Challenge for Non-participating Dancers

avatar for FishHawk
I check the Strip Club Dancers tab just about every time I come on to this site. To the best I can determine those that have been on the site the latest are on top of the list. Some of the names I see are big time contributors to the discussion forums like nicespice, Wiffle Waffle, PinkSugarDoll, etc. A few have a short bio and maybe a picture or two but never make or comment on discussion threads, Quite a few have no information at all.

I can understand a certain amount of shyness for those that have recently joined TUSCL. Some however, have been members for years and still check in from time to time.

Dancers, most of us value your input. A few of the guys will give you a hard time but you will find most of us supportive. So Dancers, comment on this thread or another thread or start one of your own. You may find benefit it raising your profile on this site.


last comment
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Addressing some hesitancy some dancers may have (if anybody is actually reading this)...

Despite some of the prominent opinions, no not every tuscler is going to play hardball for extras once spending goes past $100. I’ll be honest and say there are a select tiny few I wouldn’t be interested in meeting with again (and they probably feel the same about me likewise), but it wasn’t * so* negative that I’d publicly call anyone out. My experience may not be another dancer’s experience. And the ratio of “wouldn’t bother with again” as far as tuscl vs the general populace of a typical club is still WAY lower.

Any dancer who is exclusively the high end all-or-nothing type who expects a customer to either spend $500+ or fuck off, yeah I can understand if tuscl “isn’t the type you want to cater to”I could understand that mindset if you’re in (for example) Austin. (Or at least precovid. No idea what Austin is like now)

Also dancers who are in the make-it-rain type of places probably shouldn’t bother either.

But if anybody is in a more “mixed” club environment. As in, not too “ghetto” for this site and not too “prissy” either—then it may not be a bad idea to be open to people on this site. I’d say most tusclers are not ballers but they are “fair” with their spending and their sense of manners. Quite a few on here actually have a certain amount of social skills.

Probably the best way (in my opinion only) is to occasionally check on the site once every 3 weeks or so. If in a “tuscl destination” club—then sit back relax, and let the PMs come to you. Putting more work in to reach out is probably not as necessary, but feel free if you wish. If not in a “tuscl destination” club, then make the occasional discussion board post so people can get a sense of your personality. Probably once every three weeks or so—minimal effort and actual time in , and also the easiest way to dodge bs, but consistent enough to become “known” would be my guess of the best way to go about things from a customer meeting viewpoint. EndoessSummer, whenever she was posting, seemed to be a good example of this. Anything past that may drag you into flame wars and may alienate you to some. Ask me how I know. 😈.

The main benefit of the tuscl crowd in my opinion is the more relaxed type of meeting. Mostly because by that point you’re dealing with somebody who is more likely to happily embrace himself as a “PL” and you don’t have to watch what you say as much. You’re way less likely to deal with somebody wondering if being at a club means there is something wrong with him—and the work done to make him feel assured that it’s perfectly fine to be in a club enjoying things won’t be a thing.

Any dancer I’d say go for it and recommend not to be opposed to meeting with one or two people from this site in a club. And form opinions after that.

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@nice spice
Don’t forget we have Subraman I mean if you’re really gonna sell it
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice you forgot to mention that some TUSCLers give good massages and bring edibles. Mentioning it for a friend. 🤗
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
For PL me I can say that interactions with strippers on the boards has helped me to decide on whether or not I want to visit them at their club. I would think this is helpful on both sides.

And then for the strippers that I have met I was able to use TUSCL for coordination and communication on future meet ups. Also it's been helpful for working out any private dance limits and expectations in advance.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
One secondary reason why I try to also do those dancer interviews is to get some more dancer participation on here that they otherwise wouldn’t even bother with the DB. I’m always for breaking up the sausage fest. It makes things more interesting IMO.

And not for nothing there really isn’t a better site out there for getting a feel for a strip club. SW doesn’t have this kind of info and certaintly not at this volume. My guess is a lot of dancers come on here because they want to read some of the reviews. If anything at the very least for gossip/name dropping aspect of some of them.

