said as far as he knew it was only open Th – Sat nights – have not visited this club in a while and IDK its current state
[Update: heard a radio-ad for the club recently (April 2016) and I think it mentioned club was now open 7 nights a week but IDK if dancers can get nude now; I need to make a recon trip to this place and will post any findings via a comment on this article and most likely a review]

This club opened about 2 years ago (there have been SCs at this location on and off since the 1980s I believe).

It’s a good sized club and fairly upscale; the club is fairly nicely appointed and staff fairly professional.

Per my few visits to this place the club was never really very good (very few dancers for w/e reason) and seemed to never catch-on; cover-charge at night is usually $20 and floor-dances are $10 and your mileage varies depending on the dancer – I think they have a separate communal $25/dance lap-dance area.

I have not visited in a while b/c my few visits I felt were kind a waste of time for me personally – at first I saw a decent crowd but never enough dancers (usually single-digits) and w/ time the club was mostly empty and even less dancers – I have driven by a couple of times at night and on some nights looked like the club was closed (no cars in lot) but the last time I drove by there in late-March 2016 on a Sat night around 1:00 a.m. the club looked open but only a handful of cars in the lot making me think not much of a scene inside and probably not many dancers inside (I did not go in).


This club is in Pompano Beach about 30 minutes north of Miami – it’s actually a mixed-club instead of an all-black club like the rest of the clubs in this article so there are a few differences compared to the all-black clubs:

+ club is in the corner of an L-shaped shopping-center and thus plenty of parking – free parking during the day – night parking is $2 ($5 in the coned-spots) – free cover on dayshift b/f 7 pm - $5 to $10 cover at night

+ club is more like a bar w/ some naked chicks and looks-like and has the vibe of a bar more than a strip-club (even from the outside one would not be able to really tell it was a strip-club)

+ club is smallish but not tiny and it’s blue-collar vs upscale

+ this is a mixed-club which traditionally had been about 50/50 black/white dancers but these days it can often tilt more chocolate than vanilla (60/40 to 70/30 ebony/ivory)

+ dayshift often a bit slow but not dead – depending on the day there can be more or less dancers but there are often sufficient dancers for the size club and crowd – AFAIK they have 3 dancer-shifts so I assume past 4 pm there are more dancers w/ dayshift and mid-shift dancer-shifts overlapping – IME mileage is good on both day and night shifts but dayshift dancers seem more down for the cause I guess in part due to less custies and perhaps bit older and more experienced dancers

+ nightshift is often busier and more lively and girls tend to be a bit more on the younger-side – mileage can be just as good as dayshift w/ many of the girls

+ there are $10 floor-dances and $25 lap-dances in private booths – the $10 floor-dances are not as popular b/c of being out in the open and thus less-mileage – the $25 lap-dances are in booths off to the side and have a curtain but the dance booths are 2 couples to a booth – i.e. 2 dance-stations per booth w/ each dance station separated by a divider – the divider sticks-out far enough so you can’t see the PL next to you and really can’t see the dancer either unless she steps away from the custy

+ there is a single person/couple dance-booth that’s 3-dances-for-$100 and also a VIP room but not sure of the VIP room fee

+ as mentioned; it’s often 60/40 or 70/30 chocolate to vanilla dancer-wise – as typical of many mixed clubs w/ black dancers the dancers here are usually not the thick brickhouses (which are my personal preference) but often on the slim and medium side – also the ebony dancers often lean more towards Caribbean ones (e.g. Jamaicans, Haitians, Bahamians) and some AA

+ the club is laidback and closes at 4 a.m. and often gets pretty-full on Ft/Sat nights past 2:00 a.m. when other Pompano clubs (bars; dance-clubs) close

+ the club offers 2-for-1 lap-dances sometimes multiple times her hour when the club is slower – often times the dancers will hang w/ you on the main-floor until they announce a 2-for-1 then she may ask if you want dances

+ I like this place as a change of pace to the all-black clubs b/c it’s a mixed crowd and more laidback (although more expensive at $25/dance but one does get a fair amount of privacy in the dance booths)

This is a fairly good sized club and fairly nicely appointed.

