
Comments by TFP (page 94)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    New format
    I like the old format better. I think Founder is doing a little too much tinkering at this time. This new layout for the discussion section worked well for the review section because you could have an entire batch of reviews open in a quick view format. Then simply click on any review to put it in long form. But for the discussion section I liked having the option to bring up the drop down menus by either clicking on my icon or clicking on the TUSCL. I could get to anywhere on the site from that. With this format, if I want to go to the reviews I have to take an extra step. Not a big deal, but still less efficient.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hong Kong atm? Solo?
    Nah, the cab guys are cool. They just want their money. The going rate is $5 to go from the border to Hong Kong. Some of em try to say $7 but they'll come down if you act like you're gonna walk past. I will say, the second you come out of that border crossing building you realize real fast that you're in another country. The conditions are WAY different than the US. But just hop in that cab and you'll be fine.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hong Kong atm? Solo?
    Man you're good going alone. I read a year's worth of reviews and such, some warning of going alone, yada yada. I finally made the trip alone about three weeks ago and I was fine. First time and all, didn't know what to expect. Took the bus from the airport to the trolley, rode all the way to the border. Crossed, caught the Taxi to Hong Kong and I was good. Got my wits about me and ventured out around the vicinity. I didn't go too far though, as there were a lot of people in the streets at all times and I'm sure I stuck out like a sore thumb. Still, don't be too scared to go out and get some tacos, see the sights, look at some street girls, etc. I didn't encounter any cops not once and I just minded my business while I was out and about. Just be alert and aware and you'll be good.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Golden Nipples
    Wow, never knew about that. Hopefully you get some input from folks who do know the deal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    I watched that the first time you put it up. Quite funny. But still not something I think most guys would openly disclose.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    Nah, they're friends, not associates. We've been friends since before I ever set foot in a club. Funny thing is, they were the ones who brought me to a club for the first time. Yet I ended up being the one who later became a huge fan of clibs. They still only go for special occasions like birthdays and bachelor parties. Which is why I don't bother telling them about my solo experiences in the club. As a matter of fact, I have folks who I would consider just associates who I actually DO tell about my club experiences. But that is because they first opened up to me about their mongering experiences, which allowed me to feel comfortable sharing my stories. If I knew my long time friends got down and dirty like that I'd have no problem sharing. But they don't, so I keep that shit to myself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    NJBalla that's a trip. I'd think that most friends would make fun of YOU for jizzing in your pants at a strip club. The fact that you actually proudly boast to them about it, then actually ridicule THEM for not doing the same thing until they conform speaks volumes about your friends and yourself. The guys I sometimes go to clubs with, I'd never tell them that I LDK on every visit, sometimes twice. They're still the type that get excited getting a number from a dancer. They don't even know about this site and my participation in it. It's why I prefer to go alone anyway. I'm with nicespice regarding the LDKs. I'd rather not ask and just go for it. Most of them can tell anyway, from what I've experienced. If they have a problem with it, they start switching positions rapidly, or start giving a lame dance. The main thing is, don't get any jizz on them. And if you plan to see her repeatedly with the same agenda tip her well so she keeps taking care of you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    Hey that's cool NJBalla. But do you also go back to those same folks and talk shit about them if they leave without making a mess in their pants?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    NJBalla I don't get you bringing up my avatar. Yeah it's a girl with cum all over her bikini bottom because I love assjobs. It's right there in my profile. That said, it would be dumb for me to try to ridicule everyone on this board for not liking assjobs. But that's what YOU are doing with a post that says going to a club without LDKing is pointless. Just trying to show you how it looks is all. Like I said in my first post, I love LDKs as much as you and anyone else who does it. But it looks plain foolish to try to talk shit about others who don't.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    I get it, but you're kinda being like SJG. Basically, calling everyone who doesn't LDK a sucker. Not everyone wants to cum in their pants and have a sticky mess for the drive home. Just like not everyone wants to kiss dancers in the front room. Cumming in your pants is not the point for every guy's strip club visit. So no need to ridicule those who don't. To be honest it sounds as hilarious as trapbaby posted.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Arab man with 17 wives laughing at american man with one wife
    ^^^^^Kinda sent yourself up for that one, NJBalla. I mean I like LDKs as much as any other LDK lover but it's not something to brag about lol. Let alone ridicule another person for not doing it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Popular dancers in the reviews
    Definitely influenced me to check out a club or dancers. If it weren't for the reviews and the girls described, I'd just be blindly hoping. I can think of two clubs in particular where not only the reviews helped, but PMing the author of the reviews helped even more. Same for the ROBs. I know who to avoid and why to avoid them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    I'm not gonna say who but this dude was fucking annoying me on private messaging