@25 that is true we do have Subraman. He’s a well adjusted PL with high charisma and a great job. When he walks into a club, I cover my fav with a blanket and sneak her out the back door. (Or just hide her in a lap dance booth he would never find her there) I simply won’t risk it.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ He and I have a similar style of locking down a bunch of dancers and we love to drink with them, I’m really not much of a vip room pl, but I do go on dates with them and he’s very similar to me in that respect, however I come from a more rowdy background he’s actually a great guy I’ve never had the pleasure but I’d hang with him anytime we were in the same area.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
I feel like a lot of the girls may have unrealistic expectations of joining a site like this not knowing that the frequent commenters are very close knit. It's often the same people commenting in the same discussion threads and trying to introduce yourself or immerse yourself into something like that might be intimidating given what some of the guys have said about some of the girls in reviews or in the discussions. I don't know this for certain, but I'm throwing it out there as an idea as to why some girls maybe hesitant.

I know a lot of private messaging goes on to try and make arrangements though, so that is at least a good benefit of having dancers on the site, even if they don't seem very active publicly.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
To @nicespice and @wiffle waffle and any other dancer willing to chime in. Always a pleasure to hear your insights and follow up question: Have you noticed any change in income since joining TUSCL, either from developing regulars or possibly from lurkers/guys who don't regularly post?? Or even changing your approach from what you read from guys here??

avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I like to read what dancers have to say about strip clubs and strippers and customers. But I understand why more don't post. This forum has a lot of male "humor" and dancers are often treated badly.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
"Have you noticed any change in income since joining TUSCL, either from developing regulars or possibly from lurkers/guys who don't regularly post?? Or even changing your approach from what you read from guys here??"

I have actually made some customers from this site simply from interacting with you guys. I've also had some of you send me money when the pandemic first began and things shut down (which I genuinely and truly appreciate).

I get a lot of inquiries via private messages from people who have no past history on the site and have created their accounts the same month they're writing to me or that same day. I disregard those because I feel like they are people looking for something I don't provide or looking for cheap services. They could even be law enforcement trying to set someone up.

But otherwise I do enjoy my time on this site and I enjoy interacting with you guys and I have actually learned a lot from what advice given. Like I have said, a lot of girls have unrealistic expectations from this site and also in real life in clubs. Being on this site helps keep me in check with what's reasonable and from having such unrealistic expectations.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Waffle the learning goes both ways. I've been able to ask questions and learn from strippers that I would have otherwise not learned through club interactions. And although I have some PM only stripper interactions, the most I've learned is through interaction on the boards.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Where is desert scrub and what have you done with the body?
avatar for FishHawk
4 years ago
@Waffle, you are certainly one that contributes good intelligent information on what life is like for a dancer. I have fine tuned my approach since I met you and hopefully, I am a better customer and I get more out of the interaction with the dancers.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
4 years ago
I came to this site only to read reviews so I could find out where to travel. I was more active a couple years ago before I took about a year break but the reason I continue to come is for the reviews.

The perspective of most men here is kinda...expected, or no conflicts for me there. I have made a few friends here and I have met maybe....ten of you? And every person EXCEPT for one has just been wonderful, respectful, and I can say I truly had a great time.

One funny store I have...I was expecting to meet someone at a club one day and I started talking to a gentleman and was this?? Him?? Are you him?? He said no, I told him about the site and now he contributes here. Another great guy and someone who I enjoyed spending time with. ❤️

I would also say most of the inquiries I get on here are flaky people and THAT makes me jaded to message or attempt to meet etc. And I have had some frustrating interactions too. But mostly it has been a good experience here, so thank you all for everything and thank you to FishHawk for thinking of us. 👏🏼👏🏼

And also Waffle and NiceSpice have both been very nice and helpful to me as well, I respect them both and appreciate their contributions here as much as the men do. 💕
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Do any of you dancers think that part of the lack of participation is that TUSCL is for the PLs and stripperweb is for the strippers? When I was just a lurker on both sites that's kind of how I viewed it, so as a PL I joined TUSCL and eventually I stopped even lurking SW. I also thought that things would change when founder created the Dressing Room subforum, but alas that didn't seem to increase dancers posting here.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
—>“Have you noticed any change in income since joining TUSCL, either from developing regulars or possibly from lurkers/guys who don't regularly post?? Or even changing your approach from what you read from guys here??”