+ AFAIK the club is white-owned and I often see white-staff and up two 2+ years ago or so it was predominantly white dancers and custies – AFAIK the club is now ran or leased(?) by different people and is mostly black now custy and dancer-wise

+ dayshift is a bit-more mixed clientele and dancer-wise

+ nightshift is mostly black clientele and dancers although one tends to see some white dancers (often thick and curvy like black-women) and some white custies (i.e. a bit more white dancers and custies than the typical all-black-clubs IMO)

+ the black dancers, at least on nightshift, IMO tend to be more attractive than in the avg all-black club – many are more on the thin and fit side and don’t look hood – they often wear nice outfits; nicely made-up hair and faces – this club is in Broward county which these days seems to have a large Caribbean population particularly Jamaican and IME I often ran into a good # of Jamaican girls here which were often personable vs hood

+ the club has $10 floor-dances, and $25 lap-dances in a separate fairly-private but not completely private dance-area – the $10 dances traditionally were hit or miss on mileage but these days seems the club has clamped down on the floor-mileage where more often than not the $10 floor-dances are little to no contact w/ the $25 normally being topless w/ good 2-way contact and more w/ certain-dancers – I believe there is also a private VIP room but IDK the details

+ club in a shopping plaza so always plenty of free-parking; no cover on dayshift and nightshift b/w $10 and $20 depending on the night

+ one of the things I don’t like about this club is IME the songs are a bit too short consistently at ~3:00 minutes and sometimes a bit under – 3-mins or so is ok for a $10 floor-dance but too short when paying for $25/lap-dance

+ IME the club is often feast of famine – it is often fairly slow on dayshift although it can pick-up a bit in the late-afternoon/early-eve as PLs stop-by after-work; at night it can be PACKED or fairly-empty – they have special-event weeknights w/ discounts (i.e. Tuesday nights) and these nights can often be packed – but on non-special-event weeknights I’ve found it slow – Fr and Sat nights is also packed and often too-packed (the club also hosts well-known rapper concerts/appearances – see the club’s website link on the club’s TUSCL page)

+ IMO this club seems to have some hiring standards w.r.t. dancers and thus it is not as flush w/ dancers for the size-club and crowds on special-event nights or Fr/Sat nights where IME it often feels like a sausage-fest w/ low dancer-to-custy ratio

+ IMO it’s def a nice club w/ nice-size and nice-looking dancers and IMO not as hood as the avg black club – the club is also a bit of a party-club and on peak/special-event nights one can see a good amount of female custies usually in groups or w/ a male-companion - but I don’t visit this club too often b/c:

* it’s a bit far from me
* dancer #s can be spotty
* mileage a bit inconsistent particularly at night w/ the better-looking girl (I’ve had VHM on dayshift in the $25/dance area)
* I don’t like having to spend $25/dance to get decent mileage where I can get the same or even better mileage at the Miami $5/floor-dance black clubs (e.g. The Body Club) – but w/ the caveat Vegas Cabaret girls will be better-looking particularly at night and the club is nicer and bigger

+ club is more like a locals neighborhood bar more than a high-energy strip-club – one small center stage w/ poor lighting and avg sound system

+ smallish but not tiny club – rarely gets packed so it's smallish size is usually not an issue

+ club is in a tiny old shopping-plaza which has a smallish parking-lot but one can also park on the side or rear of the club – free parking

+ cover is usually $5 at night and free on dayshift

+ in the past I used to visit this club every couple of months as a change of pace (i.e. not in my regular rotation per se) – floor-dances are $5 but unlike the Miami black clubs floor mileage here was often iffy – there is a small lap-dance room on the side for lap-dances which used to be $10

+ some time in 2014 or 2015 the club did some minor upgrades (basically just put in a couple of new furniture pieces) and they also raised the lap-dance prices from $10 to $15 (w/ the iffy-mileage floor-dances still being $5) – the club subsequently started losing customers and w/ less customers dancers started disappearing too – my few visits in 2015 were not worth-it (barely any dancers) even though the club was never much to write home about to begin w/

