
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit Area
    Read the reviews.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Challenge for Non-participating Dancers
    I feel like a lot of the girls may have unrealistic expectations of joining a site like this not knowing that the frequent commenters are very close knit. It's often the same people commenting in the same discussion threads and trying to introduce yourself or immerse yourself into something like that might be intimidating given what some of the guys have said about some of the girls in reviews or in the discussions. I don't know this for certain, but I'm throwing it out there as an idea as to why some girls maybe hesitant. I know a lot of private messaging goes on to try and make arrangements though, so that is at least a good benefit of having dancers on the site, even if they don't seem very active publicly.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Parts Unknown
    Great Sat afternoon visit
    *over or under charged. Whoops.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Parts Unknown
    Great Sat afternoon visit
    Good job, reviewer. If she has a pimp and he happens to read this and see she under or over paid, it's your fault she's getting her ass beat. Well done, champ. I guess it doesn't matter to you though so long as you got your cheap nut.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best Advice You Got From TUSCL
    Unless free, no price is ever good enough. And even free isn't good enough sometimes. Many of the reviewers here whine about the girls and their prices without knowing why prices are set the way they are (I have written about this in a few club discussion, specifically Flight Club). Oh, and women are disposable objects apparently (based off of some of the reviews).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Hip Hop killing strip clubs.
    Literally what my home club has become. It was like that before when it first opened, but we were at least allowed to play rock, dance, pop, etc before. In Fall 2019 the owners changed it to where nothing else is allowed except rap. And now there are douchebags who stand at the side of the stage with a stack of singles in their hand and will tell you they will *only* tip if you twerk. I tell them I don't twerk because everyone else does and that's why I don't make money there anymore 😂 I dance how I want to dance - not how the customer demands I dance. Twerking isn't even dancing. It's literally jiggling ass and thigh fat. (In rare occasions the dancer will actually know how to twerk and moves her glutes rather than just jiggling her fat).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    Got a job at an Amazon facility down the street from me. Eventually quit it for a work from home telemarketing job. Tried to go back to the clubs when they reopened and it was alright money, but my state's Governor closed everything down again at the end of November. Things reopened at the beginning of February and now all of the clubs have to close at 10:00 p.m. So I'm continuing to telemarketing job until I can find a different or a better job or until clubs are able to be open until 2am again. Also started selling content on OF, but I didn't start doing that until December.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Successful failure
    Those are pimp girls, ergo $800. I've shared instagram pages of the pimp and the other girls in the ring of one of the girls named in the review with a few members on here in the past. FC is overrun with pimp girls. And for reference as to why girls price so high here, brush up on the review I wrote from when I worked at Flight. I broke down EVERY fee we had to pay and how things are done from our side of the business. But yes, $800 is too much - even for FC. Those are indeed Eros prices. Almost every girl who works at that club who is considered a seven or above has a pimp. And if she doesn't, then she's an independent trying to work in a pimp club nd won't last.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Flight Club back up and running
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Flight Club back up and running
    "after 10 is when you can’t order anymore drinks, or is the stuff actively taken away?" Anything food and beverage related is basically taken off the floor. They are very strict about restaurants closing at 10:00 p.m. Like, CLOSED. Doors locked and people are clocking out around then. So after 10:00 p.m., it's just girls walking around, going on stage, vip, etc. Think of it like a deja vu with no food or beverages, but vip and, most likely, extras. I most certain girls are smuggling in their own liquor. And customers should do the same if they want alcohol after 10:00 p.m. the little shooter bottles at liquor stores are perfect for this (not that I would know or have ever done that before of course 😇).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Florida man 'blacked out' before severing wife's lover's penis
    If he "blacked out", then I'm a virgin. 🙄
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Brought to mind by NiceSpice's question..