Hmm, not sure how much actual income from this site vs club only customers. My guess is either about the same or a slight increase. Generally, when I have met up with people from this site, it would have been from a most likely slower time of day anyways, so I’ll give it the advantage and guess it does some good. Yes, I have met a few individuals who either don’t or have barely ever posted on the site.

As far as approach changes, not sure. I guess I display my personality a bit more than I used to and more “myself”. 🤔 possibly from this site but then again, other things have changed too (like being at only 1 club for a year now without the customer turnover rate that I was accustomed to in other environments.) I may have to think more on that for a better answer.

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
I’m not sure how much the dressing room even provides a real “dancer posting” outlet. It seems like there is one dancer who has used half the room to shit post in there, knowing full well others can read the discussion titles. 👀
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
I don't see TUSCL forums ever getting a high amount of stripper participation. The boards are basically a guy's locker room and there's only so much that can be said about strip clubs (and related extra curricular activities) outside of fresh reviews. So the forums get the same threads over and over again or they are completely OT like about politics, other hobbies, or just troll threads. And it's a lot of dudes participating. Because of all this I don't see how any of it entices a lot of dancers to join in.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
4 years ago
This site will never have any significant dancer participation. The posts are lewd, people talk down on women even though they are participants of the environment and events and intentionally seek out strip clubs.

This is our job and for most of us, including me, when we go home from our job we want to leave it at the office.

Largely though, there is too much that is generally not what women want to participate in. There is a post right now about “how many strip clubs have you cummed in, I wouldn’t go in a club if I knew I couldn’t cum in there,” like what woman is like oh look at this, great topic. No.
avatar for FishHawk
4 years ago
I am coming to the conclusion that PSD is right. A lot of dancers will never be active here. In fact we are lucky we have the handful that are do post regularly. It takes a strong and confident woman to put up with some of the abuse and degrading comments from some on this site.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "There is a post right now about “how many strip clubs have you cummed in, I wouldn’t go in a club if I knew I couldn’t cum in there,” like what woman is like oh look at this, great topic. No."

But what about access to the Dressing Room as a lure? Are you trying to say that such riveting discussion topics like 'Who do you think on here has the smallest penis?" isn't an amazing draw for a dancer trying to decide whether this place is worth her time? Say it ain't so! 😅

As I said many moons ago on the topic of adding dancers, you can have heavy trolling or organically grow dancer participation with a more "serious" (relative term lol) site, but not both. The problem is that you have to trade off some clicks today for the potential (but far from guaranteed) of broader participation tomorrow. It is a quandary to be sure.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
LOL it’s great that both the RedJohnson and then soon after the Rick account directly is calling out that dressing room thread and taking umbrage to it so much. (Hit a nerve perhaps...?) Meanwhile the silent majority of posters most likely just simply rolled their eyes and moved on to more important stuff like politics. Or skimming through the site for stuff relevant about their local club scenes.

I’m not sure how my presence on this site encourages or discourages other dancers. I would assume encourage—but then again I’m only going to see the vantage point of other dancers who I have messaged with. Which has been positive interactions. But hey, if my trolling is too off putting, the way I see it. it sets the stage for any other dancer to come in and automatically get praise from male posters on here who would rather focus their attention and money on the nicer ingenue. And many getting encouraged to go visit that dancer in a club and stick up for them against trolls, etc.

For better or worse, this site is going to be more hands-off. I don’t think that style is necessarily going to perma discourage participation per say. The more the mainstream social media companies crack-down on sex workers, the more I can see tuscl possibly become more appealing, if nothing else than being one of several options.