+ I recently paid a visit on a Sat night in March of 2016 and found there was a decent crowd and about 7 or 8 dancers which was actually an improvement over much of 2015 – the kicker is that now they have raised the lap-dances to $20 from $15 b/f that and $10 b/f that just 2 or so years ago (iffy-mileage floor-dances are still $5)

+ in the past; prior to the “renovation” and price increases; the club has some thick ebonies which is what I'm into and why I visited – they were no beauty-queens but curvy ebonies packing in the tits and/or ass dept – but many of the dancers back then had surly attitudes (IMO often times when there are multiple dancers that are not happy to be there is usually due to ownership or management not treating them right)

+ on my most recent visit in March 2016; the dancers seemed more congenial and I think there may be a new manager but not sure – the dancers in my last visit were not terrible but not up my alley since most of them were either slim to medium build whereas I like the curvy brickhouses – I got some good mileage w/ the $20 lap-dances but the lap-dance room is not completely private (although sometimes you may be the only one back there so a bit of privacy)

+ song lengths are about 3 minutes long which is not terrible but for $20/lap-dance I'd prefer in the 4-minute range – they run 3-for-$30 lap-dance specials but the songs are def cut

+ there is a private VIP dance room but IDK the details of the cost

+ I will probably still visit the club every once in a while as a change of pace – but being that I can get very good mileage in the Miami black clubs such as Body Club for $5/song; the $20 lap-dances at Flavors will make me less apt to hit the place – one of the saving graces w.r.t. this club for me personally is that it's laidback – being a serious SCer and currently 46 y/o I can't really stomach most of the SoFlo black clubs during nightshift anymore since many turn into party clubs at night that resemble more of a hip-hop dance club whereas Flavors still goes along as a laidback strip-club that feels more like a bar
[I have rarely visited Flavors on dayshift in the past and IDK the current dayshift status; but if nightshift is not necessarily “overflowing” w/ dancers I imagine the dancer #s are not that great on dayshift but IDK for sure]

+ have only visited 2 or 3 times and it's been a while since last visit so my info is not too in-depth w.r.t. this club

+ I think club used to be a mixed-club in the past but it's mostly black now dancer and custy wise although per my visits a while back there were white custies and maybe some white dancers and staff was white when I visited

+ I think they have $10 floor-dances but I don’t recall seeing any – lap-dances in the separate LD-area I think are $25

+ from what I remember the club was kinda low-energy and the dancers did not seem too enthusiastic – for me this club is relegated to “recon status” in that I may visit out of curiosity at some point to recon the current status/vibe – but for me it's not worth-it to go to a black-club and pay $25/dance from unmotivated dancers where the ones at the $5/dance black clubs often seem more motivated and the $5 spots often have more dancers and a better vibe

+ one of 2 black clubs in SoFlo that I have never visited so can't really comment much on-it

+ I believe floor-dances are $10 and lap-dances are $25

+ most of the few reviews are more on the negative side so this in conjunction w/ the high dance prices for a black club is the main reason I have not visited although it's on my to-do list to recon it at some point – also; per the few reviews it's not clear if one can get decent mileage w/ the $10 floor-dances or if one needs to get the $25 lap-dances in order to get good-mileage (perhaps it may be dancer-dependent?)

+ reviews from what I remember also state not many dancers available and the reviews seem to state it may be a bit better on dayshift than nightshift but not sure about this

CLUB 54:
+ only other SoFlo black club that I know off that I have not visited

+ not sure if it's even currently open

+ this club opened sometime in 2014 I believe but from the few reviews it seemed that dancers were not allowed to take anything off (I assume the club did not have the proper permits to operate as a full-fledged strip-club?)