    $2 says it was SJG.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    There's something about ROBs
    OMG. Well I guess that's one way to show your dissatisfaction. But damn man, at least she gave you a decent enough dance to LDK. I mean I hate ROBs myself but that's just plain gross.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Lapdances are for chumps
    This thread is great. I can't tell if Countryman is trolling or serious. Last time he had me fooled. This time I really suspect SJG has successfully converted him. Paul Drake, you're my hero lol. Go to TJ just to LDK to piss off SJG. I love it!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
    Well if that's the case he's in the wrong country. We keep trying to tell him to go to TJ to experience that but he gets all bent out of shape and starts talking about his privacy wall when you do that. A bunch of mongers boycotting strip clubs aint gonna change any damn laws in the US to allow whorehouses. He, Countryman, and whoever else can stage their boycott if they want. I'll be in the good mileage clubs enjoying myself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
    SJG posted "TFP: Yes, many people do go to strip clubs for escape, and the clubs try to cater to that want. But seeking escape is a symptom of things not right in someone's life. Usually its the working to earn to spend squirrel cage." This rebuttal right here is my problem with you, SJG. Any use of the club that doesn't go along with your approach to the club and you call it a problem. In this case you determine that someone using the club as an escape is 'a symptom of things not right on someone's life'. First of all, you're assuming, the same thing you scold people on this forum about when talking about you. Second, even if there was something not right in that person's life, is it any of your business? They use the club as an escape, the girls get paid, the customer is happy. You make it sound as though a person who's going through problems in his life shouldn't go to the club. Who the hell are you to decide that? Bottom line, same story with you. People don't follow your script for their time in the club and you have a problem with it. You won't budge from that position which is why we'll never see eye to eye.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
    SJG you prove that you still don't take other people's comments into consideration. No matter how many times we tell you that everyone is not looking for what you are in a club. You say the clubs don't have to be an escape. Well what if that's all someone wants from a club visit, a temporary escape? And that temporary escape gives them all the satisfaction they crave. If that's all someone wants, why try to convince them to do something else? Which is why I won't waste time trying to go back and forth with you. No need to PM me or anything like that. You have your ideas, other people have theirs. You refuse to let people carry out their wants in a club without ridiculing them if it doesn't line up exactly with your beliefs. That's where me and you will always disagree.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
    I still don't get all these folks who swear you have to enjoy strip clubs in one way, and one way only. DC likes to get the GFE experience with cuddling, making out, and all that stuff. SJG wants the front room makeout session until he's ready for his own pants to come down.........and we've heard the rest numerous times. Daddilac just wants a girl to service him and keep it moving. Nothing wrong with any of these MO's IMO. As long as you're not hurting anyone and both you and the dancer is cool with what's taking place. I already know SJG sees his method as the ONLY way to correctly club. But at least can you other open minded folks agree that everyone has their own way to have fun spending their money and there's nothing wrong with it?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    I'm an honest human being . . .
    The thought wouldn't have even crossed my mind to take any of her money. The opposite actually happened with me. After spending an hour with my CF in the VIP she caused me to LDK and I immediately went to the bathroom to do some cleanup. Didn't realize that I left my wallet in the room with her until I was in the bathroom. Came back to the room where she was waiting and immediately grabbed my wallet and looked through it. All my money was intact. Then I felt like a shithead for even suspecting she would do such a thing. It's not like she was a new dancer to me or anything. At that point I'd visited the VIP with her about 3 times over about month and a half span. She's sweet, charming, and beautiful. It may be an act but still, I felt bad. It was a crappy situation but she quickly swept it under the rug by starting a conversation about something. Was I wrong to immediately check my wallet in front of her?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Smartphone location
    You can do it on Android also. If it really is Uber that keeps turning it on, go into the apps under settings. You can edit the permissions of each app. Just turn off location permissions for the uber app. Of course you'll have to turn it back on when you actually use that app.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Honk kong
    A 10 rating is subjective. No offense meant at all Countryman but your girl isn't a 10 in my book. That's only my opinion though, if she's a 10 to you and all the guys whose heads you say she turns, then that's great. We all have our own taste. I was just glad that HK had plenty of girls of my preference. They have plenty of girls, period. They get to keep all the money they are paid to go upstairs by a PL, right? If that's the case, it takes about 3 trips arriba at $80 each daily to make what she does per week. Still like I was saying, I saw quite a few that seem to never go upstairs. It looks like a tough place to work since there is so much competition.