Just *speculating* here, my guess is that more than moderating vs not moderating—a lot of dancer encouragement will depend on whether a newer group of tusclers appear who aren’t deriding stuff like onlyfans or clubs that are more “urban-like”. I do think that breed of customer is growing, but they have been mostly quiet. There have been a couple of individuals on this site before who have reached out and asked me whether I had an onlyfans account so they do exist. And LinzeeDet herself has hinted that the number of those willing to subscribe is larger than the discussion boards would lead some to believe. So who knows, there is potential yet. I think dancers can handle their own against trolls—camsites and strip clubs themselves have plenty of negative types and plenty find a way to persevere. At least if they stick with that kind of stuff past a few months.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice I seriously doubt any lurking stripper is going to have an issue with a thread about little dick TUSCLers. But it's possible that a little dick TUSCLer might have a problem with it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
I used to be privy to a lot of stripper discussions because of sitting with my ATF DS so much. And for sure they would talk about customer dick sizes.
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
RickDufan gettin bent over dick size...😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣

Only thang dat matter is da size of da shit truck! Da bigger da truck, da bigger da load ✊👍💪
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
I dumpin loads and dey are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
All da strippers cum for Mackie's BBC (big brown caca).
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
What a ridiculous post nicespice. Your speculation is goofy, as is the foregone conclusion that this site always has to be a zoo. Girls are not going to flock to a site full of absurd drama - they see enough of that in their clubs. If founder truly desires heavier dancer participation then he's going to need to find more balance, even if it is something as simple as cracking down on heavy trolling. But of course it's his dime and all.

As far as RJ, I suspect we commented for two different reasons. My point was that having it happen in the DR - of all places - is stupidly counterproductive if the goal is actual dancer participation. Unlike RJ, who I thought was a bit harsh even if accurate, I've been around here long enough to know that "classy" is hardly your thing, so please rest assured that I was less surprised than he when I saw it. 😉
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^Sorry Ricky, Sirlap Mackie and I are having an adult conversation now. Go play with BBBC and we will have a chat with you later. Here’s a treat 🍪
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Haaaaayyy Spice! Where is my treat 😭
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice Given that I've had boners from your lapdances, I appreciate that you kept that little dick thread in the Dressing Room forum. I saw it as a professional courtesy to all the "members" that you've danced for, if you will.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
@scrub “I am turning over a new leaf, now that i got new meds from the doctor.

I am going to be nice to the dancers!”

I hope the fuck so. I just came across a comment of yours on a dancer who joined the board in January, posted 37 pics including a lot of topless ones and your comment was “where do we start counting the rolls of fat, on your ankles or your wrists?” Not exactly the welcome mat. She definitely wasn’t a spinner, but she was pretty, big cans and willing to post lots of nudes. All of those characteristics should be encouraged. She may not be your type but I definitely would.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
the type of impression a guy like that leaves when commenting on a girl's pics like that is one of a real constantly vindictive and bitter individual. maybe he's god's gift to all women?

it's got to really suck to wake up everyday feeling like that all day until it's time to go back to sleep. everyday after that - repeat.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
"help me. these new meds are sucking my soul.. now i am a fat fuck like juicee that eats donuts all day.. JUICE JUICE JUICE (you are surely a twat>>>)"

^Just keep taking that viagra scrubby and I will keep sucking the life out of you! 😉
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I get tired of these threads where guys feel the need to insult girls just to prove that they’re honest, there’s nothing inherently dishonest about keeping your big yap shut, especially when it’s totally uncalled for.
avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
Desertscrub, let me give you some advice, or rick-vice if you will. A hairless female ape who gives us boobs and ass should always be welcome, even if she looks more like gator food than a sexual conquest! Clearly you are not an apex predator like us ricks because if you were, you'd know that mauling the first less desirable animal that comes into the water makes the juicier ones afraid to jump in.

To illustrate using another esteemed member of the Council of Ricks, Mr Lion doesn't roar his frustration at the first ugly gazelle to walk into the field. He waits until the whole herd joins the ugly animal and gets comfortable...then quietly hunts the choicest meat.

Understand now desertscrub? Don't scare off the other herd animals! Chomp! Chomp!
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