Sugar D's:
+ club used to go by Sugardaddy's but changed ownership sometime in 2014 or 2015

+ very small club – tiny – hardly any seating

+ tiny parking-lot club-side which is usually full at night so most custies park across the small side-street – club charges $5 to park even when parking on the street which I think it's a rip-off since that is city-property and not the club's property – parking is free on dayshift

+ nightshift cover is usually $10 and free on dayshift b/f 7 pm I believe

+ usually b/w 10 and 15 dancers at night which is not too bad for the size club – dancers range from small/thin/petite to thick

+ floor-dances are $10 and there is a private VIP dance-room but IDK the price – there is also an open back-room where in the past (prior to ownership change) I'd had gotten floor-dances w/o having to pay a VIP room-fee but not sure if there is access to the open back-room now

+ mileage is pretty-good w/ the $10 floor-dances problem is finding a place to get them since on nightshift the club is packed b/c it's so small so hard to find a place to even stand

+ in the last couple of months (late-2015 early-2016) have visited on dayshift a few times and had a better time since club was fairly empty and about 6 to 8 dancers – got plenty of mileage on dayshift since the custy pickings were slim so dayshift dancers try extra-hard to please – as w/ most clubs; the nightshift dancers are usually younger and better looking but also often le


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Damn. How did you find time to go to any clubs? I'm sure this will be a big help for all of the other Papi's out there.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Wow! This is a very detailed guide. I did not read all of it, but it's a valuable resource for Florida clubbers.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    You should get a years worth of VIP for that article. As always well done! If I get down to that area it will be quite helpful.
  • sflguy123
    9 years ago
    I need a nap after skimming through that. :) :)

    Two things.

    I saw in a recent issue of Xcitement mag that Black Diamonds was gonna become Miami Gold again. I don't know if that was it's original name but it was successful with that name but regardless of what they call it it's time may have passed. It seems to have failed with every name since(including Scores). I can't recall all the names since the Miami Gold days, but it was at least a few.

    I was at The Mint today. The back booths are $15(at least during the daytime). I don't know that they enforce a time limit. No one is really there to watch. But now(I'll guess when not crowded)they also want $15 just to get dances in the back room anywhere like at the small bar. I was getting dances at the corner of the bar, we were the only ones back there besides someone asleep in a booth, and several song in the manager came back there and told the stripper it was $15 to stay back here.

    It might only be enforced when not crowded, as it is when I go. The regular there I get dances from mentioned to me that we can't go back there for free but we got away with it the other times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ thanks for the updates sflguy
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Very impressive, as I'd expect from Sir Papi :)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
  • alwaysdeeper
    9 years ago
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I find it disparaging that you say " beauty is in the eye of the beholder" yet you then say majority of the women are less than quality model? That totally defeats the purpose of letting the individual decide what's beautiful. Really frustrating especially coming from you PC. Not cool brother man.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Papi is da mane! Now I want to club in Miami.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As sflguy mentioned above; King of Diamonds is no-more and is now Miami Gold - per a recent review of the new Miami Gold it seems it may be currently mostly AA dancers although I believe it's supposed to be a mixed-club.

    Also, as of this time, 7/21/16; Take One seems to still be closed as well as The Trap Lounge; and Extacy North is now called Club Elevation I believe and not sure if it's still a strip-club
  • azgolfer
    8 years ago
    I always enjoy your posts and information. I am heading to Miami on business for the first time in a long time and appreciate the intel. One question I have wondered. Being lily white should I be concerned about going into the black clubs or are there normally a good mix of customers?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    + The Trap Lounge is back open but kinda slow for now

    + Flavors is closed for now - there seems to hslave been a fire in the small restaurant next door that also burned down part of Flavors, supposedly it will reopen but time will tell

    + Black Diamonds now goes by Miami Gold and seems mostly AA
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    2 comments above I mentioned King Of Diamonds was now Miami Gold, meant to say Black Diamonds is now Miami Gold
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago

    + Extacy North no longer exists

    + Take One was closed for about a year - supposedly it is due to reopen and to be called "One" - reportedly it is owned by former University of Miami and Indianapolis Colts running-back Edgerrin James - the club has had one or 2 soft-openings but has not yet officially opened
  • CarlitosPeligro
    a year ago
    Hey Papi. Would love a post-Covid update to your magnum opus here!
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