    ^says someone with a repulsive and trashy response. Are you sure you aren't projecting, kiddo? Grow up.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    Oh yeah, the point I wanted to make was most entertainers actually execute the Ayesha wrong when they do it on stage. You can tell when they're not engaging their core, shoulders, or glutes because they're always a leaning closer into the pole with their chest and their legs are raised higher in the air than they're supposed to be. You can see it in the video I linked above where I engaged my core so I could lean my body out and away from the pole to lower my legs. A lot of professionally untrained strippers don't know to do that. But by doing that, they're putting more strain on their shoulders to completely support their entire body while nothing else is engaged.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    Well, the Ayesha has three variations - Forearm Grip, Elbow Grip, and Split Grip. Forearm Grip freaks me the fuck out. I did it once and was good after that. If your forearm slides just a wee bit, you're fucked. It just doesn't feel stable. I do Elbow Grip Ayesha and clubs because it's easier to grip and stabilize myself on spin. Split Grip at clubs rarely works out for me because my hands are the size of a child's and will not wrap around a 50mm pole. Btw, there are also different pole sizes and finishes. your standard strip club pole will probably be a 50 mm Chrome or stainless steel pole. Stainless steel is more hollow and less expensive. brass and titanium are the best finishes with the most amount of grip. I have only ever worked at one club that had brass poles. Every other club I've worked at has had chrome or stainless steel. And pole dance competitions, the poles will always be 45mm chrome. Your typical strip club pole is going to be 50mm. 50 mm accompanied with lotion with child size hands doesn't really work out in my favor very well. The clubs I worked at in Pensacola had 45 mm chrome poles. I was elated when I discovered that! That video I made was inspired by a baby stripper that I watched lick one of the fucking poles at Legends on her first night while making eye contact with a booth of guys that was staring at her. she probably thought it was sexy but it was disgusting and embarrassing. And my body used to be banging. That was the year I was going to the gym about four times every week and I saw a personal trainer twice a week. I was also strictly paleo that year. And then I moved to Florida the next year and everything went to shit because I stopped working out because of all the bullshit that happened to me there. But now I have been back in the gym for the last two months trying to tone up as much as possible for porn. I would love to go on a Paleo diet again, but I can't afford it and also my full-time job doesn't afford me the time to invest in creating Paleo meals.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    So here, first video is a Split Grip Ayesha to a Straight Edge on static. Second is a Twisted Ballerina. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrFuzhlnrtk/?igshid=sjg4mxs916ju Or an outdoor pole (that wobbles) called an x-stage https://www.instagram.com/p/BnecpiaF9bi/?igshid=ftsdwenfptqf Jade Split https://www.instagram.com/p/Bg73gSdhIYa/?igshid=1jwae7hpbel3x And then you have me being an asshole mocking baby strippers trying to be sexy https://www.instagram.com/p/BmsmmXclssg/?igshid=gtdkzlx96ubg ^one of my best moments of dancing 😂😂😂
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    No lol. My stage name is "No".
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    Okay. Seriously, maybe I really should have proof read that before posting. Fuck. 😂 Pull, pool... Thanks voice to text.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    We call fixed poles static poles. In every single pole dance studio I have ever taken a lesson in (and there are several), the students are always being taught using static poles. Many of the level three and up moves (basically inverted moves) are best learned on static. The momentum of the pole spinning while learning a move can throw somebody's balance off and ruin any of the muscle memory they're trying to build. Spinning poles are reserved for higher level classes to where the students have proved that they have the skills from previous classes to be able to execute the moves being taught on spin. And crash mats are also provided. Learning moves primarily on spinning poles in strip clubs with heels on and no crash mat to save you is challenging. In competitions, we have to use both types. There are different competition "owners" I guess we'll say. Basically the different organizations that put on competitions. some of them will require the competitor to execute certain moves in their choreography (USPDF). But then there is PSO, who allows competitors to compete based on skill level and also divides it into age groups. For their competitions, I am a level three out of five, with five being the highest level. But then there are different types of competitions one can enter. I forget what the breakdown is in the exact names, but one person might enter into a level two group that's only static pole with no inverted tricks (levels one and two don't allow inverted tricks with PSO) and also enter into Level 2 floor dance where it is just floor work. I believe they have comedy and dramatic also. IPSF and USPDF are where you will find competitors who are probably former gymnasts or just highly skilled pole dancers doing the most intense and bravest tricks (look up a pull trick called the Rainbow Marchenko). The most advanced trick I can do is called a Split Grip Ayesha. I can do it on spin, but I prefer static. and personally, I feel like that move looks better on static than on spin. But I can also do what is called a Jade Split. And that move looks best on spin. I do another move called Twisted Ballerina (which took me three years to get the flexibility to do it) and it looks best on spin and should also be executed on spin and not static (unless the poler) is in the pain. You wrap your body around the pool in a way to wear your skin is gripping it in several places and the momentum on spin alleviates some of that pain. However, if you do a move enough times, your body basically gets used to it after you build the muscle memory and it eventually becomes pain-free - in theory. Preference is up to the individual I would say. There are definitely a handful of moves that hurt more on static than on spin. Somehow, the momentum of the spin makes it less painful for some. For me personally I prefer spin. But not fast. I don't think it is sexy or aesthetically pleasing in pole dance or in a strip club setting when someone is spinning on a pole ridiculously fast. Also, a fun fact about spin pole is the poler can control the speed of the spin. It's quite obvious though - lean into the spin more and you go faster, lean out of it more and you slow down. Also, we use a variety of different grips. The most popular is a liquid chalk called Dry Hands. Many poles in strip clubs are greasy as fuck because girls love wearing their stupid ass fucking lotion and don't realize that it's supposed to be put on immediately after the shower and not right before they go on the fucking stage and risk the lives of the other girls by leaving their fucking greasy ass lotion residue all over the stage for us to walk on and all over the poles so we can possibly fall off and get a concussion. Obviously, I am not a fan of lotion. But cleaning the pool off when you first get on stage and then using some kind of grip is almost essential and not fucking up your routine if you take it as seriously as I do. I know that was long and I'm not going to proofread it because I'm tired and I have a headache. But I do hope it was educational.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    SirLapdancealot, I'm happy to hear that things are well with you. My condolences to you about your uncle. I am honestly really sorry to hear that that happened. A close friend of mine got covid in December and I was really worried for her because she didn't think she would make it. I, myself, have been sick several times and I got tested for covid a handful of times because I displayed a lot of symptoms when I was sick. I am grateful and lucky I have been able to avoid becoming infected thus far. I am immunocompromised with hashimoto's disease. It causes my thyroid to attack itself basically and on top of that, I also have hypothyroidism (so my thyroid doesn't even function at its peak to begin with). So, I really don't think I would have much of a chance if I were to get this virus. And that's not me trying to be depressing or looking for pity - I'm just being realistic. I feel like we all needed a break from clubs. Hopefully the past year has allowed many the opportunity for some self-reflection and introversion on how to better themselves. Considering the studio I'm shooting my first scene with, it most likely will make it to PornHub. It's a well-known studio that owns several brands. My particular scene is going to be for one of their new brands and I'm not saying anything else about it lol.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Brought to mind by NiceSpice's question..
    Hands down, SJG has the loosest pussy. Big facts (that I cannot directly confirm), but still facts.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    *in pole dance. I really need to learn to proofread before I hit send when using voice to text. 🙄
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    Oh absolutely. I have nothing to back this up but I can guarantee you that all of the core moves and pole dance derive from strippers. The more intricate ones, such as some of the ones that were in my now erased photos, were probably invented in the pole dance community, but they still wouldn't have their community without strippers. As for my photos, I took them down because I I knew I was disappearing from the site for a while and I didn't want people to steal my photos and use them on Only Fans or for catfishing or who knows what the fuck. And plus I wasn't very appreciative of some of the graphic and slightly disgusting comments some of the guys here left on them when they clearly weren't photos that were even implying that I wanted my pussy licked, etc. If I recall correctly, the photos I had posted were more artistic and none of them were actually "sex work" based.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    So in your opinion, who on this site has the smallest dick?
    Come on nicespice... What else did you expect from me? 😂 I've missed posting on this site lol 🥺
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Best reviewer here?
    Papi_chulo 100%. And Longball (where TF is he btw?)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    Oh yeah, another update is I quit consuming alcohol as a way to deal with the trauma of what happened to me in Pensacola and the depression that followed it. I highly doubt anybody remembers and I don't expect anybody to, but I was almost sex traffic in Pensacola and just a lot of really horrible shit happened to me when I lived there. And so I basically showed up to clubs, not to work, but to get shit faced because I didn't know how else to deal with what had happened. Covid-19 was actually a godsend for me. Returning to strip clubs after what happened to me in Pensacola was one of the worst things I could have done for myself and I definitely needed the break that covid-19 gave me. I'm not an alcoholic,nor do I have any sort of addictive personality disorder, but I'm sure anybody who has ever been through a period of depression can relate to needing a coping mechanism of some sort. Covid-19 give me the opportunity to come to terms with what had happened to me and I was able to face reality and overcome my depression without the use of needing to mask it with alcohol. I know it's a lot of personal information there, but I was kind of reckless for a moment. Especially with the night I got stealthed (yes, that was me I wrote about), which was a huge wake up call for me and inspired me to work on my resume the next day. For whatever it matters, I didn't have any alcohol at all throughout the summer. I had a glass of wine One night in August. And I had at least one or two shots of vodka whenever I worked at Legends but it was never enough to get me drunk or anything. And about two or three weekends ago, I had a few shots of vodka with a friend and mixed it with wine. But I also didn't get drunk because I had very minimal amounts. And that night was me needing to vent because of this fucking full-time job I got myself into that I absolutely just loathe lol. How is everybody else doing? I would genuinely love to hear everyone's stories of what they've been up to.